Veni, vidi, levavi, BenM Blathers

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Post by BenM » Mon Jul 03, 2023 7:49 pm

Tue 04/07/23: Random Easy Stuff D43

AM BW: 89.0kg

Background Noise: Metallica - Garage Inc


RDL to Floor:
10x132.5kg @ 7.5
2 minute rests

Low Incline Pause Dumbbell Bench:
10x57.5lb / hand
10x57.5lb / hand
10x57.5lb / hand @ 6
2 minute rests

Reverse Dumbbell Fly:
12x27.5lb / hand
12x27.5lb / hand
15x27.5lb / hand
--- Supersetted with ---
Decline Sit Up:
2 minute rests between supersets

Seated Dumbbell Curl:
12x27.5lb / hand
12x27.5lb / hand
15x27.5lb / hand @ 10
--- Supersetted with ---
Lying Leg Extension:
15x65kg @ 8.5
2 minute rests

Footage of main lifts:

Nutrition/Health/Life Stuff:
  • I'd intended to train on Sunday but time got away from me with house jobs, and my hip was still kinda sore from squatting anyway. I was no hope of training Monday for reasons, including a very late night watching F1 and cricket, so I've had an extra day off which is fine. Slept super well, caught up a bit from Sunday night, and didn't feel too bad this morning apart from being bloated and not feeling like deadlifting.
Training Notes:
  • Went a little heavier on the deadlift this morning and pulled a triple instead of a double for the heaviest set. It wasn't as 'easy' as last week but still felt OK, considering the best I've ever managed is 4 @ 9 with this weight almost two years ago; might push to four or five next week. Added five kilos to the back off set as well which didn't crush me.
  • Added 2.5kg to the RDLs, stuck with eights, but they felt easy enough that I pushed the third set to ten and that had me starting to blow a bit - could've managed a couple more though.
  • A little heavier on the benching too - like last week, my shoulder took the first set to warm up, but after that it felt fine.
  • Flys and situps got pushed a little harder than last week, then extended the last set of curls and leg extensions too, was a decent way to finish.
  • Didn't feel too badly spent after the deadlifts but once I got through the accessory work I was fairly well done, this ended up being quite a challenging session. Still under an hour though, 58 minutes.

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Re: Veni, vidi, levavi, BenM Blathers


Post by slowmotion » Tue Jul 04, 2023 3:16 am

Seems like it's going well!

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Re: Veni, vidi, levavi, BenM Blathers


Post by BenM » Tue Jul 04, 2023 3:47 am

If I could squat heavy without hurting my hip I'd say it was going really well :) But everything else is ok, my shoulder is 90% better maybe, and I'm lifting regularly/consistently (albeit only 3 days a week) despite a lot of other stuff going on in my life at work and home. On balance, yeah I guess things are going well. I hope you're going well too.

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Bench Day


Post by BenM » Thu Jul 06, 2023 2:51 am

Thu 06/07/23: Random Easy Stuff D44

AM BW: 89.2kg

Background Noise: Exodus - Fabulous Disaster

Comp Bench:
8x95kg @ 8.5
6x95kg @ 8
2 minute rests

Close Grip Bench:
8x82.5kg @ 8.5
2 minute rests

Pause Lat Pulldown:
12x50kg @ 7.5
2 minute rests

High Bar Squat:
8x110kg @ 9
2 minute rests

EZ Bar Curl:
7x32.5kg @ 9.5
2 minute rests

Seated Dumbbell Press:
12x30lb / hand
12x30lb / hand
12x30lb / hand
2 minute rests


Nutrition/Health/Life Stuff:
  • Slept like a log, again, for over seven hours, but not enough, again. Guess I gotta figure something out to fix that, but right now it is what it is. Didn't feel too reluctant to train though and got a decent session in.
Training Notes:
  • Bench was pretty typical today, shoulder was tight warming up, but I bumped up to 110kg and hit it for a sloooow feeling double. Added a little weight to the back off work and did a second set today because I felt like I had a little chest pump after the first. Both fairly hard sets, strength is still down a bit, but I'm not in a bad place considering all that's gone on with injuries and stuff. Took it pretty easy and just did sixes to start with on the close grip stuff, but then went a little harder with the third set.
  • Lat pulldowns might've been a touch easier this week than last. And squats, well, I added 10kg to last week's weight, kept it at sixes, then got a little more ambitious with the last set but I was tired and after eight reps felt like my lungs would explode if I did one more so called it.
  • Hard curls, 90% sure I wouldn't have got one more rep by the end, and then some relatively easy presses which had my shoulder zapping a few times in each set, but not badly.
  • Took 63 minutes all up, not a bad morning's work.

