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Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2023 10:44 pm
by BenM
Fri 20/01/23: The Upward Spiral - W0 D3

AM BW: 88.6kg AGAIN

Background Noise: Metallica - S&M2 continued....

Bulgarian Split Squat:
90 second rests

Pause Single Leg Leg Extension:
12x35kg @ 6.5
90 seconds rest
12x35kg @ 7.5
no rest
no rest
6x35kg @ 7.5

Hanging Knee Raise:
--- Supersetted with ---
Kneeling Donkey Kick:
20 reps w/purple band
20 reps w/purple band
20 reps w/purple band
1 minute between supersets

Back Extension:
15xBW+10kg @ 7.5
15xBW+10kg @ 8.5
90 second rests


Nutrition/Health/Life Stuff:
  • Much the same as yesterday, I had really solid sleep but it was just short. Wouldn't normally train on a Friday (at least, wouldn't normally have 3 early starts on weekdays) but I've been WFH since Tuesday and my energy levels are quite good, and I just wanted to get the lower body day done early as I couldn't be stuffed trying to do this AND mow lawns and stuff tomorrow.
Training Notes:
  • Did some body weight warm up reps with the split squats, and then added 2.5lbs to last week. These didn't feel terrible, my left leg was a bit tight to start with but not exactly painful. I do kinda like doing them this way with one hand for balance and also kinda like the quad burn I get from them, but I really don't like doing sets of twenty. It won't be like this forever though.
  • Same weight as last week for the leg extensions afterwards, and the sets of twelve were probably just a little easier than last week - but on the spur of the moment I decided to do a couple of fifty percent sets. Walking like a new born lamb afterwards.
  • Knee raises were OK I guess, although I got a little flaily in the second set and I need to avoid that with my delicate shoulder. Supersetted with donkey kicks for funsies, made me pant a bit if nothing else.
  • Finished with some slightly weighted back extensions and I did have a pretty fair back pump by that last set, it was kinda tough.
  • Finished all this in 45 minutes. Walked the dog. It's Friday. Things are OK.


Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2023 10:05 pm
by BenM
Sat 21/01/23: The Upward Spiral - W0 D4

AM BW: 88.2kg

Background Noise: Stronger By Science podcast

Banded Chest Fly:
20 reps w/purple band
20 reps w/purple band
20 reps w/purple band
1 minute rests

Face Pull:
--- Supersetted with ---
Triceps Pushdown w/Rope:
1 minute rests between supersets

Hammer Curl w/Twist:
12x35lb / hand @ 6
12x35lb / hand @ 6.5
12x35lb / hand @ 8
1 minute rests

Reverse Nordic Curl:
20 reps w/purple band
20 reps w/purple band
20 reps w/purple band
--- Supersetted with ---
Hamstring Curl:
12x40kg @ 6
90 second rests between supersets

Nutrition/Health/Life Stuff:
  • Had pretty solid sleep and enough of it too, being Saturday, so that was nice. Got all my chores done in the morning, went out after lunch and bought some earbuds to use in the gym and then decided to go try 'em out, but it was reasonably late in the arvo by then.
  • Shoulder has been worse today because I think I tweaked it last night getting up off the couch of all things. Sigh. Like it's not fully torn again but just a minor setback. You forget how much you use the thing.
Training Notes:
  • Flys were the same as the other day, no real issue and just kinda boring. Not sure if I'm ready for push ups yet but I don't really think so and don't want to rush it.
  • Face pulls and triceps were the same as last week too, although I did push the last set of triceps out to twenty reps, I had a bit of a burn but still don't think it was even @ 6. I may add some weight or reps here next week.
  • Added 2.5lb to the hammer curls and these weren't a complete joke for my right arm, the side delt of my right shoulder was a little sore, but my left arm had zero difficulty and found them all very easy.
  • Decided to put the reverse nordic curls and hamstring curls together in this session and found it quite good. Added 5kg to what I did with the hamstring curls last week and got twelves across with a final set that was starting to make me work a little bit. Guess I add a little weight here next week too.
  • This only took 38 minutes and was pretty easy, which is fine for an intro week. Let's see what tomorrow brings. Now I go cook tacos.


Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2023 5:40 pm
by BenM
Sun 22/01/23: The Upward Spiral - W1 D1

AM BW: 88.0kg

Background Noise: Motörhead - The Best of Motörhead

Walking Lunge:
20xBW reps
20x17.5lb / hand
20x17.5lb / hand
1 minute rest between the weighted sets

Paused Goblet Squat:
2 minute rests

Single Leg Kettlebell RDL:
1 minute rests

Decline Sit Up:
15xBW reps
15xBW reps @ 6.5
12xBW reps @ 8
12xBW reps @ 10
--- Supersetted with ---
EZ Bar Curl:
10x30kg @ 7
10x27.5kg @ 8.5
10x27.5kg @ 10
90 second rests between supersets

Nutrition/Health/Life Stuff:
  • Didn't get enough sleep last night because Saturday night is date night, and I still got up reasonably early, but these are the tradeoffs you've gotta make. Luckily I had no other commitments this morning I managed to sneak a half hour kip in my chair before heading out to the gym late morning. Nearly pushed this session back a day because I had some quad DOMS from the nordic curls yesterday and I have heavy curls planned but eh, aside from that it's still pretty easy training.
Training Notes:
  • I wasn't intending to add any load to the lunges but couldn't resist adding 2.5lb a hand, figured it was pretty safe, and honestly these felt quite good, still some tightness but very minor. I may add some reps or a set here next week and leave the weight alone.
  • The goblet squats was definitely a planned jump and was pleasantly surpriosed that the first set was completely painless until the tightness crept in at rep eight or nine. It did start up progressively earlier with each set but I still pushed the last set to fifteen (which was maybe RPE 5 at most) and got a bit of quad pump going.
  • Added 2.5lbs to the RDLs and found these pretty easy today, I found a bit of a groove and didn't blow up my back too much.
  • Then on to abs and curls, managed two sets of fifteen with the sit ups and curled two sets of ten with a little more weight than last week before dropping things off. The last set of each was definitely all I had, especially the curls.
  • Pretty solid effort all round, only 38 minutes, and I have Sunday afternoon to chillax.


Posted: Sun Jan 22, 2023 6:25 pm
by BenM
Mon 23/01/23: The Upward Spiral - W1 D2

AM BW: 88.6kg

Background Noise: Guns N' Roses - Live Era '87-'93

Push Up:
Tried. Nope.

Banded Fly:
25 reps w/purple band
25 reps w/purple band
25 reps w/purple band
1 minute rests

Seated Cable Row:
15x65kg @ 6.5
12x65kg @ 8
90 second rests

Dumbbell Triceps Kickback:
15x22.5lb / hand
15x22.5lb / hand
15x22.5lb / hand @ 7.5
--- Supersetted with ---
Lateral Raise:
1 minute between supersets

Dumbbell Squeeze Press:
12x22.5lb / hand
15x22.5lb / hand
15x22.5lb / hand
--- Supersetted with ---
Plyo Box Step Up:
12x22.5lb / hand
12x22.5lb / hand
15x22.5lb / hand
1 minute between supersets

Nutrition/Health/Life Stuff:
  • Woke up a bit before the alarm went off at 5am, kinda tired but still wanted to go do stuff in the gym because, well, I don't know why. I knew it wouldn't be too challenging, for a start, and I'm kinda wondering how many days in a row I could go for. This is five so far.
Training Notes:
  • Attempted a push up (no deficit, no weight) but didn't get far into the rep before deciding it was gonna hurt and I shouldn't do it. So it was back to boring banded flys. I added five reps per set though, so that's a win I guess? Still fairly easy and pretty much painless.
  • Seated cable rows again, didn't feel up for heavy stuff, but did a couple of sets of fifteen instead of twelves. Had to push a fair bit to get twelve from the third though.
  • I do like these triceps kickbacks, added 2.5lb to last week, still got fifteen but the last set was kinda challenging and I had a decent burn; the lateral raises were just meh but probably less soreness than last week.
  • Decided at the last minute hey, if pushups are out, let's just do squeeze presses with something really light, whatever's loaded will do. Had some VERY minor soreness in the shoulder to stat with but I think these are fine, at this weight at least. Supersetted with the stupid plyo box step ups, I did twelves for the first couple of sets just to save annoying my leg too much, the third felt good enough to do fifteen and walk away.
  • Still super quick at 36 minutes, this session. A decent way to start the day.


Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2023 10:52 pm
by BenM
Tue 24/01/23: The Upward Spiral - W1 D3

AM BW: 88.6kg

Background Noise: Guns N' Roses - Live Era '87-'93 continued....

