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Re: Tip Toeing in my Vibrams

Posted: Sat Mar 18, 2023 3:27 pm
by MarkKO
Hardartery wrote: Sat Mar 18, 2023 11:54 am
MarkKO wrote: Sat Mar 18, 2023 1:54 am
Renascent wrote: Fri Mar 17, 2023 10:12 pm
MarkKO wrote: Fri Mar 17, 2023 3:23 pm
Renascent wrote: Fri Mar 17, 2023 9:50 am
MarkKO wrote: Fri Mar 17, 2023 1:14 amI should try it that way. Any particular sausages? Also, by green onions do you mean spring onions?
I use a local brand of smoked pork sausage.

Apparently green onions and spring onions are the same (I didn't know that until just now).
Smoked sausages? Got you. So more of a salami then.
Possibly, but spicy. Been a long time since I've had salami.
I might go with chorizo in that case.
t's probably more like an Andouille or Italian, based on my experience eating Cajun food.
I should be able to find either of those somewhere.

Re: Tip Toeing in my Vibrams

Posted: Sat Mar 18, 2023 5:09 pm
by Renascent
Hardartery wrote: Sat Mar 18, 2023 11:54 am
MarkKO wrote: Sat Mar 18, 2023 1:54 am
Renascent wrote: Fri Mar 17, 2023 10:12 pm
MarkKO wrote: Fri Mar 17, 2023 3:23 pm
Renascent wrote: Fri Mar 17, 2023 9:50 am
MarkKO wrote: Fri Mar 17, 2023 1:14 amI should try it that way. Any particular sausages? Also, by green onions do you mean spring onions?
I use a local brand of smoked pork sausage.

Apparently green onions and spring onions are the same (I didn't know that until just now).
Smoked sausages? Got you. So more of a salami then.
Possibly, but spicy. Been a long time since I've had salami.
I might go with chorizo in that case.
t's probably more like an Andouille or Italian, based on my experience eating Cajun food.
Yeah, though closer to andouille than Italian, in my opinion.

Much spicier, though.

I should also mention that I use bacon grease too, and, more recently, parsley (thanks to @SnakePlissken).

Re: Tip Toeing in my Vibrams

Posted: Sat Mar 18, 2023 5:33 pm
by Hardartery
Renascent wrote: Sat Mar 18, 2023 5:09 pm
Hardartery wrote: Sat Mar 18, 2023 11:54 am
MarkKO wrote: Sat Mar 18, 2023 1:54 am
Renascent wrote: Fri Mar 17, 2023 10:12 pm
MarkKO wrote: Fri Mar 17, 2023 3:23 pm
Renascent wrote: Fri Mar 17, 2023 9:50 am
MarkKO wrote: Fri Mar 17, 2023 1:14 amI should try it that way. Any particular sausages? Also, by green onions do you mean spring onions?
I use a local brand of smoked pork sausage.

Apparently green onions and spring onions are the same (I didn't know that until just now).
Smoked sausages? Got you. So more of a salami then.
Possibly, but spicy. Been a long time since I've had salami.
I might go with chorizo in that case.
t's probably more like an Andouille or Italian, based on my experience eating Cajun food.
Yeah, though closer to andouille than Italian, in my opinion.

Much spicier, though.

I should also mention that I use bacon grease too, and, more recently, parsley (thanks to @SnakePlissken).
It sounds excellent, I know I really enjoy some good Andouille.

Re: Tip Toeing in my Vibrams

Posted: Sun Mar 19, 2023 6:32 am
by broseph
@Renascent FYI you have to make this for the Exodus Strength potluck.

Re: Tip Toeing in my Vibrams

Posted: Tue Mar 21, 2023 6:02 pm
by Renascent
broseph wrote: Sun Mar 19, 2023 6:32 am @Renascent FYI you have to make this for the Exodus Strength potluck.


Re: Tip Toeing in my Vibrams

Posted: Tue Mar 21, 2023 6:11 pm
by Renascent
High-Bar Squats
135 x 11
225 x 11
275 x 7 x 2
295 x 4 x 3
315 x 3 x 2, 2 x 3
335 x 1 x 2
275 x 4 x 2

Standing Cable Leg Extensions
50 x 12 x 5

Last week went completely off the rails, and the weekend was exhausting in the worst way.

