Tales from the Office Space: Complain about your coworkers

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Re: Tales from the Office Space: Complain about your coworkers


Post by EggMcMuffin » Sat Dec 17, 2022 2:16 am

I like how I just relate an iniquitous but otherwise mundane part of what my life is and has been like (aka just being treated like shit by everyone) and the thread explodes. :lol:

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Re: Tales from the Office Space: Complain about your coworkers


Post by CheekiBreekiFitness » Sat Dec 17, 2022 3:10 am

EggMcMuffin wrote: Sat Dec 17, 2022 2:16 am I like how I just relate an iniquitous but otherwise mundane part of what my life is and has been like (aka just being treated like shit by everyone) and the thread explodes. :lol:
I've noticed that you have a power for making a post that will spark long discussions with sometimes walls of text. This is a great power. Use it wisely.

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Re: Tales from the Office Space: Complain about your coworkers


Post by mouse » Tue Dec 20, 2022 3:06 am

Renascent wrote: Fri Dec 16, 2022 7:09 pm and the nature of the thread lends itself to work-related complaints, so it's not as if he's the only person sharing a story here for the simple sake of doing so.
Could it be that I was sharing the story for the simple sake of doing so without it having to be DIRECTLY tied to muff's situation?

I mean I did type...
mouse wrote: Fri Dec 16, 2022 2:34 am reminds me of one of my all time favorite experiences
Implying it was simply sparking a memory of *checks notes for a better word than last time* CASUAL racism in the workplace...

Edit: cut that part ouuuuttt... let's just say we'd probably get along a lot better in real life than you'd think

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Re: Tales from the Office Space: Complain about your coworkers


Post by 5hout » Tue Dec 20, 2022 3:45 am

mouse wrote: Tue Dec 20, 2022 3:06 am let's just say we'd probably get along a lot better in real life than you'd think
I think this is nearly universal here. I can't think of any current* posters here I wouldn't expect to get along just fine with IRL in a gym/bar/chill setting. *Not intended in a slight way, just been a lot of people over the years and I'm not checking the memory banks.

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Re: Tales from the Office Space: Complain about your coworkers


Post by BenM » Tue Dec 20, 2022 9:34 pm

5hout wrote: Tue Dec 20, 2022 3:45 am
mouse wrote: Tue Dec 20, 2022 3:06 am let's just say we'd probably get along a lot better in real life than you'd think
I think this is nearly universal here. I can't think of any current* posters here I wouldn't expect to get along just fine with IRL in a gym/bar/chill setting. *Not intended in a slight way, just been a lot of people over the years and I'm not checking the memory banks.
Yeah that's the thing, if you've got common interests you can bond over it's really easy to ignore the differences. My wife is in a group for a fashion label and she is friends with people from all different ages and walks of life through that.

There's probably only a few differences between people that can't be ignored, and it might even depend on the individual person. I really, really strongly dislike the attitude I've seen at times from people on social media where someone will say 'if you believe in X, then unfriend me now, because I don't want to know you'. That to me creates an echo chamber where you just surround yourself with people who think the same way you do and aren't exposed to different viewpoints.

For me personally, I don't think most racist people actually believe they're racist. Like they've been raised to believe certain stereotypes, and have maybe had certain life experiences that have reinforced them, but are otherwise good people and usually treat people of all ethnicities the same way in real life. You won't change their views by cutting them off, you can only do that by engaging with them and explaining why they're wrong. I've personally had family members espouse some stereotypically anti-Muslim sentiment on Facebook and had to call them out on it, I'd like to think stuff like that helps. But then if someone is openly racist and knows it and doesn't care, yeah maybe there's a case to say seeya, I can't associate with you.

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Re: Tales from the Office Space: Complain about your coworkers


Post by 5hout » Wed Dec 21, 2022 3:13 am

BenM wrote: Tue Dec 20, 2022 9:34 pm But then if someone is openly racist and knows it and doesn't care, yeah maybe there's a case to say seeya, I can't associate with you.
I agree with the rest of your post, so removed for clarity. I'm not sure what I think on this quote section. Going to number my half-thoughts b/c I'm addicted to lists.

