Munen Muso: Turtle Bear's Log

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Re: Munen Muso: Turtle Bear's Log


Post by TurtleBear » Fri Nov 24, 2023 6:00 am

40 minute bike ride
60 min moderate kyokushin class

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

Back at it today!
Today's weight: 214.6: O.O

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Re: Munen Muso: Turtle Bear's Log


Post by TurtleBear » Sat Nov 25, 2023 5:14 am


Sleep: 6 Hours

Breakfast: 4 Hardboiled Eggs, 2 low carb tortilla things with cheese

Lunch: 2 Chicken Thighs with potatoes

Dinner: Protein Shake: I know I said no more liquid calories. But I knew I needed to eat something and I was just so full from thanksgiving goodies still.


Strength Giant Set:
4 Rounds
1a Single Arm Barbell Row: 70lbs, 70lbs, 75lbs, 75lbs
1b Bench Press: 165, 175, 185, 185
1c Dragon Flags: 4, 4, 4, 4
Rest 90 seconds

4 rounds
2a. 50lb Dumbbell Bench Press: 12, 10, 8, 6
2.b 35lb Plate Straight arm pull overs: 12, 12, 10, 10

Sandbag work:
EMOM 10 Mins
3 Loads over bar with the 110lb sandbag

1C: I am still dialing in on dragon flags. These are getting closer to "Full" reps, but were not quite there yet.
2a: I haven't done these since I first started lifting weights in my pre starting strength days. My dad was my first lifting teacher and these were a go to for him. Had a big smile on my face getting to do them again.
2b: These fragged my triceps. Completely fragged them. You guys have heard me mentioned elsewhere that my arm strength/work capacity (particularly in my triceps) has been lagging behind. I had wanted to do push ups as the third exercise in the giant set but my triceps were so smoked that I had to drop em.

Sandbag work: This was brutal. I think it was mostly mental (was a bit sleep deprived) because on paper these aren't nearly as hard as some of the other stuff I've done. But I remember looking at the timer and seeing 6 minutes left and thinking "oh crap seriously?!". But I got through them.

Today's weight: 214.6 still. Sigh.

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Re: Munen Muso: Turtle Bear's Log


Post by TurtleBear » Sun Nov 26, 2023 5:21 am


Sleep: 8 hours

Food: Had a big food gathering today with a good friend. My goal was to just not gain weight today.

Farmers/Frame Carry
Warm up:
3 Burpees then 22.5lbs for 100 ft
3 Burpees then 67.5lbs for 100ft
EMOM for 10 mins
3 Burpees then 105lbs for 100ft.

2. Strength work: Warm ups and then 3 Rounds
a.4 Burpee Broad Jumps: 4, 4, 4, 4, 4,
b.8 Deadlifts: 135, 225, 245, 265, 285
c.4 Standing Plank Walk outs: 4, 4, 4, 4, 4
d.90 seconds-3:00 minutes of rest.

3. Assistance: As many rounds as possible in 10 mins
3 Rounds
a. 5 SLDL: 225, 225, 225
b Max reps pronated dumbbell rows for 20 seconds: 27.5lbs
c. 20 seconds rest
d.Max reps pronated dumbbell rows for 20 seconds: 25.7lbs (Other hand)

This was a pukey one guys. Shirt was drenched by the end, and Im not a big sweater. One thing I am working on this week is incorporating the full giant set into my warm ups. Before I wouldn't have done the burpees or the plank walk outs until the work sets. Now I am gonna do em from the get go.

1. I realized I needed to be logging my farmers carry as what I am carrying with one hand, not what I am carry all together. So I made that adjustment here. These started getting tougher toward the end of the 10 minutes. The longer distance of 100ft as opposed to 50 made me suck wind a bit more.

