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Posted: Sun Sep 17, 2017 7:24 pm
by CoconutChris
Starting logging over here.


5'11 / 195 lbs, secretly fluffy.

24M in the Bae Area. I've been called many things in the gym. My favorite was "Small Simon" (from Massthetics).

I started lifting as a New Year's resolution in January 2013. DId a few runs at SS, spun wheels on TM for a year, then wrote myself a 2-week block which I ran on two separate occasions, Andy Baker's no-time-in-the-gym template, and a 4-week block that I wrote for myself, but work got in the way and I fell off the train. Aside from a partial adductor tear, injuries were minor, like knee pain and back tweaks. Did a couple of the SS Meets since Fall 2014.

All time PR's (~200 lbs BW):

Squat: 441
Press: 205
Bench Press: 295 x 1 tng, 285 x 1 paused @9
Deadlift: 515
Power Clean: 225

Current status is just trying to maintain gainz 2-3x / week while mustering up time and motivation to write myself a programming / nutrition block to fuel further progress. Once that happens, I'm looking forward to Bench 315, Press 225, Squat 500, and Deadlift 600, presumably in that order.

Last two entries:

Wednesday, September 13

305 x 5 beltless @6
325 x 5 + belt @6
345 x 5 @7
365 x 2 x 5 @8, 8.5

Bench Press:
255 x 1 @6
275 x 2 @9
235 x 4 x 5 @7,7,7,8

405 x 3 beltless @7
425 x 3 + belt @7
445 x 3 @8.5
475 x 1 @9

Thursday, September 14

Workout constrained to 30 mintes in and out the door.

335 x 10 @9.5

155 x 4 x 4 beltless @gasping

Re: Assthetics

Posted: Fri Sep 22, 2017 5:31 pm
by CoconutChris
Tuesday, September 19

BW: 195

385 x 1 @7
405 x 1 @8
345 x 3 x 6 @ 7,8,8
Twinged a rhomboid so I omitted the last set of squats.

190 x 1 @9.5
155 x 4 x 6 @8,8,9,9

Pendlay Rows:
205 x 7 x 5 @unmeasured

Notes: Press felt super weak today, not sure why. Trying to figure out if my hips shooting up when squatting is from inattention to thoracic tightness, or actual relative upper back weakness.

Thursday, Sept 21

2ct paused Bench Press:
255 x 1 @8
240 x 7 x 3 @7,7,7,7.5,8,8,9

415 x 3 @8 beltless
435 x 3 @7.5 belted
455 x 3 @9

High bar squat:
315 x 3 x 5

Barbell Curls:
Embarassing x 5 x 10

Notes: Felt ok. Tried to stay upright on these high bar squats, and was reminded that my right ankle has much more mobility than the left, so i need to be very conscious to make sure my knee travel is symmetric. Curls were a disappointment for now, one that I'm willing to endure to improve my TBR.

Re: Assthetics

Posted: Sun Sep 24, 2017 3:23 pm
by CoconutChris
Saturday, Sept 23

BW: 194

385 x 1 @6
415 x 1 @10 (not a grinder but back rounded unacceptably)
325 x 4 x 6 @7

Bench Press:
255 x 1 paused @7
215 x 10 @9.5
215 x 8 @8
215 x 8 @8

BW x 4 x 8

Notes: No low back work capacity, it seems. The top single shouldn't have been bad, but fatigue from deadlifting was more inhibiting than I had hoped. I backed down on the worksets because of this. Currently planning on doing some developmental work targeting my back especially, since rounding at near-max weights has come up consistently, even though form modifications have mitigated it somewhat at lighter weights. Also probably a good time to work on back flatness when deadlifting for good measure.

