SeeMac's Log

A place to track your progress, or lack thereof

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SeeMac's Log


Post by SeeMac » Sat Apr 01, 2023 1:31 pm

Hey everyone. Decided to keep a log here to keep myself honest and also to have a nice place to look back and track progress. Already been logging in an notebook for the past few years but I'll try to hop on here a few times per week and log everything here.

Some background: 26M, about 190 pounds right now, training on and off for about 5-6 years. I've used numerous training methodologies, including 5/3/1, Juggernaut stuff, Bromley stuff, Conjugate etc. Recently been moving to a Hanley/Baraki style lower fatigue style, which seems to be helping my numerous nagging injuries. Linear/block periodization works for me, but ALWAYS ends up with me developing some significant tendinopathy (usually patella/quad, but also tricep/bicep occasionally).

I've been dealing with a weird hip/adductor/abductor thingy for like 6 or 7 months now which has been limiting squatting (and at one point deadlifting as well). It's been slowly getting better though, and I should be back to regular squat training within a few months hopefully.

Also, for full disclosure here, I have to be on testosterone replacement for the rest of my life. When I was 18, I had testiscular torsion. A few months later, I took a foul ball to the balls under the jock strap while catching in a baseball game. Then a few months after that, I had a testicular inguinal hernia. After that, the old boys don't work so well. Hope this doesn't cause any issues if/when I want to have kids, but we'll cross that road when we get to it.

My training for the past few months has been simple, and pretty effective. Monday and Thursday I squat and bench. Generally work up to a single @ 7-8 with some easy, low RPE volume around 70% and some heavier work sprinkled in. The squats recently have been high pin zercher squats and tempo squats, as I am trying to rehab my hip. I feel I'll be back to usual squatting soon though. Then do some arm work and some extra quad stuff. Tuesday and Friday I deadlift and press. Same structure, generally with a bit less deadlift volume. Then throw some hamstring and lat work in. Saturday has been just some weighted chins and some extra arm/shoulder stuff.

Best lifts (that I recall) are:
Bench - 285 barbell, 275 swiss bar
OHP - 185 barbell & swiss bar
Deadlift - 455 conventional, 505 trap bar
Squat - 315 high bar (I have tiny quads and have spent probably 3+ cumulative years with various knee tendinopathies).
Front Squat - 265 (see above)
Weighted Chin - +160 pounds at 180 bw

Goals over the next few months are to gain some weight and some upper body and quad mass. Also would like to get this hip thing sorted out.

Logging will be done weight x reps x sets, because that is the only way that makes sense.
Last edited by SeeMac on Sat Apr 01, 2023 3:37 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: SeeMac's Log


Post by SeeMac » Sat Apr 01, 2023 1:34 pm

Swiss bar bench - up to 255x1@8, 190x5x6
3 Pin Zercher Squat - up to 405x1@8 (PR), 305x5
3-0-3 Tempo High Bar - 150x7x2 -> zero pain here
Banded Hip Flexor Raise - red band x 10,15,10
90/90 get up - bwx10x3

No hard accessories today, just hip rehab stuff. Going through a bout of insomnia right now.

BB OHP - 1s @ 145,155,165,175 (@10 lol), 155x1, 145x2x3, 130x4x4(paused)
High Handle Trap Bar - 1s @ 445,465,485,505@8 (ties PR), 380x3x5
Banded Nordic Curls (stopping on 12" box) - red band x 8,7,6
Dumbbell Facepulls - 20x12,11,8
Bulgarian Split squat - +75 (contralaterally loaded) x6x2
Hanging Leg Raise - bwx12

Finally got some good sleep last night.
Last edited by SeeMac on Sat Apr 01, 2023 3:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: SeeMac's Log


Post by SeeMac » Sat Apr 01, 2023 3:34 pm

Saturday 04/01/23 - bodyweight 191 time of lifting (around 4:45 pm)

