You Better, You Better, You Bet.

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Re: You Better, You Better, You Bet.


Post by lehman906 » Sat Aug 20, 2022 6:41 pm

Long but fun day today at the Battle at the Brewery. There was no Masters class, so I competed in the open lightweights class, which is 231 and under (I weigh 200). I was the oldest male competitor by almost eight years, and probably at least 15 years older than most of them, if not more. But enough with the excuse making.

Event 1: was the 270 lb sled drag and 565 lb tire flip medley. I’m not happy with how much I struggled on some of these flips. This was far and away the most exhausting event, and went a little worse than expected.

Event 2: Farmers walk. 120 feet with a turn, 240 lbs/per hand (but probably closer to 250). My set down coming around the turn was planned so I didn’t have ti fight to keep them straight, but then my grip gave out right before the finish line so they took a measurement instead of a time. I was really upset about this one, because despite how it may look, I have really strong hands and it’s been a decade since I lost a farmers because of grip. This really bummed me outC but I had to put it behind me.

Event 3: Log clean and press. The lightweights did 170 lbs, which really is too light, but it’s still tough because the movement is more like 3 reps for each 1. I got 8, which is what we were shooting for, but some of the really strong guys were cranking out double digits. That was expected and I was okay with my performance.

Event 4: Wagon Wheel deadlift. The wagon wheels were broken in warm ups, so they attached to these other weird implements. I topped out at 575, which was about what I was hoping for, and I was glad to make all three lifts.

Event 5: Atlas stones. Always the final event. Six stones: 200,220,230,240,275,300 loaded onto beer barrels. This was a great ending to the show. I had the best stone run of my life, basically one motioning the first four stones. Because the barres aren’t very tall, I could just pick them up and basically dick them onto the barrel. I know, anyone who knows me is rolling their eyes and saying “of course.” I flew through all six in 28 seconds, and it was much easier than expected.

I’m not sure where I finished. I think I was 6th of 11, but I had to leave because we were supposed to be at a wedding reception at 4, and the contest didn’t end until then. Overall, I’m mostly satisfied, but also glad to be done with this for a while. Two contests in 6 weeks is more than enough for this old body.

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Re: You Better, You Better, You Bet.


Post by lehman906 » Sun Sep 04, 2022 6:40 am

Look upon his attempts to make me an athlete, ye mighty, and despair.

This was a good wake up call that just because I can put a rock on a barrel, it doesn’t mean I’m athletic. Not sure if this will all directly help with the current goal of increasing my log 1RM, but there really aren’t any downsides. Besides, I trust the Todd.

I’m glad to be getting back to structured training now. Just messing around and exercising doesn’t do it for me. My non-pressing days will be very lower-body focused to try and add more drive to the log, which hopefully will make a difference. Okay, I’m still going to have one pump-monkey session too. I mean, come on.

In today’s video is the first session of unusual movements, then a bunch of leg and upper body bodybuilding stuff that I had to do all on the same day.

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Re: You Better, You Better, You Bet.


Post by lehman906 » Sat Sep 10, 2022 5:11 pm

Please enjoy the further adventures of an old man trying to be an athlete. It’ll be interesting to see if all of the jumping and plyo stuff actually translates to a bigger log, but if nothing else, it’s a fun change of pace.

The banded log stuff really punishes you for not driving hard enough. It exposes technique lifters like me and will hopefully lead to a stronger drive, or at least better habits. For squats and deads I’m still looking for the right balance between proper stress and fatigue. We’re taking it slow and letting the numbers come to us instead of chasing them, which is also a nice change. There is another contest coming up, the one I did every year for a decade, but three contests in ten weeks would be more than I want to do. I’m liking training that doesn’t hurt.

The bodybuilding I’m doing on off days is kind of fun, but a very different stress than I’m used to. I just got a shoulder-saver pad for my barbell, which means I can press more, and that makes me, and my shoulders, happy.

My face tells you how happy I am to be riding the trainer at 5:45 every morning, though.

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Re: You Better, You Better, You Bet.


Post by lehman906 » Sun Sep 18, 2022 10:22 am

The war continues between watching the endurance athletes I know working harder than I can ever imagine and my coach/friend exhorting me to, for the love of god, stop trying to add more more more. I do need to work harder, but only on the things that don’t cause pain and not have to try every new shiny thing I see on YouTube. How many times have I said that on here? Somebody should make a spreadsheet. Actually, please don’t. I don’t want to see that. That would be like looking at my screen time tracker on my phone.

