Veni, vidi, levavi, BenM Blathers

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Re: Veni, vidi, levavi, BenM Blathers


Post by BenM » Thu Jul 27, 2023 3:58 am

Thanks. You would think so, but I honestly wonder!! 😛

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Re: Veni, vidi, levavi, BenM Blathers


Post by slowmotion » Thu Jul 27, 2023 4:23 am

Belated Happy Birthday from me as well!

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Re: Veni, vidi, levavi, BenM Blathers


Post by BenM » Sat Jul 29, 2023 2:56 am

slowmotion wrote: Thu Jul 27, 2023 4:23 am Belated Happy Birthday from me as well!
Thanks. I feel old, but seeing people much older than me like yourself and Wilhelm still having a good solid crack at lifting and at life in general really reminds me I have no excuses and should just get on with it. Time is our most precious commodity and we can't get it back once it's gone.

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Post by BenM » Sat Jul 29, 2023 2:57 am

Sat 29/07/23: Bulk Break D3

AM BW: 89.2kg

Background Noise: Meat Loaf - Bat Out of Hell

Trap Bar Deadlift:
2 minute rests

Lying Leg Extension:
2 minute rests

Pause Dumbbell Bench:
12x55lb / hand
12x55lb / hand
12x55lb / hand @ 6.5
2 minute rests

Dumbbell Seal Row:
12x55lb / hand
12x55lb / hand
12x55lb / hand @ 6.5
2 minute rests

Back Extension:
2 minutes rest

Triceps Pushdown w/Rope:
12x17.5kg @ 6
10x17.5kg @ 8.5
10x15kg @ 8
2 minute rests

Nutrition/Health/Life Stuff:
  • I've had two really stupidly busy days working on jobs round the house, wasn't entirely sure I'd lift at all today but made it out by 4pm or so for an 'easy' session, since this is supposed to be a deload week. I may extend that a bit longer than a week, though - got an overnight work trip this week and probably a busy weekend again painting, but it finally feels like the end of the renovation madness is in sight.
Training Notes:
  • Fired up the trap bar deadlifts, these felt pretty good today, nice and easy, and avoiding full squat depth seems to limit hip aggravation. Felt good enough to push the third set to ten and that wasn't super challenging either. Actually had a thought as I started to log this about trying these as a kind of primer prior to squatting, both to get things warmed up and also to prefatigue my quads a bit so I have an excuse to use lighter weights. Leg extensions afterwards today though, not terribly difficult but got a decent burn.
  • Did some light benching, my right side delt was a little sore but didn't push these very hard, then did some back work without bothering to change weights.
  • Just two sets of back extensions because I don't want to cause too much back tightness and it was already pretty pumped after two. Then some triceps to finish, felt like I was struggling for full ROM towards the end of the third set so I did one more with a load drop to finish which was similarly hard.
  • Not bad, considering other than starting with trap bar deadlifts this entire session was completely ad libbed. Took 49 minutes.

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Post by BenM » Sun Jul 30, 2023 12:11 am

Sun 30/07/23: Bulk Break D4

AM BW: 88.9kg

Background Noise: Megadeth - Greatest Hits: Back to the Start

Goblet Squat:
2 minute rests

RDL to Floor:
2 minute rests

Dumbbell Squeeze Press:
10x60lb / hand
10x60lb / hand
10x60lb / hand @ 7
2 minute rests

