Hardartery - Recreational Outrage

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Re: Hardartery - Recreational Outrage


Post by Hardartery » Wed Mar 20, 2024 4:42 pm

Wednesday 3/20/24

Incline Press
135 x 5
225 x 5
295 x 2
315 x 1
295 x 2
265 x 2 x 2 sets - paused
245 x 4 = not paused
225 x 4

Lateral Raises
85 x 8 x 3 sets
65 x 8

I am operating on almost 3 hours of sleep today. Whatever. I guess I can sleep when I'm dead. That said, not a terrible session but not as good as I wanted obviously. However, people really need to stop touching me. It's weird and troubling.

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Re: Hardartery - Recreational Outrage


Post by dlocas7 » Wed Mar 20, 2024 6:05 pm

Solid lifting! Hope the single with 315 was smooth enough for your liking. We're all going to get that endless sleep sooner or later. I also had a similar experience two years ago with a girl who was only seventeen, and you know we're both in the same age group (old enough to remember watching Gerrit Badenhorst, Jouko Ahola and a young Ver Magnusson).

There are girls who are strongly attracted to much older men, and not necessarily due to daddy issues, it's just a strange kink they have; such girls are rare, but they do exist. They can be insisting and are usually quite attractive physically speaking; not a fun spot to be in. Yet, Canadian law has nothing to say against a relationship between a girl of 16-17 yo and a man my age; it would "just" be REALLY frowned upon. I advised her to pick a man a little bit closer in age, perhaps 35 years old, but she said "Greying hair drives me nuts!" It was very difficult for me to not give in, since she was very attractive and had the power of novelty (I've been with the same girlfriend for two decades).

I'm thinking more of this as of late, because at my job, I had to translate an ombudsman report about a girl of 16 who took her own life after being denied placement in foster care. I've been a translator for decades, but this was the first time I actually broke down while at work. I finished the work all right, but it was rough. Thankfully, lifting makes me feel better 100% of the time!

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Re: Hardartery - Recreational Outrage


Post by Hardartery » Wed Mar 20, 2024 8:23 pm

dlocas7 wrote: Wed Mar 20, 2024 6:05 pm Solid lifting! Hope the single with 315 was smooth enough for your liking. We're all going to get that endless sleep sooner or later. I also had a similar experience two years ago with a girl who was only seventeen, and you know we're both in the same age group (old enough to remember watching Gerrit Badenhorst, Jouko Ahola and a young Ver Magnusson).

There are girls who are strongly attracted to much older men, and not necessarily due to daddy issues, it's just a strange kink they have; such girls are rare, but they do exist. They can be insisting and are usually quite attractive physically speaking; not a fun spot to be in. Yet, Canadian law has nothing to say against a relationship between a girl of 16-17 yo and a man my age; it would "just" be REALLY frowned upon. I advised her to pick a man a little bit closer in age, perhaps 35 years old, but she said "Greying hair drives me nuts!" It was very difficult for me to not give in, since she was very attractive and had the power of novelty (I've been with the same girlfriend for two decades).

I'm thinking more of this as of late, because at my job, I had to translate an ombudsman report about a girl of 16 who took her own life after being denied placement in foster care. I've been a translator for decades, but this was the first time I actually broke down while at work. I finished the work all right, but it was rough. Thankfully, lifting makes me feel better 100% of the time!
That's the hard part. it makes me feel icky just because of experience. After hearing some of the things that actual happened to girls as minors (As young as 5, so a wide range of wrong) and being in the position of helping them later as a father figure, it's just alarm bells all over the place. I have a group of kids that refer to me as "Dad", and it would kill me if anything happened to any of them. Knowing the stuff that goes on in these places, I can imagine a hundred different reasons for it that are very wrong at the root and unfortunately it is of the lowest probability that it's just innocent attraction. Being married for over 30 years is just an extra layer of alarm bells. The stuff that kids are put through is just unbelievable sometimes. I like being the kind father figure showing them that not all men are that way. but it comes with it's own risks. The wife provides me with the safety net, I couldn't do some of the things I do if I was single, it would come off as creepy or something.

Unfortunately for a lot of these girls it is transactional. They aren't going to have it good anywhere, so they gravitate towards who they perceive to be the best payment for what they have to offer, and it's just that simple. White guys from a Western country are automatically top tier. They have at least relative riches, they tend to be nicer towards women than the locals, and they provide the possibility of maybe a Visa to live somewhere else. I'd say maybe I should shave off the beard and get fatter but that probably wouldn't make much difference. And I am 52 this year, so we are probably almost exactly the same age.