2. This whole series of giant sets was pretty puke-y. I don't throw up easily at all but there where a few times in the sets where I felt like I was starting to tap into that realm haha.
a. These felt really really good. I absolutely love this movement.
b. The deads went way better this week. No back chatty-ness at all. I pulled 10lbs heavier for 2 more reps than what I did for my deads last week.
c. My direct core strength still needs a lot of work. Im not able to do ab wheel roll outs yes, so I did plank walk outs.
d. Top giant set's rest was more like 3 minutes as opposed to the usual 90 seconds. Out of shape guys haha

3. Just moved through the 3 rounds here. Like I said, my back was doing much better and I didn't wanna try to squeeze in a fourth or fifth super grindy round and potentially re-tweak it.

Today's weight: 214.6

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Re: Munen Muso: Turtle Bear's Log


Post by TurtleBear » Mon Nov 27, 2023 3:01 am


Rest Day. I usually try to get something done each day ((I dont like doing just complete days with no activity)) but man was I smoked yesterday. Between Saturday's dead session and just being busy over the holiday weekend. It was a day for sweats and loafing around by the fire.

This mornings weight: 214 even.

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Re: Munen Muso: Turtle Bear's Log


Post by TurtleBear » Thu Nov 30, 2023 2:17 am

Catch up post:


1. Strength Work: Warms ups then 5 rounds
a. 8 Inverted Rows: 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8
b. 5 Strict Presses: 45, 100, 105, 110, 115, 115
c. Hanging Rainbows (each side): 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 2
Rest 90 Seconds between rounds

2. Assistance:
8 pin presses: 87.5
8 Assisted pull ups
8 push ups
7 pin presses: 87.5
7 Assisted pull ups
7 push ups
6 pin presses: 87.5
6 Assisted pull ups
6 push ups.

3. Weighted Carry:
2 Rounds:
100 Foot Single arm DB/KB Waiters walk (Left side): 35lbs
100 Foot single arm farmers walk (right side): 100lbs
100 foot single arm DB/KB Waiters walk (Right side): 35lbs
100 foot single arm farmers walk (left side): 100lbs

a. These are getting easier. Really trying to emphasize these to build up some of the deconditioning in my forearms and biceps and work up to doing more pull ups
b. Was really happy with these today. This is the first time I've standing strict pressed in a long time. I didn't think I had room with my basement ceilings being so low, but I was happily proved wrong.
c. Not great at these yet, but I wanna keep these decently consistent. I think it would be great to build up to windshield wipers.

2. More work capacity stuff here. My triceps are adapting really fast to doing more work. My arms are already starting not to look dispaportionately small compared to the rest of me :lol:

3. Alright I screwed up on this one. This was supposed to be as many rounds as possible in ten minutes. The implement I use for my normal farmers carry is a frame. I don't actually have single farmers handles. So I figured that a good 100 foot work weight for me has been 100lbs. So I loaded that up on an olympic dumbbell and figured that would be the same. I was wrong. My grip was totally fragged after two rounds. Ah well.

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Re: Munen Muso: Turtle Bear's Log


Post by TurtleBear » Thu Nov 30, 2023 2:27 am

Sleep: 8 Hours

1.Weighted Carry: EMOM 10 Minutes
3 Sandbag squats
50 foot carry
7 rounds with 155
1 round with 220!! PR!

2. Strength Work: Warm ups then 4 rounds.
a. 15 Seconds of DB Snatches: 27.5lbs, 27.5, 27.5, 27.5, 27.5
b. 6 Squats: 135, 240, 255, 265, 265
c. 5 Hanging leg raises: 5, 5, 5, 5, 5
Rest 90 Seconds

3. Assistance/Work Capacity Stuff
10 Body weight lunges emom for 5 minutes

1. The 220 Sandbag is the first PR I've had in almost 6 years! Man I'm so pumped about this one. I did the 220 round in the middle of the 155 rounds, and I ended up missing a round or two after to recover before jumping back in with the 155 rounds!

