Still on the Right Side of the Grass

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Re: Still on the Right Side of the Grass


Post by gymdad150 » Sat Jul 08, 2023 5:13 pm


Memphis Prep - m3 / w1 reps/sets

This 3rd Cycle starts light and ramps up with larger jumps than is the norm:

Squat - Singles at 122.5kg to 152.5kg, jumping by 10kg's each week. Triples for down sets. Close Grip Temp Down / Paused Bench. Rows, Flys and Split Squats for successories.

Bench - Singles at 90kg to 100kg...get there anyway I want. T&G triples and Close Grip 8's for down sets. Slow eccentric Tri work and single arm Cable Chest Press for successories...I throw in some slow eccentric Hammer Curls for vanity.

Deadlift - Singles at 175 to 212.5kg, jumping by 12.5kg each week. Triples for down sets. Larsen 4 count tempo down / 3 count pause doubles. Rows and Pulldowns for successories.

SBD Saturday - Paused Squats 5*3, at rpe7 (off Monday's top single); Close Grip Spoto w/3 Count Pause 6*2, at rpe7 (off Wednesday's top single); Rack Pulls / BWP 2*2, at rpe 7 (off Thursday's top single).

Started this week a little fatigued, but recovered by Thursday. It was hot as balls through Thursday as well.

We held a Ladies only, USAPL event today. 28 lifters, all age groups represented, with a goodly number of rookies in the field. Of note were two younger Open competitors who put up the following:

128.2kg - 9 for 9 - S 250kg / B 102.5kg / D 205kg Total: 557.5kg This young lass will make a run at a 600lbs Squat at Raw Natls, might Bench 107.5kg, and should hit a Deadlift of 215kg. SHE'S AS NICE AS THE DAY IS LONG TO BOOT!

122kg - 9 for 9 - S 220kg / B 112.5kg / D 235kg Total: 567.5kg OMG this is this girls 2nd meet...EVER. Squat has lot's of room to grow; Bench, while strong needs a lot of work...which is frightening to think of what she'll put up with good technique; her Deadlift is a smoke show...she could have easily put 245kg on the bar and made the lift. She legitimately could have a 600kg TOTAL within the next year. I find out that she's just signed on with my coach. Welcome to the team young lady.

I cannot wait to see where these two women take each other's numbers. We have a lot of strong light weight women in our program. It's exciting to have some strong heavy weights now as well.

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Re: Still on the Right Side of the Grass


Post by gymdad150 » Sat Jul 15, 2023 12:59 pm


Memphis Prep - m3 / w2 reps/sets

Squat -
Singles at 122.5 / 132.5kg, down sets at 110kg 3*3. Close Grip T&G Bench at 75kg 4*3. Rows, Revs Fly and Tempo Down BSS for successories.
Singles were OK, and no more than that, Knee was a little cranky...
Bench was solid

Bench -
Singles at 91 / 93.5kg, T&G triples at 80 / 82.5 / 85kg. Close Grip sets at 72.5kg 8*2. Slow Eccentric Bis's and Tri's for successories.
Sronk Bench work...veddy nahce.

Deadlift -
Singles at 175 / 187.5kg, down sets at 165kg 3*3. Close Grip Larsen 4 Count Down / 3 Count Pause at 75kg 2*3. Kroc Rows, Pullldowns, Single Leg Curls and Extensions for successorries.
Good Pulls, they actually had some pop in them.

SBD Saturday -
Pause Squats at 110kg 5*3; Close Grip 3 Count Spoto at 72.5kg 6*3; BWP + one block at 173kg 2*3.
Good Squats - for some odd reason, my Saturday Squats are technically better than Monday's work...I'm getting a much better brace into the belt these days.
Bench is silly...I'm not a fan of Spoto work, but if coach wants to program Spoto sets, that's what I do.
Decent Pulls, again good speed was the hallmark today.

We've got 4 lifters competing at the NorthEast Regionals this weekend. They've all put in the hours, hope they have a day...

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Re: Still on the Right Side of the Grass


Post by gymdad150 » Thu Jul 20, 2023 6:50 pm


Memphis Prep - m3 / w3 reps/sets

Squat -
Single at 132.5kg...failed the top single at 142.5kg.

Bench -
Single at 92.5kg...failed the top single at 97.5kg

Deadlift -
Singles at 187.5kg and 200kg...YAY! the thyroid issue finally caught up with me. I'm tired, out of breath, sore, and really weak in the legs and hips. I'm right back where I was a year ago when this thyroid issue was "discovered". I have no "pop", no explosiveness...

I see my PCP tomorrow morning. I really pissed that we're back in an energy deficit. It's like 8 fucking weeks out from Memphis. and I cannot step on the platform in this condition.

If there isn't a bump up in the Synthroid to an appropriate level, I'm gonna schedule a consult with Dr. Whitmer and bypass my PCP entirely.

