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Post by MPhelps » Sat Aug 03, 2019 11:23 am

Saturday August 3, 2019

Squat 175x5, 195x3, 220x5, 235, 250

Box squat 250x5x5

Bench 105x5, 120x3, 135x5, 145, 155, 165, 105x5x5

Pull ups 3x5

Finally the July humidity has broken, even though it's still hot, it's a drier heat that I can breathe in. Worst weather month of the year for me, except for spring allergy season. Everything went well today. Intervals went well on Thursday too. Hopefully Tuesday and Wednesday were just humidity and stress based shit shows. And I need to eat high calorie snacks before I train.

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Is there somebody standing between me and Beric that can tell me what he's saying?


Post by MPhelps » Wed Aug 07, 2019 4:19 pm

Wednesday August 7, 2019

Deadlift 185x5, 210x3, 225x5, 265, 285

Power clean 120x3, 135x3, 150x2, 160x2, 165

Press 90x5, 100x3, 115x3, 90x5x5

Reverse hyper 2x15.

Ab rollout 2x10

Felt shitty going in. Had to shit but didn't feel better afterwards. Workout felt pretty good. Power cleans were supposed to be 150x3, but just like last week I pooped out on rep 3. Decided to go up in a double instead of trying to repeat it. So hit 160x2, and a single at 165 just to say I did it. Press was heavy at 115 and only got a triple.

I think I'm going to back off here and drop 20lbs off squat and deadlift and 10lbs off bench, press and cleans. I know strength is the most important thing in the world, and getting to a double bodyweight deadlift in 6 months is the goal of all humans, but I think a little back off will push me forward. I feel like missing reps isn't really a good indicator of training going well... ski training is going well though. Intervals mixed with easy sessions is way better than the medium hard all the time of days of yore. I can tell my speed is improving a bit.

I'm also getting rid of snacks for now. I woke up at 164.5 on Tuesday, which is really about my top end. I've gained 10+ LBS in a month, and I doubt it's muscle. More veg, less chocolate covered pretzels. I'm trying to get back to 155, shouldn't be that hard.

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Your shirt, it's so plain. It's making me sick.


Post by MPhelps » Sat Aug 10, 2019 11:30 am

Saturday August 10, 2019

Squat 145x5, 165x5, 185x5

Box squat 220x5x5

Bench 95x5, 110x5, 125x5, 95x5x5

Pull ups 5, 10x5x3

Ab rollout and reverse hyper

So I decided to look at RPE tables and figured out where I should be 1eRM wise. Then I took 85% for my worksets. So I ended up taking weight off of my squat and press and leaving deadlift the same as last cycle. Bench I moved up 5 lbs. Power cleans don't follow any type of progression well, so I took 10 lbs off of my training max. Maybe I can hit triples again on my third set. I may start doing them from the hang. Pull ups I'm really going for strict reps from a dead hang. It's annoying with the door hanging model I have, but it'll do.

So I pulled a hamstring doing sprints the other day. It was the day after pulling 285 on the deadlift. I blame Rip. So I've been doing the Starr protocol for it with RDLs. It's feeling better. I had no problem lifting today, since I high bar squat I don't feel any issues with it. Well see how deadlifts feel on Wednesday. Starr protocol is about the only thing I got from rip that's actually useful. I pulled a quad during my LP and used that to rehab it using squats. If worked and then I switched to 531.

Cut is going well. With IF and cutting out snacks, I'm down 4 lbs since Tuesday.

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What you have here is a bad hug. It's insensitive and inappropriate for the work environment.


Post by MPhelps » Fri Aug 16, 2019 1:36 pm

Wednesday August 14, 2019

Deadlift 160x5, 185x5, 210x5

Hang power clean 95x3, 110x3, 115x3x2

Press 80x5, 90x5, 100x5, 80x5x5

Ab rollout and reverse hyper

So I guess I'm doing hang power cleans now. They are pretty difficult if only because it's harder to hold onto them when resetting to the hang position. Maybe I can save my hamstrings by on my doing the three sets of deads and not having to do power cleans from the ground. Don't know.

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Yo, where me hackey sack at!?


Post by MPhelps » Sat Aug 17, 2019 5:46 pm

Saturday August 17, 2019

Squat 155x3, 175x3, 200x3

Box squat 235x5, 250x5x5

Bench 100x3, 115x3, 130x3, 100x5x5

Pull ups 5, 12.5x5x3

Reverse hyper and ab rollout

Good stuff. No complaints. Felt nice and upright on squats. Probably good that I deloaded 10 lbs for this cycle. Hamstrings are fine. Just a little strain. Bench moving very well. Pull ups are moving up a bit as well.