2. a. just moving here really
b. Really wanted 280 as the top set today, but my legs were a bit fragged from the squats before. So I settled with a second set at 265x5. These felt great though
c. More hanging ab stuff

3. Sort of like the tricep work above. Just increasing work capacity in stuff besides the big 4. My strength/work capacity for lunges sucks. So I just decided to knock a bunch out here. Quad pump at the end was ridiculous haha

Breakfast: Protein oatmeal

Lunch: Homemade chicken quesadilla

Dinner: Spicy jalepeno bake thing.

Today's weight: 212.4

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Re: Munen Muso: Turtle Bear's Log


Post by TurtleBear » Fri Dec 01, 2023 3:51 am

Sleep: 6 hours
Planned on a kyokushin class, but the whole house is under the weather, so it was a quiet rest day.

Breakfast: Protein oatmeal
Doughnut in the breakroom (I know...I know...)

Lunch: Stir fry

Dinner: Homemade ham and chicken pizza. 2 pieces

Sleep: 8 hours

AM Training:

1. Strength Work: Warm up set then 3 rounds
a.8 Barbell Rows: 135, 145, 155, 155
b.8 Bench Presses: 135, 145, 155, 165,
c.8 Bandy Twisty Thingys: Black Band: 8,8,8,8
d. 90 Seconds of rest

2. Work Capacity/Hypertrophy stuff: 4 Rounds
a.5 Close Grip Bench Presses: 165, 155, 145, 135
b. 5 Assisted Pull ups: 5,5,5,5
c. 35lb Narrow Grip DB Press: 12, 10, 8, 8
d. 3 Assisted Pull ups: 3, 3, 3, 3,
e. 10 Standing Tricep Extension things: 10, 10, 10, 10.
Minimal rest. Right back up to the top.

3. Sandbag Work: EMOM 10 minutes
4 Sandbag sprawls
1 Sandbag over should: 155lb sandbag.

Notes: Still a bit under the weather this morning. Nothing major but this felt like a bit of a slog physically. Mentally I'm really excited about training.
Trying to ease into more early morning sessions so I can be a better dad in the afternoon.
1. a. Back was chatty being first thing in the morning. Ended up utilizing my belt on the heavier sets for some extra support.
b. Definitely had more in the tank beyond 165 for the set of 8. Hopefully that means PRs will be inbound later on.
c. My favorite of all core exercises. Focused on moving as fast and explosive as possible.

2. More general work capacity/hypertrophy stuff. Really just trying to frag out my triceps today.
Arms feel like they wanna fall off now.

3. Wanted to try for the 220 Sandbag today since its just one Sandbag over shoulder for each set. But I have another session of deads coming up. I wanna be fresh for that. So 155 it is.

Today's weight: 212.8

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Re: Munen Muso: Turtle Bear's Log


Post by DanCR » Mon Apr 22, 2024 7:56 pm

@TurtleBear, saw your post downstairs. How’s your training been?

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Re: Munen Muso: Turtle Bear's Log


Post by TurtleBear » Tue Apr 23, 2024 5:28 am


Hey man! Great to hear from ya.
Training was continuing to go really well until March. Came down with some form of crud that would not let me go for about a month. Finally on the mend this week and trying to start back up on the routine (and with that, get better about logging again).

In the past, Ive always trained through sniffles n stuff and I actually think it would help me heal faster most of the time. This one? Not so much. It started off as a very mild cold and I went and split wood with my dad for a few hours and the next day was just tanked out. That "tanked out" feeling proceeded to stay for a subsequent 3 weeks.

I'm excited to get back to training. Gonna try for a my first session back either today or tomorrow morning.
How's training been for you?

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Re: Munen Muso: Turtle Bear's Log


Post by DanCR » Tue Apr 23, 2024 8:21 am

TurtleBear wrote: Tue Apr 23, 2024 5:28 am DCR

Hey man! Great to hear from ya.
Training was continuing to go really well until March. Came down with some form of crud that would not let me go for about a month. Finally on the mend this week and trying to start back up on the routine (and with that, get better about logging again).