Weighted Chins - +30x6x6 (no sets over @7) - different grip each set
Dips - +35x12, +50x10, +70x8 (no sets over @6)
DB Incline Hammer Curl - 25x11,9,9
Band Pushdowns - purple x failure (35 or so reps)
Lateral Raise Myo Reps - 35x12-5-5-4-4-3
T Handle Swings - 105x10x2 - super easy

Made myself a T handle a few months back for heavier swings, but swings were bothering my hip so I haven't used it yet. Today I put 4 25s on it and there was zero pain. I could probably do 20-30 solid swings with this weight, but I'm sure power output drops after like 5 or so reps. These feel a bit awkward compared to a KB, but the heaviest KB I have is 70 pounds and I don't want to buy another just for swings. Will probably push the weight on these in the next few months. Heavy swings always felt great to me, and give me a better glute pump than anything else.

Not sure how I'm going to approach weighted chins. I've been doing 35 ish reps @ 65% E1Rm week 1, 25 reps @ 70% E1RM week 2, and then up to a single @8 with some doubles around 82-83% on week 3. They're weird for me as intensity/effort doesn't scale with load like other lifts. I can maybe, maybe get 20 bodyweight chin ups (at a bw of 190). Add 5% load and I probably can't manage 12. But I could probably get 10 reps at the same RPE with anything between 20 and 60 extra pounds. Probably something to do with the load distribution of adding weight to a belt. My best progress seems to come with regular heavy work and no volume under 75 ish %, but my elbows will take a beating. Plus, I have taken months off of heavy chins before and am able to hit a PR after a month or so of dedicated work. So I am considering just dropping these to save the elbow and systemic stress for extra pressing & arm volume to help with my bulk.

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Re: SeeMac's Log


Post by Renascent » Sat Apr 01, 2023 8:46 pm


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Re: SeeMac's Log


Post by SeeMac » Mon Apr 03, 2023 4:48 pm

Monday 04/03/2023

2 Pin Zercher Squat - 325, 345, 355, 365x1 @ 7-8 (PR), 275x5x4
Bench - 225, 235, 245, 255, 265x1 @ 8-9, 225x2x3, 195x5x3
Banded Deadbug (hip rehab) - yellow band x 8 x 2
Banded Sideplank Clamshell (hip rehab) - red + yellow x 11 x 2
Chins (set every 1:30, different grips) - 10,7,7,6,5 - oddly difficult
Pistol Squat (to 14" box) - bw x 4x3
Rolling DB tricep extension - 40 x 9,8,8
Band Pushdown - purple x failure

Really liking these zercher pin squats. I think I'm going to keep them in rotation once my hip is good to go, although at probably a larger ROM than what I'm currently working with. The arbitrary goals I set to keep me occupied while my hip is jacked up were 405 from pin 3, 385 from pin 2 and 365 from pin 1. I thought that would keep me busy for a few months, however I hit 405 on pin 3 pretty quickly, and could've taken 385 from pin 2 today.

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Re: SeeMac's Log


Post by mgil » Mon Apr 03, 2023 5:11 pm

Welcome aboard!

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Re: SeeMac's Log


Post by SeeMac » Tue Apr 04, 2023 6:24 pm

Renascent wrote: Sat Apr 01, 2023 8:46 pmWelcome!

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Re: SeeMac's Log


Post by SeeMac » Tue Apr 04, 2023 6:24 pm

mgil wrote: Mon Apr 03, 2023 5:11 pmWelcome aboard!
Thank you!

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Re: SeeMac's Log


Post by SeeMac » Tue Apr 04, 2023 6:31 pm

Tuesday 04/04/2023

Swiss Bar OHP - 155, 165 x 1 @ 8, 130 x 6 x 5
Conventional DL - 405, 425 x 1 @ 8, 320 x 4 x 4
Deficit Pushup - bw x 20,17,16
Single Leg KB RDL - 35 x 15, 50 x 8 x 2
2 Incline DB Curl - 25x12,10,9

Used mixed grip up to 405 on deadlifts, but mixed grip always feels terrible for me. Probably going to just permanently switch to hook grip for the singles and use straps on the backoffs. Also probably going to swap out the single leg RDLs for single leg hip thrusts.