Bulgarian Split Squat:
90 second rests

Paused Single Leg Leg Extension:
12x37.5kg @ 7
12x37.5kg @ 8
8x37.5kg @ 6
7x37.5kg @ 8
90 seconds rest between the first two sets; zero rest after that

Hanging Knee Raise:
12xBW @ 8.5
--- Supersetted with ---
Kneeling Donkey Kick:
20 reps w/purple band
20 reps w/purple band
20 reps w/purple band
1 minute rest between supersets

Back Extension:
15xBW+10kg @ 7
15xBW+10kg @ 8.5
12xBW+10kg @ 6.5
12xBW+10kg @ 7
90 second rests

Nutrition/Health/Life Stuff:
  • We had a super bad night last night with the kiddo, she absolutely lost her shit for a few hours. When she went down (around 9:30pm) she slept like a log, and so did I, but when my alarm went off at 5am I seriously wanted to go back to sleep, and then I considered making adjustments, but nope. Got out there, got started, and did everything programmed and then some. Winning - 6 days training in a row.
Training Notes:
  • Added 2.5lb to the split squats, kinda thinking I might need to drop the reps back from twenty, but got through them OK. Left leg was a bit sore before I even started, though they were pretty easy for my right, and they were kinda tough for both legs by the end.
  • Added 2.5kg to the leg extensions too. Only really planned two sets of twelve but I went on and did a couple of extra sets on no rest and even managed more reps than the sixes I got last week. The quads they were a-burning.
  • Pushed the hanging knee raises for a few more reps than last week too, but my shoulder hurt a bit coming off that second set so I needed to make the third a little shorter - it got pretty darn hard at twelve reps anyway. The donkey kicks didn't do much except make me hot and sweaty, I might need to change out one or both of these lifts.
  • Finished off with some back extensions and even the first set was pretty hard, my back was smoked after the second, and I was intending to do a couple of body weight sets to finish. Buuuut I just kept picking up the plate and by the end it was very tight indeed.
  • Still staying on target for time, took 46 minutes. Walked the dog. Pondered my existence.


Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2023 1:42 am
by BenM
Wed 25/01/23: The Upward Spiral - W1 D4

AM BW: 88.3kg

Background Noise: Green Day - International Superhits

Push Up (From Knees):
20xBW reps
20xBW reps
Maybe 30 seconds rest

Banded Chest Fly:
25 reps w/purple band
25 reps w/purple band
25 reps w/purple band
1 minute rests

Face Pull:
--- Supersetted with ---
Triceps Pushdown w/Rope:
1 minute rests between supersets

Incline Dumbbell Curl:
12x27.5lb / hand
12x27.5lb / hand
12x27.5lb / hand @ 7
1 minute rests

Reverse Nordic Curl:
20 reps w/black band
20 reps w/black band
20 reps w/black band
--- Supersetted with ---
Hamstring Curl:
15x40kg @ 8.5
90 second rests between supersets

Nutrition/Health/Life Stuff:
  • Woke up pretty tired again after really solid sleep. I probably wouldn't attempt to keep going like this except today is the last day of my work week, so I can catch up a bit. 7 days in a row now.
Training Notes:
  • Attempted a normal push up, but they're still a little too painful, apparently I can do them on my knees without any real pain though. I feel a little silly doing it but whatever, gotta start somewhere. Then went on to the flys again, got a bit of a chest pump, might even attempt these with dumbbells pretty soon.
  • No real issue adding a little bit of weight to the face pulls and triceps - basically zero pain with the face pulls and the triceps only started to get a little annoying towards the end, so I didn't push them out to twenty like last time.
  • Decided to try incline curls instead of hammer curls, thinking they might be safer, but honestly don't think they were any better or worse. Still had some minor annoyance on the outer part of my shoulder, so good thing I didn't push these all that hard.
  • Nordics and hamstrings to finish - nordics got a bit hard with a slightly thinner band, and pushed the hamstring curls a lot harder - the last rep got a bit short.
  • Another nice 45 minute session, happy with that.


Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2023 9:54 pm
by BenM
Thu 26/01/23: The Upward Spiral - W2 D1

AM BW: 87.8kg

Background Noise: The Living End - Roll On

Walking Lunge:
20xBW reps
24x17.5lb / hand
28x17.5lb / hand
1 minute rests

Paused Goblet Squat:
1 minute rests

Dumbbell RDL:
15x50lb / hand
15x50lb / hand
15x50lb / hand
1 minute rests

Low Decline Sit Up:
16xBW reps
16xBW reps @ 7.5
13xBW reps @ 7.5
12xBW reps @ 9.5
10xBW reps @ 10
--- Supersetted with ---
EZ Bar curl:
12x30kg @ 8.5
9x30kg @ 9
8x30kg @ 9.5
7x30kg @ 10
90 second rests between supersets

Nutrition/Health/Life Stuff:
  • Public holiday today. Woke up, walked the dog, had breakfast, then we all went out for a long walk in the wetlands this morning - I'd done over 10k steps before 11am and mostly just wanted to nap after lunch. But, I also wanted to keep the consecutive days streak going, so I braved the heat (by putting the aircon on) and got out in the afternoon, tired as I was.
  • I've cleaned up my diet just a touch and my weight has slipped down into the 87kg range. I'm half tempted to see if I can drop a couple more kilos, around 85kg would probably see me in a pretty good place to start a winter bulk, assuming I'm ready to train more effectively by that point.
Training Notes:
  • Lunges went ok, much the same as last week. The plan was to add reps or sets, and seeing as it's four strides per leg across the length of my gym, I did one extra lap and then two. They were still pretty easy and only slightly uncomfortable.
  • Probably could've added weight to the goblet squats but I talked myself into not doing it, partly because I decided I didn't want to change plates for the RDLs, but then I did anyway. At least I did sets of fifteen this week so it's a small addition in volume.
  • Given the back pump I often get from single leg RDLs, and the fact I want to transition back to barbell RDLs in this slot, I subbed in bilateral dumbbell RDLs this week. They were very light and easy, but that's fine.
  • Then it was the sit ups and curls supersets to finish. Pretty happy to get some extra reps over last week for both, I got carried away, failed to drop load at all for the curls, and did one more set of both than what was on the docket. Which is fine, but boy I was tired by the end.
  • Just 43 minutes. Very hot. But I bought gas for the barbecue on the weekend and there is a piece of eye fillet in the fridge so it'll be steak on the deck tonight and we'll chill out this evening. Thanks for reading!


Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2023 11:03 pm
by BenM
Fri 27/01/23: The Upward Spiral - W2 D2

AM BW: 87.4kg

Background Noise: Metallica - ...And Justice for All

Dumbbell Squeeze Press:
15x25lb / hand
15x25lb / hand
15x25lb / hand
1 minute rests

Banded Chest Fly:
25 reps w/purple band
25 reps w/purple band
25 reps w/purple band
1 minute rests

Seated Cable Row:
12x70kg @ 6
12x70kg @ 7.5
90 second rests

Dumbbell Triceps Kickback:
15x25lb / hand @ 8 burn
15x25lb / hand @ 7.5
15x25lb / hand @ 8.5
--- Supersetted with ---
Lateral Raise:
15x5lb / hand
15x5lb / hand
15x5lb / hand
1 minute rests between supersets

Banded Lateral Walk:
15 reps w/x-strong band
15 reps w/x-strong band
15 reps w/x-strong band
--- Supersetted with ---
Plyo Box Step Up:
15x25lb / hand
15x25lb / hand
16x25lb / hand
90 second rests between supersets

Nutrition/Health/Life Stuff:
  • Slept soundly, did some stuff around home in the morning, didn't push too hard, but got out for a session after lunch. Feeling quite tired and a bit stressed about work, motivation is starting to wane a bit. Still think I could go one or two more days though. Probably doesn't help that I've definitely been undereating.
Training Notes:
  • Squeeze presses were very easy but not completely painless - just some minor soreness in that joint, same as last week, no worse though. Flys afterwards were pretty uneventful.
  • Added 5kg to the rows and aimed for twelves this session, got them without major effort.
  • Triceps kickbacks felt pretty hard today with just a touch more weight, but didn't get worse as sets wore on so there's probably more there. I was forced into a weight jump with the laterals because all the 2.5lb plates were on the dumbbells, but they were virtually painless, better than last time out which is a good sign I guess.
  • Decided to superset the step ups with banded lateral walks, I think they are good for me. Got a decent burn from the last set especially. The step ups felt better than last week - similar tightness all the way though, not getting worse. I did an extra rep in the last set because the kiddo was at the door distracting me. Not even mad.
  • Pretty solid little 45 minutes work. Rolling on.....


Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2023 12:37 am
by BenM
Sat 28/01/23: The Upward Spiral - W2 D3

AM BW: 87.6kg

Background Noise: Metallica - ...And Justice for All (...continued)

Bulgarian Split Squat:
12xBW reps
90 second rests

Paused Single Leg Leg Extension:
12x37.5kg @ 6.5
12x37.5kg @ 7.5
8x37.5kg @ 8
8x37.5kg @ 8.5
6x37.5kg @ 8.5
90 seconds rest between first two sets
No rest before last three sets

Lying Leg Raise:
12xBW reps
12xBW reps
15xBW reps
--- Supersetted with ---
Reverse Hyperextension (on Incline Bench):
15xBW reps
15xBW reps
15xBW reps
1 minute rests between supersets

Back Extension:
15xBW reps
15xBW reps
20xBW reps
90 second rests


Nutrition/Health/Life Stuff:
  • Slept well again, but got up pretty early and really didn't stop much all morning with chores and doing some overtime for work. Decided to drag myself out this afternoon anyway, chugged a Monster to try and kill the headache I had, and got amongst it.
Training Notes:
  • Went the big 5lb jump with the split squats but seeing as my energy levels weren't all that high I just did sets of fifteen and tacked another one on to match volume. My leg is still not enjoying these much but it's not getting worse either I don't think.
  • Managed to beat the last session with the leg extensions and then tacked on an extra mini set too. Had a fairly big quad pump after these.
  • Because the hanging knee raises were a bit iffy for my shoulder I decided to try them lying down. They felt (and looked) a bit scrappy but they weren't too bad, and I did actually have a bit of an ab burn after the second set. Pushed the third a little harder. Supersetted with reverse hypers instead of donkey kicks, don't know why, but probably would've been a better idea because the reverse hypers plus back extensions seem like a bit too much work for my lower back - which is why I did the back extensions with body weight only and aimed to keep them pretty easy.
  • A pretty decent effort, 47 minutes, and the consecutive days streak has hit double figures.


Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2023 8:44 pm
by BenM
Sun 29/01/23: The Upward Spiral - W2 D4

AM BW: 87.6kg

Background Noise: Megadeth - Greatest Hits: Back to the Start

Push Up:
5xBW reps
5xBW reps
Not much rest?

Push Up From Knees:
20xBW reps
20xBW reps
1 minute rest

Banded Chest Fly:
30 reps w/purple band
30 reps w/purple band
30 reps w/purple band
1 minute rests

Face Pull:
--- Supersetted with ---
Triceps Pushdown w/Rope:
1 minute rests between supersets

Incline Dumbbell Curl:
15x27.5lb / hand
15x27.5lb / hand @ 6.5
12x27.5lb / hand @ 7.5
1 minute rests

Reverse Nordic Curl:
20 reps w/black band
20 reps w/black band
30 reps w/black band
--- Supersetted with ---
Hamstring Curl:
15x42.5kg @ 6
15x42.5kg @ 8
15x42.5kg @ 10
1 minute rests between supersets


Nutrition/Health/Life Stuff:
  • Slept well, had a pretty lazy morning because rain, went out mid morning. Not much else to say, I wasn unmotivated today, but I do have the place to myself for 24 hours so things are pretty chill.
Training Notes:
  • Decided to attempt a conventional push up again, albeit with a fairly close grip. What do you know, it wasn't completely painless but it was certainly tolerable, much better than last time I tried, I hope that's a good sign. I did a couple of really short sets before doing some longer sets on my knees and we'll see how things develop. Was supposed to see the physio on Friday but he cancelled and now I'm on a wait list. Sigh.
  • Banded flys again. Pushed sets out to 30 reps today and had a fairly big, almost painful burn in the sore shoulder, but haven't hurt it I don't think. Certainly got some blood flowing.
  • Face pulls were completely painless this session, even better than last time. I forgot to check my logs for the triceps so the first set was a bit short but those were completely pain free too, so I guess I'll add a little weight next time out.
  • Kept weight the same for the curls. Did two sets of fifteen, but it would've been a big effort to get it once more and these do cause a little annoyance in my side delt so I gotta stay safe with 'em. Still an improvement over last time.
  • Reverse nordics and hamstring curls to finish, had an extra couple of kilos on the curls and the last rep of the third set was closer to a half rep so I called it RPE 10. Also pushed the last set of reverse nordics pit to thirty reps, still wasn't crazy hard but my knees were starting to cry enough.
  • Once again.... a really good effort, 50 minutes. 11 consecutive days now. Maybe I can squeeze in a few more....


