Veni, vidi, levavi, BenM Blathers

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Re: Veni, vidi, levavi, BenM Blathers


Post by BenM » Fri Nov 25, 2022 2:36 am

Fri 25/11/22: Restart or Something D9

AM BW: 88.2kg

Background Noise: Suicidal Tendencies - Lights... Camera... Revolution

2 Count Pause SSB Squat:
1 minute rests

Single Leg Kettlebell RDL:
1 minute rests

Weighted Back Extension:
90 seconds rest

Low Incline Pause Dumbbell Bench:
12x42.5lb / hand
12x42.5lb / hand
12x42.5lb / hand
1 minute rests

Dumbbell Upright Row:
12x50lb / hand
12x50lb / hand
12x50lb / hand
90 second rests


Nutrition/Health/Life Stuff:
  • Slept very well. It's been a long week, and I'm definitely feeling some fatigue, but felt decent when I got up. I'm a long way from peak stronk, but every training session is a win.
Training Notes:
  • Same protocol as last week, just worked up to what I felt my leg could tolerate. Couldn't resist adding 3kg from last week, and definitely caused a little tightness, so I don't think I want to go much heavier than this. Got to be super conservative, it's been feeling pretty good in the day to day, so just hope I can squat light weights once a week and slowly heal up.
  • Got a glute burn from the RDLs, they were easier than last time I think.
  • Added a tiny bit of weight to the back extensions. Still very easy. But my back was already a bit tired, two sets was plenty.
  • Benching was easier than last week but it was also a smidge lighter so it should have been. Shoulder is OK at these loads.
  • Added some weight to the upright rows, happy with these because 3 months ago this definitely would have been intolerable, but it was no issue at all today.
  • All done in 49 minutes. I'm a day ahead of schedule, might do some proper benching tomorrow, or just take a day off. Thanks for reading!

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Re: Veni, vidi, levavi, BenM Blathers


Post by slowmotion » Fri Nov 25, 2022 5:48 am

BenM wrote: Fri Nov 25, 2022 2:33 am
[*]My shoulder really didn't love the first 70kg rep, and I probably should warm it up with lower weights but don't want to muck about changing so many plates.
Why not try warming up with
20 x 5 x 5
40 x 5 x 2
60 x 5
before going to 70?
See how your shoulder behaves.

Did one slightly heavier rep, felt sad about how heavy a sub 100kg single felt, then did a bit of light volume at a tolerable load. It occurred to me that the pain is only really in the bottom position so I could probably do some heavier training with spoto or pin bench. Made a mental note to slot that in, probably the latter.
I like board press better than pin press. Just be sure to adjust the safeties up a bit.

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Re: Veni, vidi, levavi, BenM Blathers


Post by BenM » Sat Nov 26, 2022 2:14 am

slowmotion wrote: Fri Nov 25, 2022 5:48 am
BenM wrote: Fri Nov 25, 2022 2:33 am
[*]My shoulder really didn't love the first 70kg rep, and I probably should warm it up with lower weights but don't want to muck about changing so many plates.
Why not try warming up with
20 x 5 x 5
40 x 5 x 2
60 x 5
before going to 70?
See how your shoulder behaves.

Did one slightly heavier rep, felt sad about how heavy a sub 100kg single felt, then did a bit of light volume at a tolerable load. It occurred to me that the pain is only really in the bottom position so I could probably do some heavier training with spoto or pin bench. Made a mental note to slot that in, probably the latter.
I like board press better than pin press. Just be sure to adjust the safeties up a bit.
Yeah I had the same thought about warmups. It's mostly laziness, I've always just gone bar -> red plates but clearly I can't right now. Did things a bit differently today and it seemed to go better, thanks.

I had considered board press but thought I'd find it annoying stuffing a bottle down my shirt. I've been thinking about bench blocks for ages but never pulled the trigger, if I'd realised I could get knockoffs from AliExpress for about $5 US I probably would have! Also considered spoto. But today I remember about my slingshot and that seems like it might be helpful too.