Re: Assthetics

Posted: Sun Sep 24, 2017 5:14 pm
by chromoly
Coconut Chris, are you going to lift in Tom's meet again? I'm signed up for the Fall Classic. Even if you're not lifting, come say hello :)

Re: Assthetics

Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2017 8:45 pm
by CoconutChris
chromoly wrote: Sun Sep 24, 2017 5:14 pm Coconut Chris, are you going to lift in Tom's meet again? I'm signed up for the Fall Classic. Even if you're not lifting, come say hello :)
Hi chromoly - not competing, but Oakland's not too far, I'll swing by that weekend!

Log update:

RPE's since forgotten. Wrote them down somewhere but don't recall.

BW range: 194 - 196 lbs.

Tuesday, Sept 26

365 x 4 x 4

190 x 1
175 x 3 x 4
145 x 6, 6 beltless

3ct Paused Deadlift (beltless)
365 x 3 x 4

Notes: Will be doing fully-equipped low-bar squat once a week, focusing on upper back tightness at the expense of weight, and the second time a light technical variant. Same with deadlifts, in a heavy SQ / DL variant, and heavy DL / SQ variant order.

Thursday, Sept 28

190 x 1
195 x 1
- Supposed to do bench, and a bench opened up

Paused Bench Press:
225 x 2 x 2
245 x 1
- quit early due to shoulder irritation

Pendlay-ish Rows
225 x 8 x 5


BW x 8, 6, 8, 8

65 x 12

Notes: Second day will be dedicated to getting more recoverable back volume. 8 sets of rows makes for a massive pump.

Saturday, Sept 30

455 x 1
430 x 4 x 2

Close-grip Bench:
255 x 1 paused
230 x 5 x 5

Tempo (3-3-0) Squat
305 x 3 x 6

Notes: These squats are hell, but get better as the sets go on. Weight was light, but I can tell rounding my upper back is a motor pattern issue, not just a strength issue.

Tuesday, Oct 3

370 x 4, 4, 3f
- bar moved okay but rolled up on 4th rep of 3rd set - not counting that rep.
365 x 4

185 x 1
195 x 1
165 x 4 x 5 beltless

2ct Paused Deadlift:
405 x 1 beltless
455 x 1 + belt @8
405 x 3 x 3

Notes: Will be progressing squat sets individually as I can control them.

Friday, Oct 5

Bench Press:
265 x 1 paused
280 x 1 tng @9
235 x 4 x 6 @8,8,8,9

Pendlay-ish Rows:
205 x 5
225 x 5
230 x 6 x 5
255 x 4f + belt

BW x 8, 8, 8, 4

Notes: Mis-counted sets of rows, realized I did nine. Shoulder is fine this week.

Re: Assthetics

Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2017 8:31 pm
by CoconutChris
Sunday, October 8

455 x 1 @7
435 x 4 x 2 @7

Paused Bench Press:
245 x 3 x 3 @8, 8, 9
205 x 10, 8 touch n go

2ct Paused Squat (intended tempo squat, but not in the videos)
315 x 6, 6, 6 @ironmaiden

Notes: Session with workout buddy. Tried his Best Belt, marginal help in getting into deadlift position. It was a large, so I was using the tightest hole and would have preferred a little tighter even.

Paused squats looking very good. Back rounding is cleaning up on those.

Wednesday, October 11

370 x 4, 4, 4 @8, 8, 9 - too much form breakdown
370 x 4 @pain

185 x 1 @8
175 x 4, 3f @9, 10
160 x 3 x 5 beltless @8

Paused Deadlift:
405 x 1 beltless
455 regular @7
375 x 4, 4, 4 beltless @8, 9, 9

Notes: First two sets of squats were good, twinged something in my upper back, and the last two sets were just a struggle to hold the bar on my right shoulder. Affected press strength afterwards. Deadlift mostly unaffected. Back to normal as I write this post.

Saturday, October 14

Alternating sets:
Bench Press
255 x 3 @9
215 x 8, 8, 7 @8, 9, 9
205 x 8 @8

Pendlay Row:
205 x 8, 8, 8, 8, 8

BW x 10

Notes: Time limited to 45 minutes, so ran on short rests, impacting both rows and bench a little. Had to bench with a thicc bar (32 mm), as I was using the only proper olympic barbell for rows instead. Not bad, but not my favorite.