Posted: Tue Jan 31, 2023 1:55 am
by BenM
Tue 31/01/23: The Upward Spiral - W3 D1

AM BW: 88.4kg

Background Noise: Metallica - S&M

Walking Lunge:
20xBW reps
20x20lb / hand
24x20lb / hand
1 minute rests

Paused Goblet Squat:
1 minute rests

Dumbbell RDL:
15x60lb / hand
15x60lb / hand
15x60lb / hand
1 minute rests

Low Decline Sit Up:
18xBW reps
16xBW reps @ 8
12xBW reps @ 9
10xBW reps @ 9.5
10xBW reps @ 10
--- Supersetted with ---
EZ Bar Curl:
10x32.5kg @ 6.5
10x32.5kg @ 9.5
8x32.5kg @ 10
8x30kg @ 9.5
9x30kg @ 10
90 second rests between supersets


Nutrition/Health/Life Stuff:
  • I didn't get to bed early enough last night so I was absolutely tired and ratshit when I got up this morning. Didn't help that I got up even earlier than usual because work is cray cray this week. But I've had a day off so need to get back into it, drank coffee and Monster to get going.
  • The women got back from an overnighter in Melbourne yesterday, and the wife brought back pastries from Lune. Best croissants in the world, according to the NY Times food critic. So I had a pain au chocolat last night for dessert and I'm blaming the additional weight this morning on that. Still want to drop a couple of kgs but diets schmiets.
Training Notes:
  • Lunges fine. Scrappy like usual, but no big deal. The goblet squats though were hard enough to be unenjoyable by the end. The RDLs were still stupidly easy. Probably one more week and I'll slot barbell RDLs back in.
  • Smashed out situps and curls to finish, and pushed reasonably hard.
  • Got it all done in 47 minutes, another decent day. Went to physio this afternoon, he didn't tell me much that I didn't already know, and didn't really give me any movements I'm not already doing, so that was a bit of a wash, but he did tell me to work on improving my posture so yay, I guess?


Posted: Tue Jan 31, 2023 9:50 pm
by BenM
Wed 01/02/23: The Upward Spiral - W3 D2

AM BW: 87.6kg

Background Noise: Metallica - S&M (continued...)

Close Grip Bench Press:
1 minute rests

Banded Chest Fly:
30 reps w/black band

Dumbbell Fly:
15x25lb / hand
15x25lb / hand
1 minute rest

Paused Lat Pulldown:
10x60kg @ 10
90 second rests

Dumbbell Triceps Kickback:
15x25lb / hand
15x25lb / hand
15x25lb / hand
--- Supersetted with ---
Lateral Raise:
15x5lb / hand
15x5lb / hand
15x5lb / hand
1 minute rests between supersets

Banded Lateral Walk:
20 reps per leg w/green band
20 reps per leg w/green band
20 reps per leg w/green band
--- Supersetted with ---
Plyo Box Step Up:
15x25lb / hand
15x25lb / hand
15x25lb / hand
90 second rests between supersets


Nutrition/Health/Life Stuff:
  • Struggling to get to bed on time this week and have been absolutely slammed at work so I woke up pretty darn tired again. But coffee and Monster cures all.
Training Notes:
  • After the physio appointment I thought well, if I can do a narrow grip push up maybe I can do a close grip bench and it turns out I can, these were completely painless so I will add some load next week and hope for the best. Did some light banded flys then thought hey, I should be doing dumbbell flys now and did a couple of sets of those too. Somehow forgot to film one of them. Could've gone heavier.
  • I'd been meaning to put lat pulldowns into this slot at some stage anyway but the physio wanted me to do some pulldowns and use pauses so that's what I did. This was quite light I thought, but by the end of the third set I barely pulled it down past my chin so I cried enough and stopped there.
  • Triceps and shoulders, just the same as last session, triceps were quite hard and got sloppy in the third set. The first rep of lateral raises was slightly sore and then plain sailing after that. Probably could add a little weight to these.
  • Pushed the lateral walks quite hard and the step ups felt quite good, for a change. I do think the soreness in my left quad is dissipating, it was just like an old corky this morning, and I can walk up stairs two at a time almost painlessly now. Light pause squats are probably coming back pretty soon.
  • Another decent morning, in 51 minutes. It was good to bench again without pain even if it was stupidly light, but I couldn't have done this a month or two ago, so it's progress.

