Complexes and Circuits

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Complexes and Circuits


Post by asdf » Tue Jun 13, 2023 7:46 pm

I'm starting this thread to answer questions that @DCR asked (in @mbasic's log) about how I use complexes.
DCR wrote: - Do you do them for recomp / fat loss as I’d like to do? Or something else?
- Where do you program them? As a finisher, or on “off” days?
- Is there a sequence or two that you particularly like? One thing that’s made me hesitant is that I have no ability to do a proper catch after cleaning, which seems to pop up in 95% of the suggested sequences.
I use them as a form of conditioning and/or hypertrophy. Generally, they're finishers or complete workouts.

For an upper-body day, after benching, I might do something like this:

5 rounds, on the 1:30
8x barbell curls
8x upright row
8x overhead press
4x triceps extension
8x push-ups

The barbell is a fixed weight, obviously. I try to move through each round without rest, but may pause holding the bar if things get tough towards the end. I never set the bar down until the round is finished. (Credit for this complex goes to Rob Shaul.) Lots of ways to scale: modify the load, rest interval, or reps.

If I'm looking for a long conditioning session, I might do something like this:

100 rounds, for time
1 full squat clean + 1 lunge L + 1 lunge R + 1 push press

I often do this with a sandbag, rather than a barbell, and drop the bag to the ground after putting it overhead, so each round starts on the ground. Even though I have no trouble with a front rack, it gets taxing with 100 reps. Depending on the load I choose, it may take me close to an hour. I typically do nothing before or after this effort. (Credit for this complex again goes to Rob Shaul.)

Another example:

8 rounds, on the 1:30
4x power clean & jerk @ 60-70% of 1RM

Each rep starts with the bar on the ground. The reps are done touch-and-go, no rest, and no dropping the bar. I do this on C&J days when I don't feel like doing a traditional C&J workout. I'll rest a bit afterwards and then do deadlifts. Sometimes I do it as a finisher after squats.

I know that you said that you have trouble with the catch, but these are light enough that I'm not catching the bar as I would in a traditional clean. I'm catching them pretty much elbows down and then going straight into the jerk. I generally don't even fully stand up the clean: as I straighten my legs from catching the clean, I'm going straight into a power jerk.

Another example would be the Bear Complex. There are variations, but here's how I like to do it:

30 rounds, for time
1 squat clean + 1 overhead + 1 back squat + 1 overhead
I typically do the clean to overhead as a thruster. Same with the back squat to overhead. But if I get tired, I just stand up the squats and then push-press them overhead.

If you want to avoid barbells because of racking problems, try dumbbells.

Here's Mike Rutherford's version of the Bear:

1 round =
5x dumbbell dead lifts
5x dumbbell hang power cleans
5x dumbbell thrusters

He says strong athletes should try with a set of dumbbells that total 45% of their bodyweight. The goal is to do 1 round per minute for 20 minutes. If you can't stay on the clock, score the workout as X/Y, where X is how many rounds you completed within the original OTM goal, and Y is how many additional rounds were you able to complete in the time remaining before hitting the 20 min cap.

Pretty sure the original complexes from Javorek were all dumbbell based as well. Dan John has put out several complexes too.

As for circuits, I do them with a mix of bodyweight movements, dumbbells, and barbells. All sorts of possibilities. I posted some upper-body circuits in a thread a few years ago. I still use those, but have new ones as well, if anyone is interested.


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Re: Complexes and Circuits


Post by DanCR » Tue Jun 13, 2023 8:59 pm

Thank you for all of this.

I wasn’t expecting this:
asdf wrote: Tue Jun 13, 2023 7:46 pm I use them as a form of conditioning and/or hypertrophy.
Given my difficulty with cleans, I was thinking of trying this sequence: Row, Hang Snatch, Squat, BTN Press.

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Re: Complexes and Circuits


Post by asdf » Wed Jun 14, 2023 12:01 am

DCR wrote: Tue Jun 13, 2023 8:59 pm I wasn’t expecting this:
asdf wrote: Tue Jun 13, 2023 7:46 pm I use them as a form of conditioning and/or hypertrophy.
Yeah, I'm probably kidding myself. (But the first example does give me a serious pump and burn, brah.)
DCR wrote: Tue Jun 13, 2023 8:59 pm Given my difficulty with cleans, I was thinking of trying this sequence: Row, Hang Snatch, Squat, BTN Press.
I like that sequence. If switching to a snatch-width grip after the rows is tricky, you could start with a snatch-grip deadlift and move the rows to the end, like this:

Snatch-grip deadlift > Hang Snatch > Back Squat > BTN Press > Row

I'd probably have to do the presses as push-presses or combine the squats and presses, Javorek-style.