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Post by BenM » Sat Jul 08, 2023 2:54 am

Sat 08/07/23: Random Easy Stuff D45

AM BW: 89.0kg

Background Noise: Evanescence - The Bitter Truth

SSB Squat:
About 2 minutes rest after the single

Hatfield Squat:
2 minute rests

Medium Grip Pause Bench:
2 minute rests

Seated Cable Row:
12x65kg @ 6ish
2 minute rests

Triceps Dip:
10xBW+10kg @ 6.5
--- Supersetted with ---
Dumbbell RDL:
12x82.5lb / hand
12x82.5lb / hand
12x82.5lb / hand
2 minute rests between supersets

Lateral Raise:
10x20lb / hand
10x20lb / hand
10x20lb / hand @ 8.5 blah
2 minute rests

All the footage (sorry Russians, none for you, blame Universal Music LLC):

Nutrition/Health/Life Stuff:
  • Finally caught up on some sleep last night, good thing too because it's an F1 race weekend, plus the Ashes test is on, so I've got some late nights coming. Weight gain seems to have stalled this week. I didn't get out into the gym til mid afternoon today, had a busy morning.
Training Notes:
  • I was pretty reluctant to squat heavy today after last week, but the warmups felt decent so I added a little weight to the top set, although kept it to a single. I checked my log and it looks like this is the most I've had on my back in exactly a year. Pleased it didn't feel too heavy, and didn't tweak my hip either. I'm not gonna hit a PR anytime soon but strength isn't miles away from where it once was, it's just a matter of figuring out what's tolerable. Did a back off set today and that felt pretty crisp too - so I stuck with the same weight for the Hatfields, although I didn't have the desire to push those past eight reps today.
  • Bench was decent too, it did stretch my shoulder a bit, but even though the last couple of sets didn't feel very consistent they still felt a bit easier than last week.
  • Back work (not very hard), and added a scootch of weight to the dips and RDLs, all went ok and no weird glute irritation this week either. I was a little puffed by the end though.
  • Did some lateral raises too - the usual zaps but nothing intolerable, the last set felt kinda ugly.
  • Ended up being a longish session at 72 minutes, but all good signs.

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Post by BenM » Mon Jul 10, 2023 8:01 pm

Tue 11/07/23: Random Easy Stuff D46

AM BW: 89.7kg

Background Noise: Tool - Fear Inoculum

6x185kg @ 8.5 (PR for six; +5kg)
2 minutes rest after the triple

RDL to Floor:
8x135kg (PR for eight; +2.5kg)
2 minute rests

Low Incline Pause Dumbbell Bench:
10x50lb / hand
10x60lb / hand
10x60lb / hand
10x60lb / hand @ 8.5
2 minute rests

Reverse Dumbbell Fly:
12x30lb / hand
12x30lb / hand
15x30lb / hand
--- Supersetted with ---
Decline Sit Up:
2 minute rests between supersets

Seated Dumbbell Curl:
12x30lb / hand @ 6
10x30lb / hand @ 7
12x30lb / hand @ 10
--- Supersetted with ---
Lying Leg Extension:
2 minute rests between supersets


Nutrition/Health/Life Stuff:
  • Had about 4 hours sleep Sunday night, woke up feeling bloated and awful, and really didn't have a great day yesterday, I got into bed on time but not early, and could've used more sleep but hey, that's normal. Woke up at 4:40am, considered skipping training for about 15 seconds, but then got up, dressed, made a strong coffee, drank it and got out there.
  • Also, the weight gain stall appears to have stopped, maybe the going to the movies on Sunday and eating too much food has something to do with that.
Training Notes:
  • Got some new tape for my thumbs from Amazon this week and had high hopes of pushing the heavy deadlift set to 4 or 5 reps today, but it just didn't feel as solid as last week and my lower back was giving out a bit at three. It's an equal PR though, and the back off set was actually a small PR, so I'll take that anyway. Added a little weight to the RDLs and got a little PR there too, though I didn't have any real desire to push the last set past eight, I was already puffed.
  • Did a slightly lighter warmup set of bench, and it didn't feel great but might've helped because the work sets felt quite good. I was getting kinda tired by the end though and wasn't sure I'd get ten for a third time, but it wasn't a max.
  • Back work went ok too, bit less shoulder irritation than last week, and pushed the last set a bit longer, I was getting tired and maybe a bit cheaty by the end of the sit ups though and decided twelve was enough.
  • Curls and leg extensions to finish, and the last set of curls was actually pretty hard. Leg extensions were a bit challenging at the end but OK, especially considering I was about ready to vomit my coffee and Monster after the curls.
  • I need to rename this programming really, because it's not very random nor is it particularly easy. But I got it all done in 64 minutes this morning.