The lifting was fine, could have gone a little better but I was running on fumes so I'm hoping that means next week will be banner if I can get some rest and enough calories.

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Re: Hardartery - Recreational Outrage


Post by dlocas7 » Thu Mar 21, 2024 6:27 am

We're exactly the same age! Born in 1972 as well... You're in Central America, so yes they see you in a very different light. Here in Canada, the vast majority of college girls keep to their age group (18-25) so the one I ran into was a wild-card exception. If I did something in my spouse's back, it would never be the same again between us so I'm a lot more happy than sad that nothing actually came out of that. Have a great day and an awesome lifting session next time you put chalk on your hands!

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Re: Hardartery - Recreational Outrage


Post by Hardartery » Wed Mar 27, 2024 4:39 pm

Wednesday 3/27/24

225 x 5
315 x 5
405 x 3
475 x 1 x 2 sets
405 x 3 x 2 sets
Overload 585 partials

Seated Leg Extensions - Atlantis machine
285 x 10 x 2 sets

Squats sucked. I was out in front with the bar the whole session until the overload, i just wasn't hitting it right at all and it felt heavy. The last two sets with 405 were supposed to be 5's but there just was no gas in the tank today. Most annoyingly, the 585 felt almost light. I use the seated MP rack behind me when I'm in the squat rack to gauge depth for the partials. I set the bar at a specific peg height in it and eyeball the daylight I can get under it on the squat (Looking in the mirror, it's easier than it sounds). Damned if it didn't feel fine, I had to talk myself out of going for it. No chance I would have made it back up today, but..... Oh well. The heat probably isn't helping, it has been 100 (38 C) all week, I think. That's what the truck tells me but I'm not sure it registers anything over 100.

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Re: Hardartery - Recreational Outrage


Post by Hardartery » Tue Apr 02, 2024 5:29 pm

Tuesday 4/2/2024

225 x 5
315 x 5
405 x 3
485 x 1 x 2 sets
405 x 2 x 2 sets - paused
585 partials

Seated Leg Extensions - Atlantis machine
Stack x 11 x 2 sets

Did not log last weeks press session, it was not stellar. Nor did I log the extra triceps work two days ago. The first set at 485 felt like 2, but I did cut depth slightly.

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Re: Hardartery - Recreational Outrage


Post by DanCR » Tue Apr 02, 2024 9:12 pm

Hiding a new beard back there, huh?

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Re: Hardartery - Recreational Outrage


Post by Hardartery » Wed Apr 03, 2024 7:54 am

DCR wrote: Tue Apr 02, 2024 9:12 pm Hiding a new beard back there, huh?
Yep, but it is wounded. I got a haircut last week and she trimmed the beard. Mistake. Latins don't know what they're doing with beards, they think everyone wants want #2 length and a retarded looking mustache. Has to shave off what was left of the mustache entirely and the bit below the bottom lip and start over with those parts. Too stupid looking to be seen in public like that.

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Re: Hardartery - Recreational Outrage


Post by DanCR » Wed Apr 03, 2024 8:26 am

Hardartery wrote: Wed Apr 03, 2024 7:54 am
DCR wrote: Tue Apr 02, 2024 9:12 pm Hiding a new beard back there, huh?
Yep, but it is wounded. I got a haircut last week and she trimmed the beard. Mistake. Latins don't know what they're doing with beards, they think everyone wants want #2 length and a retarded looking mustache. Has to shave off what was left of the mustache entirely and the bit below the bottom lip and start over with those parts. Too stupid looking to be seen in public like that.
Been there. I’m extremely circumspect now with who I permit near my mustache with any sort of buzzer.

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Re: Hardartery - Recreational Outrage


Post by Hardartery » Wed Apr 03, 2024 3:37 pm

Wednesday 4/3/24

Incline Press
135 x 5
225 x 5
295 x 2
315 x 1
325 x fail
315 x 1
295 x 2

225 x 5 x 2 sets - hard paused
225 x 3 - close grip

Lateral Raises
85 x 8 x 3 sets

The 325 was a misload, I meant it to be 320 and I nearly got it. The 2 reps @295 was definitely 1 RIR today. I really was surprised to miss the 325, it blasted up and then just hit an invisible ceiling. The CG probably need to start happening, clear weak point. Once more I was pressed for time, so I quit a little early. Just to set the scene, I am at this point almost done and it is 100 F (38 C), so I smell like a bottle of ammonia and no part of me or my clothing was not dripping with sweat. A young lady came to me looking for help pulling up her knee sleeves (Admittedly, ridiculous sleeves, I only managed to move them a few inches). No issues touching me like she's known me forever and I am clean. I am going with I am non-threatening and a fellow lifter as I know this chick is into Power Lifting and the other girl that I have coached a little and is friendly is apparently really good friends with her.