Don't care to rehash it at the moment, if at all. Thought I'd be breaking ground with adding a fence to one side of the yard that faces some very problematic, entitled neighbors. The postholes have been refilled.

Sucks to have a tempermental, perpetually-unemployed manbaby for a neighbor who is still reeling from insults from a prior blowup from years ago regarding his loud-ass music and habitual encroachments. Lots of really pathetic threats about shooting me and raping my wife.

We always wind up laughing through the bluff charges, but it's tiring as fuck dealing with people who got coddled well enough into their forties that they can't process anything beyond the most basic displays of anger.

Getting some legal advice tomorrow. I want my fucking fence. I really wish prayers and hexes actually worked.

Re: Tip Toeing in my Vibrams

Posted: Tue Mar 21, 2023 6:40 pm
by MarkKO
Renascent wrote: Tue Mar 21, 2023 6:11 pm (3.21.2023)
High-Bar Squats
135 x 11
225 x 11
275 x 7 x 2
295 x 4 x 3
315 x 3 x 2, 2 x 3
335 x 1 x 2
275 x 4 x 2

Standing Cable Leg Extensions
50 x 12 x 5

Last week went completely off the rails, and the weekend was exhausting in the worst way.

Don't care to rehash it at the moment, if at all. Thought I'd be breaking ground with adding a fence to one side of the yard that faces some very problematic, entitled neighbors. The postholes have been refilled.

Sucks to have a tempermental, perpetually-unemployed manbaby for a neighbor who is still reeling from insults from a prior blowup from years ago regarding his loud-ass music and habitual encroachments. Lots of really pathetic threats about shooting me and raping my wife.

We always wind up laughing through the bluff charges, but it's tiring as fuck dealing with people who got coddled well enough into their forties that they can't process anything beyond the most basic displays of anger.

Getting some legal advice tomorrow. I want my fucking fence. I really wish prayers and hexes actually worked.
Fuck. I would be getting legal advice as to how I could go about shooting his kneecaps.

Re: Tip Toeing in my Vibrams

Posted: Tue Mar 21, 2023 7:17 pm
by DanCR

Not to generalize a whole state from two examples, but my girl had a similar experience at her last home. We’re looking at homes to rent now and I’ve been all over the issue - among my first questions to the realtor always is, is there anything I need to know about the neighbors. You get pos neighbors up north too, but the disputes tend to involve threats of fisticuffs rather than shooting.

Re: Tip Toeing in my Vibrams

Posted: Tue Mar 21, 2023 8:19 pm
by Renascent
MarkKO wrote: Tue Mar 21, 2023 6:40 pmFuck. I would be getting legal advice as to how I could go about shooting his kneecaps.
It's a very long story, and I've not given much context. Suffice it to say that, at this point, he wants me to bless him with violence.

During the previous confrontation -- four years ago -- he kept trying to goad me into attacking him so he could go get his gun. His German Shepherd was still a puppy, so he couldn't rely on the dog as a means of retaliation just yet.

I mocked him for the gun threat. He's one of those "lost" men who thinks being loud and unpredictable is all there is to the art of intimidation. Very skewed perception of "manhood." Kept bringing up how much other men in the neighborhood disliked me. Also kept bringing up his dick a lot.*

This time he seemed to want it to be known that he thinks he could take me on physically. He later lost his composure and kept making finger guns at me (I think he was actively trying to avoid overt gunplay threats, initially, because I belittled him for this previously).

Drew his fist at my wife a few times. In front of his dad -- a pastor (and a lawyer who was disbarred at some point in the late nineties for withholding settlements) -- who also seems to not like mouthy women.

He wears his heart on his sleeve. A very broken -- but volatile -- shell of a man. Tried to hide his disappointment once it was obvious I wasn't going to bother fighting him. His dad called the police because we were "at each other's throats." My wife and I were mostly laughing at how the threats and put-downs became more ridiculous in the midst of a boundary dispute. I turned my back on him a few when he'd advance on me because he'd misheard whatever his dad and I were discussing and wanted the comfort of a narrative that implied I was escalating things.

I had a fistfight years ago with someone** whom this neighbor thinks is/was beneath him. So he wants to be considered enough of a threat to warrant a similar act of aggression from me. I won't grant him that.