Some notes:

I do like my shoulder saver pad, and for someone with my length and my close grip, I think I would still pass IPF bench depth. 😆

Banded push press from the pins is still very much revealing my lack of power. That’s an important piece.

Safety tip: don’t wear your belt tight when your shorts or shirt aren’t under it. Doesn’t hurt, but I’d rather unsightly.

Pull ups big my elbows, but chins don’t. Looks like they’re back on the menu, boys!

Bowler lunges with your foot turned over are kind of an interesting way to get some glute work. Also, I don’t ever mean “flute” autocorrect.

Next week at this time I’ll be 48 and the wheels haven’t completely come off yet.

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Re: You Better, You Better, You Bet.


Post by lehman906 » Sat Oct 01, 2022 11:43 am

Training is going well, except for squatting. That old chestnut. Someday I’ll get it through my head. Anyway, log press felt much better this week. I tossed up the weight that I failed on last week, thereby avoiding another tantrum.

Those banded push presses from the pins are hard on my shoulders, but man do they force you to really press hard and not let your legs do all the work, which is good for natural jerker like me. Insert Beavis laugh here.

My home workouts are also feeling good, and I did my very first rower workout at the end of my upper body session. It was very light and easy since it was the first one, which my wife sort of mocked, but better that than my natural proclivity towards murdering myself. I think sometimes endurance athletes forget that not everyone can just do something for an hour. I try to remember that not everyone can run with 200 lbs in each hand. I’m going to have to read more on how the rower works. I guess I had the tension at the max, but it didn’t seem at all hard, so I'm sure I'm missing something.

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Re: You Better, You Better, You Bet.


Post by lehman906 » Sun Oct 09, 2022 10:50 am


End of the first block and start of the second. The first one was a lot of movement prep and trying to make me some kind of athlete, and this one has a lot more bodybuilding in it. Although I stand by the opinion I offered after doing kickstand deadlifts. Looking forward to some good soreness. That ugly sweatshirt was the one my dad would wear when he was working around the cabin. It reminds me to work harder.

I also got new hotness 2.0. New hotterness? I took the broken rower back and got an upgrade but with two coupons applied which saved me some considerable money. It’s a lot better, and a lot bigger (www.TWSS.michaelscott). Not sure if that will remain its permanent placement (see my little vlog section in the video), but it’s buttery smooth and was actually much easier to put together.

Fired up to become a pump dragon on Tuesday!

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Re: You Better, You Better, You Bet.


Post by lehman906 » Sun Oct 16, 2022 7:22 am

Nothing much to report. Todd wasn’t available for our Friday session, so I had to make do at home, which was fine, but not interesting. Nothing on a primarily lower body day is particularly interesting right now, but hopefully will result in some better conditioned and hardier knees that can take some heavier training.

I had a hard time with the barbell push pressing, which is weird because it’s such a simple movement. I haven’t done any kind of overhead work with a barbell in a long time, and it was tough getting it to feel like one movement. It didn’t help that I had to hold an Olympic rack position otherwise there was considerable elbow pain. I’m going to keep push pressing in because I believe it’s valuable, but switch to the log. It’s comfortable, it’s specific to the goal, and most importantly, it’s pain free and repeatable.

On that last note, that’s why I’m back to doing pull ups in the garage. The hammer grip handles are pain free and that’s the only door the attachment fits on. Find the things that don’t hurt and do them a lot, right? Fair warning, I’m figuring out barbell flute bridges right now, so they may appear I. Here sometime. Prepare to shudder and scroll by quickly.

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Re: You Better, You Better, You Bet.


Post by lehman906 » Sun Oct 23, 2022 3:08 pm

Just plugging along. It was a busy weekend, but still a fun one. Everything felt….fine. No big breakthroughs, but no setbacks either. A few little nice touches, like using Greg Nuckols flare and push technique on bench and doing lots of pain free pull ups. Otherwise not too exciting.

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Re: You Better, You Better, You Bet.


