Still on the Right Side of the Grass

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Re: Still on the Right Side of the Grass


Post by gymdad150 » Sat Jun 25, 2022 10:18 am


3rd Cycle / Week Three - reps/sets

Squat -
What ever was afflicting me Saturday, was still with me. Got a little tweak in my QL and had to walk 120kg back in; Down sets at 100kg 4*3. Some Bench and single leg work finished a really poor session.

Bench -
Paused Singles at 87.5 / 92.5kg; down sets at 80kg 4*3; Spoto sets at 70kg 5*3; 3 Board sets stopped at 92.5kg - TIRED.
Lots of arm work for successories. Bench continues to be a bright spot.

Deadlift -
Singles at 187.5kg / 197.5kg; down sets at 170 3*2; Paused Singles at 160kg 1*4. Four Tempo Bench Singles with a 3 count pause at 87.5kg. Regular single leg work a d some rows.
The back tweak from Monday didn't effect today's pulls, they moved really nicely.

Saturday -
Paused SSB at 100kg 4*4, Spoto sets at 75kg 5*4. 4 Board Singles through 107.5kg...yes, that's correct 107.5KG; I'm feeling so much more comfortable un-racking heavier weights. Lots of cable sets: Mid Rows and Flys. Regular Single Leg sets, added a 10 second isometric at the end of each set...just for fun. I felt markedly better than last Saturday. I guess the Stress / Echo tests took more out of me physically and emotionally than I thought. Anyway, a much better session...and that make me happy.

Not much more to report on the medical front.. The results of the S/E test were clean. I'm in "remarkable shape"...I'm sure that they wanted to add: "for a 67 y/o cancer patient, with a bad thyroid", but they didn't. I contacted the PCP and asked him to get the follow-up blood test scheduled, so that we can put this thyroid issue to bed ASAP. I need to get after him Monday, as he hasn't booked anything as of Friday...grrrr.

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Re: Still on the Right Side of the Grass


Post by gymdad150 » Sat Jul 02, 2022 11:19 am


Cycle Three / Week Four - reps/sets

Squat -
Singles at 140/145kg; down sets at 120kg 3*3. 2 Count Paused Bench at 85kg 1*4. Belt Squats at 110lbs 10*3. Regular single leg work, plus Sissy Squats.

Bench -
Paused singles at 90/95kg *1; down sets at 82.5kg 4*3; Spoto sets at 72.5kg 5*3; 3 Board singles with 10kg jumps / missed 105kg. Lot's of Bi and Tri work.

Deadlift -
Singles at 195/205kg; down sets at 177.5kg 3*2; Paused singles at 167.5kg 1*4. Tempo Down / 3 Count Paused Bench at 85kg 1*4. Rows and single leg work to round out the day.

Conditioning Friday -

Saturday -
Paused SSB at 110kg 4*3. Spoto Bench at 82.5kg 4*4; 4 Board Singles 80/5/90/5/100/105 *1. Cable Mid Row 170lbs 8*3; IYT 20lbs 10*3; Cable Fly 40lbs 8*3. Regular single leg work. Hammer Curls 70lbs 10*3; Dips bw 10*3

Had one last blood draw to confirm the diagnosis of Hypothyroidism...and yes, it came back showing sub-clinical Hypothyroidism. Started the process of dialing in the dosage on Wednesday. It will take a few months to get it "right". It appears that I may have to be a bit insistent that we get to an optimal dosage, and not just one that gets me to "normal", based on some feed back in Mark's forum (under "low T").

Anyway, I'm committed to getting this dialed in appropriately. I'm not competing anywhere /anytime until maybe early 2023, so there's no "rush"...other than I'm not getting any younger.

It will be interesting to see what symptom disappears / gets better first. I'd like my energy levels to come back first, followed by this flippy heart beat. The cold hands / dry skin / constipation / brain fog can improve as they will.

I'm very interested to see how my cholesterol numbers and blood pressure react as well. Ever since I first started experiencing problems, these markers have gone rogue (not horrible, but all are up except Triglycerides).

Anyway, that's the state of the Union at present.