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Re: Hardartery - Recreational Outrage


Post by Hardartery » Tue Apr 09, 2024 2:21 pm

Tuesday 4/9/24

Incline Bench
135 x 5
225 x 5
295 x 2
295 x 1 x 2 sets
275 x 2 x 2 sets - paused, I counted 3 "battleship"s on the chest
275 x 3
225 x 6
225 x 3, 2 - close grip
225 x 3 - index on ring
135 x 13 - close grip

Lateral Raises
85 x 8
90 x 5
85 x 8

Called it there. Someone I have never seen before was in the squat rack when I arrived and she was just starting so I called an audible. She had a friend show up and they proceeded to occupy the rack and several DB's and a separate bar until I don't know when because they were still there when I left. I f**/!ing hate it when people set up some bullshit circuit of nonsense and monopolize half the gym. I mean, great you and your fellow chunky housewife buddy want to get in shape, but there's one goddamn rack in the gym Do your rack related stuff and go away FFS.

Anyway, I wasn't feeling it so I went for reps and back off sets, the last single at 295 was really good but I would have to use my legs and grind for a second rep so I did not. And I figure the pauses must have been as long as they felt because the spectators looked like they were starting to panic and move in for a spot, so that was probably about right. Side note, the pause doesn't really seem to affect how many reps I'm going to get so far, the triceps are clearly the weak point,

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Re: Hardartery - Recreational Outrage


Post by hector » Tue Apr 09, 2024 7:24 pm

I loathe those people that monopolize lots of equipment to set up their bullshit circuits.

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Re: Hardartery - Recreational Outrage


Post by Hardartery » Wed Apr 10, 2024 3:47 pm

Wednesday 4/10/24

225 x 5
315 x 5
405 x 3 x 4 sets
585 - walkout and partials. Getting lower.

Seated Leg Extension - Atlantis machine
stack x 12 x 2 sets

I bought a bottle of shiny silver nail polish with sparkles, and I have been slowly painting the rings on all of the bars in the gym so I can see them. The thick bars that I prefer have an enormous ring, like 1/2" (More than a 1 cm) wide, which makes no sense at all. There is also one bar with no rings. Keep in mind, all of these bars have an Allen head bolt holding the collars on and two of them have been welded solid because someone lost or stole the bolts. It is very much a ghetto/Third World setup, The lights are never on and it's dark in there (My videos are brightened and the contrast is adjusted very high so that you can see things) and it's dark in there. The bars are worn, so it isn't even easy to go by feel for the rings as the knurl is no longer pronounced.

Side note, the above reflects a training shift to periodize the training. Stuff hurts and I am not progressing so it's time to back it off and work back up.

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Re: Hardartery - Recreational Outrage


Post by Hardartery » Tue Apr 16, 2024 2:47 pm

Tuesday 4/16/24

225 x 5
315 x 5
405 x 4 x 4 sets
585 walkouts and partials.

Seated Leg Extensions - Atlantis machine
stack x 13, 12

The bonus of deloading here is that I can play around with some things because the weight is fairly light. So, I tried thumbless grip and putting my hands all they way out the collars on the first heavy walkout. Thumbless made my epicondyle burn, don't know if that's good or bad. Out at the collars meant that the bar sat a little lower on me and I couldn't really shrug it high enough to unrack, so as I stepped back the left side dragged the pin a little and made me helicopter somewhat which was ungood. I got it under control but I struggled to hit last weeks depth (I did it, but it was way too hard). So I re-racked on the lower pins which made for a fun unrack, I managed to hit the bottoms of both of the higher pins on the unrack but it was WAY more comfortable once I was up and suddenly that depth was no big deal somehow. Also, the quad tendons are way less bitchy now.

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Re: Hardartery - Recreational Outrage


Post by Hardartery » Wed Apr 17, 2024 2:55 pm

Wednesday 4/17/24

Incline Bench
135 x 5
225 x 5
295 x 3 x 3 sets
265 x 4 x 2 sets - long pause
225 x 9

225 x 3, 2 - close grip
135 x 10 - close grip

Lateral Raises
85 x 8 x 2 sets
100 x 4

The set of laterals with 100 had a less than perfect ROM, but that usually is horrible with a jump like that, it will come around eventually. Being honest, laterals all look a little like I don't get all the way up with them, but they are usually getting to the maximum contraction point where I'm bumping up against the traps and starting to involve them. I think I can get a little bit better ROM out of the 85's, but I need the stimulus of the 100's to push it over the top I think. The first 5 reps are pretty good but it fades a little after that. The inclines were spicy though, I felt like 1 RIR on all 3 sets today. Lesson for me, the unrecorded triceps work on Monday is a positive thing immediately. I've done that twice and had a good incline session later that week both times.