1. It's all a matter of degree. You can't light yourself on fire over this stuff, so there probably comes a point where it's time to nope out.
2. But, one way people is from similar people to them modeling different behavior (nudging rather than forcing the Overton Window).
3. I've seen an amount of racist/anti-semitic/anti-muslim that many tumblrinas would call "so openly racist I was forced to disassociate", but by people I know to be perfectly polite/kind/tolerant of other races/religions in person. Just, for whatever reason, also find it appropriate to (not in mixed company) tell horrible jokes/use phrases that would probably cause fainting at a DEI conference.
4. Maybe that means it's (seeing points 1 and 2) I model different behavior (i.e. weird looks/awkward silence) and the tumblrinas nope out and we all get to a better place in 10 years.
5. The "Culture War" has put us in a shitty place where a group of people will accuse anyone they don't like of being openly racist/not caring/must be shunned with an ulterior motive AND has (I think) created a situation where some people that are 90s tolerance/color blind/clintonites believers will adopt (at times), or at least not fight the adopting of, guise of somewhat openly racist/anti-semitic/anti-muslim b/c both sides have selected it as the appropriate way to signal membership.
6. IDK where to go with 5, other than I think online communities organizing over shared interests AND strong locally communities organizing over specific local interest/general area improvement is the way to go.

I think this is where you were going, but wrote out in case we have some differences that could be interesting.

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Re: Tales from the Office Space: Complain about your coworkers


Post by BenM » Thu Dec 22, 2022 1:17 am

Yeah if I understand you correctly I think we're pretty much on the same page, I wouldn't disassociate over someone say, using the world Jew as slang for someone who's frugal/stingy, especially if I know the person well enough to know they don't actually hold any animosity towards them or genuinely anti-Semitic beliefs. I'd be doing the quiet nudging like 'hey, that's an outdated stereotype that really upsets a lot of people and here's why, so maybe you could just say the person is miserly instead'. But OTOH if someone expresses a strongly held view that the Zionist agenda is a real thing and that Hitler should've finished the job, there really isn't any changing that person's mind and no amount of nudging will help; beliefs like that can really only come from some deep seated misconceptions about a whole bunch of stuff and I don't really want to get involved in that mess.

There's a spectrum there - and looking at the Overton Window article on Wikipedia brought me to Treviño's six degrees of acceptance - where maybe the upper end of radical onwards just gets a little too crazy for me. But there's also other factors at play, like how much that belief really impacts on or affects other people, too.

I had an interesting experience this year where through work, I had to spend some time engaging with someone who I believe was a fairly radical anti vaxxer. But to talk to, and I had a couple of hours discussing quite a few things with her, she seemed completely reasonable and friendly. I can ignore shit like that. You stay friends, you just avoid the topic. Same with pro lifers. I don't care if people are pro life. If they're out there picketing abortion clinics and fucking shit up for other people, I'll have a problem, but if that's their own moral code and they apply it to themselves and nobody else then cool man, you do you, I don't agree but you get to choose for yourself. Just two examples, probably dozens more I could think of.

Ostracising people for their beliefs really isn't the way to go though in the vast majority of cases, those people often take those beliefs on, like I said above, from being in a really bad place and feeling isolated to begin with, as you rightly point out sometimes they start espousing some minor stuff like that just in an attempt to fit in and feel accepted, then it kinda ends up being a slippery slope and next thing you know they're fully fledged members of Stormfront and they've got a basement full of canned food ready for the next civil war with the invading hordes. Better to try and help them see the different points of view out there than let them get more radicalised.

And I say this not to virtue signal or be a Tumblrina. I actually used to hold some views that I'm a bit ashamed of now. I still hold some views on certain issues that probably aren't radical, but maybe I'd prefer not to express them on social media because a few people would almost certainly call me names. Names that aren't true, but would in their minds completely invalidate anything I said. And that's not actually listening, that's just shouting over the top of someone, so what's the point? I actually used to spend a lot of time arguing (well, debating, to be fair) on forums and stuff because I thought it made me look intelligent. Then I realised I was just wasting my time, nobody ever changes their minds and a lot of people who I disagreed with were bloody intelligent too, but then in the middle there's a whole bunch of people who just enjoy trying to upset people who make it impossible to discuss things in good faith and they tend to poison the well for everyone else.


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Re: Tales from the Office Space: Complain about your coworkers


Post by CheekiBreekiFitness » Thu Dec 22, 2022 3:23 am

5hout wrote: Tue Dec 20, 2022 3:45 am
mouse wrote: Tue Dec 20, 2022 3:06 am let's just say we'd probably get along a lot better in real life than you'd think
I think this is nearly universal here. I can't think of any current* posters here I wouldn't expect to get along just fine with IRL in a gym/bar/chill setting. *Not intended in a slight way, just been a lot of people over the years and I'm not checking the memory banks.
I feel the same. I'm sure I could get along with almost any Exodus member, although I've never met any of them.

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Re: Tales from the Office Space: Complain about your coworkers


Post by 5hout » Wed Jan 11, 2023 6:27 am

Tell QC team to do a list of searches:

Guy says "I'm going into 7" I say "we're not doing 7, that's an intermediate search used to create the other #d searches. Please go into 8.25"

Guy responds back 5m later: "should I finish 7?"

ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHH. Normally I renumber and hide all the intermediate searches (stuff where it's like Search all the docs in X search, but then with Y property + attachments). Rush job/behind/can't spend all morning renumbering and organizing (and yes, it takes that fucking long).


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Re: Tales from the Office Space: Complain about your coworkers


Post by 5hout » Tue Mar 21, 2023 7:23 am

Have a training call at 9:30AM yesterday. 9 out of 12 people on a team attend the training call. We tell people in team chat it'll be uploaded as soon as we can (takes about a day b/c of dumb tech issues). One of the people that missed the call direct msgs me "Hey can you look over the stuff I'm working on? I didn't make the training call and think it might be done wrong?"

WHY ARE YOU WORKING BEFORE YOU ARE TRAINED SHITDICKING SON OF A BITCH. No, I won't be doing a half assed training via direct msg, I gave a carefully crafted 1.5 hour presentation on this. Fucking wait till it's uploaded.

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Re: Tales from the Office Space: Complain about your coworkers


Post by mouse » Tue Apr 11, 2023 2:32 am

The plumbing in this building is cursed and I'm getting real tired of having to see so much of my co-workers' dookie.

Walked into the larger bathroom by us this morning and was greeted to a literal river of shit.

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Re: Tales from the Office Space: Complain about your coworkers


Post by 5hout » Mon Aug 21, 2023 7:29 am

Project has 4 options. "Hot Bad, Hot Good, Hot Both, Neutral" for people to characterize if a document is good for the team, bad for the team, a mix or just neutral/neither. We discuss this on the call.

3 days pass

Client emails "Why are people saying everything is hot?" "People are coding stuff neutral to indicate it's been reviewed for hotness, but is not good/bad/both." "But it's confusing to call that neutral".


"We can remove it, but feel it is good to have in case these need to be looked at later" "But it makes every document look hot"

Finally client's own tech person/analyst stepped in to beg to keep it done this way, but we still had a to have a conference call to discuss.

Client is a person making ~300k to 500k per year. Just fucking incredibly dense.

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Re: Tales from the Office Space: Complain about your coworkers


Post by DanCR » Mon Aug 21, 2023 9:32 am

5hout wrote: Mon Aug 21, 2023 7:29 am Client is a person making ~300k to 500k per year. Just fucking incredibly dense.
I'm an employment lawyer on the management side, but will review documents for executives. I am constantly reviewing agreements for people who make in the high six figures / low seven figures. A stunning amount of them are much less than bright. I'm not talking complex legal concepts that would be unfair to hold against someone who perhaps is much smarter than me at whatever it is that they do for a living. I'm talking people asking me, "Shouldn't they give me the money before I sign the separation agreement?" THAT IS NOT HOW ANYTHING WORKS.

Of course, saying as much just makes me Bitter Jones. This is why I drink.

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Re: Tales from the Office Space: Complain about your coworkers


Post by DoctorWho » Mon Aug 21, 2023 9:43 am

DCR wrote: Mon Aug 21, 2023 9:32 am
5hout wrote: Mon Aug 21, 2023 7:29 am Client is a person making ~300k to 500k per year. Just fucking incredibly dense.
I'm an employment lawyer on the management side, but will review documents for executives. I am constantly reviewing agreements for people who make in the high six figures / low seven figures. A stunning amount of them are much less than bright. I'm not talking complex legal concepts that would be unfair to hold against someone who perhaps is much smarter than me at whatever it is that they do for a living. I'm talking people asking me, "Shouldn't they give me the money before I sign the separation agreement?" THAT IS NOT HOW ANYTHING WORKS.

Of course, saying as much just makes me Bitter Jones. This is why I drink.
I wonder how much of this is a guy just not caring if he is seen as dumb or wrong / not caring to put enough thought into the question. Lawyers should almost never be wrong. Business guys wrong a lot and expect it??

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Re: Tales from the Office Space: Complain about your coworkers


Post by DanCR » Mon Aug 21, 2023 10:01 am

DoctorWho wrote: Mon Aug 21, 2023 9:43 am
DCR wrote: Mon Aug 21, 2023 9:32 am
5hout wrote: Mon Aug 21, 2023 7:29 am Client is a person making ~300k to 500k per year. Just fucking incredibly dense.
I'm an employment lawyer on the management side, but will review documents for executives. I am constantly reviewing agreements for people who make in the high six figures / low seven figures. A stunning amount of them are much less than bright. I'm not talking complex legal concepts that would be unfair to hold against someone who perhaps is much smarter than me at whatever it is that they do for a living. I'm talking people asking me, "Shouldn't they give me the money before I sign the separation agreement?" THAT IS NOT HOW ANYTHING WORKS.