In his mind, I have "muscles" now (he made reference to this in the previous incident in 2019, and we mocked him for his transparent annoyance at such a stupid thing). And I haven't even deemed him worthy enough to require their supposed use. It has eaten at him for years that I don't regard him as an equal. He's spent years sitting around on his porch, smoking cheap weed to look cool stave off depression, while he subsists on the scraps his parents (and, to a lesser degree, his wife) provide. And he used to "watch my house" as a "favor" too, while I was off doing white-man stuff, like, going to work or my kid's soccer practices, because I was apparently oblivious to the dangers of the Jets and the Sharks lurking on every corner.

Silly me. I was too much of a square to have his gift of cinematic street smarts. I didn't know we were living in a picturesque bullet hell.

... Anyway, I just want to be able to finish my fence without this idiot having a tantrum and threatening my fence guy because he is stuck in a 90's vision of "gangsterism."

It's fucking sad.


*In our previous encounter, he really wanted me to know how much the other "men" he cavorted with on occasion (on our street? our block? I don't fucking know) disliked me, as a ma-yun, and that I was a "bitch-ass n****a" and so forth.

I told him I was perfectly fine with being considered a "bitch-ass n****a," and that his guyfriends also knew I could stomp his ass if I felt so inclined, so I wasn't concerned with my name being mud in the Court of Manly Men™ since I skip the meetings anyway, and our neighborhood isn't exactly Grove Street, despite his wishes.

He made an errant gun threat, and I called him a "limp-dicked motherfucker." He did not like that shit.

For a number of years, while doing yardwork, I'd find pill wrappers for some shit called "Hard Ten Days." Always found it odd that I kept finding those wrappers at the same spot along the property line, always near his car door. Same with his fast food receipts.

So, yeah, he didn't like that remark at all, even without me having to spell out what I was getting at. I suspect a lot of dudes who make rape threats on the regular have issues getting it up in safe, consensual situations.

I don't tend to think a person's sexual prowess defines their so-called masculinity, but since I was dealing with someone who idolizes a very typical flavor of verbal posturing, I aimed low. Low enough to connect.

**Our neighborhood is very old. Houses are closer together than many of us would like. Back in 2011, a 47-year-old moved back in with his mother and stepfather to kick his drug habit and give his life to Jesus. He also had a boundary problem. His parents dragged their feet after some of us other neighbors requested they fix a fence problem of their own (the son was inviting "old friends" to use their driveway as a getaway shortcut, so to speak). Unfortunately, they lived next door to us. A situation escalated one day and he and I fought. Nothing to be proud of, but apparently I gained a rep as a skinny, uppity hothead who wanted to be left alone to ensure the comfort and safety of his family (the fucking nerve). Even quit a job so I didn't have to be gone overnight.

Some of the neighborhood fixtures would sneak through their driveway and backyard in the middle of the night. Sometimes they flashed hand signs at our security camera. One time, a gun. One time, a fucking flashlight.

That situation got resolved a few years ago with some help. Now I lift weights in what used to be their living room.

Re: Tip Toeing in my Vibrams

Posted: Tue Mar 21, 2023 10:38 pm
by MarkKO
Renascent wrote: Tue Mar 21, 2023 8:19 pm
MarkKO wrote: Tue Mar 21, 2023 6:40 pmFuck. I would be getting legal advice as to how I could go about shooting his kneecaps.
It's a very long story, and I've not given much context. Suffice it to say that, at this point, he wants me to bless him with violence.

During the previous confrontation -- four years ago -- he kept trying to goad me into attacking him so he could go get his gun. His German Shepherd was still a puppy, so he couldn't rely on the dog as a means of retaliation just yet.

I mocked him for the gun threat. He's one of those "lost" men who thinks being loud and unpredictable is all there is to the art of intimidation. Very skewed perception of "manhood." Kept bringing up how much other men in the neighborhood disliked me. Also kept bringing up his dick a lot.*

This time he seemed to want it to be known that he thinks he could take me on physically. He later lost his composure and kept making finger guns at me (I think he was actively trying to avoid overt gunplay threats, initially, because I belittled him for this previously).

Drew his fist at my wife a few times. In front of his dad -- a pastor (and a lawyer who was disbarred at some point in the late nineties for withholding settlements) -- who also seems to not like mouthy women.