Barbell Row:
12x75kg @ 8.5
2 minute rests

Nutrition/Health/Life Stuff:
  • Another busy day - woke up late after being up very late watching the F1 sprint race, spent most of the day sanding skirting boards and architraves ready for paint, then vacuuming and mopping, was pretty knackered the time I got out to the gym at 3:30 or so. And probably inhaled a bunch of dust too.
  • Considering the late night last night, including some extra coffee and snacks, I was expecting to be even heavier this morning but nope, even lighter? Virtually no change in average weight this week and I'm in a pretty good place body comp wise, I think.
Training Notes:
  • I've written a new program, ostensibly 4 days a week, 4 lifts per session, hopefully I'll be able to get in and out pretty quickly most days. Probably want to run this for 3-4 weeks, get through this little period of life and see how I feel after that. This is day 1, and with all the other stuff going on I just wanted to ease into it.
  • Goblet squats to start, with what was already loaded on the dumbbell - very easy for now, I'll likely put front squats into this slot pretty soon.
  • Decided to keep these RDLs in because I think they're pretty effective, added 5kg to the deload weight from a few days ago, and even though the first set felt pretty heavy I was still barely breathing heavy at the end of the third, so they were easy enough.
  • The squeeze presses didn't feel great to begin with, the second felt quite good, and the third stretched my shoulder as much as I'm game to, better hang around this weight for a while.
  • I haven't done barbell rows like this in a long time (since May last year apparently, feels like longer). The third set got pretty difficult but was still pretty strict so that's a win.
  • This was definitely a quick session, 34 minutes. Mission accomplished.

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Post by BenM » Mon Jul 31, 2023 7:24 pm

Tue 01/08/23: Bulk Break D5

AM BW: 89.8kg

Background Noise: Metallica - ...And Justice For All

Pull Up:
6xBW @ 8.5
5xBW @ 9
90 second rests

Medium Grip Pause Bench:
2 minute rests

Triceps Dip:
--- Supersetted with ---
EZ Bar Curl:
10x30kg @ 6.5
10x30kg @ 9.5
2 minute rests between supersets


Nutrition/Health/Life Stuff:
  • Didn't get to bed until 10pm last night, but still got up at 4:40am to do this. Probably could've slept more since they're only short sessions but eh. It was nice not to be in a rush all morning.
Training Notes:
  • Pushed the first set of pull ups to eight, probably could've done a couple more (which would be a PR) but no need to go hard at it this week.
  • For bench my shoulder is still a little sore, the 70kg set wasn't awful but the first work set stretched it a bit, by the third and fourth sets things felt pretty good though. Very easy sets, but I need to hang here for a bit.
  • Some fairly easy dips and some curls that got fairly difficult to finish.
  • Just 35 minutes. Good enough!

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Post by BenM » Thu Aug 03, 2023 7:32 pm

Fri 04/08/23: Bulk Break D6

AM BW: 89.4kg

Background Noise: The Living End - The Living End

Trap Bar Deadlift (High Handles):
2 minute rests

2 Count Pause SSB Squat:
2 minute rests

2 Count Pause Bench:
--- Supersetted with ---
Walking Lunge:
16x25lb / hand
16x25lb / hand
16x25lb / hand
90 second rests between supersets


Nutrition/Health/Life Stuff:
  • Got back from an overnight trip last night, didn't really get enough sleep but this still had to get done, I've got a busy weekend coming up.
Training Notes:
  • Added 5kg to the trap bar deadlifts and banged them out without much difficulty, not too heavy, although the last set was a little bit tiring.
  • Didn't have a lot of energy or motivation for squatting, went reasonably light but even this weight had me blowing pretty hard. Just the right amount of hip stretch but not irritation though, I think.
  • Shoulder was tight with the 70kg warmup set (hence only doing six) but the work sets felt pretty good, even the last one which was getting pretty hard. I had lunges planned for after these, but I was running short on time so decided to superset them in and get them done. Second set was a bit challenging and I really didn't want to do a third, that one sucked balls, I was tired and struggling with grip a little bit but got it finished.
  • A little longer than I want these sessions to be at 52 minutes, but whatever.

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Post by BenM » Tue Aug 08, 2023 12:30 am

Sun 06/08/23: Bulk Break D7

AM BW: 88.9kg

Background Noise: The Hold Steady - Separation Sunday

Comp Bench:

Low Incline Pause Dumbbell Bench:
12x45lb / hand
12x45lb / hand
12x45lb / hand
12x45lb / hand
2 minute rests