Grrrrr...I'm not a happy camper.

Anyway, I'm on the road this weekend. I may, or may not get in a session on Saturday, depends on how hard we party tomorrow.

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Re: Still on the Right Side of the Grass


Post by gymdad150 » Sat Jul 29, 2023 11:29 am


Memphis Prep - m3 / w4 reps/sets

Let's get the lifts out of the way first:

Squat -
Top Single at 145kg. Might have had one more in me...

Bench -
Top Single at 95kg. A conservative call by my coach. Had at least one, maybe two more reps in me...

Deadlift -
Top Single at 210kg. Rocket Fucking Ship...certainly one more in the tank, with a real grind at a 3rd.


So, the appointment with my PCP was "interesting".

As the office was training a new PA, the appointment was a lot more give and take, defending of positions and choices being made, so as to allow the PA to "understand" how to work with a patient who's more "informed" than a normal patient. I use the scare quotes, as my PCP has a hard time with my pushing back on certain treatments they'd like me to undergo.

Anyway, we really did a deep dive on my Thyroid Issue. Initially the PCP was disinclined to do more to address the issue. He wanted to wait another 3 months to "see" a more definitive trend line.

I pushed back as politely as I could, insisting that my quality of life was being compromised by taking such a conservative approach to addressing what is obviously an issue. My points being:

1) The Synthroid was helping, but was not at an appropriate level...even though benefits had been seen.
2) I am back to feeling just a crappy as I was when we started.
3) Waiting is costing me "time" I may or may not have going forward. While my cancer prognosis is still "good", things can change. Given the fact that my middle brother died from Prostate Cancer a little over a year ago at age 74, shit can happen even though there are no genetic markers between our two cancers.
4) I have goals (that may or may not be realistic, I still want to chase them), and they are time dependent. We need to be as aggressive in getting me back to "optimal" as we can be.

After much back and forth, he acquiesced to my request to bumping up the dosage. We've gone from 50mcg to's still a conservative bump but it's a start. We'll test Thyroid levels in 3 weeks, as well as C Reactive protein (to check my inflammation levels).

Will it make a difference before Memphis, who knows?

But here's what happened. I traveled to Cleveland for the weekend, and wasn't able to address the new dosage. Got to train at Kings Gym in Bedford. I ran into a couple of guys I've seen at past Raw Natls events. It was a fun day of training: nice guys, good atmosphere!

Started the new dosage Monday morning, and the placebo effect certainly helped the Squat.

By Thursday I had noticed that walking up and down stairs was not as painful...this was one of the first indicators that made itself know back when we started on this journey. Deadlifts were outstanding that day. My Pulls have been all back for the most part since I've been having these "issues". Thursdays pulls featured good leg drive off the floor...and NO KNEE PAIN. Oh, and for the first time in forever I was able to Bound...I used to do Skip Jumps / Bounds as warm-ups back in the before times, but have had to drop them do to too much pain in my knees. Not today baby! I actually could bound just as high on my bad leg as my good leg...what wizardry is this?!?!

Today's SBD day was wonderful. I was able to Squat with no hips barking at me, no knee pain in the hole, and no pain coming out of the hole...and these were Paused Squats. Deads were just as good.

Now, maybe this is another false dawn...who knows?!?! I'm just thrilled to have had two pain free sessions back to back. I really thrilled to have bounced back from a fairly emotionally disastrous week three. I expect that my wind will start to improve over the next few weeks. This next block of training is supposed to be a 3 weeks block. For the first time in months, I'm "optimistic" about stepping on the platform in September.


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Re: Still on the Right Side of the Grass


Post by gymdad150 » Sat Aug 05, 2023 3:07 pm


Memphis Prep - m4 / w1

It's gonna be a four week block...go figure.

Top Single at 125kg...supposed to finish at 155kg. Disappointing, but that's what my body has allowed me to train to.

Top Paused Single at 91kg...looking to finish at a solid 100kg PAUSED, with commands. Should be doable, lord knows we've trained this lift to within an inch of its life this year.

Top Single at 185kg...215kg is the target. There's a precedent that was set back in 2019, where a pull of 215kg prior to Raw Natls turned into 227.5kg when the day came. Let it be written, and let it be done...

SBD Saturday:
Squat: 3 paused triples at 112.5kg. Hips and knee felt great...seem to be picking up some pop out of the hole...(shhhh)

Bench: 2 paused close grip doubles at 85kg. Pretty easy...(again, shhhh)

Deadlift: 3 Big Wheel Pull singles at 183kg. Pulled a nice warm-up double overhand at grip hasn't been that strong recently, so pulling that single was a bonus.

Had a damn pant load of successories, and got them all in without wilting. My knee continued to be accommodating to all the swelling / no stiffness / no pain.

