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Re: 1/2/3/4 jihad

Posted: Mon Feb 05, 2018 8:28 am
by xng

sq 135x10x3
bp 152.5x3x2, 122.5x5
asst chin 110x10,9,7


dl 335x3, 300x3, 227x5 double overhand

Felt like wet trash on Sunday, but deadlifting made me feel better, and the Sports were also extremely good.
vanslix wrote: Sun Feb 04, 2018 12:45 pm
xng wrote: Tue Jan 30, 2018 9:30 pmMy tailbone cracked twice while I was pressing. WTF
When the ass gets involved in press, then you know you're working!
Tfw your hips are fully extended but your ass still wants to play. "I'm helping! I'm helping!"

Re: 1/2/3/4 jihad

Posted: Mon Feb 05, 2018 5:35 pm
by xng

pr 105x5x5

These were supposed to be yesterday, but they weren't, because of Sports. I meant to do yesterday's squats this morning, too, but I ran out of time before work. Lifting in the morning is kind of nice, and builds character, but it is hard to get up early enough. Perhaps the heaviest squat of all is not a loaded barbell but the ATG bodyweight squat you have to do to get out of a hammock.

Re: 1/2/3/4 jihad

Posted: Mon Feb 05, 2018 5:37 pm
by chromoly
Sports or the Superb Owl?

Them deadlifts looked nice and fast yesterday. Lettuce train together again soon pls.

Re: 1/2/3/4 jihad

Posted: Mon Feb 05, 2018 6:55 pm
by xng
chromoly wrote: Mon Feb 05, 2018 5:37 pm Sports or the Superb Owl?

Them deadlifts looked nice and fast yesterday. Lettuce train together again soon pls.
The Owl! The most sportsy sports of all. We saw it in the cinema among clever and beautiful Eagles fans. So good.

My Tuesday/Thursday blind-leading-the-blind adventure continues, so I won't be back to Ironworks until Saturday, unless my dude happens to flake one of those days. But I'm excited for some unhurried weekend sessions with you guys.

Re: 1/2/3/4 jihad

Posted: Tue Feb 06, 2018 5:33 pm
by xng

sq 145x10x3
bp 132.5x5x5
pr 95x5x2
lpd 165x8 pro, 170x8x2 sup

Re: 1/2/3/4 jihad

Posted: Thu Feb 08, 2018 2:41 pm
by xng

sq 155x8x3
pr 117.5x2+f,3, 95x5
dl 275x5x2

The adductor pain is almost gone, but the squats actually felt heavy today. So did the deadlifts, and they weren't objectively heavy, so I blame lack of coffee (I'm still bouncing back and forth between the neighboring countries of Glad to Be Alive and Not Constantly Hopped Up on Stimulants).

I got two short, bad headaches while warming up the press, so I started the work sets feeling sad and afraid, failed the third rep of the first set, then did the second set in easy mode (it was very easy). No headaches on the work sets. Resorting to easy mode was unnecessary; I always press better after the first set.

Re: 1/2/3/4 jihad

Posted: Sat Feb 10, 2018 2:44 pm
by xng

sq 165x8x3
bp 155x3x2, 135x5
flexed-arm hang 3x3

The first bench triple was both erratic and grindy, but the second was better. 80% backoff would have been ~125, which seemed very low, so I did 135 instead.

I went dancing last night! I hadn't danced in like six months. On TM, I usually felt close enough to the limit of my ability to recover that I didn't dare throw in two solid hours of moderate cardio, and since October I've also been bulldozed by work. But last night was good, just remembering how to even dance and trying not to muscle people around too much. If I can remember to use a light touch, it won't mess with my recovery so much, and I'll feel less like a wrecking ball assigned to demolish the dance floor.

Re: 1/2/3/4 jihad

Posted: Tue Feb 13, 2018 8:25 pm
by xng

sq 175x7x3
pr 105x5x5
dl 340x3, 305x3, 230x5 double overhand

All presses rather grindy, later reps increasingly easy mode.

Big grind on the deadlift, overextended at lockout during the backoff set and hurt the feelings of my SI joint. Lingering grumpiness but not real bad, hope it forgives me soon.

Re: 1/2/3/4 jihad

Posted: Thu Feb 15, 2018 10:47 am
by xng

sq 185x5x3
bp 135x5x5
pr 95x5, 90x5
lpd 160x8 pro, 165x8,7 sup

SIJ still bitchy, but whatever. Squatting fives now! RIP erstwhile cardio gainz.

I thought the pulldowns were 5 lb heavier than they were, because I thought the 2.5 lb blocks were 5 lb. Bzzt. Anyway, I need to drop the weight and become a hardass about touching the chest on each rep. CHIN JIHAD 2018 progress: I have like the middle 1/3 of a chin-up now. I used to have about this much, then I lost it when I let the chin stuff slide for a while. Onward, inshallah.