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Re: Veni, vidi, levavi, BenM Blathers


Post by slowmotion » Mon Jul 10, 2023 10:26 pm

Nice work!

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Re: Veni, vidi, levavi, BenM Blathers


Post by BenM » Wed Jul 12, 2023 3:03 am

slowmotion wrote: Mon Jul 10, 2023 10:26 pmNice work!
Gotta keep on trying.....

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Post by BenM » Wed Jul 12, 2023 3:04 am

Wed 12/07/23: Random Easy Stuff D47

AM BW: 89.1kg

Background Noise: Apple Genius Pop Metal Mix

Comp Bench:
2x115kg @ 8.5
8x95kg @ 9.5
2 minute rests

Close Grip Bench:
6x85kg @ 7.5
2 minute rests

Pause Lat Pulldown:
12x52.5kg @ 9
2 minute rests

High Bar Squat:
6x112.5kg @ 8
2 minute rests

Overhead Press:
5x50kg @ 8
2 minute rests

EZ Bar Curl:
6x37.5kg @ 8.5
8x32.5kg @ 10
2.5 minute rests


Nutrition/Health/Life Stuff:
  • Slept pretty well, had a slightly less crazy work day for a change, and since I was WFH decided to stop a bit earlier and hit the gym at 4pm. Now I don't need to get up stupidly early tomorrow cos I'm struggling with that right now. Pre workout was a strong coffee and a giant jammy dodger.
Training Notes:
  • It was different conditions from last week, being afternoon and well fed versus early morning and coffee only, but bench felt easier than last week. The top double was 5kg heavier and moved crisply enough, then I managed eights for both back off sets too although the second was pretty close to all out. Pauses might have been pretty quick, but they weren't touch and go. Added a couple of kilos to the close grip stuff and just did some sixes, I was shaking a bit by the end and didn't push the last set any harder.
  • Added a couple of kilos to the lat pulldowns too, last set got pretty hard.
  • I wasn't feeling the love for squats today (but then when do I?) - even warming up with the empty bar had me puffed. Worked up to 2.5kg more than last week though, got the sixes done, but that was enough - no extra reps at the finish.
  • Spur of the moment, put in some barbell presses instead of seated dumbbell press. Had some really tiny zaps at forty kilos so went to fifty, they were a little worse but not intolerable and definitely a bit better than last time (which was lighter). Stuck to two sets because I didn't want to push my luck.
  • Then it was curls - and I went 5kg heavier for the first two sets, then a really hard drop set of eight, that was solid.
  • Just a little 68 minutes. Not bad.

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Post by BenM » Thu Jul 13, 2023 7:01 pm

Fri 14/07/23: Random Easy Stuff D48

AM BW: 89.4kg

Background Noise: Tool - Ænima

SSB Squat:
1x152kg @ 9
6x127kg @ 7.5
2 minute rests

Hatfield Squat:
10x127kg @ 6
2 minutes rest

Medium Grip Pause Bench:
2 minute rests

Seated Cable Row:
12x67.5kg @ 6
12x67.5kg @ 8
2 minute rests

Triceps Dip:
8xBW+15kg @ 6
--- Supersetted with ---
Dumbbell RDL:
12x85lb / hand
12x85lb / hand
12x85lb / hand
2 minute rests between supersets