So for the first week of this very important cycle, we finished strong. I was fatigued from the end of the third cycle, and it showed with my bar speed being "slow" during the week. Today evidenced a good recovery: speed, strength, endurance was all there.

The bump in thyroid meds is starting show benefits above and beyond placebo effect...(shhhh).

Getting my weight to 210lbs, and holding my weight at 210 is a real struggle at the moment (I'm at 206lbs at the moment, and that's really ephemeral). I thought I had an opportunity to change my weight class down to the 90kg class, but it turns out I can' rulez and all that nonsense. So I'm committed to the 100kg class, cannon fucking fodder. Not only am i going to be a really light 100kg competitor, but if I can't keep my weight above 90kg come meet day, I'll be a "guest" athlete and won't qualify for ANYTHING. Looks like I'll be eatin' dirty for the next 6 weeks. It's a real bitch not being able to eat a lot at one sitting, and basically not being all that hungry to begin with....sigh.

Anyway, on to week two...

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Re: Still on the Right Side of the Grass


Post by gymdad150 » Sat Aug 12, 2023 2:13 pm


Memphis Prep m4-w2

Squat -
Top Single at 135kg, down sets at 120kg 2*2
I'm so in my head on Squats right now. 135kg wasn't bad, it's just that I need to KNOW that I can rip off a set of fahve at this weight...and I don't know that
at the moment

Bench -
Top Paused Single at 94kg, down sets T&G at 84kg 2*2
Not a bad rep at 94kg, it's just that my shoulders are tired. Hopefully the way the program is written will allow for some recovery as the weeks dwindle away.

Deadlift -
Top Single at 195, down sets at 180kg 2*2
Supremely easy pull at 195kg, and the down sets were as well...even if I did get out of position on the second reps (what's was up with that?).

SBD Saturday -
Paused Squat: 117.5kg 3*3
Close Grip Paused Bench: 86kg 2*2
Big Wheel Pulls: 193kg 1*3

Went with a more aggressive bar loading approach today, as well as a more certain outlook to getting under the weight / bar in hand. That, along with the theme from the Magnificent Seven on repeat made the bar "fly" (for varying degrees of "fly").

Squats were comfortable; Bench didn't wilt with the more aggressive loading (eb / 50kg / 80kg / 85kg); the BWPs were all done with a Hook Grip...three singles at 193kg and I didn't flinch, I'll give a full pull with a hook grip next Thursday during the warm up to 205kg...probably stop at 185kg and go to a mixed grip at 195kg...or not.

Pretty strong day, not too terribly tired.

Still having issues keeping my weight up: I'm 204 to 206lbs. I've added extra carbs in the form of Rice, and PB&Js every day. Sooner or later this extra 500 to 750 calories is gonna show up on the scale...pleaz!!!

Five Weeks Out...

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Re: Still on the Right Side of the Grass


Post by gymdad150 » Sat Aug 19, 2023 3:58 pm


Memphis Prep m4-w3

Squat -
Top Single of 145kg, down sets at 125kg 2*2.
Continuing to go with an aggressive plate loading scheme: 70 / 110 / 130...
Slow, but "comfortable". Down sets were OK as well.

Bench -
Top Single at 97.5kg, down sets at 86kg 2*2, 4 Count Larsen at 75kg 6*2
Relatively aggressive plate loading scheme: 45 / 65 / 80 / 90...
Not a bad single, but the bar path needs to be a little more focused towards "up and back". Down sets were solid. Missed the last Larsen set: got 5, and pooped out at the bottom of the 6th.

Deadlift -
Top Single at 205kg, down sets at 185kg 2*2.
Plate Loading scheme: 70/ 120 / 160 / 190...
A little slow at 205kg...I attribute it to how I was wearing the belt (low on the hips). Down sets were much better, switched up where I was wearing the belt (higher on the rib cage).

SBD Saturday -
Paused Squats at 120kg 3*3
Close Grip Paused Bench at 88kg 2*2
Big Wheel Pulls at 203kg 1*3
What a really good session...

I played golf yesterday, and walked a good deal more than I wanted too. My knee was KILLING ME by the 18th hole. I was somewhat concerned coming into today that all that walking, and the knee being so painful would have been a problem today...NOT SO FAST MY FRIEND.

The Paused Squats were as good a set of Squats as I've been able to do...I was probably good for 5-6 reps if pushed. Nice and deep, no pain...I was really surprised, and my spotters were impressed with the pause and the depth.

Bench was really strong. I went with a 3 count paused and had no issues off the chest. or locking out.

The Pulls were really snappy too.

I ended the 3rd week a a hair under 1000lbs. I'm comfortable saying there's another 5-10kg on the Squat; 2.5kg on the Bench, and 10-15kg on the Deadlift come Memphis.

I'm also comfortable saying that the bump in Thyroid medication is having an effect. I felt really strong today...those Squats were ***chef's kiss***.

Week Four should be interesting.