Re: Assthetics

Posted: Sat Nov 04, 2017 6:27 pm
by CoconutChris
Not so good at this logging thing. Work deadlines @9 are now over though.

Highlights of the last 3 weeks:
- Squatted 405 x 3, 385 x 5 at RPE ≤ death, which are within 10 lbs of PR triple and set of 5.
- Maintained on deadlift with 415 x 5's and doubles at 445.
- Slow regression / boredom with presses.
- That's about it.

Tuesday, Oct 31
385 x 3 @8
315 x 5 x 6 @7

Bench Press:
255 x 1 @8
225 x 5 x 6 @7-8

405 x 1
455 x 1 @7
485 x 1 @9

Notes: Seems like I am letting the deadlifts get in front of me. Back was fairly flatter on 485 than I've seen on any of my videos with similar weight, so back work seems to have been beneficial, and I haven't lost much strength on lower body lifts.

Saturday, Nov 4

BW: 194 lbs

385 x 1 @7
335 x 3 x 6 @7
335 x 8 @9

185 x 2 @9
165 x 4 x 5 @8-9

Pendlay Row (stricter than before):
185 x 6 x 5
- 20 breaths between sets

Re: Assthetics

Posted: Sat Nov 11, 2017 6:16 pm
by CoconutChris
Tuesday, Nov 7

385 x 5 @9
335 x 6, 6, 7 @7

185 x 1 @8
145 x 3 x 8 @8

BW x 3 x 8 @ ugh

Notes: Worked in with a similarly minded individual doing his light day on squats. Hard to find someone who knows what they're doing at my work gym, so this was a welcome change. An extra set of eyes convinced me to go for fahve on what was supposed to be a single at 385. I adjusted the backoffs to hit 24 reps as planned.

Thursday, Nov 9

Bench Press:
245 x 1 paused
265 x 1 paused @9 (wtf weak)
225 x 3 x 6 @7
230 x 6 @8

Paused Deadlift, just below knee
405 x 1 beltless
375 x 3 x 4 @8-9
375 x 4 belted @7.5

More Chins:
BW x 8, 8, 7

Notes: Alright workout. Nothing special. Hamstrings quite sore the day after on account of the pitiful deadlift volume.

Saturday, Nov 11

Paused Squat:
325 x 4 x 4 @7 (intended @8)

OHP with Chains
Chains were measured at 18 lbs each at full length, started 1/3 on the floor at the bottom (counted individual links), <10% left at lockout. So +24 at start to +34 at lockout, we'll call it. Below is just the weight on the bar.

145 x 5 @10
135 x 6, 6, 6, 5 @9

Still Chins
BW x 3 x 10

Notes: Chains were really fun. Definitely going to do this again. I undershot on squats, but the pauses were also shorter than they should have been in retrospect. Was intending on rows 3x10 today, but decided it wasn't worth it due to existing lower back + hamstring soreness, so went with chins instead.

Re: Assthetics

Posted: Wed Nov 15, 2017 7:42 pm
by CoconutChris
Tuesday, Nov 14

Bench Press:
Tempo (3 sec eccentric, 3 sec pause)
205 x 3 x 5
205 x 2 x 8 tng backoff

405 x 3 beltless @7
425 x 3 @7
445 x 3 @8
475 x 1 @10 whoops

Low cable rows:
160 x 3 x 10

Notes: Tempo work on bench is ridiculous. Overshot the deadlift, tiny tweak in groin after the deadlift single made me swap out barbell rows for machine rows.

Re: Assthetics

Posted: Sun Nov 19, 2017 11:14 am
by CoconutChris
Thursday, Nov 16

Old university gym. Bad 30mm bars.

385 x 1 @8
335 x 4 x 6 @8

185 x 1 @8
155 x 5 x 6 @8

Notes: Not a great day overall, but felt better after the session was over.