Lateral Raise:
12x20lb / hand
12x15lb / hand
12x15lb / hand @ 6
2 minute rests


Nutrition/Health/Life Stuff:
  • Was lights out on time last night, but the dog was unwell and that interrupted our sleep a bit, was pretty restless from about 3:20am and got up at 4:30am which was ten minutes earlier than the alarm wouuld've gone off. Surprisingly enough I was still half keen to squat this morning though and get it out of the way a day early.
Training Notes:
  • Not the worst squat session I've ever had, the first set of five felt kinda heavy but I worked up to a heavy single that was 5kg more than last week, and then kept the back off work the same weight, but did two sets of six instead of a single set of five. I'd thought about it last night and planned to do this, but it was good to follow through and get it done. Then I managed tens for the Hatfield squats too, but figured I'd keep it at two sets for those since I did the extra normal set.
  • Added 2.5kg to the medium grip bench work and dropped back to fives, it was easy and painless enough that I banged out five sets, although I got a bit lazy with the last one and banged the safety at the end. Put a little more weight on the cable rows too, expected to have to drop back to tens at some point but nope, twelves across was fine.
  • After last week I decided to try and do less reps with the dips so I wasn't completely smoked for the RDLs, so added 5kg and did sets of eight instead of ten. I was still puffed by the end, but not terribly so.
  • Lateral raises to finish - I was always planning on dropping load after the first set, but had a few decent zaps in the back of my shoulder and that clinched it. Second had quite a few also, the third was far better.
  • Took a little while this morning, 77 minutes - but a pretty good way to end the week.

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Post by BenM » Sun Jul 16, 2023 3:00 am

Sun 16/07/23: Random Easy Stuff D49

AM BW: 89.4kg

Background Noise: Metallica - Ride The Lightning

3x210kg @ 9 (PR triple; +5kg)
6x190kg @ 9 (PR for six; +5kg)
Probably about 2 minutes rest, didn't time it

RDL to Floor:
10x135kg @ 9 (rep PR; +2 reps)
2 minute rests

Low Incline Pause Dumbbell Bench:
10x50lb / hand
8x62.5lb / hand
8x62.5lb / hand
8x62.5lb / hand
10x62.5lb / hand @ 9.5
2 minute rests

Reverse Dumbbell Fly:
12x32.5lb / hand
12x32.5lb / hand
12x32.5lb / hand @ 7
--- Supersetted with ---
Decline Sit Up:
15xBW @ 6
15xBW @ 8
2 minute rests between supersets

Seated Curl:
10x32.5lb / hand @ 6.5
10x32.5lb / hand @ 7.5
10x32.5lb / hand @ 10
--- Supersetted with ---
Lying Leg Extension:
2 minute rests between supersets


Nutrition/Health/Life Stuff:
  • Slept OK, but stayed in bed way too long and woke up dehydrated with a throbbing headache I couldn't shake for hours. My original plan was to train this morning but that went out the window - after plenty of food and a lie down and some more food I felt a bit better and made it out to the gym mid afternoon. It still took a fair bit of caffeine to get me motivated though.
Training Notes:
  • I really wanted to deadlift a little heavier than last week today, and the warm ups felt good so I went ahead and did it. Both sets were pretty heavy but never in doubt and not really grindy or anything, so good signs. After that I decided to keep the RDLs at the same weight though, although during the last set I got motivated enough to push out a couple of extra reps. Probably had one more before my lungs gave out.
  • Added 2.5lb to the bench work and dropped back to eights, first couple of sets were easy enough that I did four and pushed the last quite hard, I think my right arm probably wouldn't have got one more at the end there. And the shoulder was almost completely unnoticeable so yay for me.
  • A little bit more weight on the rear delt work, and fifteens across on the sit ups, both were enough to make me pretty puffed.
  • Curls and leg extensions to finish, the legs were easy but the curls were a slightly cheaty proper max effort set at the end, and I felt a little nauseous.
  • Really solid effort despite me almost pushing it back til tomorrow, took 66 minutes.

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Re: Sunday


Post by slowmotion » Sun Jul 16, 2023 10:13 am

BenM wrote: Sun Jul 16, 2023 3:00 am Sun 16/07/23: Random Easy Stuff D49

3x210kg @ 9 (PR triple; +5kg)
6x190kg @ 9 (PR for six; +5kg)

Congrats on the random easy PRs! :)

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Re: Sunday


Post by BenM » Sun Jul 16, 2023 9:31 pm

slowmotion wrote: Sun Jul 16, 2023 10:13 am
BenM wrote: Sun Jul 16, 2023 3:00 am Sun 16/07/23: Random Easy Stuff D49

3x210kg @ 9 (PR triple; +5kg)
6x190kg @ 9 (PR for six; +5kg)

Congrats on the random easy PRs! :)
Thanks Jan! Like I said a few days ago... it's no longer easy or random! But I haven't come up with anything better yet.