Seated French Press:
6x25kg nope

LTEs w/EZ Curl Bar:
2 minute rests

Upright Row w/EZ Curl Bar:
12x35kg @ 6
2 minute rests

Nutrition/Health/Life Stuff:
  • I had another full on 36 hours loading up a skip yesterday and moving furniture round today, so didn't get out to the gym until mid afternoon. Been feeling miserable and unmotivated to boot and nearly skipped this altogether.
Training Notes:
  • Might've hurt my shoulder again yesterday throwing stuff in the skip, it was hurting during the 70kg set and I needed two goes at it, then I unracked 90kg twice before I even attempted to press it, just mentally not ready. Did a double, had a little tantrum and called it quits. Did some very light dumbbell pressing instead but even that started to feel like hard work.
  • Attempted some overhead triceps work but my elbows hated it then I felt a pop in my shoulder and stopped. Lay back and did some stupidly light LTEs instead, my elbows didn't love those either but started to warm up a bit by the end. Even pushing that last set to twenty reps I don't think I even hit RPE 6.
  • Added a bit of weight to the bar and did some upright rows, which started to get a bit challenging by the end, and my left shoulder also started to hurt a bit, which is new. Yay for me.
  • Got this done in 36 minutes, at least I did _something_ and didn't skip, right? Heh, maybe I should've not bothered, one of the few times I didn't really feel any better after lifting than before. Blah.

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Post by BenM » Tue Aug 08, 2023 12:32 am

Tue 08/08/23: Bulk Break D8

AM BW: 89.1kg

Background Noise: Evanescence - Synthesis

Front Squat:
5x80kg (or 6 maybe)
2 minute rests

RDL to Floor:
2 minute rests

Dumbbell Squeeze Press:
12x55lb / hand
12x55lb / hand
12x55lb / hand @ 7
2 minute rests

Barbell Row:
10x80kg @ 8.5
10x80kg @ 10
2 minute rests

Nutrition/Health/Life Stuff:
  • Slept alright for a change and actually woke up 5 minutes before the alarm went off. I mean, I was pretty tired and could've easily gone back to bed, but wasn't feeling like complete death so that's a win, I guess.
Training Notes:
  • Front squats today, straps and knee sleeves but no belt. Wasn't sure how my shoulder would cope but at this weight, not bad - I was kinda daydreaming in the third set and pretty sure I did six reps, but no video so can't be sure. So I pushed the fourth out to eight and that was fine too, just a little bit of bar slip at the end. Staying well within myself and trying not to aggravate my hip.
  • Skipped the warmup set and went straight into working weight with the RDLs - still pretty light but enough to get a bit puffed by the end.
  • Given the shoulder feels, the squeeze presses were a bit lighter than last week, had a bit of shoulder blade soreness early but was fine after that, and starting to run out of gas at the end.
  • Finished off with some rows, which also got pretty difficult and I just barely was touching my belly at the end of the last set, but don't think I got overly cheaty so that was OK.
  • All done in 47 minutes, slightly better feels than Sunday's session at least.

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Post by BenM » Wed Aug 09, 2023 4:29 am

Wed 09/08/23: Bulk Break D9

AM BW: 89.1kg

Background Noise: Suicidal Tendencies - Lights... Camera... Revolution

BW Pull Up:
9 reps (rep PR; +1 rep)
7 reps
6 reps @ 9
6 reps @ 10
2 minute rests

Medium Grip Pause Bench:
2 minute rests

Triceps Dip:
--- Supersetted with ---
EZ Bar Curl:
8x32.5kg @ 8
8x30kg @ 10
2 minute rests between supersets


Nutrition/Health/Life Stuff:
  • Decent sleep last night but had to get up earlier than usual. Snuck off early from work for a late afternoon session, I've got some stuff happening tomorrow and would rather not be exhausted from a 4:30am start.
Training Notes:
  • Wanted to push the pull ups a bit harder today so took 2 minute rests, managed to get a little rep PR, might've had one or two more. The fourth set was a max without getting too flaily so that's good.
  • Bench felt maybe a little better today, shoulder wasn't totally unnoticeable but felt much improved, as usual the third set was the sweet spot for being crisp and easy.
  • Easy dips and some curls to finish - didn't want to push the curls quite as hard as last week but ended up being much the same, my butt came off the rack at the end of the last set and I wasn't getting any more without egregious cheating.
  • Nice and quick at 36 minutes. That'll do.

