Fossil's Training Log

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Fossil's Training Log


Post by Fossil » Wed Mar 01, 2023 5:36 pm

Hi all. I'm new to the forum, but have lurked in the past.
I'm moving from the IOL forum.

A little about me:
33 years old, been lifting since I was about 18. Spent my first year of college dropping like 40-50lbs and turning myself into a skeleton. I did a lot of stuff I found online (Youtube in particular) without too much of an understanding as to the why of what I was doing, aside from "get ripped!" lol. One thing I was doing during these first few years was running stairs every day. Lots and lots of stairs - I lived on the 10th level of my dorm and each night for a year, I'd run up and down all ten flights ten times, so I could appreciate effort, and sustained effort at that.
Jump forward a year or so, and after doing some admittedly productive stuff ripped from Men's Health - stuff that taught me about progression, focusing on compound lifts and keeping a training log - I fell into the trap of copying whatever was cool and flashy, or in the case of 2010-2013, overly edgy and overly marketed; odd objects, bodyweight training, circuits, complexes and then extreme routines along the lines of Bulgarian stuff etc. All of these things have their purpose, but I didn't really have the requisite base to be going all in with any of them. I was able to find what I liked and discard what I didn't and was able to strict press bw and highbar / Olympic squat double bw most days of the week, and did so for a year.
I found out I don't like variety and that no lift is sacred to me. I don't particularly enjoy the "Big 3" so I stopped doing them entirely around 2014 - mostly due to certain pathologies that render them more harmful than useful - and I don't mean I had shoulder pain when benching or my back rounded a tiny bit at the bottom of a squat, I'm talking stuff like my uneven arms make deadlifts and dumbbell overhead presses destroy my hips and SI joint for weeks after or that my partially missing left lat caused the bar to rotate ever so slightly on every rep of squats, giving me IT band issues for years. During the years bouncing around strength training methodologies I did some investigation into old-time lifts and as you'll see in this training log, found that some things were very useful to me.

At this point in time, I'm very deep into an very time-consuming career that I've been in for almost a decade now, so when I entered the workforce after college, time-efficiency and my propensity for minimalism went hand in hand.
I do some stuff that probably seems a bit weird to the casual reader, but I am really enjoying it - I just ended a 6 week "lifting every day" program to help build a broader base of strength and try and very slowly add to that. It was 5-7 days of variations of the two lifts you'll see in this log done for varying reps.
The program with which I'm christening this log is a John McKean-inspired thing that I've wanted to try but never felt comfortable doing without a long break-in period. It's also something I decided on to give my body a bit of a chance to recover after the daily thing. All of this is part of a much longer, slow-burn approach to developing these two pet lifts and the qualities the lifts develop, which is grip strength - swings - and a solid connection between the upper and lower body - front squats. The plan is to use 8 week cycles, so prepare yourselves - this log is about to get extremely monotonous.

Jump Rope:
5 minutes

1-Arm DB Swing [French Style]:
50 x 1 L/R
60 x 1 L/R
65 x 1 L/R
70 x 1 L/R

1-Arm DB Swing [Hang]:
50 x 5 L/R

Front Squat:
145 x 1
165 x 1
185 x 1
205 x 1
145 x 5

None of this was particularly difficult. Went hard last night finishing off the daily program I had been running so took this introduction to the new program fairly easy.

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Re: Fossil's Training Log


Post by DanCR » Wed Mar 01, 2023 5:54 pm

Welcome, @Fossil!

I’m intrigued.

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Re: Fossil's Training Log


Post by Hardartery » Wed Mar 01, 2023 8:16 pm

I like odd lifts and I cannot lie. Show us what ya got man.

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Re: Fossil's Training Log


Post by Fossil » Sat Mar 04, 2023 9:16 pm

DCR wrote: Wed Mar 01, 2023 5:54 pm Welcome, @Fossil!

I’m intrigued.
Glad to be here!

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Re: Fossil's Training Log


Post by Fossil » Sat Mar 04, 2023 9:17 pm

Hardartery wrote: Wed Mar 01, 2023 8:16 pm I like odd lifts and I cannot lie. Show us what ya got man.
Another odd lift fan!

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Re: Fossil's Training Log


Post by mgil » Sat Mar 04, 2023 9:19 pm

Welcome aboard!

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Post by Fossil » Sat Mar 04, 2023 10:45 pm

Jump Rope:
5 minutes

Got a weighted jump rope. Definitely gonna take some getting used to.

1-Arm DB Swing [French Style]:
50 x 1 L/R
60 x 1 L/R
65 x 1 L/R
71 x 1 L/R

1-Arm DB Swing [Old Style]:
50 x 1+1+1 L/R

The back-off set of swings was rest-paused, and I alternated so it was back and forth with a to reset each rep.