I pulled my best ever deadlift of 240kg @ 93kg BW so I am going OK at a few kilos lighter. Think there might be a bit more than that in me soon. Makes up for the fact that bench and squat are down a bit :)

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Post by BenM » Mon Jul 17, 2023 8:12 pm

Tue 18/07/23: Random Easy Stuff D50

AM BW: 89.9kg

Background Noise: Metallica - S&M

Comp Bench:
1x120kg @ 9
1x120kg @ 9.5
5x100kg @ 8
2 minute rests

Close Grip Bench:
6x90kg @ 8
6x90kg @ 8.5
6x90kg @ 9
2 minute rests

Pause Lat Pulldown:
12x55kg @ 8
12x55kg @ 9.5
2 minute rests

High Bar Squat:
8x115kg @ 9
2 minute rests

EZ Bar Curl:
5x40kg @ 7
5x40kg @ 7.5
5x40kg @ 10
6x35kg @ 10
2 minute rests

Dumbbell Upright Row:
12x45lb / hand
12x45lb / hand
12x45lb / hand @ 6
2 minute rests


Nutrition/Health/Life Stuff:
  • Same old story, slept well, but only 7 hours or so, could've used some more. At least it was a reasonably low stress day yesterday, and I was somewhat keen for benching this morning.
Training Notes:
  • Worked up to 120kg bench singles this morning, I've been doing doubles for my top sets up til now, but didn't plan on that today unless it felt great, which it didn't. I think I could've got one more but that would've been a grind - so I did two singles, and the second was a battle although I might've misgrooved it a bit. Anyway whatever, did a couple of sets of five with 100kg, and then some close grip work, my shoulder still isn't one hundred percent but who knows if it ever will be. I noticed it, but none of this really hurt.
  • Added a bit more weight to the lat pulldowns, was kinda surprised to get twelves although the last set was hard. Spilled a whole bag of chalk in between sets and had to start vacuuming the gym.
  • High bar after that, hip really wasn't feeling great today, and I was happy just to do some fives although they felt pretty heavy. Started to find a bit of a groove in the third set, and the fourth felt good enough to bang out a few more. But that made me puffed.
  • Went heavy with the curls today, did some fives, and that third set was a struggle to get the last rep. So I did one more lighter set and that one was also a max by the end. Even considered a fifth, but then sanity prevailed, this was plenty.
  • Subbed in upright rows for presses today, had a couple of minor shoulder tingles (not quite zaps) in the first set but the second was fine, a couple more in the third. Not super hard, but got some work in.
  • Today dragged on a bit, took 78 minutes. Getting close to a deload.

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Post by BenM » Wed Jul 19, 2023 3:29 am

Wed 19/07/23: Random Easy Stuff D51

AM BW: 89.6kg

Background Noise: Metallica - 72 Seasons

SSB Squat:
1x157kg @ 9.5
5x130kg @ 7
2 minute rests

Hatfield Squat:
10x130kg @ 6.5
2 minute rests

Medium Grip Pause Bench:
2 minute rests

Seated Cable Row:
12x70kg @ 8
2 minute rests

Triceps Dip:
--- Supersetted with ---
Hamstring Curl:
12x37.5kg @ 8
2 minute rests between supersets