In the past, Ive always trained through sniffles n stuff and I actually think it would help me heal faster most of the time. This one? Not so much. It started off as a very mild cold and I went and split wood with my dad for a few hours and the next day was just tanked out. That "tanked out" feeling proceeded to stay for a subsequent 3 weeks.

I'm excited to get back to training. Gonna try for a my first session back either today or tomorrow morning.
How's training been for you?
Glad that you'll be back - I'll be following along again.

For a few months I was pursuing - and attained - a lifetime squat PR, and it was great to have one goal during that time. Since then, though, I've been stuck back in my more usual limbo of wanting to just train for hypertrophy, but also wanting a stronger squat and bench, but also knowing that losing weight ought to be my priority over all of that. I've settled into a loose schedule that works day to day but the overall vibe is unsatisfying. I need to sit down and write something out with intent.

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Re: Munen Muso: Turtle Bear's Log


Post by TurtleBear » Thu Apr 25, 2024 3:22 am

Anndddd we're back!!


Early A.M Workout. Took this super light and easy. I mentioned elsewhere that early mornings aren't really my peak time physically, so I am going to be extra nice to myself as I ease back in. I think my joints, tendons and connective tissues will adapt given enough time, just gonna take it slow. Just a linear with some combat sports stuff and other fluff. I am calling the linear program "The Rebuild" as a nod to Alsruhe.

Rebuild W1 D1.
Warm up:
15 minutes of heavy bag work (kicks)
10 minutes of makiwara work

Frame Carry:
50 foot carries EMOM with 225lbs (Total, not each hand)

4 Rounds
a. 6 Bench Presses w 160lbs
b. 6 Deadlifts w 225lbs
c. 30 seconds RKC Plank
Rest 2 minutes

4). Chin ups: 7 minute density set
10 reps in 7 minutes

1). I cannot roll out of bed and just start lifting heavy things (yet). I will get a tweak for sure. Weirdly enough though, I can roll out of bed and with about 3 or 4 minutes of light warm up and stretching I can work the heavy bag. I can do so with quite a bit of power too, which actually serves in warming me up for lifts. Skin and bones were sore and lungs were angry but all in all I really enjoyed this.

2). Can definitely tell I've been sedentary for a while. Could feel it in the skin of my hands haha. Load was still relatively easy.

3). Again, mostly just moving here. 225 was extremely light for the deadlift, but I think it was a good starting place. My back was letting me know it wasn't used to this. Bench was quite easy too, mostly just uncomfortable for wrists/tendons etc.

Got a kyokushin class later tonight and thats all for today.

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Re: Munen Muso: Turtle Bear's Log


Post by TurtleBear » Thu Apr 25, 2024 3:28 am

DCR wrote: Tue Apr 23, 2024 8:21 am
TurtleBear wrote: Tue Apr 23, 2024 5:28 am DCR

Hey man! Great to hear from ya.
Training was continuing to go really well until March. Came down with some form of crud that would not let me go for about a month. Finally on the mend this week and trying to start back up on the routine (and with that, get better about logging again).

In the past, Ive always trained through sniffles n stuff and I actually think it would help me heal faster most of the time. This one? Not so much. It started off as a very mild cold and I went and split wood with my dad for a few hours and the next day was just tanked out. That "tanked out" feeling proceeded to stay for a subsequent 3 weeks.

I'm excited to get back to training. Gonna try for a my first session back either today or tomorrow morning.
How's training been for you?
Glad that you'll be back - I'll be following along again.

For a few months I was pursuing - and attained - a lifetime squat PR, and it was great to have one goal during that time. Since then, though, I've been stuck back in my more usual limbo of wanting to just train for hypertrophy, but also wanting a stronger squat and bench, but also knowing that losing weight ought to be my priority over all of that. I've settled into a loose schedule that works day to day but the overall vibe is unsatisfying. I need to sit down and write something out with intent.
Dude congrats on the squat pr!!! Squat is my favorite lift....