Since this lift has quite a few variations that evolved over the years, I note what style I'm using; "French Style" means the bell starts in front of you. "Old style" is noted as such only because I didn't know what to call the "original" form of the lift in which the bell starts way back and is often tipped on it's end. There's a photo of Saxon that's pretty easy to find if you want to see what I'm describing. I like that variation because it starts from a dead stop and forces you to go a little lighter. I split in both versions but don't use a split if I'm doing reps from the hang.
I don't like the variation that uses back hang. To me, it's the Olympic press of the swing lifts, and by that I mean it evolved into something entirely different that what it was originally. It also feels really bad on my wrists and left hand - that's also why I use the tipped forward setup with the "Old Style."

Bottom Position Front Squat:
145 x 1
165 x 1
185 x 1
195 x 1

Front Squat:
195 x 3

Might use the first set weight for this back-off and push the reps.

I've tinkered with bottom position front squats off and on in the past but usually go back to regular front squats after a week or two. I've wanted this to be my primary lower body movement because I train at home and like going heavy but can't really drop the bar. The only think I need to work out is the setup - specifically getting my arms in a less awkward way. I've got got a pair of safety catches coming soon and those will replace the plastic sawhorses I used tonight, which are too wide, not adjustable and just overall not a great.

My best ever front squat was 275 at 153lbs bodyweight. This was probably 7-8 years ago. I'm a few pounds heavier now but was hitting 255 regularly about a year ago before some hip issues sidelined progress. It would be nice to stand up with double bodyweight sometime in the future.
Last edited by Fossil on Sun Mar 05, 2023 12:09 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Fossil's Training Log


Post by Fossil » Sat Mar 04, 2023 10:45 pm

mgil wrote: Sat Mar 04, 2023 9:19 pmWelcome aboard!
Much appreciated!

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Post by Fossil » Tue Mar 07, 2023 7:44 pm

For those that are reading this and think "so, that's it?" Yeah, for the next several weeks at least.
For the first time, I'm pretty strictly adhering to a plan that waves volume. So if you saw this stuff and think I'm anti-volume, you'd be incorrect. One of my favorite and most results-producing programs that I try to cycle through once or twice a year is Bryce Lane's 50-in-20 routine, which is (probably) going to be the basis for the next block. I just want to push some numbers while I'm coming off of a cycle of daily lifting and before I go into a density+volume thing.

Jump Rope:
5 minutes

1-Arm DB Swing [French Style]:
50 x 1 L/R
60 x 1 L/R
65 x 1 L/R
72 x 1 L/R

1-Arm DB Swing [Old Style]:
50 x 1+1+1 L/R

The way 60 felt - heavier than it normally does - I questioned how this session was going to go, but the singles at 72 flew up.
Did the back-off set one arm at a time instead of alternating, just so I could have time to really setup and not rush anything; Will continue to do them that way.

Bottom Position Front Squat:
145 x 1
165 x 1
185 x 1
200 x 1

Front Squat:
145 x 6

Got the new safeties today. Much easier to set up the bottom position squats. Probably going to grind the knurling off the far ends of my bar since these safeties don't have anything plastic covering the top - it's just metal on painted metal. But I don't grab the bar that wide anyway so not a big deal.

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Post by DanCR » Tue Mar 07, 2023 8:04 pm

Fossil wrote: Tue Mar 07, 2023 7:44 pm For those that are reading this and think "so, that's it?" Yeah, for the next several weeks at least.
As someone who’s done the same three movements three or four times a week for weeks, I’m nodding.
Fossil wrote: Tue Mar 07, 2023 7:44 pm One of my favorite and most results-producing programs that I try to cycle through once or twice a year is Bryce Lane's 50-in-20 routine, which is (probably) going to be the basis for the next block.
@Testiclaw, a great resource who unfortunately seems to have disappeared, was a big proponent of 50/20. I tried it out near the end of the 2020 locksdowns and thought for like a week that I was into it. I actually wanted to use it as a bit of a body recomp tool. Then everything started to hurt, not in a good way, and I found that I dreaded the sessions. I just really dislike lifting to a clock.