Re: 1/2/3/4 jihad

Posted: Mon Feb 19, 2018 9:06 am
by xng

sq 195x5x3
pr 117.5x2+f,1+f, 115x3, 95x5
dl 225x5x3


sq 205x5x3
bp 156.8x2,1, 155x2, 125x5
asst chin 100x8,5, 120x8
cable row 120x10

Rough week in pressing and benching! Next week, I will try on VD to grind less, and on ID to take smaller jumps over my last known-good IDs.

The light deadlifts felt good. My SI joint is forgiving me. Plus I think I found a place in my setup where I can get into a better position by kind of squinching back into my hips. Once I started doing that, 225 started feeling more like 225 than 275.

My squat is up over 200 again! :party_parrot: The adductor feels totally fine. There's still a tender spot in the front of my right hip, but I mostly feel it when I'm benching.

Re: 1/2/3/4 jihad

Posted: Tue Feb 20, 2018 11:06 am
by xng

sq 215x5x3
pr 100x5x5
dl 225x5 double overhand, 255x5x2

Everything felt harder than it should have. Morning workouts for the lose.

Re: 1/2/3/4 jihad

Posted: Thu Feb 22, 2018 4:53 pm
by xng

sq 225x5x3
pr 85x5x2
bp 130x5x5
lpd 140x10x3

2pl8 squat! Yeah!

Pulldowns supinated, strict, bar touches chest.

Re: 1/2/3/4 jihad

Posted: Sat Feb 24, 2018 3:29 pm
by xng

sq 235x5x3
pr 116.3x2+f,2,2, 95x5
asst chin 140x10x3

The squats felt heavy at first, but something clicked for the third set. Was it... my ass?

Missed the third rep of the first set of presses, cursed my fate, decided to try for two more doubles, succeeded, uncursed my fate.

Re: 1/2/3/4 jihad

Posted: Sun Feb 25, 2018 10:18 pm
by xng

sq 240x5x3
bp 156.5x1+f,1,1, 133.4x5
dl 260x5x2

Bench press joining us aboard the struggle bus! Sandbag days ending for the squat! War consisteth not in battle only.

Re: 1/2/3/4 jihad

Posted: Mon Feb 26, 2018 4:54 am
by Wilhelm
Cry "Havoc!"

Re: 1/2/3/4 jihad

Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2018 2:06 pm
by xng

sq 245x5x3
pr 100x5x5
lpd 160x1, 180x1, 145x9,3,10,10

Almost back up to volume day kind of weights! This was like a medium day back in November.

Re: 1/2/3/4 jihad

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2018 11:10 pm
by xng

sq 250x5x3
pr 90x5x2
bp 132.5x5x5
dl 265x5x2

I was so tired and hungry by the end of this. Glad I didn't try to fit it in before work.

Bench and press have been sad for a while. They were happier when I was doing all my pressing volume on one day. Changing up the program soon, just in time for my squat to become real again!

Re: 1/2/3/4 jihad

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2018 6:38 pm
by xng

sq 255x5x3
pr 120x2+f, 102.5x5x2, 95x5
dl 270x5x3

Squats heavy but not grindy, much improved by shoving the knees out both early and often.

I meant to press 117.5x3, but I loaded the bar wrong and only got a double. I'll take it!

Deadlifts pretty snappy!

Re: 1/2/3/4 jihad

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2018 12:30 pm
by xng

sq 260x5x3
pr 110x3, 105x5,4+f
negative chins 3x3

The squats were not yet Total Grind, but they were hard. I have permission to switch to New Program whenever LPing my squat stops being fun, but I was hoping to get to 275x5x3 first. Not sure whether to slow down and keep grinding, charge ahead until I fail, or peace right out.

Presses were supposed to be 5x3 heavyish, but 110 was too heavy and I didn't rest long enough before the second set at 105.

Negative chins are much less awful when I'm not trying to make each descent last 8 seconds. The other day, I performed the segment of a chin-up between like a 135-degree elbow angle and the tip of my chin reaching the bar. In the near future, I will conquer and subdue the extremes of the chin-up ROM.

Re: 1/2/3/4 jihad

Posted: Fri Mar 09, 2018 11:34 am
by xng


bp 155x1, 130x5x3
pr 80x8x3


Adventures in off-brand Cr*ssF*t! The kind of place where you circle up beforehand to share your pronouns. Bear crawls and burpees to warm up, can you believe it. Then the main event: curls, push-ups, dumbbell presses, BATTLE ROPE BULLSHIT (the one where you imagine you're pulling your enemy's guts out of his abdominal cavity hand over hand): for time! God, it felt horrible. I am extremely weak and in bad shape, as it turns out. Then, _Tabata abzzzzz_. I just wanted to experience gym bro-hood with my friend and instead I got tortured to death. I hate exercise.


sq 275x1, 225x5x3
dl 275x5

Yesterday I realized that the spirit of wisdom, humility, and patience says to abandon this grindy-ass LP tail-end and go to New Program. This is it. Well, it was three sets of deadlifts, but I ran out of time. In my brain, I thought I was going to squat 295 for a single, but then I remembered about the spirit. Just as well, because 225 felt way too heavy. Hope for better next time, when the Cr*ssF*t has worn off.