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Post by BenM » Fri Aug 11, 2023 12:07 am

Fri 11/08/23: Bulk Break D10

AM BW: 89.0kg

Background Noise: Metallica - Metallica

Trap Bar Deadlift (High Handles):
2 minute rests

2 Count Pause SSB Squat:
2 minute rests

2 Count Pause Bench:
8x82.5kg @ 9.5
6x82.5kg @ 9
6x80kg @ 9
2 minute rests

Walking Lunge:
90 second rests


Nutrition/Health/Life Stuff:
  • Slept OK - this week has been pretty disrupted with work though and I'm tired as usual, glad it's Friday and I'm working from home today. Of course I've been flat out all day and just logging it now almost 12 hours later.
Training Notes:
  • Added 5kg to the deadlifts again, did eight, eight, ten again, and even the last set wasn't terribly difficult on two minute rests so all good.
  • Went up a little in weight with the squats too, the warmups had me puffing a bit but the first set felt pretty good and easy; they just got progresively harder to breathe after that. I wasn't limping much afterwards so that's probably a good sign it's not overloading my hip.
  • Added 2.5kg to the bench work, intending on doing just one set of eight and then sixes so I didn't push myself as hard as last week. Well, I done screwed up and pushed the second set to eight as well, which sapped quite a bit of energy, and the last two sets of six ended up being challenging too. I did have a little bit of a chest pump though.
  • After busting myself doing lunges in this session last week I took it pretty easy and just did a bunch with body weight on pretty short rests, and a few extra laps across the gym at the end. Stretched out my hip a bit, got a bit of a burn in my right knee, and tired myself out a bit.
  • Reasonably long session considering it was only four lifts, took 62 minutes.

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Easy Like Sunday Morning


Post by BenM » Sun Aug 13, 2023 12:49 am

Sun 13/08/23: Bulk Break D11

AM BW: 88.6kg

Background Noise: Live - Secret Samadhi

Comp Bench:
8x87.5kg @ 7.5
2 minute rests

Low Incline Pause Dumbbell Bench:
12x55lb / hand
12x55lb / hand
2 minutes rest

Incline Triceps Extension (EZ Curl Bar):
2 minute rests

Upright Row (EZ Curl Bar):
2 minute rests


Nutrition/Health/Life Stuff:
  • Pretty decent sleep, stil got up pretty early for a Sunday and made it out to the gym before 10am. Just wanted a nice cruisy session today and this just happens to be the easiest session of the week.
Training Notes:
  • Shoulder was dicey but nowhere near as bad as last week - took a pretty conservative weight but even felt good enough to push the last set to eight. Then I just grabbed what was on the dumbbells for a couple of sets of twelve - probably could've got twelve more without battling too hard but figured five sets of bench was enough for one day.
  • Triceps extensions on the incline were definitely more tolerable than overhead, although there was still a little discomfort at the extreme bottom. Took a very easy weight and got some work done, pushed the last a little further though it still wasn't a challenge.
  • Did some upright rows with a bit more weight than last week, and they were probably a bit easier than last time.
  • All finished in 41 minutes. A decent Sunday morning

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Post by BenM » Mon Aug 14, 2023 7:46 pm

Tue 15/08/23: Bulk Break D12

AM BW: 89.2kg

Background Noise: Metallica - Garage Inc

Front Squat:
2 minute rests

RDL to Floor:
2 minute rests

Dumbbell Squeeze Press:
12x55lb / hand
12x55lb / hand
12x55lb / hand @ 7
2 minute rests

Barbell Row:
12x75kg @ 9
12x70kg @ 9.5
2 minute rests


Nutrition/Health/Life Stuff:
  • Felt like I had pretty reasonable sleep for a change, despite a sick dog and an overactive brain trying to keep me awake last night. Woke up a few minutes before the alarm went off.
Training Notes:
  • Got it in my head to try front squats with crossed arms today - surprisingly in over seven years of lifting I've never done them this way. Didn't mind them, hurt my shoulders a bit but might just have to get accustomed to it. I somehow forgot to record the first set - almost lost the bar at the end of the second - but for a first effort this wasn't too bad.
  • Added a little weight to the RDLs but really didn't want to push today so did eights, then ten to finish and still had a fair bit in the tank.
  • Kept squeeze presses at the same easy kinda weight, shoulder was definitely less noticeable and the last set was a little easier than last week too so all positive signs.
  • Just some rows to finish - went a bit lighter than last week and they were a bit disappointing, but whatever. Didn't cheat them too much at least.
  • Knocked it over in 44 minutes and got on with my day.

