Dynamic Effort Deadlifts technique help

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Dynamic Effort Deadlifts technique help


Post by augeleven » Thu Mar 10, 2022 8:21 pm

Oh boy…
After a couple of cycles of not getting any progress on my deadlift (to be fair I am cutting, but slowly)
I decided to switch things up, focus on trap bar, but add in a DE/technique day for my DL.
I filmed it and it’s the first time in a long time I’ve filmed submax deadlift reps. Yuck. Hopefully having a technique day will fix this. I definitely need to get tighter, and fix my lower back (some of the reps look like I’m lifting them with my only my lower back).

0) I know I’m definitely needing to be tighter. Any other glaring technical issues?

1) Should I focus on not trying to do them as explosive as possible? Am I losing tightness for speed? I’ve never tried explosive deadlift reps before.

2) Could this be too light for technique work? This is about 60% of my current e1rm. I don’t generally feel the bar until at least 315, but I thought DE work is supposed to be light.

3) do you think 10 reps is enough? This took me 7 minutes and was feeling a little bored tbh

Thanks in advance

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Re: Dynamic Effort Deadlifts technique help


Post by JohnHelton » Thu Mar 10, 2022 9:40 pm

I'm skeptical of dynamic effort. I don't know if Mike T still feels the same way as he did 9 years ago: https://www.jtsstrength.com/why-speed-work-doesnt-work/

I can't help with the technique. It doesn't look bad to me, but form usually comes unglued at higher intensities.

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Re: Dynamic Effort Deadlifts technique help


Post by Renascent » Fri Mar 11, 2022 7:44 am

I've probably no room to nitpick, so take this with a grain of salt, but maybe you're leaning too far back when you extend at the top, or maybe starting with hips too low. As you come down on the eccentric, it looks like the bar's traveling with some deviation from a straight line because it has to clear your knees before reaching the floor. That may or may not matter much, but those are my two cents.

Not sure if that's a technique thing or an anthropometry thing.

Could also be that the weight is too light for you, though I'm personally not familiar with the aims of dynamic effort days.

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Re: Dynamic Effort Deadlifts technique help


Post by Hardartery » Fri Mar 11, 2022 5:09 pm

augeleven wrote: Thu Mar 10, 2022 8:21 pm Oh boy…
After a couple of cycles of not getting any progress on my deadlift (to be fair I am cutting, but slowly)
I decided to switch things up, focus on trap bar, but add in a DE/technique day for my DL.
I filmed it and it’s the first time in a long time I’ve filmed submax deadlift reps. Yuck. Hopefully having a technique day will fix this. I definitely need to get tighter, and fix my lower back (some of the reps look like I’m lifting them with my only my lower back).

0) I know I’m definitely needing to be tighter. Any other glaring technical issues?

1) Should I focus on not trying to do them as explosive as possible? Am I losing tightness for speed? I’ve never tried explosive deadlift reps before.

2) Could this be too light for technique work? This is about 60% of my current e1rm. I don’t generally feel the bar until at least 315, but I thought DE work is supposed to be light.

3) do you think 10 reps is enough? This took me 7 minutes and was feeling a little bored tbh

Thanks in advance

So, here are my 2 cents. Don't sppend 'em all at once, lol.
0) You need a faster concentric or more weight if it's WSB/Conjugate style DE. Not joking here. The idea is to try and recruit ALL the muscle fibres and fire 'em like you're the last starfighter.

1) see point 0). If the bar doesn't bounce at the top you're slacking.

2) No. You can apply that to all questions in this point.

3) No. Unless they are sets of 10, in which case that may be too many for one set. If you are doing singles at a single work weight, that's probably not going to do anything for you. Singles are fine if you are ascending weight until you lose bar speed. If it's repeating sets at a fixed weight do more reps per set and don't get sloppy on the eccentrics, the eccentric is setting up the rep if you get what I mean. DE work is about unlearning how you lift things, which is typically to use the amount of force necessary and not more. This is supposed to be total overkill on the concentric which changes your muscle recruitment to hopefully increase it and impove your lift through recruitment and improve your velocity through sticking points so that you don't get stuck. You might find using bands helpful if you don't like just pulling fast. The band ingrain acceleration as you come up, because if you don't you just look silly and don't lock out.

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Re: Dynamic Effort Deadlifts technique help


Post by mouse » Mon Mar 14, 2022 4:20 am

My $0.02 is basically going to echo @Hardartery for the most part...

I've used them in the past and I'm using them again in my contest prep. The way I like to set them up is usually starting with triples, and then working my way to singles as they get heavier week to week. So something like 10x3 with 50% week 1, 12x2 with 55% week 2, 15x1 with 60% week 3, and then 10x1 with 65% week 4... then just reset at the triples if you're going to do another block. I will use bands with 60% or under, and then take them off for week 4 to keep the reps crispy. Your goal should be to make the plates rattle at the top...

No idea if this is the correct way to do it or not, but it's how I do it...

Edit: I haven't been taking video of training or anything lately but since I started DE deadlifts today I figured I'd off this up as a kinda-what-you're-looking for example... I'm not a very explosive anything so that's about as fast as I can move without breaking something lol

https://www.instagram.com/tv/CbGmJftgrw ... =copy_link

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Re: Dynamic Effort Deadlifts technique help


Post by augeleven » Wed Mar 16, 2022 11:18 am

Thanks guys. I appreciate the input. I know I would need to move the bar faster - I’m naturally very slow and that video is me moving as fast as possible. I don’t have a good way for anchoring bands, but I’m going to try some chains tomorrow and see how that goes.
My big picture goal was just to keep a little straight deadlifting in while I shifted my focus to the trap bar. So if DE stuff isn’t working, I’ll just try something else

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Re: Dynamic Effort Deadlifts technique help


Post by Hanley » Mon Apr 11, 2022 5:19 pm

augeleven wrote: Wed Mar 16, 2022 11:18 am I’ll just try something else
I actually really like...trap bar jumps. They can be rough on knees/achilles if you get too aggressive with loading. But I like 'em

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