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Post by Fossil » Tue Mar 07, 2023 9:40 pm

DCR wrote: Tue Mar 07, 2023 8:04 pm
Fossil wrote: Tue Mar 07, 2023 7:44 pm For those that are reading this and think "so, that's it?" Yeah, for the next several weeks at least.
As someone who’s done the same three movements three or four times a week for weeks, I’m nodding.
Fossil wrote: Tue Mar 07, 2023 7:44 pm One of my favorite and most results-producing programs that I try to cycle through once or twice a year is Bryce Lane's 50-in-20 routine, which is (probably) going to be the basis for the next block.
@Testiclaw, a great resource who unfortunately seems to have disappeared, was a big proponent of 50/20. I tried it out near the end of the 2020 locksdowns and thought for like a week that I was into it. I actually wanted to use it as a bit of a body recomp tool. Then everything started to hurt, not in a good way, and I found that I dreaded the sessions. I just really dislike lifting to a clock.
I generally pick a few lifts and go at them for a year or two. Sometimes more, but the past 5-6 years or so have been based around less than a half dozen lifts I'd say. Admittedly, with very haphazard programming, which is something I'm trying to rectify this year.

It's funny that you mentioned using the 50-in-20 as a recomp tool and coming to dread sessions - both ring very true in my experience. First time I ran the program is was with barbell hang clean and press and within a few weeks my entire upper body started looking better. But one thing I've learned is that you've gotta be very, very careful with the lifts you use because the ability to breathe and support the weight really comes into play in the last half of the twenty minutes. A few years ago I did a cycle with front squats and I don't think I've ever dreaded sessions more. Worked up to bodyweight and basically settled on that being good enough for me. Forever. I've had the most success on lifts that don't require much of a setup or support between reps; trying to catch your breath with a barbell racked across your throat or back becomes impossible really quickly so you're limited in that regard, coupled with that "drowning" feeling that just makes the sessions something you don't even wanna do. Lifts that start from a dead stop or out of a rack are probably the most reasonable way to go. I remember enjoying barbell strict presses and I've heard of people having a lot of success with weighted pullups and deadlifts.

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Post by Fossil » Fri Mar 10, 2023 8:32 pm

Jump Rope:
5 minutes

The weighted jump rope is proving to be really great for warming up my upper and lower body. It's definitely more challenging than my non-weighted rope but I'll adapt.

1-Arm DB Swing [French Style]:
50 x 1 L/R
60 x 1 L/R
65 x 1 L/R
73 x 1 L/R

1-Arm DB Swing [Old Style]:
50 x 1+1+1 L/R

After doing those bottom position squats last week, my hip felt a little off. Not really sore but very slightly pinched... and that right there permanently ended any chance of me doing that lift again. Dealt with a right hip issue last year that tanked my front squat so not about to revisit that. I think I life the idea of bottom position squats more than actually doing them. It's just really awkward setting up for them.

Front Squat:
145 x 1
165 x 1
185 x 1
210 x 1

Pause Front Squat [3 seconds]:
145 x 1+1+1

I've managed to get a really great rack position by holding onto the bar with all my fingers. Took a long time to nail but now it's second nature. It was like that when I ditched lifting shoes (or any shoes at all lol) and getting my ankles acclimated to doing deep front squats; You just more or less have to force positions and then they take. I'd rather spend a month with sore ankles or wrists than spend a second on any kind of mobility work tbh.

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Post by Fossil » Mon Mar 13, 2023 4:32 pm

Jump Rope:
5 minutes

Realized ever since I started jumping rope - about 6 months ago, I never bothered to asses the length in regards to performance; I always thought my turnover was just slow, but today I shortened my weighted rope by a fair amount and wow, what a difference - was having trouble doing the foot-to-foot thing with the longer rope but now I can basically run/jog/walk in place with it.

1-Arm DB Swing [French Style]:
50 x 1 L/R
60 x 1 L/R
65 x 1 L/R
75 x 1 L/R

1-Arm DB Swing [Old Style]:
50 x 1+1+1 L/R

The "plates" [baseball bat weights] I use to microload are too thick to safely load 74lbs so I jumped the planned weight to 75. Felt super heavy with the left hand but I recorded those singles and it went up fast and smooth. Felt like I had to dive into the split to catch it though. The big jump from the set before the top set kinda threw me I think. Will probably bump up all the ramp up sets and repeat 75 for the top single next session.

Front Squat:
145 x 1
165 x 1
185 x 1
215 x 1

Pause Front Squat [3 seconds]:
145 x 1+1+1

Trying to accelerate as quickly as possible out of the bottom of a paused front squat is interesting but I think I've got it down.

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Post by DanCR » Mon Mar 13, 2023 5:11 pm

Fossil wrote: Fri Mar 10, 2023 8:32 pm You just more or less have to force positions and then they take. I'd rather spend a month with sore ankles or wrists than spend a second on any kind of mobility work tbh.

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Post by Fossil » Fri Mar 17, 2023 4:04 pm

Was supposed to do this yesterday but a work-social thing got in the way.
Haven't been eating much the last two weeks - trying to lose some unnecessary body weight. Not a lot, but I don't really want to do it slowly. I won't continue this level of dieting for too much longer since I really only want to drop 10 or 15lbs.