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Post by BenM » Wed Aug 16, 2023 3:52 am

Wed 16/08/23: Bulk Break D13

AM BW: 89.8kg

Background Noise: The Living End - Modern Artillery

Pull Up:
6xBW @ 9
5xBW @ 10
90 second rests

Medium Grip Pause Bench:
8x87.5kg @ 8.5
2 minute rests

Triceps Dip:
--- Supersetted with ---
EZ Bar Curl:
8x35kg @ 8
10x30kg @ 8.5
8x30kg @ 10
2 minute rests between supersets


Nutrition/Health/Life Stuff:
  • Felt like I had OK sleep last night but still pretty tired today. Managed to knock off work a bit early for a quick late afternoon session, so I can watch the Matildas game tonight and not worry about having to get up at sparrow's fart tomorrow.
Training Notes:
  • Wasn't up for pushing pull ups hard today and just wanted to get some volume in, so took short rests - would have liked five sets of six but it wasn't to be. Maybe I'll do density blocks in this slot moving forward.
  • Bench warm ups felt decent, first work set stretched the shoulder a bit but second and third sets felt pretty good so I pushed the fourth out to eight. Staying at this weight was the right call, though.
  • Dips and curls to finish, once again kept the dips easyish, though I considered pushing the last set and thought better of it. Started a little heavier with the curls and did some reasonably difficult sets.
  • Nice and quick today, just 35 minutes. That'll do for now.

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Post by BenM » Sat Aug 19, 2023 3:20 am

Sat 19/08/23: Bulk Break D14

AM BW: 89.9kg

Background Noise: Guns N' Roses - Appetite For Destruction (Super Deluxe)

SSB Box Squat:
2.5 minute rests

Barbell Hip Thrust:
2 minute rests

2 Count Pause Bench:
2 minute rests

Lying Leg Extension:
--- Supersetted with ---
Banded Fly / Purple Band:
30 reps
30 reps
30 reps
2 minute rests between supersets

Back Extension:
2 minutes rest


Nutrition/Health/Life Stuff:
  • Was kinda tired yesterday and it was raining so had a sleep in and an extra rest day. Luckily I now have a week off work to chill and try to get some energy back for a few more big months leading up to Christmas. So I did some chores this morning and then got out to the gym mid afternoon with no real time pressure for a change. Been having some weird joint pain in both hips and didn't really feel like doing anything too heavy but did feel like I could do with a longer effort.
  • Not sure if I'm still on a bulk break because my weight's been trending up again this week, but it wouldn't hurt to gain a couple more kilos over the next few months especially if I can get some decent training in.
Training Notes:
  • Been thinking I'd bring box squats into the rotation and didn't want to deadlift so had a little dip at them today. I've long thought that my hip and knee issues are aggravated by squatting below parallel and getting loose in the hole which overstretches it. Turns out this plyo box keeps me just above parallel and although I could still feel it, it wasn't really painful. Be interesting to see if it actually lets me handle more normal working weights without hurting myself all over again.
  • Threw in some hip thrusts because I wanted to get some glute work in and hope over time that helps this new hip thing. I've never really liked these from the bench but tried them from the step today and they weren't AS bad so we'll see if I can stick with them.
  • Some bench work which never got terribly hard and shoulder was almost nothing, but when I watched the footage afterwards the sets are all embarrassingly lopsided. Not sure if my bad shoulder was doing more or less work but it was lower than my left all the way through.
  • A bit more quad and chest work which was all nice and pumpy, then threw in some easy back extensions to finish.
  • A lazy 69 minute session, happy with that.