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Re: SeeMac's Log


Post by SeeMac » Sat Apr 08, 2023 10:39 am

Thursday 04/06/2023

3-0-3 Tempo Squat - 135 x 8, 150 x 7, 165 x 6 -> zero pain on any of these
Swiss Bar Bench - 235,245,255 x 1 @ 8, 200 x 6 x 5
(Hip Rehab) Banded Hip Flexor Raise - red band x 12 x 3
(Hip Rehab) 90/90 Get Up - bw x 10 x 3 -> these feel great, going to keep these in for a while
Strict-ish DB Row - 105 x 14
BB Curl - 75 x 11,10,8
Band Pushdown - purple x 3 sets

Heaviest I've gone pain free on deep squats in months. Things are moving in the right direction.

Friday 04/07/2023

BB OHP - 145,155,165,175 x 1 @ 8-8.5, 165 x 1 x 2, 135 x 4 x 4 (paused)
High Handle Trap Bar - 465,495,515 x 1 @ idk (PR), 380 x 4 x 4
Pendulum Squat - 225 x 5, 205 x 8 x 2
Banded Nordic Curl (to 12" box) - black x 11,8,6
DB Facepull - 20 x 14,11,10

Have a feeling I haven't been rating my RPE on deads (especially trap bar) properly. The 1-1 RIR to RPE mapping doesn't work well with me. I'm one of those people who is way better at reps than singles, and the first rep always moves way slower than the rest, even with deadstop reps. For instance, I've hit 475x6 and 435x12 on the high handle, and 515 today was the heaviest I've ever moved on it. Going to just try to add 10 ish pounds per week to the single and see if I can find a true RPE 9-10 over the next few weeks.

Very happy I was able to do the pendulum squat pain free today. I was running the SBS 2.0 hypertrophy program right when I had to pivot because of my hip issues, and I got about 4 weeks of use with it before it was bothering my hip too much and had to be taken out (along with all squatting and pulling at the time). It didn't hurt at all today, so going to keep that in weekly for the next 7 or 8 weeks until I move out of my parents' house at the beginning of June. Although 2 plates for 5 reps is comically weak, so I need to get stronger quads lol.

My volume work for pressing is moving better than ever, but the top end hasn't been coming along as nicely. The bench sets of 190-200 x 5-6 with both bars move very fast, and the 130-135 x 5-6 (or 4 reps paused) on overhead are also flying. Going to do a 2 week rotation of heavier work on the straight bar days for each (monday for bench and friday for overhead). Basically doing a few fast singles at 84-87% of E1RM for bench and a few fast doubles at 80-83% of E1RM for overhead prior to the volume at 70% on the first week, and the opposite on the second week.

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Re: SeeMac's Log


Post by SeeMac » Sat Apr 08, 2023 7:57 pm

Saturday 04/08/2023

Band Assisted One Arm Chinup - purple x 1 x 3, purple x 2 x 2
Chin up - BW x 12
Dips - +50 x 12, + 70 x 10 -> both sets @ 7 or 8
Incline Hammer Curl - 25 x 12 x 2
T Handle Swing - 105 x 15
Lateral Raise Myo - 35 x 15-5-5-5-5-5

I either need to get some 1 inch plates for the t handle, or make the actual handles 1 inch longer, or both. My 2 inch plates slide all around at the bottom/top of the swing, and I can't get my pinky around the handles. The combination of these things jerk my hands around, and I will drop this thing some day.

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Re: SeeMac's Log


Post by SeeMac » Mon Apr 10, 2023 4:40 pm

Monday 04/10/2023

2 Pin Zercher Squat - up to 385 x 1 @ 8, 295 x 4, 285 x 4 x 3
Bench - up to 265 x 1 @ 9, 240 x 1 x 3, 200 x 6,5,5,5
(Hip Rehab) Banded Deadbug - red x 5 x 3
Chin (every 1:30) - bw x 13,7,7,6,6
Bulgarian Split Squat (contralaterally loaded) - 75 x 8 x 2
Rolling DB Extension - 40s x 12,9,9

2nd of 3 pin squat goals achieved. Going to move to the first pin next week. Hip is feeling better by the week.