Re: Wednesday

Posted: Tue Jan 31, 2023 11:15 pm
by MarkKO
BenM wrote: Tue Jan 31, 2023 9:50 pm Wed 01/02/23: The Upward Spiral - W3 D2

AM BW: 87.6kg

Background Noise: Metallica - S&M (continued...)

Close Grip Bench Press:
1 minute rests

Banded Chest Fly:
30 reps w/black band

Dumbbell Fly:
15x25lb / hand
15x25lb / hand
1 minute rest

Paused Lat Pulldown:
10x60kg @ 10
90 second rests

Dumbbell Triceps Kickback:
15x25lb / hand
15x25lb / hand
15x25lb / hand
--- Supersetted with ---
Lateral Raise:
15x5lb / hand
15x5lb / hand
15x5lb / hand
1 minute rests between supersets

Banded Lateral Walk:
20 reps per leg w/green band
20 reps per leg w/green band
20 reps per leg w/green band
--- Supersetted with ---
Plyo Box Step Up:
15x25lb / hand
15x25lb / hand
15x25lb / hand
90 second rests between supersets


Nutrition/Health/Life Stuff:
  • Struggling to get to bed on time this week and have been absolutely slammed at work so I woke up pretty darn tired again. But coffee and Monster cures all.
Training Notes:
  • After the physio appointment I thought well, if I can do a narrow grip push up maybe I can do a close grip bench and it turns out I can, these were completely painless so I will add some load next week and hope for the best. Did some light banded flys then thought hey, I should be doing dumbbell flys now and did a couple of sets of those too. Somehow forgot to film one of them. Could've gone heavier.
  • I'd been meaning to put lat pulldowns into this slot at some stage anyway but the physio wanted me to do some pulldowns and use pauses so that's what I did. This was quite light I thought, but by the end of the third set I barely pulled it down past my chin so I cried enough and stopped there.
  • Triceps and shoulders, just the same as last session, triceps were quite hard and got sloppy in the third set. The first rep of lateral raises was slightly sore and then plain sailing after that. Probably could add a little weight to these.
  • Pushed the lateral walks quite hard and the step ups felt quite good, for a change. I do think the soreness in my left quad is dissipating, it was just like an old corky this morning, and I can walk up stairs two at a time almost painlessly now. Light pause squats are probably coming back pretty soon.
  • Another decent morning, in 51 minutes. It was good to bench again without pain even if it was stupidly light, but I couldn't have done this a month or two ago, so it's progress.
That's really lucky. I couldn't do any benching, and close grip was the most painful of all.

Re: Veni, vidi, levavi, BenM Blathers

Posted: Tue Jan 31, 2023 11:26 pm
by slowmotion
Nice work! Have you got any estimate on how long it will be before you are fully healed?


Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2023 12:06 am
by BenM
Fri 03/02/23: The Upward Spiral - W3 D3

AM BW: 87.9kg

Background Noise: Metallica - S&M (continued...)

SSB Bulgarian Split Squat (Hand Supported):
90 second rests

Paused Single Leg Leg Extension:
10x40kg @ 6
10x40kg @ 7
12x35kg @ 6.5
12x35kg @ 7.5
90 second rests

Cable Crunch:
--- Supersetted with ---
Kneeling Donkey Kick:
20 reps w/purple band
20 reps w/purple band
20 reps w/purple band
90 second rests between supersets, mostly

Back Extension:
12xBW+20kg (PR)
12xBW+20kg @ 7.5
12xBW+20kg @ 8.5
90 second rests