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Re: Still on the Right Side of the Grass


Post by gymdad150 » Sat Aug 26, 2023 12:22 pm


Memphis Prep - m4 / w4

Squat Competition loading -
135kg Good Lift
145kg Good Lift
150kg Good Lift
Down sets at 127.5kg 2*2

152kg was there, 155kg...probably not. Come meet day I think 155kg is the goal.

Bench Competition loading -
85kg Good Lift
92.5kg Good Lift
100kg Missed at transition
Down sets at 87.5kg 2*2
100kg was a lot closer than it felt. I need to be a little more amped up / angry when the day comes. I'm entirely to relaxed.

Deadlift -
Didn't happen, I tweaked my back getting out of bed Thursday morning, and couldn't even stand up. Got in to see my acupuncturist on Friday for some help in getting things to calm down. Didn't feel great, but at least I could stand up straight .

SBD Saturday -
Paused Squats - 122.5kg 3*3
Close Grip Paused Bench - 90kg 2*2
Big Wheel Pulls - 193kg 1*3

I wasn't sure how today would go. I felt better...good enough to get to the gym. That dart session worked miracles as you can see. Squats were strong, Bench was strong, Pulls were OK...I didn't want to really push this today.

Had I not been an old man getting out of bed on Thursday, I'm confident I would have pulled 215kg. That would have ended Week Four at 462.5kg. I can live with that.

I'm thinking we'll run the same numbers for 1st and 2nd attempts at Memphis. 3rd attempts should look like this:
Worse Case - S 150kg, B 97.5kg, D 215kg
Best Case - S 155kg, B 100kg, D 222.5kg

I have a two maintenance acupuncture sessions on the books just to keep in front of this back issue. I have no idea what the next two weeks of training will be. I assume we'll be as aggressive as we can be this next week and then take our foot off the gas week two. Then in week three I'll drive to Memphis.

Oh, and my weight is currently 208lbs...

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Re: Still on the Right Side of the Grass


Post by gymdad150 » Sat Sep 02, 2023 1:08 pm


Memphis Prep - m5 / w1

Squat -
Singles at 120 / 130 / 140kg
Really fast Squats. Surprised just about everyone in the gym with how fast they were. I'm more of a "torque" guy , than a "raw power" guy. Oh and depth was good, and the weight felt light on the shoulders

Bench -
Singles at 77.5 / 85 / 92.5kg
Having some issues keeping my chest "Up" at the bottom of the stroke. 92.5kg wasn't hard, but it didn't move the way it needs to to drive 100kg through lockout.

Deadlift -
Singles at 170 / 185 / 200kg
First Pulls from the floor since the back tweak. Everything felt fine. Bar and hips moved together off the ground. Pretty fast at 200kg too...

SB No D Saturday -
Paused Squats at 127.5kg 2*2
Paused Bench at 80kg 4*4
Kettlebell RDLs 40kg each 6*2
Squats felt good, depth no issue. Bench moved great...could have used a longer pause, but I was working on a technique thing, and sorta forgot that extra count.

So, two weeks out. I feel pretty good physically, and I'm in a good frame of mind mentally.
One more week of a heavy Single coming up: S - 150/155; B - 97.5/100; D - 215/220
The following week is a quick taper, as well as travel. I'm driving down to Memphis, splitting the trip into two days just to give my hips and knee as much of a break as I possibly can.

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Re: Still on the Right Side of the Grass


Post by gymdad150 » Sat Sep 09, 2023 12:11 pm


Memphis Prep - m5 / w2

Squat -
130 / 140 / 150kg *1
All good lifts. They felt good, and they felt comfortable...and that's the first time I can say that going into a meet in years.

Bench -
85 / 92.5 / 97.5kg
1st and 2nd attempts were pretty flawless, the 3rd moved so fast off the chest that I lost the groove at transition, and almost missed the lockout. I still contend that come meet day, 100kg will be there.

Deadlift -
185 / 200 / 215kg
All good lifts.
Coach pulled me aside, and let it be known that I need to be mentally ready to pull 227.5kg, because if the day goes the way he envisions it, he's loading 227.5kg.
215kg moved OK, I'm gonna need to be technically perfect if 227.5 is the call on my 3rd. Not saying it's impossible, but I haven't really had that number in my mind for this meet. As always, I'm gonna trust my coach, he sees things that I don't or can't, because I'm too close to the situation. He hasn't been wrong yet...

Had a nice back down SB No D day today. Really low RPE work. I don't feel that beat up for being this close to the competition.

Did my most recent round of blood work to check my Thyroid levels, as well as systemic inflammation. The results came back showing absolutely no inflammation markers to be concerned with. That surprised me it did...
Thyroid markers are better but not "optimal". I am feeling markedly better though. The constant pain and perceived muscle weakness that I've ben fighting for the past few years is much better. I'd say this is the best I've felt since 2019, not withstanding that my knee is not what it was back then.