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Saturday Stuff


Post by BenM » Sat Nov 26, 2022 2:14 am

Sat 26/11/22: Restart or Something D10

AM BW: 88.2kg

Background Noise: Guns 'N Roses - Use Your Illusion II

3:1:0 Tempo Medium Grip Bench Press:
90 second rests

Slingshot Bench Press:
90 second rests

Lat Pulldown:
12x60kg @ 7.5
2 minute rests

EZ Bar Curl:
10x25kg @ 9
10x20kg @ 6.5
12x20kg @ 9.5
90 second rests

Seated Dumbbell Press:
12x27.5lb / hand
12x27.5lb / hand
12x27.5lb / hand @ 6.5
90 second rests


Nutrition/Health/Life Stuff:
  • Didn't really get enough sleep last night. Had stuff to do and got up pretty early. Still managed a nap after lunch and did this late in the afternoon before tacos.
Training Notes:
  • Bench seemed to go a bit better today - maybe the extra warmup, maybe also the fact I didn't push the top sets too hard too early, the last set got a bit challenging (holy crap I've lost some strength) but don't think I pushed the shoulder past its limits. Was going to do close grip for some back off work and then I remembered I bought a new slingshot ages ago (I outgrew the old one) and I'd never even pulled it out of the packet. Did some back off work with that, and it was decent - the assistance at the bottom helps take the pressure off so these will be a nice way to train around the issue.
  • I overdid the lat pulldowns last week and annoyed my shoulder (and had bad lat DOMS) so went a little lighter and didn't push very hard.
  • Was intending to do EZ bar curls then some dumbbell curls but I kinda got carried away with the EZ bar. Apart from my elbow getting tweaky these felt pretty good and I pushed a bit.
  • Did some light dumbbell presses to finish, trying to stay conservative with these. Not painful really, just stretched it out. Good enough.
  • All done in 45 minutes, this was a pretty good day.

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Re: Veni, vidi, levavi, BenM Blathers


Post by BenM » Sun Nov 27, 2022 8:41 pm

Mon 28/11/22: Restart or Something D11

AM BW: 87.8kg

Background Noise: Guns 'N Roses - Live Era '87-'93

5x170kg @ 6.5
6x170kg @ 8
2 minute rests

RDL to Floor:
10x120kg @ 7
90 seconds rest

Lying Leg Extension:
10x90kg @ 7
10x90kg @ 8.5
8x80kg @ 8.5
90 second rests

Dumbbell Squeeze Press:
12x50lb / hand
12x50lb / hand
12x50lb / hand @ 6.5
90 second rests

Back Extension:
90 seconds rest


Nutrition/Health/Life Stuff:
  • Slept reasonably well, and probably would've got up at 4:45am even without the alarm. Still wasn't super keen to deadlift, but feel like I need to keep in touch with the movement even if I can't/won't pull anything heavy.
Training Notes:
  • First warmup sets felt fine but 170kg felt really heavy - I am a long way out of practice. One set of five was fine, the second set my hand was really badly pinched by the bar and I couldn't keep going, so I did a set of six in anger to finish. I need to deadlift more and toughen my hands up - this new bar has pretty aggressive knurling and I'm just not used to it.
  • I kinda raced through the RDLs a bit, but they weren't awfully hard which was a nice way to round out the deadlift stuff.
  • Needed some more quads after that so added a bit more weight to the leg extensions and pushed them quite hard. The third set was seriously burning and while I probably had the physical strength for a few more I didn't have it between my ears.
  • Bumped up the weight on the squeeze presses since these are reasonably shoulder safe, at least I thought so. They did start to get a bit challenging at the end of the third set and stretched my sore shoulder out just a tiny bit, but didn't hurt it so all good.
  • Added a bit more weight to the back extensions, got a groove going eventually. The second set was still relatively easy, maybe @ 5ish, but I was starting to get a back pump and called it for the day.
  • This was a decent hitout and starting to feel like actual hard training again. Still pretty quick at 47 minutes though.

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Post by BenM » Thu Dec 01, 2022 1:32 am

Wed 30/11/22: Restart or Something D12

AM BW: 88.3kg

Background Noise: Megadeth - Greatest Hits: Back to the Start

3 Count Pause Bench Press:
90 second rests

2 Count Pause Low Incline Bench Press:
1 minute rests

Helms Dumbbell Row:
10x62.5lb / hand
10x62.5lb / hand
10x62.5lb / hand @ 7
90 second rests

Triceps Push Down w/Rope:
12x20kg @ 6.5
12x20kg @ 7
12x20kg @ 7.5
--- Supersetted with ---
Pinwheel Curl:
15x25lb / hand
15x25lb / hand
15x25lb / hand @ 6.5
90 seconds between supersets