Saturday, Nov 18

BW: 195 lbs

beltless up to 455 x 1 @9
385 x 4 x 5 belted @7

275 x 1 @8.5
235 x 4 x 6 @8-8.5

BW x 8,8,10,8

Notes: First use of Sabo Deadlifts. Back flatness slightly better, maybe, but less fore-aft stability than heels. Lower back was strangely still sore from Tues + Thurs sessions, so flattening my back was more of a challenge than expected at the tail end of deadlifts. I like the feel of the shoe though, somewhat like a minimalist driving boot, so I'll definitely be using it one way or another.

Re: Assthetics

Posted: Tue Nov 21, 2017 9:19 am
by CoconutChris
Monday, Nov 20

Pin Squat:
255 x 4
295 x 4 + sleeves
315 x 4 x 4 @8 + belt

Backoff LBBS:
315 x 8 @8
315 x 10 @9.5

Bench Press
255 x 1 @7
280 x 1 @9.5
245 x 4 @9
245 x 3 x 3 @8

135 x 5 x 6 @≤7

Notes: Pin squats felt pretty good, actually. University gym ends up getting pretty humid, so I was winded afterwards. I forgot I wasn't supposed to bench until I did my first set of 4 (intended 4x4 @8). To complicate things, the rack heights were horrible, and I ended up using a height too high, which caused the overshoot. Mixed in some light press sets afterwards.

Re: Assthetics

Posted: Thu Nov 23, 2017 5:13 pm
by CoconutChris
Wednesday, Nov. 23

BW: 88.1 kg (gym scale, probably low)

315 x 3
365 x 3
405 x 3
425 x 4 x 3 @7.5-8

OHP + Chains
Same as before, +24 lbs bottom +35 lbs top, not included in weights below.
95 x 5
125 x 3
135 x 3
145 x 3
150 x 2f
137.5 x 4f

Notes: Wicked lower back pump starting deadlifts, but eased up once I hit my top sets so I continued. Shoulders and triceps were still fried from Monday, so I tried some novelty again, to little success.

Re: Assthetics

Posted: Sun Nov 26, 2017 4:50 pm
by CoconutChris
Saturday, Nov. 25

BW: 195.4 lbs

375 x 1 @6
405 x 1 @8
345 x 4 x 6 @8,8,8.5,8.5

Bench Press:
255 x 1 @7
270 x 1 @9
Touch n go:
215 x 8 @8
215 x 8 @8
215 x 7 @9 wtf
215 x 8 @8 ok

BW x 8, 8, 8

Re: Assthetics

Posted: Sun Dec 03, 2017 4:48 pm
by CoconutChris
Monday, Nov 27

185 @9
160 x 5 x 5 @8

Squat (warmups for DL)
275 x 4
295 x 4

Sumo DL:
365 x 3 x 3
385 x 3
405 x 5 + belt
455 x 1

Wednesday, Nov 30

385 x 1
365 x 3 quit
Radiating knee pain with a bit of numbness. Not worth pushing through. Did some fucked up warmup scheme from somebody else, which was clearly not sufficient.

Bench Press:
215 x 5 @6
225 x 5 @7
235 x 3 x 5 @8,8,9
225 x 5 @8.5

225 x 8
275 x 8

Low row:
160 x 12,12

Saturday, Dec 2

Pin squat:
305 x 4
325 x 4 + belt @8
330 x 3 x 4 @8,8,8
330 x 10 @9, competition style

185 @8
195 @9.5
170 x 4 x 4 @8
135 x 10 @9

Pendlay Row:
225 x 4 x 5

Notes: Bizarre knee pain came and went this week, expected back pain from twisting on squats early on. Sumo didn't destroy my hips, and also gave my back a break. Pin squats looked good, but I don't use the same descent on regular squats as I do this pin variant (and the pin is below parallel, so that doesn't affect it).

Re: Assthetics

Posted: Sat Dec 30, 2017 5:40 pm
by CoconutChris
End of year update, I suppose.

