Deadlift Form

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Deadlift Form


Post by Ulcerate » Sat Aug 29, 2020 5:11 am

Hello Guys......

Can anybody give me some Tips how i can figure out how to keep my damn Back straight?

Below in the Video i did a Set of 5 with 170kg.

While I'm Lifting I don't feel that my back rounds.

But as you can See in the Video it's far from optimal.

Thanks in advance.....

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Re: Deadlift Form


Post by Wilhelm » Sat Aug 29, 2020 5:32 am

Watch on .25 speed, and you can see your whole torso moving upward before the bar gets tension.

See your shoulders being pulled down as your body moves up, and before you are starting to even flex the bar?
Try to get that tension into/slack out of your body before you pull.
"Long arms" "Pull the slack out of the bar"

Your upper back isn't rounding, so as you are getting tight, pulling the slack out of the bar, and your whole body, also try arching your low back.
I've read the cue "point your butt at the wall" to cue that arch.

If you are pulling against the bar and getting tight, i think that will give you something to arch your lower back against before the pull.

That's the best i understand it.
Someone with coaching experience may have a better way of saying it, and see more than me.

Here's an older vid from Alan Thrall.
Also, he doesn't mention the low bach arch, but you can see it in the first side view lift where he isn't emphasizing the upper back rounding.

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Re: Deadlift Form


Post by AllM1ght » Sat Aug 29, 2020 12:15 pm

^on top of the above great post

It doesn't look like you are getting a whole lot of air in, and without that to brace then the core is always going to give

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Re: Deadlift Form


Post by ECG » Sat Aug 29, 2020 6:49 pm

^In addition to the above replies: Yes you need to brace the core better, and point your butt at the wall behind. Do the weightlifting shoes help your position or hurt it?

Lower the weight to something you can lift with proper form, and practice that until your form comes naturally.

Do controlled eccentrics to feel the position better. It'll put you in a better starting position for the next rep, and it will train you to use that position throughout the lift.

Pause deadlifts will also help your positioning.

Practice the hip hinge, both when you go down to grab the bar and when you pull the bar up. RDLs are good for practicing the hip hinge.

Your hip height when the bar leaves the floor is your ideal starting position. Watch the reps again and note your hip position.

Focus less on pulling the bar up from the floor, and think more about pushing the floor away from the bar.

This is a good walkthrough from Brett Gibbs (Isuf is a clown but Gibbs is solid).

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Re: Deadlift Form


Post by Stoop » Sat Aug 29, 2020 7:43 pm

I don't think there's much wrong with this set, but we have very similar pulls and I can't get a perfectly flat back either. I thought maybe the bar was a little too close to you at the bottom position and starting with it forward another half inch might help.

- not an ssc
- have ugly deadlift form

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Re: Deadlift Form


Post by ChasingCurls69 » Sat Aug 29, 2020 8:46 pm

Can you get a video from a front oblique angle for your next DL workout?

I think you're just a little loose in the set and could benefit from pulling up against the bar with long arms and pressing your abs towards the floor. Think about slowly building tension in the bar until it wants to leave the ground. When you get it right on warm ups, the bar will actually come off the floor a bit before you start the pull.

Pause DLs are really good an reinforcing this. Trying them without WL shoes may also help.

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Re: Deadlift Form


Post by zappey1 » Sun Aug 30, 2020 8:03 pm

Ulcerate wrote: Sat Aug 29, 2020 5:11 am Hello Guys......

Can anybody give me some Tips how i can figure out how to keep my damn Back straight?

Below in the Video i did a Set of 5 with 170kg.

While I'm Lifting I don't feel that my back rounds.

But as you can See in the Video it's far from optimal.

Thanks in advance.....
Here is my take. Is your back getting hurt/overly sore when you DL? If it is work on your form. 70-75% or what you can do for around 8 comfortably is a good time to practice.

But your form is not terrible. When you are around a max effort weight/reps form will break down. It is part of max effort or close to it. If it is not hurting you or making you so sore you can not do your other lifts it is okay once in awhile.

I watch lifting videos on YT everyday. Very few of those guys have anywhere near optimal form.

Some cues that have helped me (although I still have some lower back rounding rounding 95% effort) is think of the initial part as a leg press then the cue to try to stick my chest through my shoulders followed by butt clench past the knees.

Set up is super important a closer stance has helped me and the tucking the traps down retracting scapula. Pull slack out start slow then fast once it comes of the ground.

When doing reps I picked up a tip from one of Brian Alsruhe YT videos to breath at the top. This helps so much because you don't have to reset after each rep. Careful to not bounce set the weight down nice and slow in reverse order. Each rep after the 1st you should be in a perfect position to pull. Since I have been doing this I can almost guarantee a double and often times my reps get better as I get more tight each rep.

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Re: Deadlift Form


Post by dw » Mon Aug 31, 2020 8:12 am

zappey1 wrote: Sun Aug 30, 2020 8:03 pm
Ulcerate wrote: Sat Aug 29, 2020 5:11 am Hello Guys......

Can anybody give me some Tips how i can figure out how to keep my damn Back straight?

Below in the Video i did a Set of 5 with 170kg.

While I'm Lifting I don't feel that my back rounds.

But as you can See in the Video it's far from optimal.

Thanks in advance.....
Here is my take. Is your back getting hurt/overly sore when you DL? If it is work on your form. 70-75% or what you can do for around 8 comfortably is a good time to practice.

But your form is not terrible. When you are around a max effort weight/reps form will break down. It is part of max effort or close to it. If it is not hurting you or making you so sore you can not do your other lifts it is okay once in awhile.

I watch lifting videos on YT everyday. Very few of those guys have anywhere near optimal form.

Some cues that have helped me (although I still have some lower back rounding rounding 95% effort) is think of the initial part as a leg press then the cue to try to stick my chest through my shoulders followed by butt clench past the knees.

Set up is super important a closer stance has helped me and the tucking the traps down retracting scapula. Pull slack out start slow then fast once it comes of the ground.

When doing reps I picked up a tip from one of Brian Alsruhe YT videos to breath at the top. This helps so much because you don't have to reset after each rep. Careful to not bounce set the weight down nice and slow in reverse order. Each rep after the 1st you should be in a perfect position to pull. Since I have been doing this I can almost guarantee a double and often times my reps get better as I get more tight each rep.

What do you consider overly sore? I've actually been thinking of doing either what you propose or what someone called the RTS approach of just not counting reps with noticable rounding.

I round considerably at say 85% of 1 RM after a few reps.

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Re: Deadlift Form


Post by zappey1 » Mon Aug 31, 2020 8:50 am

dw wrote: Mon Aug 31, 2020 8:12 am
What do you consider overly sore? I've actually been thinking of doing either what you propose or what someone called the RTS approach of just not counting reps with noticable rounding.

I round considerably at say 85% of 1 RM after a few reps.
So overly sore would be if I deadlift on Tuesday take Wednesday off Shoulders Thursday and squat Friday. If I'm still to sore on Friday to hit my reps then form was to bad or I pushed to hard.

One thing in programming I have been doing is mini cycles.

Week 1 should be perfect form (maybe 75%)
week 2 should be almost perfect (80-85%)
Week 3 little less than perfect (85-90)
Week 4 (90-95 RPE 9) at least for 1 set then drop it down for some back off sets with decent form (85%ish)

Start the cycle again with hopefully heavier weight or better form or more reps.

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