Isn't that wild? I am the exact same way. I have to have a plan or a sense of direction otherwise I feel....anxious? as if I am working but not going anywhere. Even with autoregulating training days, there is still an underlying plan.
My dad, who is 58 now, was the first lifting teacher I ever had. He still trains 6 days a week and he's able to just go into the gym and kinda "feel out" whatever he wants to do that day. Might be far from optimal, but he's incredibly consistent. Sometimes I wonder how far along I'd be if I had more of his attitude, but I haven't been able to implement it. I still need to follow some kind of structure.

What are you thinking you'd like to focus on with the next few months?
Also thanks man, I'll be following your journey as well!

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Re: Munen Muso: Turtle Bear's Log


Post by DanCR » Thu Apr 25, 2024 8:29 am

TurtleBear wrote: Thu Apr 25, 2024 3:28 am
DCR wrote: Tue Apr 23, 2024 8:21 am
TurtleBear wrote: Tue Apr 23, 2024 5:28 am DCR

Hey man! Great to hear from ya.
Training was continuing to go really well until March. Came down with some form of crud that would not let me go for about a month. Finally on the mend this week and trying to start back up on the routine (and with that, get better about logging again).

In the past, Ive always trained through sniffles n stuff and I actually think it would help me heal faster most of the time. This one? Not so much. It started off as a very mild cold and I went and split wood with my dad for a few hours and the next day was just tanked out. That "tanked out" feeling proceeded to stay for a subsequent 3 weeks.

I'm excited to get back to training. Gonna try for a my first session back either today or tomorrow morning.
How's training been for you?
Glad that you'll be back - I'll be following along again.

For a few months I was pursuing - and attained - a lifetime squat PR, and it was great to have one goal during that time. Since then, though, I've been stuck back in my more usual limbo of wanting to just train for hypertrophy, but also wanting a stronger squat and bench, but also knowing that losing weight ought to be my priority over all of that. I've settled into a loose schedule that works day to day but the overall vibe is unsatisfying. I need to sit down and write something out with intent.
Dude congrats on the squat pr!!! Squat is my favorite lift....

Isn't that wild? I am the exact same way. I have to have a plan or a sense of direction otherwise I feel....anxious? as if I am working but not going anywhere. Even with autoregulating training days, there is still an underlying plan.
My dad, who is 58 now, was the first lifting teacher I ever had. He still trains 6 days a week and he's able to just go into the gym and kinda "feel out" whatever he wants to do that day. Might be far from optimal, but he's incredibly consistent. Sometimes I wonder how far along I'd be if I had more of his attitude, but I haven't been able to implement it. I still need to follow some kind of structure.
Big same.
TurtleBear wrote: Thu Apr 25, 2024 3:28 am What are you thinking you'd like to focus on with the next few months?
Also thanks man, I'll be following your journey as well!
Well yesterday I realized that I'd settled into another linear squat progression, albeit a slower one, so I guess that's what I'm doing haha. I peaked the last one at 365 but I know that I had more (in part because I hit 360 and 365 within minutes of each other on the last day), and I'd like to find out just how much more and with a bit more control at the very top. I'd like to see what I can do without having to walk around the gym punching myself in the face for five minutes psyching myself up beforehand. :lol:

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Re: Munen Muso: Turtle Bear's Log


Post by TurtleBear » Tue Apr 30, 2024 5:39 am

Still here!!

4/27/2024: Rebuild Day 2
Makiwara work warm up
No giant sets today. Just did normal sets across.
Squats 4x6 @ 225
Bench 4x6 @ 165
Barbell curls 3x12 with 45lb bar.

Again, went super easy here. Mostly just working out tightness and getting the form back down.
Legs were stupid sore the day after.

4/29/2024: Rebuild Day 3: More of the same
Squats 4x6 @ 245lbs
Bench 4x6 @ 167.5--->165 felt grindy last session so I went to 2.5lb jumps. But plates were rattling at the top on these. Weird.