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Re: SeeMac's Log


Post by SeeMac » Tue Apr 11, 2023 8:16 pm

Tuesday 04/11/23

Swiss Bar OHP - 145,155,165,175 x 1 @ 9, then 130 x 6,6,5,5,5 in 6:16
Conv. DL - 365,415,455 x 1 @ 8?, then 340 x 3 x 4 (paused) in 6:35
Single Leg Hip Thrust - red band x 12,10,8
Deficit Pushups - bw x 22,18,16
Incline DB Curl - 25s x 13,10,10

Used hook grip for all deadlift singles. Felt great. Also pretty confident I've been underrating my conventional DL RPEs as well, so going to just try adding some weight weekly until I hit a true 9-10.

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Re: SeeMac's Log


Post by SeeMac » Thu Apr 13, 2023 6:53 pm

Thursday 04/13/23

3-0-3 Tempo Squat - 135 x 10, 155 x 8, 175 x 6
Swiss Bar Bench - up to 255 x 1 @ 7, then 200 x 5 x 5 in 7:10
(Hip Rehab) 90/90 Get Up - bw x 10 (sitting on block), bw x 8 x 2 (from floor)
Lat Pulldown thingy Myo Rep - 160 + lever x 12-4-4-4-4
Band Pressdown - purple band x Failure x 4
Reverse BB Curl - 75 x 6, 65 x 10, 55 x 10,9

Zero hip pain on squats today, despite playing like 2 hours of basketball last night and my hip being fairly sore afterwards. Also right bicep tendon was achey today on the bench (happens with the swiss bar from time to time), so I took it a bit easier.

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Re: SeeMac's Log


Post by SeeMac » Fri Apr 14, 2023 5:10 pm

Friday 04/14/2023

BB OHP - up to 180 x 1 @ 9, then 155 x 2 x 2, 135 x 4 x 2 (paused) in 5:20
Klokov Press - 95 x 8 x 2
High Handle Trap Bar - up to 525 x 1 @ idk (PR), then 385 x 3 x 5 in 7:50
Pendulum Squat - 185 x 12, 205 x 12
Nordic (to 12" box) - red band x 5,4, black band x 7
DB Facepull - 20s x 13,12,12

Shoulders/upper back/neck was cranky today, and the presses were pissing it off. Cut off a few sets of OHP for klokov presses, which always make my shoulders feel nice. Gonna find a way to keep these in at least semi regularly, probably just doing what I did today where I do less volume on straight bar OHP, take some weight off and do some klokov presses.

2nd week in a row of PRing trap bar. The top single feels hard as hell, but I've been recording them and they don't look like they're moving slow at all. Looks like I could probably get 5-6 reps with them, so hoping I can keep this momentum up to see what a true RPE 9-10 is.

Also played an hour of basketball after this.

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Re: SeeMac's Log


Post by SeeMac » Mon Apr 17, 2023 7:49 am

Saturday 04/15/2023

One Arm Chinup (band assisted) - purple x 1,3,3,2, green x 4
Dips - +50 x 10, + 70 x 8,7 @ easy
Incline DB Hammer Curl - 25s x 13,10,10
Front Lever Tuck Row - bw x 6,5

Low back and shoulder/bicep tendon have been achey, so no swings or lateral raises today.