Post by lehman906 » Sun Oct 30, 2022 10:10 am

Overall a good week of training, although I did have some mysterious misses on the log press. Just telling myself that sometimes it do be that way and I’ll get it this week. One highlight for me was that I didn’t do as much on Wed and Sun, which sounds weird, but T/F are the important training days, so this is the correct approach. Do I say this every week? Yes. Do I listen to it every week? Nope. This is just an aspect of my personality. I have coworkers telling me that I’m trying to do too much at work and that I’m a great teacher, and in my head I’m screaming “you haven’t seen me teach! I could be so much better if I just worked harder!” And I’m very similar with my training. With every aspect of my life, really. There are positives in that it drives me to improve, but I recognize the unhealthy aspects of it as well. It’s PROBS not great to think that you aren’t good enough at everything. Or almost everything, anyway. Imposter syndrome is a bitch.

Anyway, all of the support and accessory exercises are going well, and I’m trying to be proud of myself for putting a governor on my intensity today. No music, pajama pants, anything I could do to get away from my rituals and keep everything in check. It worked well, and everything moved the way it was supposed to. Shoulders, elbows, and knees felt good, got a sick pump, bro, and got out of there.

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Re: You Better, You Better, You Bet.


Post by lehman906 » Sun Nov 06, 2022 3:43 pm

Some good things happening. It was ugly, but I got the 200 log for 2 sets of 3. This is a weight I should be able to do for at least 6, but progress is progress. I didn’t get any footage of Friday’s workout because I was in a super hurry, but we’ve gone up on everything every week. Increasing intensity and volume in some cases, so it is probably good to back off a bit this week, even if I hate it. Low handle trap bar deads are up to a fairly easy 5 at 415, we did a ton of goblet squats with the 90, and front squats went up to an easy double at 245.

Pull ups are feeing great. I’m telling myself to chase quality over quantity, and get full extension on all reps. My shoulders are feeling good, and I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s having a big effect on the log. The bottom position of these pull-ups is the lockout position of the log.

I have to tell myself not to be embarrassed by these weights and be happy with progress, but it isn’t easy. I’m never happy with where I’m at because I can always see where I should be and it’s tantalizingly close.

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Re: You Better, You Better, You Bet.


Post by lehman906 » Sat Nov 12, 2022 3:42 pm

Last week of this block. We have a joke that I need to do a single with whatever the working weight is on the log, because my second set is always considerably better than my first, but maybe there is something to that. Problem is that isn’t always possible in a contest. I missed the first double at 210, then, as you can see, got exceptionally pissed and got the second one. It’s frustrating because that used to be a gimme. I did get it, and it still seems to be a gimme for a single, so I’ll try to keep that in mind. All of the assistance work progressed throughout, so that’s good.

The next block will have a lot more volume at a lower weight to ensure a ton of practice, which, with my more Olympic style, should be helpful. I will also start to CAREFULLY reintroduce front squats because the trunk position and quad work are so specific. But as I had some knee pain again on the log pressing, I’m going to have to be frustratingly conservative. I practiced on positions this weekend, and a narrower stance with feet straight seems to feel the best, which defies logic, but my body is weird anyway.

In better news, those pull ups are progressing with zero pain, and my shoulders feel good, and the lockout positions overhead feel better. I moved my grip on bench in just a touch, and that, while keeping the flare, made my bench slightly less embarrassing. I got a single at 245 after doing 3x6 and 2x15, so happy about that. I tried some RDLs today, after not doing any kind of barbell deadlifting in forever, and 3x5@315 was too easy, so that’s very encouraging.

Overall, training is going well. It’s too easy to focus on the negatives, but there are definitely more positives.

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Re: You Better, You Better, You Bet.


Post by lehman906 » Sun Nov 20, 2022 3:45 pm

Bloaty from trivia snacks last night. Blerg.

Good week of training. My idea of doing front squats twice a week after pressing isn’t going to work because it turns out my knee just can’t take that. I tried all of the standard practices: reduce load, reduce ROM, try a variation, and nothing was working. But log pressing feels okay, which is the most important thing. And if you think about the technique of pressing in the jerk style, counting the clean you’re doing three quarter squats per rep, so twenty total reps is sixty partial squats just in that session, so I guess I shouldn’t be surprised. I’m just using that time to get a bunch of extra back work. No downside to stronger juicier upper back, right? And ab work, I suppose. If I have to.