He wears his heart on his sleeve. A very broken -- but volatile -- shell of a man. Tried to hide his disappointment once it was obvious I wasn't going to bother fighting him. His dad called the police because we were "at each other's throats." My wife and I were mostly laughing at how the threats and put-downs became more ridiculous in the midst of a boundary dispute. I turned my back on him a few when he'd advance on me because he'd misheard whatever his dad and I were discussing and wanted the comfort of a narrative that implied I was escalating things.

I had a fistfight years ago with someone** whom this neighbor thinks is/was beneath him. So he wants to be considered enough of a threat to warrant a similar act of aggression from me. I won't grant him that.

In his mind, I have "muscles" now (he made reference to this in the previous incident in 2019, and we mocked him for his transparent annoyance at such a stupid thing). And I haven't even deemed him worthy enough to require their supposed use. It has eaten at him for years that I don't regard him as an equal. He's spent years sitting around on his porch, smoking cheap weed to look cool stave off depression, while he subsists on the scraps his parents (and, to a lesser degree, his wife) provide. And he used to "watch my house" as a "favor" too, while I was off doing white-man stuff, like, going to work or my kid's soccer practices, because I was apparently oblivious to the dangers of the Jets and the Sharks lurking on every corner.

Silly me. I was too much of a square to have his gift of cinematic street smarts. I didn't know we were living in a picturesque bullet hell.

... Anyway, I just want to be able to finish my fence without this idiot having a tantrum and threatening my fence guy because he is stuck in a 90's vision of "gangsterism."

It's fucking sad.


*In our previous encounter, he really wanted me to know how much the other "men" he cavorted with on occasion (on our street? our block? I don't fucking know) disliked me, as a ma-yun, and that I was a "bitch-ass n****a" and so forth.

I told him I was perfectly fine with being considered a "bitch-ass n****a," and that his guyfriends also knew I could stomp his ass if I felt so inclined, so I wasn't concerned with my name being mud in the Court of Manly Men™ since I skip the meetings anyway, and our neighborhood isn't exactly Grove Street, despite his wishes.

He made an errant gun threat, and I called him a "limp-dicked motherfucker." He did not like that shit.

For a number of years, while doing yardwork, I'd find pill wrappers for some shit called "Hard Ten Days." Always found it odd that I kept finding those wrappers at the same spot along the property line, always near his car door. Same with his fast food receipts.

So, yeah, he didn't like that remark at all, even without me having to spell out what I was getting at. I suspect a lot of dudes who make rape threats on the regular have issues getting it up in safe, consensual situations.

I don't tend to think a person's sexual prowess defines their so-called masculinity, but since I was dealing with someone who idolizes a very typical flavor of verbal posturing, I aimed low. Low enough to connect.

**Our neighborhood is very old. Houses are closer together than many of us would like. Back in 2011, a 47-year-old moved back in with his mother and stepfather to kick his drug habit and give his life to Jesus. He also had a boundary problem. His parents dragged their feet after some of us other neighbors requested they fix a fence problem of their own (the son was inviting "old friends" to use their driveway as a getaway shortcut, so to speak). Unfortunately, they lived next door to us. A situation escalated one day and he and I fought. Nothing to be proud of, but apparently I gained a rep as a skinny, uppity hothead who wanted to be left alone to ensure the comfort and safety of his family (the fucking nerve). Even quit a job so I didn't have to be gone overnight.

Some of the neighborhood fixtures would sneak through their driveway and backyard in the middle of the night. Sometimes they flashed hand signs at our security camera. One time, a gun. One time, a fucking flashlight.

That situation got resolved a few years ago with some help. Now I lift weights in what used to be their living room.
You are a better man than I.

I'll take pretty much any abuse and shrug it off with nary a care. As soon as someone even looks like they might target my wife all bets are off. Luckily it's only come down to that once, but it cost us some friends because the guy ended going through a window a little bit. He wasn't hurt, apart from his pride I suspect but while my wife had been standing up for two teenage girls he'd been hassling apparently we were the bad guys.

Over here the gun issue is non existent unless you're a professional criminal, and even then if you use them in a way that attracts too much attention on someone outside that world you'll suddenly find yourself with very few friends.

Hopefully you can engineer a satisfactory resolution. I can't imagine he's a popular figure in the neighbourhood.