Dumbbell Walking Lunge:
20x30lb / hand
20x30lb / hand
90 seconds rest

Nutrition/Health/Life Stuff:
  • Slept very solidly, but when the alarm went off I was completely out of it. Still kinda wanted to train when I got up though. My energy levels this week have been much improved and I feel like I've finally shaken off that chest infection. Those two things are probably related!
Training Notes:
  • Decided on a long pause bench for this slot. The warmups didn't feel all that great and seeemed to open my shoulder up a bit, so I tried to stay very very conservative. The incline bench afterward was not good... a single at just 55 measly kilos kinda hurt and I decided to drop back and do some really light volume. Even that weight was only just tolerable.
  • Added a couple of pounds to the last weight I did with these dumbbell rows. Last set got a bit challenging.
  • Did the old faithful tris and bis supersets, pleasantly surprised with the triceps as this is the best I've managed with these for a while - perhaps because they weren't smoked from benching heavy beforehand. Curls were really light, but my elbow did start to get a bit annoyed by the end.
  • Some nice light walking lunges to finish just because I wanted to do a little quad work and get a sweat going.
  • All finished in 48 minutes, a pretty decent day despite my bench being hampered by this gorram shoulder problem still.

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Post by BenM » Thu Dec 01, 2022 1:34 am

Thu 01/12/22: Restart or Something D13

AM BW: 88.7kg

Background Noise: Metallica - Garage Inc

2 Count Pause SSB Squat:
1 minute rests

SSB Good Morning:
90 second rests

Decline Sit Up:
12xBW @ 6.5
12xBW @ 10
90 second rests

Low Incline Pause Dumbbell Bench:
12x45lb / hand
12x45lb / hand
12x45lb / hand
90 second rests

Dumbbell Upright Row:
12x55lb / hand
12x55lb / hand
12x55lb / hand @ 7.5
90 second rests


Nutrition/Health/Life Stuff:
  • Last night's sleep was slightly broken and definitely a bit shorter than I wanted because we wanted to start watching Wednesday last night (and I'm glad we did, first episode was good). For some reason though I still had the idea of doing this squat session a day early, when I woke up I briefly considered going back to bed but not for long. It's not heavy at all.
Training Notes:
  • Added a scooch of weight to the last warmup and work sets, after last week I had thought that I may not go any heavier for a bit, but these were definitely a little more comfortable than last week, so good signs.
  • Figured good mornings work well as a hamstring movement since the SSB is loaded and ready, but I went a little lighter with the weight than last time and had the safeties a little higher. Tried really hard to hinge properly and felt them in my hamstrings and glutes, still worked my lower back a bit too but I think these were good.
  • Maybe I should've put another quad movement after that but decline sit ups seemed like a nice opposing movement to the good mornings, had the bench at a lower incline than usual and got twelves for three sets with the last being about everything I had.
  • Got a good tempo going with the dumbbell bench - it had my shoulder clicking a bit but it was only a bit tight, and the last set actually felt pretty good.
  • Went heavier again on the upright rows, the last set got quite difficult and maybe caused the tiniest hint of shoulder pain but almost nothing, was a nice way to finish.
  • All over in 50 minutes, and a pretty decent way to start the day.

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Re: Veni, vidi, levavi, BenM Blathers


Post by BenM » Fri Dec 02, 2022 11:14 pm

Sat 03/12/22: Restart or Something D14

AM BW: 88.7kg

Background Noise: First Test (Aus v WI D4)

3:1:0 Tempo Medium Grip Bench Press:
5x87.5kg @ 7
5x87.5kg @ 7.5
5x87.5kg @ 8.5
2 minute rests

Slingshot Bench Press:
90 second rests

Lat Pulldown:
12x65kg @ 8.5
11x60kg @ 10
2 minute rests

EZ Bar Curl:
8x30kg @ 9.5
8x25kg @ 8.5
8x25kg @ 10
8x22.5kg @ 8.5
90 second rests

Seated Dumbbell Press:
12x30lb / hand
12x30lb / hand
12x30lb / hand @ 6.5
2 minute rests


Nutrition/Health/Life Stuff:
  • Woke up this morning feeling pretty dang tired, it's been a big week. Circumstances kept me pretty busy this morning and this ended up being a mid afternoon session, after a decent lunch and a nap. It was hot in the gym and I took my shirt off. Sorry if the pasty whiteness of my dadbod torso is offensive.
Training Notes:
  • Bench felt very heavy and I feel a fair amount of regret about how much strength I seem to have lost, but my shoulder wasn't terribly sore so at least it seems to be slowly improving. I probably wanted eights with the slingshot but hit the safety twice in the first set, and hit the j-hook in the second, so they weren't great quality - but I got some volume done.
  • Went back up with the lat pulldowns. Reasonably happy with these, got a few more reps than last time and a decent back stretch.
  • Was hoping for more from the curls but they were just heavy, I guess my biceps were probably a bit worn out from the lat pulldowns too. But again got some work in and despite being weaker than I used to be at least I pushed myself.
  • Some nice light work for the shoulders to finish, no harder than last time, although I did pull up a little sore afterwards so I probably just need to hang out around this weight for next week too.
  • Finished in 54 minutes, dripping with sweat, but I'm staying consistent.