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Re: Hardartery - Recreational Outrage


Post by Hardartery » Fri Apr 19, 2024 4:02 pm

Friday 4/19/24

BTN MP - strict, from rack, one from the front to position which I don't count as a rep
135 x 5 x 4 sets

205 - miss
205 with a mild push, RPE 2 maybe but I wasn't trying to work push press today

BTN MP 155 x 4

Glute Kick Backs - one leg at a time
pin in the 7th hole x 5 x 3 sets

So, I was feeling things out today. I do not have this many days free to lift lately but I need to do some due diligence to set up for my intended programming starting in June. Current big project is done in June, and I will be getting back from France (That happens in May along with a week or two in SC to check on the in-laws). I am up for opinions on where the problem is on this press. This is not far off of how 315 looks and feels, so I have a serious weak point to address because it is just ridiculous that they be on the same universe of feels on the attempt.

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Re: Hardartery - Recreational Outrage


Post by Hardartery » Tue Apr 23, 2024 9:18 pm

Tuesday 4/23/24

225 x 5 - DOH
315 x 3
405 x 3
495 x 3 x 3 sets - straps - the epicondyle is really displeased with gripping the bar today so straps

That's it. Just squeezing it in before bed. My truck is getting a new clutch and several other maintenance items, which will likely not get everything I want done or cause new problems to fix. Can't win. I hate not doing it myself, it feels like a betrayal of everything in my upbringing and life in general up until now. But, I do not want to buy the tools (Also treasonous statement) here, and frankly could not for what I am paying in labour. Supposedly I get it back tomorrow, I dropped it off Sunday and spent yesterday morning chasing parts all over the city and then this morning again doing the same thing. Seriously. For a list of parts that is laughably short. Just the way it is here. And Spanish version covers are painful to hear, Total Eclipse of the Heart is bad enough in the original version (Although Live is Life in Spanish was weird enough to not be totally irritating).

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Re: Hardartery - Recreational Outrage


Post by Clearwater47 » Wed Apr 24, 2024 7:15 am

Hardartery wrote: Tue Apr 23, 2024 9:18 pmthe epicondyle is really displeased with gripping the bar today so straps
Huh - so that's what that spot on my elbow is called. I just learned something new, thanks! :)

Been using straps on nearly all deads (along with a bunch of other "pulling" exercises) for the last year+ because of pain there. It's the best it's been in about 2 years right now, but I'm still leery about it coming back so have been sticking with the straps...

It's getting harder and harder to maintain/fix vehicles (or really anything mechanical) on our own, for a variety of reasons. Frustrating. :(

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Re: Hardartery - Recreational Outrage


Post by Hardartery » Wed Apr 24, 2024 8:04 am

Clearwater47 wrote: Wed Apr 24, 2024 7:15 am
Hardartery wrote: Tue Apr 23, 2024 9:18 pmthe epicondyle is really displeased with gripping the bar today so straps
Huh - so that's what that spot on my elbow is called. I just learned something new, thanks! :)

Been using straps on nearly all deads (along with a bunch of other "pulling" exercises) for the last year+ because of pain there. It's the best it's been in about 2 years right now, but I'm still leery about it coming back so have been sticking with the straps...

It's getting harder and harder to maintain/fix vehicles (or really anything mechanical) on our own, for a variety of reasons. Frustrating. :(
I blame the epicondyle mostly on getting old, and I know I will have to give it rest to stop hurting and I don't want to. It gets two weeks of no lifting in May, and maybe some BPC-157. I don't know how it is in North America right now for mechanicing stuff, I know in Central America (The country I am in in particular) good luck getting parts. Used stuff is easier to find, but it is probably on it's last legs and not worth buying, this place is rapidly turning into Cuba. I grew up very blue collar, and it feels like I'm not a man anymore to let somebody else do the work. Ugh.

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Re: Hardartery - Recreational Outrage


Post by Skid » Wed Apr 24, 2024 7:50 pm

I do most of my own maintenance too; just changed the timing belt in my daughter's Mini. However the older I get I sometimes take it to a shop for an oil change, especially on my diesel F250. Nothing like trying to catch 14 liters of hot oil spurting out the big drain hole on the back of an oil pan and missing the drain pan because it shoots out so far. Ford should have put the drain hole on the bottom.

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