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Post by BenM » Sat Aug 19, 2023 11:53 pm

Sun 20/08/23: Bulk Break D15

AM BW: 89.0kg

Background Noise: 1996 JJJ Hottest 100

Banded Lateral Walk / X-Strong Band:
20 reps each direction
20 reps each direction
20 reps each direction
--- Supersetted with ---
Decline Sit Up:
15xBW @ 9
2 minute rests between supersets

Seated Dumbbell Press:
12x27.5lb / hand
12x27.5lb / hand
12x27.5lb / hand
2 minute rests

Seated Cable Row:
2 minute rests

Deficit Push Up w/Feet On Bench:
2 minute rests

Nutrition/Health/Life Stuff:
  • Slept like a log last night, had a couple of coffees with breakfast and then napped some more. Not a lot of energy today, but I felt like I should move around a bit and went out to muck around a bit at about 12pm.
Training Notes:
  • Tried to stay crouched for the lateral walks and got a pretty serious glute burn. Sit ups were on a low decline but still felt pretty hard right from the start, and the last set was getting to be a battle.
  • Did some light presses, had zero shoulder issues until I had a couple of very minor zaps during the third set. Felt decent.
  • Back work was pretty easy, not much to say really.
  • Attempted some push ups to finish and was able to do them without pain even with a fairly wide grip and flared elbows so that was fine. Went a little harder with the last set and called it good in 36 minutes. Might train properly tomorrow.

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Post by BenM » Mon Aug 21, 2023 3:18 am

Mon 21/08/23: Bulk Break D16

AM BW: 89.4kg

Background Noise: Exodus - Fabulous Disaster

Comp Bench:
2 minute rests

Low Incline Pause Dumbbell Bench:
12x57.5lb / hand
12x57.5lb / hand @ 8
2 minutes rest

Incline Triceps Extension (EZ Curl Bar):
2 minute rests

Reverse Lunge:
12x25lb / hand
12x25lb / hand
12x25lb / hand
2 minute rests

Upright Row (EZ Curl Bar):
2 minute rests


Nutrition/Health/Life Stuff:
  • Had a reasonably low stress day without being a complete couch potato, got some stuff done and actually didn't think I'd get to train but a window opened up after 4pm so I got out for a quick session.
Training Notes:
  • Bench sets weren't quite as wonky as last time (I looked at the first set straight afterwards) but still not great, especially the last as I felt like I was off centre on the bench. But they got done, and shoulder felt 90% normal so whatevs. Added a little bit to the dumbbell work, second set got a bit harder.
  • Bit heavier on the triceps work too, still fairly easy so I went a little further with the third.
  • Felt like doing a bit of light leg work so threw the lunges in on a whim. They were in no way heavy but still had me puffing a bit, I'm unfit. And got a bit of a quad pump so that felt alright I guess.
  • Upright rows to finish, first set hurt a little bit I may have been gripping the bar a bit narrow - the second felt a bit better so I got three done and called it.
  • Still not a particularly hard session in 45 minutes, but about what I need to be doing right now.

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Post by BenM » Tue Aug 22, 2023 4:50 am

Tue 22/08/23: Bulk Break D17

AM BW: 89.4kg

Background Noise: Guns 'N Roses - Use Your Illusion II

Belt Squat:
2 minute rests

Single Leg Dumbbell RDL:
2 minute rests

Dumbbell Squeeze Press:
12x50lb / hand
12x50lb / hand
12x50lb / hand
2 minute rests

Dumbbell Seal Row:
15x50lb / hand
15x50lb / hand @ 7.5
15x50lb / hand @ 8.5
2 minute rests


Nutrition/Health/Life Stuff:
  • Pretty much did nothing all day apart from walk the dog a couple of times, and hadn't really intended to train but I got the urge late in the day and went out at 4pm again.
Training Notes:
  • Just belt squats today, it's been a while. Stretched my sore quad/hip thing a bit but not terribly hard otherwise, and found that doing them in this Jonny Wilkinson position helps me stay in my hips and not get pulled forward too much.
  • A bit of laziness but also some time saving by doing dumbbell RDLs instead of packing up the belt squat and using the barbell. These were hard enough but not terribly difficult, but apparently it's 5lb more than I've ever used for twelves. Might've needed straps if I'd kept going much longer.
  • Went even lighter than usual on the squeeze presses since my chest has had a fair bit of work lately and I hadn't intended to bench today at all.
  • Finished with some rows and again out of laziness didn't add weight like I should have. But it turns out sets of fifteen can get pretty difficult even with light weight.
  • Another nice snappy 43 minute session. Probably no lifting tomorrow.