Jump Rope:
5 minutes

1-Arm DB Swing [French Style]:
52 x 1 L/R
62 x 1 L/R
67 x 1 L/R
76 x 1 L/R

Top single wasn't too bad. Left arm may have briefly bent on the way up. Neither of my elbows can technically can't lock out at all - the left arm being especially egregious, making it difficult to tell on video.

1-Arm DB Swing [Old Style]:
52 x 1+1+1 L/R

Front Squat:
145 x 1
165 x 1
195 x 1
220 x 1

Pause Front Squat [3 seconds]:
145 x 1+1+1

Haven't been logging it, but been doing quick jump rope sessions throughout the week. Calves are pretty sore, which to my surprise, affected how the front squats felt in the bottom.

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Re: Fossil's Training Log


Post by hector » Fri Mar 17, 2023 9:00 pm

Just read your first entry.
Your cardio must have been insane from all the stairs!!!!

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Re: Fossil's Training Log


Post by Fossil » Mon Mar 20, 2023 7:32 pm

hector wrote: Fri Mar 17, 2023 9:00 pm Just read your first entry.
Your cardio must have been insane from all the stairs!!!!
Thank you!
And it really was insane - hoping to get at least some of that back with the jump rope.

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Post by Fossil » Mon Mar 20, 2023 8:50 pm

Jump Rope:
5 minutes

1-Arm DB Swing [French Style]:
55 x 1 L/R
65 x 1 L/R
70 x 1 L/R
77 x 1 L/R

1-Arm DB Swing [Old Style]:
55 x 1+1+1 L/R

Used my slightly thinner (but longer) DB handle. It's CAP I think? Bought it maybe a decade ago. Heaviest I've ever gone on this is 80 pounds and that was with straps. The thinner diameter is just right - I hate the Rogue handles I have. Same with the Titan handles. The nameless (or maybe Troy?) handle I have is so thin it feels like it's digging into my left hand so I don't use that one too often. Been using the Microgains handles I have but started to realize those were really too thick to use on such a dynamic lift. Yes, I own a lot of dumbbell handles lol. Unfortunately it took me awhile to realize *why* some handles felt awful in my left hand and some felt fine.

Front Squat:
155 x 1
175 x 1
200 x 1
225 x 1

Pause Front Squat [3 seconds]:
155 x 1+1+1

Definitely staying at 225 next session - it felt way heavier than it should have.

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Post by Fossil » Sat Mar 25, 2023 4:07 pm

Came down with a sinus infection so this got pushed further than I'd like - will probably push the month's remaining sessions closer together so as not to have skipped any. I've never ran anything with nearly this little of volume and geez is it... different. I don't like excessive volume for the sake of "getting volume in" but I also like to actually, ya know, perform the lift.

Jump Rope:
5 minutes

1-Arm DB Swing [French Style]:
55 x 1 L/R
65 x 1 L/R
70 x 1 L/R
77 x miss L - didn't even attempt the right
73 x 1 L/R
73 x 1 L/R
77 x 1 L/R

Up until the miss I was using this new, extremely cheap CAP dumbbell handle and all I can say is: at least it was only $30.
What a poorly constructed piece of equipment. I liked the dimensions but it's just too over designed for my left hand to use. After that said fuck it and switched back to my brand-less, decade-old beater handle and that 77 was textbook. Very nice lift.
Moral of the story: be glad you've got all your digits. This making accommodations shit is more annoying than you can imagine.

1-Arm DB Swing [Old Style]:
Skipped this - was short on time.

Front Squat:
155 x 1
175 x 1
200 x 1
225 x miss

Pause Front Squat [3 seconds]:
Skipped this because, well, you can see why.

Right side QL has been an off and on issue and today, it decided to become an issue again. Got skittish and just sat down in the bottom. Never could figure out exactly what was causing the problem but it comes and goes. Usually not a big deal but sometimes it's enough to make squatting movements problematic. Right at the attachment point on my sacrum too.

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Post by Fossil » Tue Mar 28, 2023 8:36 pm

Jump Rope:
5 minutes

1-Arm DB Swing [French Style]:
55 x 1 L/R
65 x 1 L/R
70 x 1 L/R
77 x 1 L/R

1-Arm DB Swing [Old Style]:
55 x 1+1+1 L/R

Front Squat:
155 x 1
175 x 1
200 x 1
225 x 1

Pause Front Squat [3 seconds]:
155 x 1+1+1

I might bump both lifts up a pound or two for the (welcome) final session of this setup.

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