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Attempted Murder of the Quads


Post by BenM » Sat Dec 03, 2022 7:48 pm

Sun 04/12/22: Restart or Something D15

AM BW: 88.0kg

Background Noise: V8 Supercars (Adelaide)

3x185kg @ 8
5x170kg @ 6
5x170kg @ 6.5
5x170kg @ 6.5
2 minute rests

RDL to Floor:
10x125kg @ 7
90 seconds rest

Lying Leg Extension:
10x95kg @ 6.5
8x95kg @ 7
8x95kg @ 9.5
10x80kg @ 9.5
90 second rests

Dumbbell Squeeze Press:
12x52.5lb / hand
12x52.5lb / hand
12x52.5lb / hand @ 7.5
2 minute rests

Back Extension:
15xBW+10kg @ 7.5
90 seconds rest


Nutrition/Health/Life Stuff:
  • Slept quite well last night but didn't get enough. We have this bird that taps on the window above our bed and the little bastard was going at it from about 6:15am onwards. But I had a fairly lazy morning and eventually started training around 11:30am, took lots of caffeine to get over the deadlift reluctance.
Training Notes:
  • Wanted to work up to something a bit heavier today, a triple with 185kg was good enough - I would've liked five but I am way out of condition. And I managed three sets of five with 170kg this week which I couldn't last time out so it was a little better, in fact the third set felt easy enough that I almost did six but decided that was unnecessary. The bar is still tearing up my hands but I taped my thumbs today and it was a tiny bit more bearable.
  • Added 5kg to the RDLs and got tens again easily enough. Still not using straps.
  • Worked up to a slightly heavier set of leg extensions today. Pushed these even harder than last week and my quads were absolutely rooted by the end. Probably too much, really.
  • A little more weight with the squeeze presses today, these didn't feel quite so comfortable as last time but I'm still feeling some residual soreness from yesterday. Had a really bad hip cramp at the end of the second set and then the third got quite challenging too. Needed to take slightly longer rests today, I was stuffed.
  • Didn't want to add any more weight to the back extensions yet because I just felt too hot and tired, but I did managed to push the second set for a few more reps, and struggled to dismount afterwards.
  • Got this done in 52 minutes, dripping with sweat on another warm day. I should've put the aircon on.

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Re: Veni, vidi, levavi, BenM Blathers


Post by BenM » Mon Dec 05, 2022 10:55 pm

Tue 06/12/22: Restart or Something D16

AM BW: 90.3kg

Background Noise: Metallica - Garage Inc (cont...)

3ct Pause Bench Press:
1 minute rests

Low Incline Pause Bench:
10x50kg @ 6
1 minute rests

Helms Dumbbell Row:
10x65lb / hand
10x65lb / hand
10x65lb / hand @ 8.5
90 second rests

Triceps Pushdown w/Rope:
12x20kg @ 6.5
12x20kg @ 7
--- Supersetted with ---
Pinwheel Curl:
15x27.5lb / hand
15x27.5lb / hand
15x27.5lb / hand
90 second rests between supersets

Walking Lunge:
20x27.5lb / hand
20x32.5lb / hand @ 6.5
90 seconds rest


Nutrition/Health/Life Stuff:
  • Kinda shocked to weigh in 1.5kg heavier this morning, that's really unusual unless I've had a binge the day before (and I didn't). Occasionally my scales do weird shit like this so hopefully that's all it is. In fact even if it's not, who cares, my body comp is ok and I haven't been eating like an asshole so it is what it is.
  • Aside from that though, I woke up feeling very tired, bloated, with chest DOMS, and feel like I might be getting a head cold again so you know, could be inflammation causing the weight spike too!
Training Notes:
  • Worked up to something a little heavier with these long pause sets, but ended up staying really conservative and just doing triples. Shoulder managed OK, I could have kept doing sets at this weight for quite a while longer. Didn't enjoy the low incline at all though, they were certainly uncomfortable at the bottom depending on how I positioned my elbows, but I don't think they were as bad as last week and I even upped the reps a bit for the last set.
  • Added 2.5lb to the rows, was kinda surprised to get tens across on short rests, I called the last set @ 8.5 because the ROM felt like it was dropping off a lot and getting a bit cheaty.
  • Reasonably happy with the biceps and triceps too - a little more weight for the curls, same for the triceps. Same reps with both, and triceps were maybe a little easier than last time out.
  • I actually didn't check last week's session and thought I'd done lunges with the same weight as the curls. Nope. So the first set was a little lighter, but then I realised my mistake and threw another 5lb plate on each dumbbell, that second set was pretty challenging. I'm tired and unfit.
  • Still a pretty decent effort in 49 minutes. I no complain.