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Post by BenM » Thu Aug 24, 2023 12:08 am

Thu 24/08/23: Bulk Break D18

AM BW: 90.2kg

Background Noise: I just let Apple Music DJ today

Medium Grip Pause Bench:
8x90kg @ 8
8x82.5kg @ 8
2 minute rests

Pause Lat Pulldown:
12x52.5kg @ 7.5
2 minute rests

Rope Triceps Pushdown:
10x20kg @ 8
10x20kg @ 9
--- Supersetted with ---
EZ Bar Curl:
10x30kg @ 9
12x25kg @ 9.5
2 minute rests between supersets


Nutrition/Health/Life Stuff:
  • Well, that was fun. This morning I intended to go out to the kiddos's school to watch the book week parade then come straight home and lift. Instead I got the car bogged in the school car park while I was there, had to get the tractor to pull me out, and naturally myself and the car were covered in mud when I got home. Couldn't leave it like that so gave it a pretty solid wash and snuck out for a session after lunch instead.
  • Also I am bulking again apparently, yesterday was an odd day with lots of driving but all of a sudden I'm over 90 kilos again. Maybe I'll be a real boy again soon. I've actually rejigged the program a bit and intend to start upping the intensity next week to try and take advantage.
Training Notes:
  • Bench actually felt quite solid today - decided to do one heavier set and then back offs, really expected a 5 or 6 rep top set but eight was peachy. Pushed fairly hard to get three sets of eight for the backoffs. They didn't look that lopsided to start with but you can clearly see my bad shoulder starting to lag behind by the end.
  • Lat pulldowns, getting hard by the end, then biceps and triceps to finish. I'd planned on just keeping these reasonably easy and didn't push too hard to start with, but inevitably got pretty close to failure by the the end and even did one more set than I planned.
  • Bit of a bro day this, and still my favourite session, this only took 37 minutes too.

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Post by BenM » Thu Aug 24, 2023 10:58 pm

Fri 25/08/23: Bulk Break D19

AM BW: 89.9kg

Background Noise: Guns N' Roses - Use Your Illusion I

3 minute rests

Belt Squat:
2 minute rests (I think)

Incline Dumbbell Bench:
15x45lb / hand
15x45lb / hand
15x45lb / hand
15x45lb / hand @ 7.5
2.5 minute rests

Cable Crunch:
20x37.5kg @ 9.5
2 minute rests


Nutrition/Health/Life Stuff:
  • This session was supposed to be earlier in the day but I had some tummy troubles and procrastinated over it til lunchtime because deadlifts. But had a good crack at it at 12pm.
Training Notes:
  • Realistically these pulls were about as good as I could have hoped, given my lack of practice lately - a reasonably crisp double, then a couple of sets of eight which had me blowing quite hard but didn't feel super heavy. It's only 5kg off my best ever set of eight, but that's probably conservative because I've never trained eights for deadlift for long, it's not fun. I really should, my fitness is shithouse - or at least do some cardio sometime, just not sure where I'd squeeze it in.
  • Followed up with some belt squats, my sore leg was getting a little angry in the first set so I cut it a bit short, but it was tolerable in the subsequent sets once it was warmed up.
  • Hadn't done regular incline bench for a long time (since April last year apparently) so had no idea what weight I could manage or what my shoulder would tolerate; turns out this was very conservative. Shoulder was a bit tight and clicky but zero pain, the fourth set started to get a little difficult.
  • Started pretty easy on the cable crunches, decided to push a little harder in the third set, but it was easy enough I did a fourth and my abs were burning pretty hard by the finish, not sure I'd have got one more.
  • Was a decent effort in the end, took 55 minutes.

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