Anyway, there we are. 3 days of light movement work leading into the meet. Monday - Deadlift; Wednesday - Bench; Thursday - Squat. I'm actually going to drive to Memphis, and I plan to leave Wednesday, and stop half way. I'll get into Memphis Thursday afternoon, and go over to the training center the USAPL is providing to get my Squats in.

I compete Saturday afternoon.

I'm as ready as I can be, though I'd really like a do over on the timing of how my doctor handled the Thyroid issue this spring. If he'd seen me in May, and not July, I think things would be markedly different. But it is what it is, I'm ready and confident that I can step on the platform and not embarrass myself the way I did in Daytona.

Ohhhh, and once again I forge to mention THAT I WEIGHED IN AT 210lbs MIDWEEK - GOAL ACHEIVED.
Now let's hope I can hold it there through next Saturday, I'd hate to compete as a "guest".

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Re: Still on the Right Side of the Grass


Post by slowmotion » Sun Sep 10, 2023 1:36 am

Good luck at the meet!

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Re: Still on the Right Side of the Grass


Post by gymdad150 » Tue Sep 19, 2023 9:21 am


So Raw Natls is done and dusted. I appreciate everyone who has followed this journey back to the competition platform...THANK YOU!

So I drove down to Memphis in two days. The traffic around Columbus, Cincinnati, Louisville, and Nashville was crazy. I came home a a completely different way, but couldn't avoid Cinci unless I added an hour to an already 14 hour drive. Anyway, onto everything about the Meet itself.

Memphis maybe a "murder capital", but the event was self contained at the Convention center and the adjoining hotel, so we were "safe". We only went offsite once for barbeque...and that was worth it.

I say "we", I had 26 teammates competing alongside me this weekend.

For the first time the USAPL had a Training Hall available for the competitors. That was a nice bonus, and I took advantage of it on Thursday, working out the kinks from driving. Surprisingly my hips and knees handled the drive without any issues (narrator: but that was a false dawn). We had two women in Primetime, and they both finished 2nd...two little pocket rockets they are!

Friday was a slower day for the team, with just four people competing in the morning. Since it was slow, I signed up to be a commentator for the afternoon session. I got to handle platforms 1 and 2 for the livestream, along with a young man whose name I've already forgotten (senioritis)...nice kid though. Trying to watch and comment on 4 platforms at the same time is like trying to herd cats. So I focused solely on 1 and 2...I did a decent job I think...and I didn't swear once.

Saturday was Platform Day. I went off in the afternoon. I felt pretty good: well fed, well hydrated...full of Aleve. Weighed in at 93.99kg...I'm in the meet, and not a "guest" (seriously, I was worried I wouldn't make weight, even though I was stuffing my face every waking moment). I was far outclassed by the men in my flight, but they were all delightful to be around, and very supportive.

Finally we get to the meat of the matter - RESULTS:
130kg 3 Good Lift
140kg No Lift
140kg 2-1 No Lift
I ran into bracing problems on the 2nd lift and got lightheaded...(not again). I changed my belt position for the 3rd attempt, and it messed with the landmarks I look for for depth...I thought is was good, but the side judges red lit me, coach said it was close (the judging was very strict...but fair).

87.5kg Good Lift
92.5kg Good Lift
97.5kg Good Lift
I didn't get to take 100kg. The lightheadedness was still causing issues through out the day. That said, 97.5kg flew...I don't remember any of it as I was right on the borderline of blanking out...I'm surprised I didn't TBH. Everyone on the team said it was the fastest 97.5kg has moved this whole training YAY!!!

197.5kg Good Lift
212.5kg 2/1 No Lift
220kg No Lift
The opener felt good., but a little slow. The 2nd was a good lift, but I was sloppy at lockout: soft knees, and didn't really get the hips through. 227.5kg wasn't there, so we loaded 220kg...and it wasn't there either...too tired to get in a good position to pull, and I let the bar drift away from me off the floor...sigh.

Ya know, I did the best I could. I trained as hard as my body allowed. My nutrition was on point. The Peaking cycle had me in a really good place. I felt great on meet day...what a shame to waste a day of good hips and knees.

Sunday was crazy! We had 13 men and women competing. It was all hands on deck as far as we had all four coaches, and anyone still in attendance in the warm-up area to act as handlers/wranglers. In the morning session I handled one of our Junior lifters who set an American record in the bench, as well as placing 4th in her weigh class. In the afternoon session I acted as a runner between platforms putting in attempts and providing moral support for those in the bullpen. Everyone had a day, PRs in abundance, podium finishes. I think we came home with best Female Team, and I know best Female Masters Team...