ETA. So weird. I check Instagram right after I write this entry and this pops up in my feed.

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That's actual tree sap. Eh, you can make maple syrup out of it; I don't think that's a maple tree, but uh, you know. .


Post by MPhelps » Thu Aug 22, 2019 6:37 pm

Wednesday August 22, 2019

Deadlift 170x3, 195x3, 220x3

Snatch pulls 135x3, 155x3x5

Press 75x3, 85x3, 95x3, 75x5x5

Ab rollout 10x2
Reverse hyper 15x2

So I tried snatch pulls with and without straps today. I didn't feel like doing power cleans. Getting a bit done trying to fuck around with the Olympic lifts, but still trying to get some extension and power. So they kind of suck big time on my wrists and maybe pump my low back a bit too much. I'll see how I feel tomorrow. I remember Hanley saying he likes snatch grip deads and doesn't do much with Olympic lifts. And I've always liked them too. I might just do those and not fuck around with pulls. I'll try finding some of his stuff on the board before I bug him direct. Maybe clean pulls. Maybe jerks. Who knows. I'll just fuck around until I hit something I like. It's assistance to deadlifts. As long as I do some kind of pull in addition to only 3 sets of deads a week.

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Hey Chet, I've got a problem. I've got bees. But I want bees.


Post by MPhelps » Sun Aug 25, 2019 3:31 pm

Sunday August 25, 2019

Squat 165x5, 185x3, 210x5, 235, 260

Box squat 260x5x5

Bench 110x5, 125x3, 140x5, 150, 160, 170, 110x5x5

Pull ups 5, 5x10, 5x15, 3x17.5

Reverse hyper and crunches.

Felt kind of tired today, but hit my targets. I'm doing a cut down to 155. Getting too fat too quick. Going to try for 2250 cals a day. Will be walking a lot too, in addition to interval training. I definitely feel it in my lifts. I'm getting some elbow AIDS in my left elbow. I tried to do ab rollouts but that hurt like a motherfucker. So did 2 sets of 40 crunches.

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Post by MPhelps » Wed Aug 28, 2019 5:13 pm

Wednesday August 28, 2019

Clean and Jerk. 95, 105, 115, 125, 135, 145, 150, 155, 135, 145, 155, 160

Deadlift 185x5, 210x3, 235x5, 255, 275, 300

Press 80x5, 90x3, 100x5, 80x5x5

Reverse hyper and crunches

So I decided to do clean and Jerk as my deadlift assistance. Just singles over about 10-15 minutes. It's fun to scratch the Olympic lifting bug. It's funny how easy CJ comes back. Snatch on the other hand is an evil fucking mindfuck of a lift. Hate it. If I was to keep the percentage of the average lifters snatch to CJ ratio of 80%, I'd be hitting 128 on the snatch. I'm probably good for about 85 lbs. It's just not fun. I don't have the wrist mobility and I don't want to think about it. So when weightlifting is axed from the Olympics when literally every lifter is popped, maybe the CJ can be part of some lifting federation. Like CJ, deadlift and bench. Squatting is hard to judge, and nobody cares. Plus low bar causes death and fat butts.

I'm surprised I was able to lift well today. I felt like absolute shit all day. Plus I bruised the shit out of my ankle doing a jump on my mountain bike yesterday. Kind of landed a bit off and my ankle smacked the chainring pretty hard. Rode about 25 miles over the last 2 days with about 2500' elevation gain. I felt so beat today. Too much cardio makes you feel flat! Haha yeah, how about NO!

Hit my first 300lbs as a 160ish sub-adult male. No belt and wearing my Legacy Lifters. So I've got that going for me.

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The uke comes off the shelf, nails the laptop, and now I can't get on my sites. Now it's your problem.


Post by MPhelps » Sun Sep 01, 2019 9:54 am

Saturday August 31, 2019

Squat 145x5, 170x5, 190x5

Box squat 225x5x5

Bench 97.5x5, 112.5x5, 127.5x5, 97.5x5x5

Pull ups 5, 5, 7

Reverse hyper and crunches

Adding 5 to lower body and 2.5 to upper body. Felt good. Could probably have added 20 lbs to box squats without a problem. Bench is moving well. Went for an hour mountain bike ride afterwards with 1000 ft elevation gain. Didn't effect my performance which is nice. Usually after I squat, my legs are super sore for a couple of days.