Re: Tip Toeing in my Vibrams

Posted: Wed Mar 22, 2023 9:37 am
by Renascent
MarkKO wrote: Tue Mar 21, 2023 10:38 pmHopefully you can engineer a satisfactory resolution. I can't imagine he's a popular figure in the neighbourhood.
Here's hoping.

He's a spoiled, 44-year-old, unemployed father of two worried about popularity in an aging neighborhood where fewer and fewer people are left to even worry about looking "hard."

I have surveyors in my yard right now, and it's looking good so far. He'll have to settle for his usual noise pollution and mushmouthed insults from his porch stoop as means to weaponize his midlife depression once we're able to visually see less of him.

Re: Tip Toeing in my Vibrams

Posted: Wed Mar 22, 2023 12:44 pm
by MarkKO
Renascent wrote: Wed Mar 22, 2023 9:37 am
MarkKO wrote: Tue Mar 21, 2023 10:38 pmHopefully you can engineer a satisfactory resolution. I can't imagine he's a popular figure in the neighbourhood.
Here's hoping.

He's a spoiled, 44-year-old, unemployed father of two worried about popularity in an aging neighborhood where fewer and fewer people are left to even worry about looking "hard."

I have surveyors in my yard right now, and it's looking good so far. He'll have to settle for his usual noise pollution and mushmouthed insults from his porch stoop as means to weaponize his midlife depression once we're able to visually see less of him.
I would imagine that alone is an improvement

Re: Tip Toeing in my Vibrams

Posted: Wed Mar 22, 2023 2:45 pm
by DanCR
Renascent wrote: Tue Mar 21, 2023 8:19 pm I don't tend to think a person's sexual prowess defines their so-called masculinity, but since I was dealing with someone who idolizes a very typical flavor of verbal posturing, I aimed low. Low enough to connect.
I read all this around 2am last night after waking up as I do at least a time or two every night, and actually laughed out loud at the fact that you’re such a good guy that you felt the need to explain the verbal low blow, whereas I as the reader was waiting for the part where you kicked his teeth in.

In seriousness, I’m genuinely impressed by your level of adulting while also scoring the necessary points to keep the matter contained.

Re: Tip Toeing in my Vibrams

Posted: Wed Mar 22, 2023 8:48 pm
by Renascent
DCR wrote: Wed Mar 22, 2023 2:45 pm
Renascent wrote: Tue Mar 21, 2023 8:19 pm I don't tend to think a person's sexual prowess defines their so-called masculinity, but since I was dealing with someone who idolizes a very typical flavor of verbal posturing, I aimed low. Low enough to connect.
I read all this around 2am last night after waking up as I do at least a time or two every night, and actually laughed out loud at the fact that you’re such a good guy that you felt the need to explain the verbal low blow, whereas I as the reader was waiting for the part where you kicked his teeth in.

In seriousness, I’m genuinely impressed by your level of adulting while also scoring the necessary points to keep the matter contained.

I am still learning a lot regarding how to navigate people who fancy themselves to be more well-versed in the social realm than myself.

I most likely won't be pulling tomorrow, and am going to head out of town with the boy this weekend looking deflated as fuck.

But I talked to a lawyer today, and had a fruitful conversation with neighbor's parents this afternoon after they saw the stakes left by the surveyors.

Might update tomorrow. In any event, I am grateful to finally realize my loss of appetite had been due to a legitimate illness more than anything else, and I expect to sleep better very soon.

Re: Tip Toeing in my Vibrams

Posted: Wed Mar 22, 2023 9:00 pm
by DanCR
Renascent wrote: Wed Mar 22, 2023 8:48 pm
DCR wrote: Wed Mar 22, 2023 2:45 pm
Renascent wrote: Tue Mar 21, 2023 8:19 pm I don't tend to think a person's sexual prowess defines their so-called masculinity, but since I was dealing with someone who idolizes a very typical flavor of verbal posturing, I aimed low. Low enough to connect.
I read all this around 2am last night after waking up as I do at least a time or two every night, and actually laughed out loud at the fact that you’re such a good guy that you felt the need to explain the verbal low blow, whereas I as the reader was waiting for the part where you kicked his teeth in.

In seriousness, I’m genuinely impressed by your level of adulting while also scoring the necessary points to keep the matter contained.

I am still learning a lot regarding how to navigate people who fancy themselves to be more well-versed in the social realm than myself.

I most likely won't be pulling tomorrow, and am going to head out of town with the boy this weekend looking deflated as fuck.