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Mid-Week Squats


Post by BenM » Tue Dec 06, 2022 7:38 pm

Wed 07/12/22: Restart or Something D17

AM BW: 89.9kg

Background Noise: 1996 JJJ Hottest 100

2 Count Pause SSB Squat:
1 minute rests

SSB Good Morning:
90 second rests

Decline Sit Up:
15 reps
14 reps @ 8.5
10 reps @ 9.5
7 reps @ 10
2 minute rests

Low Incline Pause Dumbbell Bench:
12x47.5lb / hand
12x47.5lb / hand
12x47.5lb / hand
90 second rests

Dumbbell Upright Row:
12x47.5lb / hand
12x47.5lb / hand
12x47.5lb / hand
90 second rests


Nutrition/Health/Life Stuff:
  • Woke up really tired, and heavy again, so yesterday obviously wasn't scale error. Wasn't dreading training, but just starting to feel like I need a break in general. Grateful Christmas is only a couple of weeks away.
Training Notes:
  • Reasonably happy with how squats went today. Warming up with tens isn't fun even with these light weights, but the work sets were again a slight improvement over last week in terms of discomfort and I felt good enough to add a fourth set, with a nice long hold at the end of it.
  • Added 5kg to the good mornings, had a pretty decent back pump after the first and wondered if I'd even get through three sets, but it was fine - pretty tight after the third set but that didn't last long.
  • Pushed the sit ups a bit harder this week too - more reps in the first set, and did four in total. Really didn't feel like pushing very hard, so I took 2 minute rests and kinda cruised a bit (if you can call sit ups to failure cruising).
  • Added 2.5lb to the benching, the first set didn't feel good at all really but I got a bit of a rhythm going in the second and third and they didn't feel too bad. The third was a little challenging.
  • Decided to just use the weight that was already loaded for the upright rows today, I was feeling a little lazy. No regrets at all though, and my shoulder had had enough by the end too so it was just as well.
  • Finished up in 54 minutes today. Not a bad day at all.

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Post by BenM » Thu Dec 08, 2022 5:48 pm

Fri 09/12/22: Restart or Something D18

AM BW: 89.5kg

Background Noise: 1996 JJJ Hottest 100 (cont...)

3:1:0 Tempo Medium Grip Bench Press:
2 minute rests

Slingshot Bench Press:
90 second rests

Lat Pulldown:
10x70kg @ 9.5
10x62.5kg @ 9.5
8x62.5kg @ 10
2 minute rests

EZ Bar Curl:
6x32.5kg @ 9.5
6x30kg @ 9.5
6x30kg @ 10
8x25kg @ 8.5
8x25kg @ 9
90 second rests

Seated Dumbbell Press:
10x32.5lb / hand
10x32.5lb / hand
12x32.5lb / hand
90 second rests


Nutrition/Health/Life Stuff:
  • Well, I woke up multiple times to pee, but didn't sleep TOO badly, and I was only a little tired when I woke up this morning. TGIF!
Training Notes:
  • I was intending to do some sets with 90+ kilos today, but did a single at 90kg, my shoulder felt janky, and I just decided to nope out of that. I did, however, want to try a single at 100kg just to prove I can still bench two plates, it felt heavy and clearly I'm way below my best, but whatever. Did a few sets with only a little less than planned, and even pushed the last set to six reps and made my legs shake a lot. At least I managed some pretty easy eights with the slingshot, with a very messy last set due to hitting the safeties and the j-hook.
  • Went a bit heavier with the lat pulldowns, did a ten percent load drop, and pushed to four pretty hard sets. Solid effort.
  • After pushing the back work a bit harder I pushed curls pretty hard too - started a bit heavier and managed five challenging sets. I _think_ I could've got another rep from the last one but my elbow had had enough.
  • Added 2.5lbs to the seated press, but just did tens at least to start with, to try and keep them easy. Felt good enough to push for twelve from the third.
  • All done, 55 minutes. Sick of being broken. I will probably try and find a physio early next year if it doesn't improve like, a lot with some rest over the break. But I'm skeptical to be honest (both that it will improve by itself, or that a physio will help much). At least it feels like my leg is going to come good eventually, so I may be able to squat a little heavier soon.