Of course, saying as much just makes me Bitter Jones. This is why I drink.
I wonder how much of this is a guy just not caring if he is seen as dumb or wrong / not caring to put enough thought into the question. Lawyers should almost never be wrong. Business guys wrong a lot and expect it??
That's an interesting point. I generally feel that every sentence that I write or speak has to be deliberate. That doesn't appear to be a constraint that most business folks have to operate under, and they proceed accordingly. Freedom to spitball.

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Re: Tales from the Office Space: Complain about your coworkers


Post by mouse » Wed Aug 23, 2023 4:50 am

QA finally hired a new girl who moved into the desk next to mine yesterday. Her boss pops over and asks her how everything is going, if she's getting acquainted, and if it's "everything she thought it would be".

New girl says "well actually, not really".

Boss asks what she means.

"Well so far, a lot of people are saying I may have made a mistake by coming here (this company)"

I almost lol'd for real.

Then I cried because I'm probably stuck here.

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Re: Tales from the Office Space: Complain about your coworkers


Post by DoctorWho » Wed Aug 23, 2023 6:26 am

DCR wrote: Mon Aug 21, 2023 10:01 am
DoctorWho wrote: Mon Aug 21, 2023 9:43 am
DCR wrote: Mon Aug 21, 2023 9:32 am
5hout wrote: Mon Aug 21, 2023 7:29 am Client is a person making ~300k to 500k per year. Just fucking incredibly dense.
I'm an employment lawyer on the management side, but will review documents for executives. I am constantly reviewing agreements for people who make in the high six figures / low seven figures. A stunning amount of them are much less than bright. I'm not talking complex legal concepts that would be unfair to hold against someone who perhaps is much smarter than me at whatever it is that they do for a living. I'm talking people asking me, "Shouldn't they give me the money before I sign the separation agreement?" THAT IS NOT HOW ANYTHING WORKS.

Of course, saying as much just makes me Bitter Jones. This is why I drink.
I wonder how much of this is a guy just not caring if he is seen as dumb or wrong / not caring to put enough thought into the question. Lawyers should almost never be wrong. Business guys wrong a lot and expect it??
That's an interesting point. I generally feel that every sentence that I write or speak has to be deliberate. That doesn't appear to be a constraint that most business folks have to operate under, and they proceed accordingly. Freedom to spitball.
Right! You have the ethical rule of competence on every matter, plus there are a lot of lawyers who judge good lawyering by the use of "that" vs "which" and whether there are two spaces after a period. Add in that you are fed a steady diet of problems to be fixed. If everything goes right, you were just a nice guy to have around, but if you eff it up, it's bad.

But hey, you'll work more than you want for as long as you want.

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Re: Tales from the Office Space: Complain about your coworkers


Post by DanCR » Wed Aug 23, 2023 9:55 am

DoctorWho wrote: Wed Aug 23, 2023 6:26 am But hey, you'll work more than you want for as long as you want.
Until these fools decide that ChatGPT can do what I do.

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Re: Tales from the Office Space: Complain about your coworkers


Post by 5hout » Wed Aug 23, 2023 4:24 pm

DCR wrote: Wed Aug 23, 2023 9:55 am
DoctorWho wrote: Wed Aug 23, 2023 6:26 am But hey, you'll work more than you want for as long as you want.
Until these fools decide that ChatGPT can do what I do.
I refuse to work weekends now and when I tell people no their total brain confusion is amazing. Thank god for court's fear of technology.

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Re: Tales from the Office Space: Complain about your coworkers


Post by DanCR » Wed Aug 23, 2023 5:06 pm

5hout wrote: Wed Aug 23, 2023 4:24 pm
DCR wrote: Wed Aug 23, 2023 9:55 am
DoctorWho wrote: Wed Aug 23, 2023 6:26 am But hey, you'll work more than you want for as long as you want.
Until these fools decide that ChatGPT can do what I do.
I refuse to work weekends now and when I tell people no their total brain confusion is amazing. Thank god for court's fear of technology.
I occasionally have no choice but to work a bit on a weekend or a late night, due to the volume of shit to get done despite my best efforts at managing expectations, but I never let the clients know. Anything that I prepare late or on a weekend gets sent the next day or Monday, respectively. Amazingly (or not), most of the fucks who expect me to work late or on a weekend never do so themselves - they just feel that I should be available to them and work around their own work schedule, i.e. they claim to not have time to speak with me during business hours, so can I talk at 7pm? No, fuck yourself.

The best thing that I did in the past few years was to include in our engagement letter that not only will we not respond to text messages, but the client should assume that any text message sent to us was not read.

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