But I talked to a lawyer today, and had a fruitful conversation with neighbor's parents this afternoon after they saw the stakes left by the surveyors.

Might update tomorrow. In any event, I am grateful to finally realize my loss of appetite had been due to a legitimate illness more than anything else, and I expect to sleep better very soon.
Whatever the last of that is about, hope all is cool and that it cleared up / is getting cleared up, and that you in fact get said sleep.

Re: Tip Toeing in my Vibrams

Posted: Thu Mar 23, 2023 12:37 am
by houzi
Renascent wrote: Tue Mar 21, 2023 8:19 pm
MarkKO wrote: Tue Mar 21, 2023 6:40 pmFuck. I would be getting legal advice as to how I could go about shooting his kneecaps.
It's a very long story, and I've not given much context. Suffice it to say that, at this point, he wants me to bless him with violence.

During the previous confrontation -- four years ago -- he kept trying to goad me into attacking him so he could go get his gun. His German Shepherd was still a puppy, so he couldn't rely on the dog as a means of retaliation just yet.

I mocked him for the gun threat. He's one of those "lost" men who thinks being loud and unpredictable is all there is to the art of intimidation. Very skewed perception of "manhood." Kept bringing up how much other men in the neighborhood disliked me. Also kept bringing up his dick a lot.*

This time he seemed to want it to be known that he thinks he could take me on physically. He later lost his composure and kept making finger guns at me (I think he was actively trying to avoid overt gunplay threats, initially, because I belittled him for this previously).

Drew his fist at my wife a few times. In front of his dad -- a pastor (and a lawyer who was disbarred at some point in the late nineties for withholding settlements) -- who also seems to not like mouthy women.

He wears his heart on his sleeve. A very broken -- but volatile -- shell of a man. Tried to hide his disappointment once it was obvious I wasn't going to bother fighting him. His dad called the police because we were "at each other's throats." My wife and I were mostly laughing at how the threats and put-downs became more ridiculous in the midst of a boundary dispute. I turned my back on him a few when he'd advance on me because he'd misheard whatever his dad and I were discussing and wanted the comfort of a narrative that implied I was escalating things.

I had a fistfight years ago with someone** whom this neighbor thinks is/was beneath him. So he wants to be considered enough of a threat to warrant a similar act of aggression from me. I won't grant him that.

In his mind, I have "muscles" now (he made reference to this in the previous incident in 2019, and we mocked him for his transparent annoyance at such a stupid thing). And I haven't even deemed him worthy enough to require their supposed use. It has eaten at him for years that I don't regard him as an equal. He's spent years sitting around on his porch, smoking cheap weed to look cool stave off depression, while he subsists on the scraps his parents (and, to a lesser degree, his wife) provide. And he used to "watch my house" as a "favor" too, while I was off doing white-man stuff, like, going to work or my kid's soccer practices, because I was apparently oblivious to the dangers of the Jets and the Sharks lurking on every corner.

Silly me. I was too much of a square to have his gift of cinematic street smarts. I didn't know we were living in a picturesque bullet hell.

... Anyway, I just want to be able to finish my fence without this idiot having a tantrum and threatening my fence guy because he is stuck in a 90's vision of "gangsterism."

It's fucking sad.


*In our previous encounter, he really wanted me to know how much the other "men" he cavorted with on occasion (on our street? our block? I don't fucking know) disliked me, as a ma-yun, and that I was a "bitch-ass n****a" and so forth.

I told him I was perfectly fine with being considered a "bitch-ass n****a," and that his guyfriends also knew I could stomp his ass if I felt so inclined, so I wasn't concerned with my name being mud in the Court of Manly Men™ since I skip the meetings anyway, and our neighborhood isn't exactly Grove Street, despite his wishes.

He made an errant gun threat, and I called him a "limp-dicked motherfucker." He did not like that shit.

For a number of years, while doing yardwork, I'd find pill wrappers for some shit called "Hard Ten Days." Always found it odd that I kept finding those wrappers at the same spot along the property line, always near his car door. Same with his fast food receipts.

So, yeah, he didn't like that remark at all, even without me having to spell out what I was getting at. I suspect a lot of dudes who make rape threats on the regular have issues getting it up in safe, consensual situations.