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Re: Friday


Post by MarkKO » Thu Dec 08, 2022 6:00 pm

BenM wrote: Thu Dec 08, 2022 5:48 pm Fri 09/12/22: Restart or Something D18

AM BW: 89.5kg

Background Noise: 1996 JJJ Hottest 100 (cont...)

3:1:0 Tempo Medium Grip Bench Press:
2 minute rests

Slingshot Bench Press:
90 second rests

Lat Pulldown:
10x70kg @ 9.5
10x62.5kg @ 9.5
8x62.5kg @ 10
2 minute rests

EZ Bar Curl:
6x32.5kg @ 9.5
6x30kg @ 9.5
6x30kg @ 10
8x25kg @ 8.5
8x25kg @ 9
90 second rests

Seated Dumbbell Press:
10x32.5lb / hand
10x32.5lb / hand
12x32.5lb / hand
90 second rests


Nutrition/Health/Life Stuff:
  • Well, I woke up multiple times to pee, but didn't sleep TOO badly, and I was only a little tired when I woke up this morning. TGIF!
Training Notes:
  • I was intending to do some sets with 90+ kilos today, but did a single at 90kg, my shoulder felt janky, and I just decided to nope out of that. I did, however, want to try a single at 100kg just to prove I can still bench two plates, it felt heavy and clearly I'm way below my best, but whatever. Did a few sets with only a little less than planned, and even pushed the last set to six reps and made my legs shake a lot. At least I managed some pretty easy eights with the slingshot, with a very messy last set due to hitting the safeties and the j-hook.
  • Went a bit heavier with the lat pulldowns, did a ten percent load drop, and pushed to four pretty hard sets. Solid effort.
  • After pushing the back work a bit harder I pushed curls pretty hard too - started a bit heavier and managed five challenging sets. I _think_ I could've got another rep from the last one but my elbow had had enough.
  • Added 2.5lbs to the seated press, but just did tens at least to start with, to try and keep them easy. Felt good enough to push for twelve from the third.
  • All done, 55 minutes. Sick of being broken. I will probably try and find a physio early next year if it doesn't improve like, a lot with some rest over the break. But I'm skeptical to be honest (both that it will improve by itself, or that a physio will help much). At least it feels like my leg is going to come good eventually, so I may be able to squat a little heavier soon.
There's a pretty good chance the shoulder will come good if you completely change how you train upper body.

If you the some two to three months and do NO barbell bench of any kind and seriously, seriously limit DB pressing as well; while focusing very hard on your rear delts, upper back and rotator cuff; you should see pretty good improvement.

It's a hit to take, but it'll work.

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Re: Friday


Post by slowmotion » Fri Dec 09, 2022 1:14 am

BenM wrote: Thu Dec 08, 2022 5:48 pm
[*]I was intending to do some sets with 90+ kilos today, but did a single at 90kg, my shoulder felt janky, and I just decided to nope out of that. I did, however, want to try a single at 100kg just to prove I can still bench two plates, it felt heavy and clearly I'm way below my best, but whatever. Did a few sets with only a little less than planned, and even pushed the last set to six reps and made my legs shake a lot. At least I managed some pretty easy eights with the slingshot, with a very messy last set due to hitting the safeties and the j-hook.
Planting your feet flat on the floor would probably stop the legs shaking. Maybe the whole setup would feel more stable too.

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Re: Friday


Post by MarkKO » Fri Dec 09, 2022 1:30 am

slowmotion wrote: Fri Dec 09, 2022 1:14 am
BenM wrote: Thu Dec 08, 2022 5:48 pm
[*]I was intending to do some sets with 90+ kilos today, but did a single at 90kg, my shoulder felt janky, and I just decided to nope out of that. I did, however, want to try a single at 100kg just to prove I can still bench two plates, it felt heavy and clearly I'm way below my best, but whatever. Did a few sets with only a little less than planned, and even pushed the last set to six reps and made my legs shake a lot. At least I managed some pretty easy eights with the slingshot, with a very messy last set due to hitting the safeties and the j-hook.
Planting your feet flat on the floor would probably stop the legs shaking. Maybe the whole setup would feel more stable too.
It might, but it might not. Legs shaking isn't necessarily bad, if it's coming from tension pushing through the feet.