Now that it's getting into fall, I hopefully will have time for more hiking. Ski season is coming soon so I'll be getting in shape for that. Shouldn't be hard since I've been training running with poles once a week. Haven't been roller skiing for the past couple of weeks. I'm not that into training on public roads and get burnt out on it quickly. Prob ably the same reason I haven't ridden my road bike more than a handful of times this year.

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Post by MPhelps » Fri Sep 06, 2019 2:57 pm

Wednesday September 4, 2019

CJ 95, 105, 115, 125, 135, 145, 155, 165, 145, 150, 155, 155

Deadlift 165x5, 190x5, 215x5

Press 72.5x5, 82.5x5, 92.5x5, 72.5x5

Reverse hyper and crunches.

Good stuff. Hiked up 3200 vertical the day before this in about 1:15. Went for a short mtn bike ride after this. Did some level 4 roller skiing yesterday. Got up to max heart rate. Adding a little bit of weight on each cycle is working well. Not feeling as beat up.

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Well, we sort of had a conversation off the camera about soup and salad and things like that


Post by MPhelps » Sat Sep 07, 2019 10:22 am

Saturday September 7, 2019

Squat 160x3, 180x3, 205x3

Box squat 250x5x5

Bench 102.5x3, 117.5x3, 132.5x3, 102.5x5x5

Pull ups 5, 5, 7

Reverse hyper and crunches.

Solid day, squats felt good and powerful out of the hole for the first time in awhile. Potential is there to move weight. One thing that seems to be sucking is my pull ups. Could be that I'm trying to be super strict and my stupid door pull up bar isn't helping much.

Real time post title. I just watched the episode of On Cinema at the Cinema this morning for the first time. I legit lol'd at that. I rarely do that for T and E. Usually their stuff is funny in a not lol kind of way.

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Re: Well, we sort of had a conversation off the camera about soup and salad and things like that


Post by broseph » Sat Sep 07, 2019 2:37 pm

MPhelps wrote: Sat Sep 07, 2019 10:22 am I just watched the episode of On Cinema at the Cinema this morning for the first time. I legit lol'd at that. I rarely do that for T and E. Usually their stuff is funny in a not lol kind of way.
I keep meaning to watch that. And Decker. But always end up watching anime during my TV-alone-time.

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Re: Well, we sort of had a conversation off the camera about soup and salad and things like that


Post by MPhelps » Sat Sep 07, 2019 6:22 pm

broseph wrote: Sat Sep 07, 2019 2:37 pm
MPhelps wrote: Sat Sep 07, 2019 10:22 am I just watched the episode of On Cinema at the Cinema this morning for the first time. I legit lol'd at that. I rarely do that for T and E. Usually their stuff is funny in a not lol kind of way.
I keep meaning to watch that. And Decker. But always end up watching anime during my TV-alone-time.
On Cinema is easy to binge watch because it's not really intense like some other T and E stuff. I watched the entirety of season 2 today.

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Post by MPhelps » Wed Sep 11, 2019 5:47 pm

Wednesday September 11, 2019

Clean and Jerk. 95, 105, 115, 125, 135, 145, 155, 165, 170, 155, 160, 160

Deadlift 175x3, 200x3, 225x3

Press 77.5x3, 92.5x3, 97.5x3, 77.5x5x5

Nice. Bullseye.

Felt decent going in. Killed the clean and jerks. Did them with a dynamic start. Seemed to get a better pull on it. Press actually felt good and light for once.

Went for a 1:15 mountain bike ride after. Hit close to my best times after a slow start. Roller skiing tomorrow. Getting ready for ski season.

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I had too much tea this morning. Iced tea


Post by MPhelps » Sat Sep 14, 2019 11:10 am

Saturday September 14, 2019

Squat 170x5, 190x3, 215x5, 235, 250, 265

Box squats 265x5x5

Deadlift 165x3, 190x3, 215x3

New setup here. I'm going to do all "lower body" lifts on Saturday and all upper on Wednesday. So a training week will actually be two weeks. Laid out in Beyond 531. I'm seeing if this will see an increase in my ability to train skiing during the week leading into ski season. Generally Saturday I spend home with my son, so skiing usually starts Monday.

It's weird because I always have this thing where if I'm energetic about training, it usually doesn't go as well as when l'm a bit sluggish warming up . Not sure why. Things felt pretty heavy. I did hit PRs on the squat though. Got through it, but it felt like the last set of 531 I had to grunt to get through the last 2 reps. I've been Roller skiing twice in the past week, so maybe it's a byproduct of that.