By Sunday, my foot and knees were feeling much better. My foot is better than it’s felt in a month. I never knew how much of a difference good shoes can make. I did my benching today, which is coming back. Single at 250, then back offs. After LOTS of warming up my knees, I did some low weight SSB squats just to see. The fact that they were 90% pain free is enough for right now. Then RDL’s 315x5x3. I found a video about Nordic good mornings, which look like nothing, but actually feel like a decent glute exercise. Them, plus Nordic curls should be a good addition on Wednesdays.

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Re: You Better, You Better, You Bet.


Post by lehman906 » Sun Nov 27, 2022 10:08 am

Volume pressing on the log is feeling good, even if my knee won’t tolerate additional squatting. That part is frustrating, but log is the goal, and the most important thing is that it is pain free and technique is becoming a little more ingrained. Since deep knee flexion is out, I can give extra attention to the posterior chain. RDLs are still feeling good, and I’m making sure that they, too, fall under the mantra of Chase quality, not weight. I’m making sure to feel the stretch in the hamstrings and flex my glutes hard to extend the hips and not my lower back. Really, all of the accessories are feeling good and going up except for knee extension, so overall, it’s heading in the right direction.

Keeping my weight under 200 is going to be sorely tested during the holiday season. Part of me wants to say fuck it for the next month, but I’m trying to keep disciplined. At least a little.

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Re: You Better, You Better, You Bet.


Post by lehman906 » Sun Dec 11, 2022 9:34 am

Very much a meh week of training. Tuesday got all messed up because I had to have a new tire put on (marking the third tire issue I’ve been involved with in the last two years). What I should have done was push the training to the next day and done what I could at Todd’s house, but I was already all caffeinated when I got the call that my car would be another two hours, so I just messed around with Incline bench and a bunch of rows and sundry back stuff.

I tried to do Tuesday’s workout on Friday, and I don’t know if it was end of the week tiredness or not great sleep or what, but I didn’t have a lot of pop. That trend continued yesterday as I only got 4 reps on the bench wirh 225 after getting 6 the week before. Everything was just a bit out of sync.

On a positive note, I’m being more consistent with my stretching, and my foot is feeling better. Now if my knee would just get with the program.

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Re: You Better, You Better, You Bet.


Post by lehman906 » Sun Dec 18, 2022 11:09 am

Continuing to make small incremental progress. Slight weight bump on regular log sets, and rep increases on the strict log press, meaning it’s time to go up. I think the ridiculously high box SSB squats I’m doing, while too embarrassing to record, may be paying dividends. The range of motion is similar to the dip and drive, and the heavier weights strengthens my trunk to add stability. Going up on my toes on each rep will hopefully help with the drive as well. It’s something.

I did discover that I can do belt squats if I sit waaaaay back on them, more like a Spanish squat than a traditional belt squat. It’s not the best quad developer, but it’s something I can do through a full range of motion. I’m also liking my decision to switch from RDLs to stiff-legged deads. As long as I focus on keeping my legs almost straight I’m getting a better range of motion. I did an easy 315 while thinking of continuing up, but noticed that my knees were bending more than I thought they were. I have to keep these strict, although I’m pretty sure I can still pull 500 whenever I need to, which is nice.

Three more days of school until break!

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Re: You Better, You Better, You Bet.


Post by lehman906 » Fri Dec 30, 2022 7:45 am

New Years COVID edition!

Guess who tested positive on the last day of school before holiday break, therefore missing the students’ chance to display the projects they had been working so hard on? This guy. Luckily it was a very mild case, and after a few days of extra sleep I felt well enough to do a bit of working out in the basement. In a TOTALLY WEIRD and COMPLETELY UNEXPLAINABLE coincidence, laying around and taking time off somehow matched up with my knees hurting less. I guess we’ll never figure it out.

I was able to do some basic lifting, although Rona fatigue is real, and it definitely took away reps on each set. So that at least partially explains a pasty bald guy huffing and puffing after a minute or two. Who wants that, amirite?

I didn’t push anything too hard. Stiff legs I went up to 375 because it’s what I had without grabbing plates from the garage, and I’m lazy. Then some RDLs, which are better now that I think of them as a glute exercise and not a hamstring exercise. The best part was being able to squat without pain, though. I kept a tight lid on all of my natural caveman instincts (not easy for me) and didn’t decide to do too much or go too heavy. I did a few light doubles and called it good. Better to do too little but be able to keep doing it than try to make up for lost time all at once. I tried to do arms afterwards, but I hate direct arm work because I’m a bad bro and got bored.