Great time
Not so great results

I learned:
1) I need to get this bracing issue addressed. this is the 5th time in competition that I've had blackout issues...and it's not a medical issue.
2) I need to be more mindful in training sessions of proper play like you practice, and I've been sloppy on my cost me 212.5kg.
3) I need to get this Thyroid issue dialed in. I was way too tired coming into Deadlifts...and that's not me. I'm usually a bundle of energy.

Back at it today...

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Re: Still on the Right Side of the Grass


Post by gymdad150 » Sat Sep 30, 2023 12:26 pm


So after a week of moving light weights for reps, we got back after it this week in earnest. We're looking at a local meet in late Winter / early Spring.

Name of the game is volume:

Squat - 7*3, with Bench and Successories.

Bench - 8*3, with more Bench variations and more upper body Successories than I thought possible.

Deadlift - 4*4, with Bench and's a really long day.

SBD Saturday - Belt Squats, Paused Close Grip Bench, Paused Deadlift, and light Successories.

Truly the only thing that's going to drive this process forward is the base of volume, along with being able to handle that volume at higher levels of intensity than I have been. I think I've mentioned that the amount of work I was able to do prior the the "enshittening" starting in 2020, was far beyond what I've been capable of producing these past few years.

The stress of dealing with the cancer treatments and reconfiguring of my life post divorce is well in the past.

That leaves the Thyroid Issue front and center. I think I'm heading in the right direction, though I thought that a year ago. The current difference being that I'm much more in charge of where I want the treatments to go, and that if my PCP pushes back, I'm ready to go around him to follow what I believe to be the proper course of action with another specialist.

Since late 2020 I've had knee, hip, and muscular issues that I've never had previously. The doctors were pinning these issues on the cancer treatments, and life stress. The idea that an underactive Thyroid didn't enter the equation until early 2022, and it wasn't really addressed until summer of 2022.

Through all the titrating of the Thyroid medication, I've continued to have horrible knee pain, cranky hips, and a weak set of legs and lower back. The left knee has been so bad that I've been seriously considering a knee replacement. It hasn't been until this most recent upgrade in the dosage of Synthroid that I've started to feel strong under the bar, and being able to Squat/Deadlift consistently without pain. Additionally, I'm finally free of most of the gross swelling that my knee has been carrying these past few years.

The opening week of Squats was 7*3 at 90kg, and for the first time in a long time, I felt strong and pain free. Bench really hasn't been as effected by this Thyroid issue the way Squats and Deads have yay. The Deads were 4*4 at 170kg, and though it took a while to knock them out, I wasn't crushed by them, and my set up was pain free.

I'm looking to get to the end of this cycle at 110 / 115 on the Squats, and 185 / 190 on the Deads. If I can manage that, and manage the fatigue, I think we'll be back on track. The last component of dealing with this thyroid issue is the fatigue / breathlessness...if we can get past this hurdle, sky's the limit.
God willing and the Creek don't rise...

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Re: Still on the Right Side of the Grass


Post by gymdad150 » Sat Oct 07, 2023 12:06 pm


Still haven't picked out the next meet yet, won't be February...more likely March / April.

That said, let's get to it with Week Two's action:

Squats -
97.5kg 7*3, along with 3 Count Larsen at 62.5kg 6*3, and dreaded BSS 30kg 8*3
Squats feel reasonable...they should at these weights. You know, I was looking back at some 2019 Squats and I ran across a video of a really nice double at 165kg...***sigh***
We'll get back there!

Bench -
70kg 8*3, Larsen 78kg 3*3...and lots of chest, shoulders and tri's.
Just getting the reps in. It's a real challenge going from sets at 70kg and then going up to the sets at 78kg, even at a lower rep scheme.

Deadlifts -
177.5kg 4*4, 1 Board Bench 72.5kg 5*3...Revs Flys, Pull-Ups, Weighted Wall Sits, Single Leg Hip Thrusts.
That's a whole lot of pulling, something I haven't be able to handle since 2019. I made the comment to my coach that I forgot how hard we were able to work back in 2019...he smiled.

SBD Saturday -
Belt Squats at 190lbs 8*3, Close Grip Bench at 80kg 3*3, Paused Deads at 160kg 3*3...some chest, upper back, and shoulder work as well.
I felt a bit beat up Friday, but 24 hours later I feel OK. Not a fan of our Belt Squat equipment. Bench was OK. I thought Deads would be a bit of a shit show, but I was able to pull fairly aggressively...though videos show that I'm not getting my hips...gonna get my ass red lit (again) if I don't clean this up.