Took the last week off for travel. Before that, I struggled with 1 on / 2 off most of the time. I ended up using this opportunity to do a mini-peak and see where I was at.

Saturday, Dec 16

Comp Squat:
385 x 1 @7
410 x 2 @9
385 x 5 @9.5
350 x 8 @9

Bench Press:
215 x 5
225 x 5
235 x 5
240 x 5

415 x 3 @7
435 x 3 @8

Wednesday, Dec 20

BW: 195.6 lbs

455 x 3 x 3 @8, 8.5, 8.5 (ties best I've done for 3x3 across, I believe)
405 x 5 @8

185 x 1 @7
200 x 1 @9
175 x 4 @9
170 x 3f
155 x 5 x 5 beltless

Chins: BW x 10, 8, 8

Friday, Dec 22

380 x 1 @6
405 x 4f @10 (didn't attempt fifth rep, but this is a PR set of 4)
345 x 5 @8

Bench Press:
225 x 2
255 x 3
230 x 4 x 6


BW: 199.6 lbs (after lunch tho...)
Saturday, Dec 30

145 x 5 @6
155 x 4 x 5 @8

Beltless Deadlift
365 x 5 @6
385 x 3 x 5 @7, 7, 8

Bench Press:
225 x 4 @6
245 x 3 x 4 @7, 8, 8

- belted, but no knee sleeves
325 x 6 @7
335 x 2 x 6 @7.5, 8

Notes: Belt fit a bit tight on squats. Other strength was fine. Videoed my deadlifts, and while I'm not perfectly flat towards the end of the set, I think I'm acceptably close, and get closer to full extension on the first few reps. Squats felt horrible but moved okay.

Re: Assthetics

Posted: Sat Jan 13, 2018 6:33 pm
by CoconutChris
January 3, 2018

315 x 6 beltless @6
335 x 6 belted @7
345 x 3 x 6 @8, 8.5, 8.5

185 x 2 @9
155 x 5 x 5 @7, 7, 7, 8, 8

Power Shugs:
315 x 10
365 x 8

Barbell Rows:
225 x 4 x 5

Notes: I got some IronMind straps, and so started playing around with them towards the end of the workout. Otherwise, workout felt decent. Belt had gotten tighter since before the holidays...

January 6, 2018

455 x 1 @7
485 x 1 @8.5
505 x f @10 - got an inch off the floor.
425 x 3 x 3

Bench Press:
215 x 6
225 x 4 x 6, I think

BW x 10, 8

Notes: Meh day. Deadlift felt very strong at first, but I got too greedy, and forgot that when pulling with a flatter back, it'll be a struggle off the floor. This put a damper on the rest of the session.

January 9, 2018

385 x 1 @7
405 x 1 @8
335 x 3 x 6 @8, 8.5, 8.5

145 x 5 x 6 @7 for all

Barbell Rows:
205 x 5
225 x 4 x 5 (last 3 sets w/ straps for practice)

Wide handle, Hammer Grip cable rows:
120 x 10
140 x 10
160 x 10

Squat speed and strength up to 405 was good, but backoff efforts were stymied from deadlift fatigue. Missing reps is no joke, especially when you have no conditioning like me. Kept it light on presses to start working my way back up.

January 11, 2018

Beltless Deadlift:
315 x 5 @0
365 x 4 x 5 @≤7

Bench Press:
205 x 5 x 8 @7, 8, 8, 8, 8 - last two sets used wrist wraps

Beltless High-bar Paused Squat
255 x 4
295 x 4, 4, 4 @8

Notes: Grip for deadlifts was way worse than usual. No clue why hook grip was slipping at 365 without chalk. Usually I am good for much more. Anyway, the paused squats afterwards were an exercise in humility. Turns out my traps forgot what it felt like to have the barbell rest on them, and it was very uncomfortable. The sensation of heaviness made these squats feel harder than they actually were.

January 13, 2018

385 x 5 @9
345 x 4 x 5 @7, 7.5, 7.5, 7.5 - + wrist wraps on all.