Lateral Raise:
12x15lb / hand
12x15lb / hand
12x15lb / hand @ 7
2 minute rests


Nutrition/Health/Life Stuff:
  • Had pretty solid sleep last night but was still tired this morning. But it was another WFH day and I managed to sneak out to the gym at 4pm again. This pleases me, I don't have to get up stupidly early to lift in the morning now and can stay up to watch some of the cricket tonight.
Training Notes:
  • Worked up to an even heavier top single than last week which really stretched out my hip and didn't feel far off a max. Long way from PR territory but whatever. Did some fives, didn't enjoy much, but got them done. Decided to keep the Hatfield squats pretty chill today after that and just do eights, but they were easy enough that I got motivated for ten in the last set.
  • Again with the medium grip bench just did a pretty uneventful five by five, a couple of kilos more than last week, even got decent pauses in the last set. Dropped back to tens for the rows, but pushed the third set a little longer there too.
  • Subbed in hamstring curls instead of RDLs today, and went a bit heavier with the dips. The hamstring work got pretty challenging by the end, the dips I even considered doing a couple more reps.
  • I was tired after that and just wanted to do some comfortable laterals so chose a very light weight - had two half zaps in my shoulder during the first set but none in the last two so that was decent, and got a long hold at the very end too.
  • Pretty long and hot afternoon at 74 minutes, but a solid effort. Probably a light week next week.

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Post by BenM » Fri Jul 21, 2023 12:32 am

Fri 21/07/23: Random Easy Stuff D52

AM BW: 89.9kg

Background Noise: Megadeth - The Sick, The Dying... And The Dead!

2 minute rests

RDL to Floor:
8x140kg (PR for eight; +5kg)
8x140kg @ 9
2 minute rests

Low Incline Pause Dumbbell Bench:
10x50lb / hand
8x60lb / hand
8x60lb / hand
8x60lb / hand
12x60lb / hand @ 9.5
2 minute rests

Dumbbell Seal Row:
10x60lb / hand
10x60lb / hand @ 7
10x60lb / hand @ 8.5
2 minute rests

Decline Sit Up:
20xBW @ 8.5
--- Supersetted with ---
Hammer Curl w/Twist:
12x30lb / hand
12x30lb / hand
12x30lb / hand
2 minute rests

Lying Leg Extension:
12x70kg @ 8.5
2.5 minute rests

Footage (blocked in Russia and Belarus, sorry folks):

Nutrition/Health/Life Stuff:
  • Had pretty broken sleep, although I woke up just before the alarm went off I was still extremely tired. Glad another sucky work week is almost over.
  • Weight is still gently trending up. Hip was pretty sore yesterday from squats, but it seemed to get better through the day and didn't feel too bad this morning.
Training Notes:
  • I really wanted to pull 215kg for at least a double today, and ideally a triple. I did have one extra warmup single this morning, but that's the only thing that was different from last week's triple at 210kg, although that was also a daytime session. Anyway I pulled one very slow single with 215kg and called it there, I don't even think a double would have gone up. Lowered the back off weight a little bit and did a couple of pretty comfortable sets of six, done.
  • With the deadlifting done, I added 5kg to the RDLs and banged out some eights, the last set was reasonably hard but I was pretty happy to get these done at least. The top end strength may not have been there but at least I got some decent accessory work done.
  • Made a little load adjustment to the bench work, and did some easy eights, but got excited at the end and did twelve pretty close to failure.
  • Mucked around with the rest of the session, did some heavier rows today (I am out of practice at these), then some sit ups (with a long set to finish), some easy curls, and some leg extensions with slightly longer rest times (because I was tired).
  • All done - 78 minutes, kinda long, but a decent day, and I'm not sure if I'll get to train tomorrow because of other life stuff going on.

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Post by BenM » Sat Jul 22, 2023 3:38 am