Weight remains pretty stable between 205 / 207lbs. Energy Levels are good enough to handle the current work. My only concern (if you want to call it that) is that my ability to handle the anaerobic / aerobic demands is uncomfortable. Either I'm not used to being in a state of oxygen debt, or I'm a puss...probably a bit of both.
I'm in the pool twice a week, in addition to doing a stint on the exercycle prior to jumping in the pool, so it's not like I'm completely de-conditioned. If my aerobic capacity doesn't start to show improvement, I'll have to consult with the Doc...***sigh***

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Re: Still on the Right Side of the Grass


Post by gymdad150 » Sat Oct 14, 2023 1:38 pm


This week was pretty much a washout. I came down with some plague Sunday night: puking, shitting, and wicked chills. That lasted about 48 hours. wasn't really able to keep anything down until Wednesday. I felt "better" by Thursday, and was able to get into the gym. I did a light SBD day, and it went well enough. I lost a little over 7lbs due to what ever I had.

My gym held a USAPL event today, about 40 lifters: novices to grizzled veterans. Nothing really special to report, though there were a couple of young men who totaled over 700kg. There was one guy who, had he completed his 3rd Bench and Dead (missed them by the slimmest of margins), would have totaled over 750kg. As always, I had fun doing the livestream commentary.

I figure that I'll just go into next week like this week never happened, and do week three's program as written (even though it should be week four).

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Re: Still on the Right Side of the Grass


Post by gymdad150 » Sat Oct 21, 2023 1:36 pm


Week Three (a week late) -

105kg 7*3; 3 Count Larsen 60kg 6*3; Temp Down BSS 30kg 10*3
For still feeling like crap, pretty good Squats

72.5kg 8*3; Larsen 80kg 2*4...and lots of upper body successories.
Bench is not moving well at the moment. Being down 7lbs will do that to the lift. I was supposed to hit 80kg for 3*3...but I just didn't have it today, so 2*4 it was.

180kg *2 / 160kg 4*3; 1 Board Bench 70/72.5/75kg *5
I'm still feeling like shit, and it's really effecting my sleep...and that all effects my lifts at the moment. It's really hard to eat and not feel like I'm gonna throw it all back up.

SBD Saturday
Leg Press/Sled 270/310/330lbs *10; Paused Close Grip Bench 175lbs 3*3; Paused Deads 315lbs 3*3...single leg work, flys, and Presses for successories.
Today was the first day I could eat something and not feel like barfing #littlevictories.
I really Like this Leg Press/Sled. Bench moved a bit better. Deads were problematic as my Glute Medius was cramping all morning, making Pulls a pain in the ass.

At least I was able to train, even if I felt like ass. Hopefully I'm past this plague, and can eat and sleep normally again.

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Re: Still on the Right Side of the Grass


Post by gymdad150 » Sat Oct 28, 2023 6:04 pm


Week Four - on the mend!

Squat -
7*3 at 112.5kg; 3 Count Larsen 62.5kg 6*3; Tempo Down BSS 30kg 10* upper body successories.
That's the best volume work I've done in many moons. Knee still feels great...long may this continue.

Bench -
8*3 at 70kg; Larsen 77.5kg 3*3...shoulders, tri's and chest work for successories.
Tired shoulders...did too many laps in the pool Tuesday, paid for it today.

Deadlift -
4*4 at 170kg; One Board Bench 72.5/75/77.5kg *5...weighted Wall Sits, Chin Ups, Revs Flys for successories.
Pretty good pulls, still below Week One's work, but at least I had the energy to get them all in #littlevictories

SBD Saturday -
Single Leg Exts / Curls; Leg Sled; Close Grip Bench; Paused Deads; Flys / Revs Flys.
We're gonna get after these legs now that I'm feeling like my knees can handle the work. Bench was strong, as were the Paused Deads.

Finally, I think I'm past this plague. It seems to be going around, and it has wiped out those who contracted I don't feel too bad about being off my game for the past couple of weeks.

I've been doing more reading about hypothyroidism, and it appears that I'm still being dosed incorrectly (which would explain why I'm still out of breath at the slightest exertion). I should be about 25% higher than where I am presently. I've still got a bit more left in this latest prescription, so I'm not contacting my PCP right away, but I will be on his case in another couple of weeks. Many of the hallmarks of this syndrome are better, but the number one complaint of cardio-respiratory deficiency still persists. If I get to the appropriate dosage, I'm fairly confident that I'll be back to "normal" (fingers crossed).

New Cycle starts Monday.

I think, with my coaches buy in, I'll sign up for the NYS Championships in March of 2024. That gives me another month to get the medication dialed up, and then 4 months for it to take effect while I continue to train.

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Re: Still on the Right Side of the Grass


Post by gymdad150 » Sat Nov 04, 2023 11:45 am


Cycle Two - Week One

Squat -
4 sets at 100kg*5; 3 Count Close Grip 3 sets at 77.5kg *2; BSS, Pendlay Rows, Pulldowns for successories.
Nice way to come into the next cycle. Energy, along with hips and knees were just OK today...but the attitude was excellent.

Bench -
Paused Bench, 4 sets at 67.5kg *6, 3 Count Bench at 80kg, 4 sets*1; Flys / Bi's and Tri's for successories. Not the most enthused today, dealing with the ups and downs of this thyroid situation is weighing on me.