And that was it. Quick one today.

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Re: Munen Muso: Turtle Bear's Log


Post by TurtleBear » Fri May 03, 2024 5:29 am

5/2/2024: Rebuild Day 3

Bench: 4x6 @ 170
Makiwara stuff
Squats: 4x6 @ 265lbs---> Easy and snappy.

That was it. Ramp up is feeling really good!

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Re: Munen Muso: Turtle Bear's Log


Post by DanCR » Fri May 03, 2024 9:09 am

TurtleBear wrote: Fri May 03, 2024 5:29 am 5/2/2024: Rebuild Day 3

Bench: 4x6 @ 170
Makiwara stuff
Squats: 4x6 @ 265lbs---> Easy and snappy.

That was it. Ramp up is feeling really good!
For early in a ramp back up, that's some solid squatting, especially with them feeling easy.

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Re: Munen Muso: Turtle Bear's Log


Post by TurtleBear » Sun May 19, 2024 4:20 am

DanCR wrote: Fri May 03, 2024 9:09 am
TurtleBear wrote: Fri May 03, 2024 5:29 am 5/2/2024: Rebuild Day 3

Bench: 4x6 @ 170
Makiwara stuff
Squats: 4x6 @ 265lbs---> Easy and snappy.

That was it. Ramp up is feeling really good!
For early in a ramp back up, that's some solid squatting, especially with them feeling easy.
Thanks man! That's really kind of you. Im taking a page out of your book apparently!. Im hoping to dial in on squat and maybe hit a lifetime PR before the end of the year. Lifetime Pr is somewhere around 450. It would be fun to be able to beat that.

30 minute "run"
Just about 2.2 miles. Nothing to write home about. Did this kind of just on a whim and had to walk a few times. I dont remember the last time I ran.

Back to regularly scheduled rebuild tonight!

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Re: Munen Muso: Turtle Bear's Log


Post by DanCR » Sun May 19, 2024 9:36 am

TurtleBear wrote: Sun May 19, 2024 4:20 am
DanCR wrote: Fri May 03, 2024 9:09 am
TurtleBear wrote: Fri May 03, 2024 5:29 am 5/2/2024: Rebuild Day 3

Bench: 4x6 @ 170
Makiwara stuff
Squats: 4x6 @ 265lbs---> Easy and snappy.

That was it. Ramp up is feeling really good!
For early in a ramp back up, that's some solid squatting, especially with them feeling easy.
Thanks man! That's really kind of you. Im taking a page out of your book apparently!. Im hoping to dial in on squat and maybe hit a lifetime PR before the end of the year. Lifetime Pr is somewhere around 450. It would be fun to be able to beat that.
I have total confidence in you achieving this. Will be fun to follow.

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Re: Munen Muso: Turtle Bear's Log


Post by TurtleBear » Tue May 21, 2024 5:02 am


5/20/2024: Rebuild Day 4

Bench: 172.5 for 4x6
Squats: 265 for 3x6. I was adding in sandbags so I wanted to cut the volume just a touch for the first session. Weight didn't feel as snappy as last time but still not too heavy.
Strict Press Density Set: 15 reps in 7 minutes with 135lbs.
Sandbag Work from Alsruhe's ebook: "Boulder Shoulders". 20 Sand bag over shoulders in 10 minutes with 155lb sand bag.

Music: Chevelle
There is not a whole lot to note about this session; it was just good, honest work. I had a lot of fun with it.

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Re: Munen Muso: Turtle Bear's Log


Post by TurtleBear » Tue May 21, 2024 2:53 pm

2.2 mile run (There's a 1.1 mile loop ive mapped out in my neighborhood)
Goal today was to make the first loop without stopping and I made it this time.

Second loop there was some stoppage :lol: But its moving in the right direction.

Music: None
More lifts tomorrow!

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