Fired up to get back to real training, and even more fired up to test negative this morning. Happy New Years to all my ones of readers out there!

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Re: You Better, You Better, You Bet.


Post by lehman906 » Sun Jan 08, 2023 1:11 pm

What else does one do when in the hallway between 5th grade bball games but update the ol’ log for my legion of viewer.

Surprisingly good first week back to real training after my Rona vacation. All of my lifts are feeling stronger and more pain-free. All technique experiments are officially over-I’m dancing with who brung me. That means breaking more at the hips on squats because my femurs are freakishly long. That means keeping my stance at jump width with toes forward in log press. That means high hips and a more stiff leg Deadlift. Like I said in my Training Rules post-optimum technique is what feels comfortable and stable and most importantly-pain free for you. This is blindingly obvious, I know, but for over thinkers like me, obvious isn’t always so obvious.

Log has felt fast and stable, and I was able to get what I got pre-sickness but for better quality reps. Squats felt good but aren’t pictured because of easing-in baby weights. Deadlifts were the real surprise. I have done them once or twice in the last 6 months or so, and I could stiff leg 405 for 5 with an RPE of maybe 7? I feel like I could pull 500 right now. I did two back offs of 315x10 and could have done more. Im glad I didn’t, though, since I can identify every muscle in my back by individual soreness. Turn the sound on to hear Mistah Dobalina. That song is guaranteed to put a smile on your face.

Also, chins with a 28 lb weight vest are something else. Especially when you’ve decided to actually try doing some direct arm work. Oof.

Nothing but bench and some arm stuff today. Probably stretching and glutes later, but that’s not much. Go Lions! An even more unhappy than usual Aaron Rodgers is a glorious sight.

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Re: You Better, You Better, You Bet.


Post by lehman906 » Sun Jan 15, 2023 4:58 pm

Steady on. Nothing new to report from last week, but still trending in the right direction. Volume and heavy log work is feeling good and moving up. Deadlift still feels great, and getting 225x2 on the incline bench was a pleasant surprise.

Friday was pajama day at our school, and it happened to be the day I forgot my training clothes, hence my Lions jammies. They didn’t seem to impede me too much, though. Maybe I should train in pajamas more often!

I’m really appreciating the fact that I can still do this at 48. Not just that my body is holding up, but my overall general health. I have people I care about that can’t seem to catch a break with their health, and besides sympathizing with them and hoping for improvement, it puts my own good fortune in perspective.

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Re: You Better, You Better, You Bet.


Post by lehman906 » Sat Jan 21, 2023 5:44 pm

Mixed bag inside and outside of training.

Pros-log press keeps feeling good, and my new MB Powercenter sleeves definitely add some pop at the top of the movement. Those things are heavy duty. Deadlift still feels good, and I kept my top set and an eminently doable 415x5, but got a better, smoother set.

Cons-I’m probably going to have to accept the fact that squats are out while I’m log pressing twice a week. My knee really flared up even after just 3 easy sets of 220x3. The new sleeves are almost like wraps and could allow me to squat, but would that just be kicking the can down the road? And sleeves that tight basically do the work of your quads, which defeats the purpose for a non-powerlifter. Very frustrating. That’s only one thing on the con side, but it’s a frustrating one.

Outside of training:
Pro-Final exams went well and I’ve never been this prepared for the beginning of semester two. That’s a very good feeling, even if I have a hard time trusting it.

Con-I haven’t been at my best this week and I’m pretty sure that I upset someone who A) didn’t deserve it, and B) already has more on their plate than anyone should. All you can do is apologize, but this is one of those things where you’d love to have a reset button.

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Re: You Better, You Better, You Bet.


Post by lehman906 » Sun Jan 29, 2023 12:51 pm

Training went alright, but it may be about time for a deload. Having some problems finishing when the log is heavy, and I’m not sure if it’s a strength issue or just not having the confidence to commit to it. Both will come with practice.

Other than that, it was very business as usual with nothing notable. Accessories are progressing: 90s for 10s on the DB floor press, 425x5, 335x10 on the stiffies. Business as usual.

Outside of training, I did get to spend time in a library, which I haven’t done in a long time. Forgot how awesome those places are. Exploring a new one can be a bit of a time-suck, but well worth it.

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