Sat 22/07/23: Random Easy Stuff D53

AM BW: 89.9kg

Background Noise: Extreme - Six

Comp Bench:
1x125kg @ 9.5
2 minute rests

Close Grip Bench:
5x95kg @ 8.5
6x90kg @ 8
6x90kg @ 8.5
2 minute rests

Pause Lat Pulldown:
12x50kg @ 7
2 minute rests

High Bar Squat:
2 minute rests

EZ Bar Curl:
2 minutes rest

EZ Bar Upright Row:
2 minute rests


Nutrition/Health/Life Stuff:
  • Had a pretty busy day today dealing with renovation stuff and other chores, started lifting at 4:20pm.
Training Notes:
  • Wanted to work up to a slightly heavier single today, was happy enough to get 125kg, I might've had another kilo or two in me but it was close to a max. Definitely tested my shoulder, probably more than it's ready for. Did the back off work a little lighter than last time, although I did the first close grip set a little heavier.
  • Was tired after benching and felt like my shoulder was overworked so did the lat pulldowns a bit lighter too, trying to keep them easy but the last set still got hard enough.
  • Squats were a bit of a wash, the 110kg rep was supposed to be a set of five or six but my hip didn't feel good so I racked it after one. For some stupid reason I thought doing a heavier single might make the work sets feel more tolerable but it hurt even more, and although I did back the weight down and attempt some volume work I just wasn't up for it, did a couple of triples and called it.
  • Did some light curls after that, my right elbow was quite sore during the first set, it improved a bit for the second but I stopped there anyway, I was fast running out of time and motivation.
  • Chucked in some upright rows with what was on the bar, which was very light but felt ok for the most part. Had a little bit of shoulder impingement but I think these are good for it.
  • This took an hour, even though I tried to rush through. Not the perfect way to end this little block but I followed it up with a massive feed of Indian take away so it's not all bad, I'll enjoy a deload this week and try to get my leg and shoulder ready to go again.

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Post by BenM » Mon Jul 24, 2023 10:36 pm

Tue 25/07/23: Deload D1

AM BW: 90.2kg

Background Noise: This Is It: The Best Of Faith No More

Belt Squat:

Reverse Lunge:
12x30lb / hand
12x30lb / hand
12x30lb / hand
2 minute rests

Dumbbell Squeeze Press:
12x45lb / hand
12x45lb / hand
12x45lb / hand
2 minute rests

RDL to Floor:
2 minute rests

Dumbbell Seal Row:
12x45lb / hand
12x45lb / hand
12x45lb / hand
2 minute rests

Banded Fly:
20 reps / purple band
20 reps / purple band
90 seconds rest

Nutrition/Health/Life Stuff:
  • Not enough sleep the last two nights. Exhausted, but it's a deload week anyway so not much effort expected.
Training Notes:
  • Did one sorta heavy belt squat set but it was barely tolerable for my hip/quad issue so piked and did some reverse lunges instead - they also didn't feel so great but they were tolerable at least. I'd intended to squat tomorrow (cos tradition) but ehhhhh probably not. Thought I was going well with it, but apparently pushing for those heavier singles over the past couple of weeks has tipped me back into crippleworld and I'm irritated with myself for repeating the same mistakes yet again.
  • Squeeze presses were nice and easy although my shoulder's definitely still a little tender from the weekend. RDLs felt heavy when I unracked the bar for the first time but realistically I was barely breathing heavy after each set, and everything else was extremely light too. Could have done 30 plus reps of flys.
  • All done in 48 minutes. Blah.

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Post by BenM » Wed Jul 26, 2023 10:45 pm

Thu 27/07/23: Bulk Break D2

AM BW: 90.1kg

Background Noise: Guns N Roses - Greatest Hits

High Bar Squat:
90 seconds out to 120 seconds rests

Medium Grip Pause Bench:
2 minute rests

Pull Up:
6xBW @ 9
90 second rests

EZ Bar Curl:
10x25kg @ 7
2 minute rests


Nutrition/Health/Life Stuff:
  • I'd intended to do this session yesterday, but struggled to get up in the morning, then other stuff stopped me getting away in the afternoon. Then I was in bed late last night, and had to get up this morning and do it on six hours sleep. Ugh.
Training Notes:
  • Traditional (if belated) birthday squats, I did a couple of low bar reps with just the bar and decided my shoulder wasn't going to cope, so did them high bar instead. Could I have done sets of twenty or more? Physically, maybe... but mentally, I just wasn't up for it, so I cut them at twelve and did them on pretty quick rests. My hip didn't feel great, but it wasn't terrible either, think I got through them OK. I'd actually planned on bringing low bar back next block but I guess it'll be SSB yet again.
  • Bench suuuucked today and even warming up with 70kg kinda hurt, hence the set of four - probably confirms that I did indeed hurt/aggravate it again going heavy on the weekend, sigh.... But I pushed on and did three light sets of six anyway - actually found a groove by the third and considered one more, but sensibly noped out of that idea.
  • Pull ups because I hate them, but these didn't hurt at least, and will probably put them back into the rotation next week. According to my logs I've never done more than an eight rep set so at least I should be able to crush that now.
  • Did some curls to finish, intending to keep these nice and easy, but got slightly difficult at the end.
  • Nice and quick, 45 minutes. Bit sore afterwards.

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Re: Veni, vidi, levavi, BenM Blathers


Post by MarkKO » Thu Jul 27, 2023 2:46 am

Belated happy birthday. One year wiser.

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