Nutrition/Health/Life Stuff:
  • Had broken sleep last night - woke up at 4:20am and figured there was no point going back to bed since the alarm was due in 20 minutes anyway. It's been a massive week at work, today wasn't going to be any better, and I am dog tired.
Training Notes:
  • Thought long and hard about putting some pause squats into this slot but decided to give it another week or two, but I did bump up the load a little bit with SSB split squats instead of the dumbbell work. By rep eight or so my left leg was starting to get sore so I do still need to build tolerance here. But for my right leg they were quite easy.
  • My right knee has also been pretty sore so I decided to scale back the intensity of the leg extensions a bit and just did some straight sets rather than the cluster sets I had been doing. Added a set to match volume, but I'll probably drop these soon.
  • Tried something different today with the abs and hams, the cable crunches were way too heavy to start with, so I dropped the load, which was good because my elbows were hurting from that first longer set too. The donkey kicks felt like a complete nothingburger so I probably need to do something else in this slot that's a bit more productive.
  • Finished with a bang, decided to try back extensions with a 20kg plate which I haven't done before. Wasn't terrible, but the last set did get pretty challenging and my back was certainly pretty tight later in the day.
  • Finished in 50 minutes and boy am I ever glad it's Friday. Hope I can catch up on some sleep tonight and have a less busy week next week.

Re: Wednesday

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2023 12:15 am
by BenM
MarkKO wrote: Tue Jan 31, 2023 11:15 pm That's really lucky. I couldn't do any benching, and close grip was the most painful of all.
Yeah, I'm guessing maybe yours was injured in a slightly different place/way - but that said I don't think I'd have been able to do this a month or so ago. I think a lot of the bursitis is going away and I'm getting a real sense of what's actually injured.
slowmotion wrote: Tue Jan 31, 2023 11:26 pm Nice work! Have you got any estimate on how long it will be before you are fully healed?
Well, the tear itself will never heal, I believe. So I have to make the muscle and tendon grow bigger and stronger so it doesn't affect anything!

But that pedantic point out of the way, the physiotherapist said 3-6 months is pretty typical for these things. I'm well past 3 months now since I first hurt it, but probably only five or six weeks since I stopped trying to push through and keep benching.... based on that I'm expecting another couple of months, probably, if I'm lucky. I don't think it was that big a tear.

Re: Wednesday

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2023 12:21 am
by MarkKO
BenM wrote: Fri Feb 03, 2023 12:15 am
MarkKO wrote: Tue Jan 31, 2023 11:15 pm That's really lucky. I couldn't do any benching, and close grip was the most painful of all.
Yeah, I'm guessing maybe yours was injured in a slightly different place/way - but that said I don't think I'd have been able to do this a month or so ago. I think a lot of the bursitis is going away and I'm getting a real sense of what's actually injured.
slowmotion wrote: Tue Jan 31, 2023 11:26 pm Nice work! Have you got any estimate on how long it will be before you are fully healed?
Well, the tear itself will never heal, I believe. So I have to make the muscle and tendon grow bigger and stronger so it doesn't affect anything!

But that pedantic point out of the way, the physiotherapist said 3-6 months is pretty typical for these things. I'm well past 3 months now since I first hurt it, but probably only five or six weeks since I stopped trying to push through and keep benching.... based on that I'm expecting another couple of months, probably, if I'm lucky. I don't think it was that big a tear.
I never heard that it wouldn't heal, just that it would take a long time. So this is news to me, but now I think of it the partial tear I had was in the muscle and not a tendon

Re: Veni, vidi, levavi, BenM Blathers

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2023 12:33 am
by BenM
Yeah mine's in the tendon that joins the muscle to the bone. Only a partial thickness tear but i was confused by what I'd read online so I specifically asked him if it would actually heal and he said no.... he's only a young physio, not sure how much of a guru he is, but I hope he knows what he's talking about.

Re: Veni, vidi, levavi, BenM Blathers

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2023 1:47 am
by slowmotion
I fell off a ladder many ( many ) years ago and tore "something" in my right shoulder. It was over month before I could lift my right hand up to shoulder level without discomfort/pain. Never went to a doctor, but it was 3 or 4 months or so before everything was back to normal. But my right shoulder is now my "strong" shoulder, so our bodies/we are very good at repairing ourselves. Just give it some time.

Re: Veni, vidi, levavi, BenM Blathers

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2023 2:24 am
by MarkKO
BenM wrote: Fri Feb 03, 2023 12:33 am Yeah mine's in the tendon that joins the muscle to the bone. Only a partial thickness tear but i was confused by what I'd read online so I specifically asked him if it would actually heal and he said no.... he's only a young physio, not sure how much of a guru he is, but I hope he knows what he's talking about.
See, my understanding was that tendons just repaired significantly more slowly than muscle because they have much worse blood supply.

I always thought most tissue could repair given time.

That's certainly how I approached my rehab.