185 x 3 @9.5
170 x 4 x 4 @8, 8, 8.5, 9

Notes: Shorter session today. I should have only done a single at 385, but the first rep didn't move like I wanted. Then I did another... the same. So at that point, I did a third, and figured I'd just follow through with five, and do 4 backoff sets instead of 5x5 across.

Re: Assthetics

Posted: Thu Jan 18, 2018 9:55 am
by CoconutChris
January 17, 2018

BW: 198

Beltless Deadlift:
395 x 4 x 4 @8,8,8,8
455 @8 belted

Dumbell Bench (first time trying, while waiting for a rack):
55 x 10
65 x 12

Bench Press:
255 @7
275 @8.5
235 x 4 x 5 @7,8,8,8

Squat: belt, no sleeves
315 x 8 @7
315 x 8 @8

Re: Assthetics

Posted: Sat Jan 20, 2018 7:54 pm
by CoconutChris
January 20, 2018

350 x 5 beltless @8
350 x 4 x 5 belted @7, 7, 7.5, 8

185 x 1 @8.5 - bad execution
197 x 1 @9: better
155 x 5 x 6 @8, 8, 9 (low rest), 8, 8

Pendlay Rows:
205 x 5
225 x 4 x 5

Pretty solid training session - squats were easier than expected, especially the beltless first set (which might be a PR? Not sure).

Re: Assthetics

Posted: Thu Jan 25, 2018 10:07 pm
by CoconutChris
January 23, 2018

BW: 199.6 lbs

Beltless Deadlift:
405 x 1 @6
425 x 3 x 3 @8, 8.5, 8.5
425 x 5 belted @9

-- break for dinner was convenient here, as I was hungry and there were no racks available

Bench Press:
255 2ct. pause @8
275 tng @8.5
225 x 4 x 6 @7, 8, 8, 8.5
225 x 5 @9

315 x 5 no belt, no sleeves @7
345 x 5 + sleeves @8
375 x 5 + belt @9.5

Notes: Deadlifts were pretty good. Belt was really tight after dinner and form on the last set of squats suffered. Seems like I am gaining size, but only around the middle :(

January 25, 2018

BW: 199.0 lbs

Pin Squat (1 inch above parallel, no sleeves / belt: )
325 x 4 x 4 @8
325 x 5, 5 no pin backoffs @7.5, 7

Beltless OHP:
185 x 1 @8
200 x 1 @9.5 (beltless PR)
165 x 6 x 4 @7.5, 8, 8, 8.5, 8.5, 9
135 x 10 @9

Pendlay Rows
185 x 8
205 x 4 x 8

Notes: Pin squats seem to help me from flopping into the hole, and remembering to stay tight in the last few inches of ROM. Presses were pretty strong. Used straps for the rows for more practice. I was able to get my right hand adequately tight on its own this time, by kneeling at the bar and being more patient.

Re: Assthetics

Posted: Sat Jan 27, 2018 7:02 pm
by CoconutChris
January 27, 2018

Comp Squat
385 x 1 @6
410 x 1 @7.5
420 x 1 @8 (PR - e1RM 452)
365 x 4 x 5 @8, 8, 8, 8.5

Bench Press
225 x 2 paused
255 x 1, 3.c.t @8.5
245 x 5, 5 @9, 9
205 x 10, 10 @8, 8

Beltless Deadlift
365 x 3 x 5 @6-7

Notes: Definitely have made some progress in squat strength and form recently, with respect to preventing form degradation and maintaining a rigid torso. Reps felt much, much stronger than when I did a couple sets of five this past Tuesday at the end of the workout. Belt was also the correct tightness, having not had post-dinner bloat. Let's see if I can remember to keep doing pin squats, because I think they are working wonderfully for reminding me to stay tight.

Other stuff was meh. I kept hitting the hooks on bench press because I set up too close to the uprights. Focusing on being patient off the floor in deadlifts kept the RPE pretty low.