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Re: Friday


Post by slowmotion » Fri Dec 09, 2022 1:55 am

MarkKO wrote: Fri Dec 09, 2022 1:30 am
slowmotion wrote: Fri Dec 09, 2022 1:14 am
BenM wrote: Thu Dec 08, 2022 5:48 pm
[*]I was intending to do some sets with 90+ kilos today, but did a single at 90kg, my shoulder felt janky, and I just decided to nope out of that. I did, however, want to try a single at 100kg just to prove I can still bench two plates, it felt heavy and clearly I'm way below my best, but whatever. Did a few sets with only a little less than planned, and even pushed the last set to six reps and made my legs shake a lot. At least I managed some pretty easy eights with the slingshot, with a very messy last set due to hitting the safeties and the j-hook.
Planting your feet flat on the floor would probably stop the legs shaking. Maybe the whole setup would feel more stable too.
It might, but it might not. Legs shaking isn't necessarily bad, if it's coming from tension pushing through the feet.
I see that both of you prefer pushing from your toes while benching. I prefer planting my feet flat and pushing form the heel. That just makes the whole bench set up feel much more stable to me.

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Re: Friday


Post by MarkKO » Fri Dec 09, 2022 2:09 am

slowmotion wrote: Fri Dec 09, 2022 1:55 am
MarkKO wrote: Fri Dec 09, 2022 1:30 am
slowmotion wrote: Fri Dec 09, 2022 1:14 am
BenM wrote: Thu Dec 08, 2022 5:48 pm
[*]I was intending to do some sets with 90+ kilos today, but did a single at 90kg, my shoulder felt janky, and I just decided to nope out of that. I did, however, want to try a single at 100kg just to prove I can still bench two plates, it felt heavy and clearly I'm way below my best, but whatever. Did a few sets with only a little less than planned, and even pushed the last set to six reps and made my legs shake a lot. At least I managed some pretty easy eights with the slingshot, with a very messy last set due to hitting the safeties and the j-hook.
Planting your feet flat on the floor would probably stop the legs shaking. Maybe the whole setup would feel more stable too.
It might, but it might not. Legs shaking isn't necessarily bad, if it's coming from tension pushing through the feet.
I see that both of you prefer pushing from your toes while benching. I prefer planting my feet flat and pushing form the heel. That just makes the whole bench set up feel much more stable to me.
It certainly can do. I can't bench flat footed because if I do, my chest flattens out. I could possibly do it if I wore lifting shoes but there's never been any real incentive to try given my setup works reasonably well.

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Re: Friday


Post by BenM » Sat Dec 10, 2022 9:05 pm

MarkKO wrote: Thu Dec 08, 2022 6:00 pm There's a pretty good chance the shoulder will come good if you completely change how you train upper body.

If you the some two to three months and do NO barbell bench of any kind and seriously, seriously limit DB pressing as well; while focusing very hard on your rear delts, upper back and rotator cuff; you should see pretty good improvement.

It's a hit to take, but it'll work.
It'd be a hit alright. I'm already struggling with how much strength I seem to have lost, not benching at all would be really hard to deal with mentally.

I kinda think it's improving, but it's just super slow, and I'm probably pushing it too hard. I'm intending to taper back a little more on the bench stuff and see if it improves a bit faster without stopping completely, it might not, but we'll see.

It's not super straightforward because I think I tore it up in three separate places. Front delt hurts when I bench, side delt hurts when I do lateral raises or reach overhead, rear delt was hurting immediately after I did it too, although I think that's mostly healed now. So I made a decent mess of it.
slowmotion wrote: Fri Dec 09, 2022 1:14 am Planting your feet flat on the floor would probably stop the legs shaking. Maybe the whole setup would feel more stable too.
Maybe, but I think about 90% of it is that I'm just so detrained, and not used to heavy weight any more. That's a weight I could bench for 10-12 reps on a bad day before I hurt myself. No doubt my setup is not as tight as it could be, though - I've got lazy with it.

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Just Sunday Stuff


Post by BenM » Sat Dec 10, 2022 9:07 pm

Sun 11/12/22: Restart or Something D19

AM BW: 88.5kg

Background Noise: Tool - Ænema

3x190kg @ 8.5
5x175kg @ 7
5x175kg @ 7.5
2 minute rests

RDL to Floor:
8x130kg @ 6
8x130kg @ 7
2 minute rests

Lying Leg Extension:
8x100kg @ 6
8x100kg @ 7.5
8x90kg @ 8.5
8x85kg @ 9
90 second rests

Dumbbell Squeeze Press:
15x40lb / hand
15x40lb / hand
15x40lb / hand
2 minute rests