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Re: Complexes and Circuits


Post by mbasic » Wed Jun 14, 2023 2:42 pm

I think if you are already doing weight training / barbell work .... I don't like complexes.
I've also swung the other way on HIIT (again, if you are already doing traditional heavy strength training / bodybuilding stuff) ... I think its quasi-redundant cardio wise. I used to think HIIT was the shizzle; and its good if you not doing much else in the way of hard strength training, OR, if you are not doing much cardio of any kind. Yeah, do your HIIT, complexes, circuit training, etc.

I would Rx "complexes", circuits, or WOD-type-stuff ...say, if one was on a really limited time schedule, and/or could do NEITHER a solid strength training program AND/OR cardio at the same time for whatever logistical reasons.

So, IMO, if you are already doing strength training/bodybuilding stuff, I think short strategically scheduled LISS sessions are going to give you a better and different set of adaptations and more bang for your buck. Has to be low intensity (not walking on level ground, thats gay), constant continuous movement of the same target muscles at a consistent speed. "Zone 2" or whatever. You don't

Also: "sir, please just step away from the barbell" (for one goddamn time in your life)

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Re: Complexes and Circuits


Post by asdf » Thu Jun 15, 2023 11:27 am

I think I agree with you that LISS cardio and traditional barbell compound-movements should be the foundation. Probably the next layers I would recommend would be weightlifting (snatch, clean & jerk), bodyweight "gymnastics" (pull-ups, dips, push-ups, pistols), and some faster cardio (intervals or short races). After all that, then CrossFit metcons, high-rep barbell complexes, stair sprints, etc. Pobably 80% of time and effort should be LISS and basic barbell lifts. Everything else should be about 20%.

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Re: Complexes and Circuits


Post by DanCR » Thu Jun 15, 2023 2:37 pm

Well fuck. Per that formulation, I have no business doing any of this and should just sit my fat ass on an Echo Bike.

I kinda knew that.

Biggest first world problem ever, I have an Echo in one of the two states in which I reside, but not the other. I could remedy that but it pisses me off because if I'd bought two together in the first place, there would have been a very significant discount on the second one. Might give in.

I could just do something different here but I'm a real creature of habit, and also I'd prefer not to have to go to the gym for cardio.
Well fuck.

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Re: Complexes and Circuits


Post by asdf » Thu Jun 15, 2023 4:04 pm

DCR wrote: Thu Jun 15, 2023 2:37 pm Per that formulation, I have no business doing any of this and should just sit my fat ass on an Echo Bike.
Nah, man. You should do whatever you enjoy or is convenient. You mentioned that you enjoyed circuits in the past and you're clearly interested in complexes, so do one or the other or both. Either can be made more LISS-like. Just lighten the load and do more reps/rounds for a longer period of time. I often do rounds of chin-ups, dips, sit-ups that take me about 30 mins to complete. Sometimes I add barbell curls between the dips and the sit-ups and that adds another 5 to 10 minutes. I go at a reasonable, steady pace, and generally don't rest except the time I get transitioning from one station to the next. It's not exactly LISS, but it's definitely closer to Zone 2 training than HIIT.

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Re: Complexes and Circuits


Post by AlanMackey » Fri Jun 16, 2023 12:02 am

asdf wrote: Thu Jun 15, 2023 4:04 pm
DCR wrote: Thu Jun 15, 2023 2:37 pm Per that formulation, I have no business doing any of this and should just sit my fat ass on an Echo Bike.
Nah, man. You should do whatever you enjoy or is convenient. You mentioned that you enjoyed circuits in the past and you're clearly interested in complexes, so do one or the other or both. Either can be made more LISS-like. Just lighten the load and do more reps/rounds for a longer period of time. I often do rounds of chin-ups, dips, sit-ups that take me about 30 mins to complete. Sometimes I add barbell curls between the dips and the sit-ups and that adds another 5 to 10 minutes. I go at a reasonable, steady pace, and generally don't rest except the time I get transitioning from one station to the next. It's not exactly LISS, but it's definitely closer to Zone 2 training than HIIT.

Slow-paced circuits are awesome and tick a whole lot of boxes.

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Re: Complexes and Circuits


Post by mbasic » Fri Jun 16, 2023 5:19 am

asdf wrote: Thu Jun 15, 2023 4:04 pm
DCR wrote: Thu Jun 15, 2023 2:37 pm Per that formulation, I have no business doing any of this and should just sit my fat ass on an Echo Bike.
Nah, man. You should do whatever you enjoy or is convenient.
This. If whatever type of cardio keeps you in "compliance" of doing your cardio ... do that. That's better than no cardio, or hating cardio.

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