Deadlifts -
3 sets at 155kg *3; Close Grip Bench, 3 sets at 65kg *3; Tempo to Tempo In Place Lunge, Chin-Ups, Mid Rows, Revs Fly for successories. Better day for Energy, Back/Knees, Attitude. Pulls felt heavy, but moved nicely.

SBD Saturday -
Tempo Down Leg Sled 230lbs 10*3; Bench at 165lbs 2*4; Paused Deads at 315lbs 6*3; lots of machine work: Flys / Shoulder Press / Shoulder Raises / Chest Press 12*3
Lot's of work, not complaining ...

Good first week, hoping to feel the same by the time we get to week four #fingerscrossed

And it official, I'll be signing up for the NYS Championships in Mid March along with a few other members of the team.

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Re: Still on the Right Side of the Grass


Post by gymdad150 » Sat Nov 11, 2023 10:50 am


Cycle Two / Week Two

Squat -
4 sets at 107.5kg *5; 3 Count Close Grip Bench, 3 sets at 80kg *2...Tempo BSS, Pendlay Rows, Pulldowns for successories.
A little tired coming into the session, but not enough to effect things too terribly.

Bench -
4 sets at 70kg paused *6; 3 Count Bench, 4 singles at 82.5kg...Flys, Shoulder work, Tri's and Bi's for succcessories.
Felt really good today, and that's after a lot of sprints in the pool yesterday.

Deadlift -
3 sets at 165kg *3, Close Grip Bench, 3 sets at 67.5kg *6...Tempo to Tempo In Place Lunges, Chin-Ups, Cable Mid Row, and Revs Fly for successories.
Another day where I feel really good...what's going on?!?! The weights may be "light", but it's nice to be able to do the work without being out of breath after the first rep.

SBD Saturday -
Leg Press sets at 150/200/250/300/350lbs *10, Close Grip Bench sets at 75kg 2*4, Paused Deadlift sets at 155kg 3*3...Leg Extensions, Leg Curls, Flys and Dumbbell Press for successories.
Another day of feeling really good. This Cybex Leg Press machine is a bitch, it's akin to doing Pin Squats as you start "in the hole"...350lbs was eye opening. I'd like to talk to the people who think these things are easy...especially those of us with long femurs.
I'm playing around with my Bench set-up, bringing my feet underneath me now that my knees allow it. I like the tension the foot placement creates. The bar moved fast off the chest.

My weight is sorta stuck at 200lbs as my appetite hasn't really come back from the plague I had a month ago. At least I know my maintenance calories...

This was probably the best I've felt for the whole week in quite a while. I'm still gonna press the doc to increase my thyroid meds, but I'm grateful for the improvement I'm experiencing at the moment.

Fingers crossed that this energy stays high through week three and beyond...

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Re: Still on the Right Side of the Grass


Post by gymdad150 » Sat Nov 18, 2023 12:02 pm


Cycle Two / Week Three

Squat -
115kg 5*4; 3 Count Close Grip Bench 82.5kg 2*3; Tempo Down BSS 12kg 10*3....Rows and Pulldowns for successories.
Happy with the Squats, especially from an aerobic standpoint - didn't crush me. This new Bench set-up continues to feel like it will pay dividends.

Bench -
72.5kg 6*4, 3 Count Bench 85kg 1*4; Cable Fly, Shoulders, Tri's, and Bi's for successories.
Nice Session, short rest between sets, and NO SPOTTERS, that'll get your attention fast. Putting the heavy Singles after the volume work has been an interesting change in programming, hopefully it pays off down the line.

Deadlift -
175kg 3*3; 3 Count Close Grip Bench 85kg *2, *2, X; Tempo to Tempo In Place Lunge 16kg 7*3, Chin-Ups, Rows, Revs Flys for successories.
Solid pulls, working on some technique issues: I'm too far in front of the bar / too much knee flexion. Bench was snappy...until it wasn't. All this extra grip work is paying off: I pulled my last warm up at 155kg, double overhand. I haven't been able to do that recently.

SBD Saturday -
Lot's of Leg Extensions / Leg Curls / Leg Presses; Close Grip Bench 80kg 2*4; Paused Deadlifts 165kg 3*3...Flys and Presses for successories.
The Leg work is a bit of hypertrophy programming. Bench was nothing special. The Pulls were really good; Not being so far in front of the bar made for a better pull / tighter set up.

The Tuesday Cardo sessions seems to be helping things. I've extended the time on the bike to 20 minutes (don't laugh, sitting on a bike is mind numbing), I do single leg work for reps, and then into the pool for a series of sprints: 40 yards *10. All this work isn't compromising recovery for the lifting far (fingers crossed).

All signed up for NYS in mid March. After this upcoming Week Four, we'll start a 3 month training block to get ready for NYS's...

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