Back Extension:
15xBW+10kg @ 7
90 seconds rest


Nutrition/Health/Life Stuff:
  • Had a late morning session today after pretty solid sleep and a fairly lazy morning. Did a fair bit of walking yesterday, and my hip/quad tendon was a bit sore when I rolled out of bed and took the dog for his walk. Bit reluctant to deadlift as usual.
Training Notes:
  • I actually toyed with doing leg extensions first today, but decided not to change things, yet... and things didn't feel too bad really. I basically just lifted 5kg more than the same session last week, and it was a little more difficult, unsurprisingly. And I'm still struggling with skin irritation from the knurling, despite taping my thumbs again.
  • Used straps this week for the RDLs, added a little weight, dropped back to eights, and did three sets instead of two. First set was pretty easy, third set was a little challenging, but no big deal.
  • The leg extensions last week were a bit too much, I thought... but then I went and did it all again a little heavier. I think I had one rep left with that last set but I just couldn't do it, my quads were absolutely blown up.
  • I made a point of going very very light with the squeeze presses today, since I'll probably bench tomorrow morning. In fact I almost skipped them altogether, but I had some chest DOMS from Friday and wanted to get a bit of blood flowing. These were easy enough.
  • Some back extensions to finish, same weight as last week but a few more reps. Had a bit of a back pump, two sets was enough.
  • All done in 56 minutes, nice to keep these sessions under an hour even though I'm getting a decent amount of work done.

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Re: Friday


Post by MarkKO » Sat Dec 10, 2022 11:12 pm

BenM wrote: Sat Dec 10, 2022 9:05 pm
MarkKO wrote: Thu Dec 08, 2022 6:00 pm There's a pretty good chance the shoulder will come good if you completely change how you train upper body.

If you the some two to three months and do NO barbell bench of any kind and seriously, seriously limit DB pressing as well; while focusing very hard on your rear delts, upper back and rotator cuff; you should see pretty good improvement.

It's a hit to take, but it'll work.
It'd be a hit alright. I'm already struggling with how much strength I seem to have lost, not benching at all would be really hard to deal with mentally.

I kinda think it's improving, but it's just super slow, and I'm probably pushing it too hard. I'm intending to taper back a little more on the bench stuff and see if it improves a bit faster without stopping completely, it might not, but we'll see.

It's not super straightforward because I think I tore it up in three separate places. Front delt hurts when I bench, side delt hurts when I do lateral raises or reach overhead, rear delt was hurting immediately after I did it too, although I think that's mostly healed now. So I made a decent mess of it.
slowmotion wrote: Fri Dec 09, 2022 1:14 am Planting your feet flat on the floor would probably stop the legs shaking. Maybe the whole setup would feel more stable too.
Maybe, but I think about 90% of it is that I'm just so detrained, and not used to heavy weight any more. That's a weight I could bench for 10-12 reps on a bad day before I hurt myself. No doubt my setup is not as tight as it could be, though - I've got lazy with it.
You've lost strength precisely because you've tried to keep training like normal, just with a few changes.

It's unlikely to get better with merely tapering back because of how jacked up things have gotten.

My own experience would indicate that your best bet is a complete rework on how you bench AFTER you get your shoulder back to normal, aka pain free.

There's a reasonable likelihood that what you're doing currently will end up with you not being able bench, period. For good. Maybe not in the next few months, but it's coming.

Anecdotally, 300 lbs is round about where your shoulders are going to really start having issues if there are any lacks in technique or component muscles and that's precisely what happened to me and I suspect happened to you too.

While it might be hard mentally to change now, it will much harder mentally if you get to the point where you just can't bench any more no matter what you do.

I'm not saying this to be negative or anything, I've just followed what you're doing and looking back at what happened to me I can see really big similarities.

Benching isn't great for our shoulders at the best of times, but the risks can be mitigated so that they effectively don't exist. Technique has to be spot on, and your shoulders have to be built up to support the technique. For most people none of this matters because they don't do it long enough for the wear and tear to add up nor for the weight to get heavy enough to accelerate the wear and tear.

You've stuck around long enough to accumulate the wear AND get the weight heavy enough for the wear to accelerate.

Your best bet right now would be to spend three months or so (could be more) doing shoulder rehab exercises until none of them are even uncomfortable and you can move your shoulders however you like pain free. Pick two or three per delt, front mid and back. Start super light, like one or two kilos. Lots of reps.

Then couple that with (as long as it is pain free) building the hell out of your middle back and triceps, which should be doable. I've noticed you tend to train pretty heavy (heavier than me, at any rate I think) so maybe change that up for light but focusing on pump and MMC.

Work on thoracic extension, because you'll need it. Learn how to push your chest up high.

Then once you've gotten rid of the pain, which you will, relearn benching. Learn how to chest up and get high on your traps, and tuck your elbows. Learn how to get really, really tight from your feet upwards.

By that stage, you will be surprised how quickly bench strength comes back without pain.

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