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Re: SeeMac's Log


Post by SeeMac » Mon Apr 17, 2023 4:28 pm

Monday 04/17/2023

(Hip Rehab) Banded deadbug - red x 6 x 3
1 Pin Zercher Squat - up to 345 x 1 @ 7-8 (PR), then 265 x 3 x 5 in 7:25
Bench - up to 265 x 1 @ 8.5ish, then 230 x 2 x 2, 190 (reverse-grip) x 5 x 5 in 11:20
Weighted Chin (every 1:30) - + 20 x 10,5,6,5,5
Bulgarian Split Squat - 45s x 8 x 2
Rolling DB Tricep Extension - 40s x 14,12,10

Right forearm/bicep tendon was acting up again today, so did the lighter bench volume 5-10 pounds under what I'd usually do and used a reverse grip. Always loved reverse grip since I normally bench with a super close grip (any wider gives me shoulder aids), but I can go fairly wide with the reverse grip and get a nice chest pump. Will try to keep this in rotation occasionally, potentially how I did today with doing the light straight bar volume with it.

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Re: SeeMac's Log


Post by SeeMac » Wed Apr 19, 2023 8:05 am

Tuesday 04/18/2023

Swiss Bar OHP - up to 175 x 1 @ 8, then 135 x 5 x 5 in 7:20
Conventional DL - up to 465 x 1 @ 9.5 ish (PR), then 345 x 3 x 4 (paused) in 9:20
Single Leg KB RDL - 35 x 10 x 2, 50 x 10
Deficit Pushups - bw x 24, 20, 19
Incline DB Curl - 25s x 14, 11, 10

Left knee started seizing up earlier on this day. Can't fully bend it, and it feels tight and painful in the back. Not sure why. Thought I'd have to take it easy on deadlifts but they surprisingly didn't bother up, and hit a PR anyways. It sketched me out a bit because last February something similar happened but on the outside of the same knee, and I pushed through it and ended up tearing my meniscus squatting that day. That put me out of commission for a few months. Feels a bit better today though. Should be good by next week.

The top single and a few of the backoffs on deadlifts kind of bothered my hip, but it isn't flared up today so I'm not worried about it. I find with these types of injuries, theres a point where things might hurt, but small tweaks/bouts of pain don't cause a flare up. I believe the researchers call this "reactivity". At least for me, once I pass this point, I am usually more or less good to train and the pain will resolve shortly. I seem to be past that point, which is awesome.

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Re: SeeMac's Log


Post by DanCR » Wed Apr 19, 2023 9:20 am

Congratulations on the PR!

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Re: SeeMac's Log


Post by SeeMac » Fri Apr 21, 2023 6:55 pm

Wednesday 04/19/2022
Squat - 165 x 5 x 5 in 8:10
Breathing Squat - 135 x 20 seconds

Did these a day early, since I had an itch to lift and wanted to get the knee moving.

Thursday 04/20/2023
Swiss Bar Bench - up to 255 x 1 @ 7, then 205 x 5 x 5 in 7:10
(Hip Rehab without lateral knee force) Sissy squat - bw x 10 x 3
Lever Lat Pulldown Myo Rep - lever + 185 x 12-5-4-4-3, 8-3
BB Reverse Curl - 55 x 12, 10, 10, 10
Band Pressdown - purple x F x 4

Right forearm/bicep tendon still sore

Friday 04/21/2023
Overhead Press - up to 175 x 1 @ 9, then 160 x 1 x 4, 150 x 2 x 3 in 7:00
Klokov Press - 95 x 10, 8
High Handle Trap Bar - up to 545 x 1 @ 9? (20 lb PR), then 395 x 3 x 5 in 7:20
Pendulum Squat - 205 x 12, 15
Nordic (to 12" box) - red x 7, 5, 4
DB Facepull - 25s x 10, 8, 8

Another week, another easy PR. Honestly don't know when I'll hit a true 10. I am pretty confident I've been sandbagging every lift except OHP. Been filming all my bench singles lately and none of them even look like @8s. Only reason I haven't been pushing the bench singles is a lack of a spotter or safety arms, but I'll have a power rack in my new garage setup come June so maybe a 3 plate bench is in the works this year. One of my 2023 goals was a 545 trap bar, but honestly I'd be surprised if I can't keep adding 10 pounds to these singles each week for at least another month. The 545 this week moved better than the 525 last week, and I wasn't feeling particularly strong + my knee and hip have been not feeling great.

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