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Post by MPhelps » Wed Sep 18, 2019 5:00 pm

Wednesday September 18, 2019

Bench 112.5x5, 127.5x3, 142.5x5, 152.5, 162.5, 172.5

Press 72.5x3, 82.5x3, 92.5x3

Pull ups 3x5

Reverse hyper and crunches

I don't know. For some reason if I don't do a full body lift before benching, I don't really get into it. It seemed harder than usual. Press was easy. Pulkups were really very bad and I had a hard time getting 3 sets of 5 unweighted. Not sure what's going on there. Could be the same thing where I am just so used to doing a full body lift that I'm not as primed. Went for a short hike afterwards. Awesome weather for it.

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Post by MPhelps » Sat Sep 21, 2019 6:35 pm

Saturday September 22, 2019

CJ 95, 105, 115, 125, 135, 145, 155, 165, 155x1x4

Deadlift 190x5, 215x3, 240x5, 275, 308 (140kg)

Squat 145x3, 170x3, 190x3

Reverse hyper and crunches

CJ felt pretty good, but I didnt feel like pushing it since 165 felt pretty dang hard and most of the lifts leading up felt pretty heavy. Deadlifts hit a 140kg which would be 3 blue plates if I had them. I just picked it because it seemed more motivational than 305, and I wasn't feeling 315. Maybe next cycle.

Hiked 3 days in a row, all small mountains, but doing them with poles and moving fast. I think I was feeling it today. Tight in my hip flexors going in. After work today I got my 4x4 vo2 intervals in running with poles, which went better than I thought considering I hit a bodyweight PR deadlift this morning.

I'm getting some serious golfers elbow going. I've been doing some bicep curls for rehab which is the only reason I'd ever do them because they really are a waste of time. I think it's caused by downhill mountain biking with my hardtail bike, and Roller skiing twice a week. I'm going to lay off the bike and only roller ski once a week. Hopefully I'll be on snow in a month or so.

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Post by MPhelps » Wed Sep 25, 2019 4:31 pm

Wednesday September 25, 2019

Press 82.5x5, 92.5x3, 102.5x5, 82.5x5x5

Bench 97.5x3, 112.5x3, 127x5x3

Inverted rows 3x10

Reverse hyper and crunches.

Tried bench with my feet on the bench. I need to change something else because it's hurting my elbow. I read a Greg nuckols article saying I should flare my elbows more. I'll try that next time. Or just quit benching because I don't care enough to fuck up my elbows.

Did inverted rows since pull ups are also hurting my elbow.

I've cut down on roller skiing to once a week for 10x1 minute level three intervals. Seems to not piss it off much. It's getting better. I've also done some dumbbell curls after my ski erg workouts. Hopefully doing bicep work will offset some of the triceps work.

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I'm taking the Model T up the coast for some lobster tails.


Post by MPhelps » Sat Sep 28, 2019 9:49 am

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Split snatch 65, 70, 75, 80, 85, 90, 95, 100, 105, 110, 115, 120, 105, 110, 110

Squat 75x5, 95x5, 115x5, 140x5, 160x3, 185x2, 205, 230, 245

Box squat 245x3x2, 255x3x5

Back and abs

So I tried split snatching today. Torokhtiy's Instagram had a challenge or something for it. It's crazy, I haven't snatched at all in months and hit 120 without too much effort. Last time I did heavy singles in regular old snatch I got 121, after months of periodized training. Of course that was during my deep cut with low protein, so who knows. I've always been better at the split and hit my all time PR of 173.5 (bodyweight around 195) with a split.

It also warmed me up nicely for squats. I'm going to do Beyond 531 where you work up with lots of warm up sets at 5s, and lower the reps until you hit training max. I'll do box squats at my max and add weight as necessary. Sets of 3 so I can work on speed.

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Post by MPhelps » Wed Oct 02, 2019 4:09 pm

Wednesday October 2, 2019

Bench 90x5, 105x3, 120x2, 135, 150, 160, 105x5x5

Press 70x8x3

Inverted rows 10x3

Reverse hyper and crunches

It's fine. Decided that I'm more into volume on upper body. I think I'll drop the heavy 'jokers' drop my TM to 135 on the bench and try to hit some volume on the top set and then do backoffs with 5x7 at 65%. Opposite lift will be 65%×8×3. Too much risk and form breakdown at higher weights. Plus I'm not entering any powerlifting meets ever. Shrugs. I change it up a lot. I'm still making progress. Full body lifts on Saturday will remain the same. I have way more practice going for heavy singles with squat, DL and the Olympic lifts. I also don't need high volume on those lifts. I get enough work with ski training and hiking.

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