I don't tend to think a person's sexual prowess defines their so-called masculinity, but since I was dealing with someone who idolizes a very typical flavor of verbal posturing, I aimed low. Low enough to connect.

**Our neighborhood is very old. Houses are closer together than many of us would like. Back in 2011, a 47-year-old moved back in with his mother and stepfather to kick his drug habit and give his life to Jesus. He also had a boundary problem. His parents dragged their feet after some of us other neighbors requested they fix a fence problem of their own (the son was inviting "old friends" to use their driveway as a getaway shortcut, so to speak). Unfortunately, they lived next door to us. A situation escalated one day and he and I fought. Nothing to be proud of, but apparently I gained a rep as a skinny, uppity hothead who wanted to be left alone to ensure the comfort and safety of his family (the fucking nerve). Even quit a job so I didn't have to be gone overnight.

Some of the neighborhood fixtures would sneak through their driveway and backyard in the middle of the night. Sometimes they flashed hand signs at our security camera. One time, a gun. One time, a fucking flashlight.

That situation got resolved a few years ago with some help. Now I lift weights in what used to be their living room.

Man, that is a shitty situation man. Its awful having problematic individuals in/next to places where you consider "your place". Its not even slightly the same, but I had a run-in with a total asshole at the gym I used to go to, made me very anxious about going. The gym and training are for lack of a better word, my "happy place" so that sucked, and was the catalyst for buying a home gym (which I love, and love my wife for agreeing to).
I cant imagine the awfulness of having a neighbour being shitty.

If you can find it, theres a reddit thread on revenge stories for shitty neighbours. One bloke put up a fence on his own garden, but painted the side facing his neighbour neon pink and green due to that neighbour being a total dick. Neighbour tore it down. Lawyers got called, fence belonged to the bloke whose land it was on. Asshole neighbour had to pay to have it rebuilt and painted. I do like a good revenge story.

Saying that.... stay safe though mate, keep you and your family safe. Stupid neighbours do stupid things to impress their stupid friends (both real and imaginary).

Re: Tip Toeing in my Vibrams

Posted: Mon Mar 27, 2023 7:03 pm
by Renascent
houzi wrote: Thu Mar 23, 2023 12:37 amSaying that.... stay safe though mate, keep you and your family safe. Stupid neighbours do stupid things to impress their stupid friends (both real and imaginary).

In this situation, it seems the best revenge is simply just being in the right -- which seems to be the case, considering what my lawyer had to say about everything.

I've always heard that the worst person to have as an enemy is someone with more free time than oneself. Based on past experiences with this dude, my only real concern is that he's almost always idle when he's home. More of a nuisance than a threat.

Re: Tip Toeing in my Vibrams

Posted: Mon Mar 27, 2023 7:12 pm
by Renascent
Cable Pull-Aparts
35 x 12 x 6

Lateral Plate Raise
25 x 12 x 4

Single-Arm Cable Side Shrug
50 x 15 x 4

Single-Arm Cable Y-Raise
15 x 12 x 4

Kneeling Face Pulls
60 x 12 x 4

Kneeling Cable Chops
40 x 12 x 3

Single-Leg Lying Cable Knee Raise
35 x 12 x 4

I keep getting some weird message that my IP address has been "blacklisted" when I try to post. No idea what that's about.

Skies were pretty active tonight, and it's supposed to rain heavily tomorrow as well. I'm hoping to get some deadlifts done outside if at all possible. Might settle for snatch-grips if I have to, but I'd rather not.

Been looking a little flat for my liking since the past two weeks have been so ... eventful, though the old dude in the motorized cart at Walmart this past week felt otherwise ("Ah right, nah! Been hittin' dat i'on!"). Motherfucker made my day. The compliments only seem to come when I've missed a few sessions.

Re: Tip Toeing in my Vibrams

Posted: Tue Mar 28, 2023 2:12 am
by MarkKO
I don't speak ICT so I have nothing to offer on the IP thing.

Compliments like that are definitely awesome.

Re: Tip Toeing in my Vibrams

Posted: Tue Mar 28, 2023 6:18 am
by Hardartery
Renascent wrote: Mon Mar 27, 2023 7:12 pm (3.27.2023)

I keep getting some weird message that my IP address has been "blacklisted" when I try to post. No idea what that's about.

I got that too a few weeks ago, had to start using a VPN to post on the forum.