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Re: Still on the Right Side of the Grass


Post by gymdad150 » Sat Jul 09, 2022 12:42 pm


1st Cycle - Week One   reps/sets

Squat - 
Coming in light with Singles at 110/125kg; down sets at 90kg 8*3; Belt Squats at 110lbs 10*3. Some shoulder work and single leg work, along with Palof Holds and Copenhagen Planks.  The sets of eight killed me, the next day I was wiped out

Bench - 
Singels at 80 / 85kg; 3 board singles at 85/90/95/100kg; T&G Bench at 70kg 8*2; Larsen Bench at 65kg 4*4.  Three lovely sets of Tempo to Tempo Dumbbell Incline Bench 40lbs 12*3.  Tri's and Bi's supersetted...oh and weighted planks...WHY?  Bench is not an issue at the moment: shoulders feel good, and I feel confident under the bar.

Deadlift - 
Light singles at 145 / 165kg; down sets at 145kg 7*2; Biig Wheel Pulls at 138kg 4*4.  Some dumbbell Bench, face Pulls and the regular single leg work.  I handled the volume much better than the Squats from Monday.

Conditioning Friday - 
Not at the moment.  Once we get dialed in on the medication, I'll be back on the Assault Runner

Saturday - 
Oooh, back to a traditional SBD Saturday.  Tempo Pause SSB: 80kg 7*3...and that was plenty of weight; 5 Count Spoto Bench: 60kg 7*3...tempo "Largo" almost killed me, sped it up to "Adagio" and I was able to survive the 5 count. Deficit Deadlifts...WHAAAAATTTT.  Haven't been able to do these without a lot of pain, and so they haven't been in the rotation for over a year: 140kg 3*3.  Color me very surprised, and quite happy that they moved really well, and PAIN FREE.

This new block of training features a good deal more volume than I've been doing for the past year.  Coach and I hoping that we can get back to a more normal training load as the medication kicks in.  Certainly would be nice...

I'm a week into the medication regimen, and I suppose I'm in the "Placebo Effect" window, but who cares...I'm feeling "better: no heart flutter to speak of, I can walk up stairs / small "hills" and not feel incapacitated.  Can't speak to any of the other symptoms, as they will take a lot longer to resolve.  Though I expect the strength / energy issue to clear up next.

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Re: Still on the Right Side of the Grass


Post by gymdad150 » Sat Aug 13, 2022 12:48 pm

I'm still lifting...

The process of getting the thyroid medication dialed in is / will be a long one.

That being the case, my training is not where I'd like it, but I'm doing the best I can with what I have on any given day.

Doesn't make a lot of sense to post "sick" old man training sessions here. I'm still on Instagram if y'all are still interested in the daily comings and goings.

When I'm finally back to some semblance of my old self, and my training reflects that, I'll re-start this log.

I appreciate everyone who's posted here or on the 'gram...

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Re: Still on the Right Side of the Grass


Post by gymdad150 » Sat Dec 24, 2022 10:10 am

Merry Christmas all y'all...

Life and lifting continue, still trying to right the medical ship.


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Re: Still on the Right Side of the Grass


Post by gymdad150 » Sat Mar 11, 2023 12:32 pm


Howdy y'all...

Competed in a local meet last month, and had an ok day. Training had been good, but still not back to 2019 levels. The Thyroid issue seems to be under control, and that made my ability to train better, but it was a long road back to "normal". I think I'm back to as good as a 68 y/o can be. I'm making some long term plans with my coach, so that when I turn 70 y/o (fingers crossed) I can make some noise as a Raw Masters 4 competitor...before the rest of you guys show up.

As we just completed the first month of a 4 month training cycle, I thought I'd hop on the page just to recap what's up.

Our intentions are to compete a Raw Nationals in Memphis this coming September. My coach has broken the training cycle into two distinct portions. The first portion will be volume based, and the second portion will build in intensity...peaking come competition time.

While my training coming into the February meet was good, it wasn't "enough". I got tired towards the end of the day, which is never a good thing as I count on my Deadlift for making up for a weak Bench, and a mediocre Squat.

So this first month has focused on three sets of 7/8 (depending on what day it is), with more successories. Safety Bar Squats get backed up with Belt Squats; Bench gets a goodly amount of chest and shoulder work for successories lifts; Deads focus on Big Wheel Pulls, and then regular pulls from the floor, along with all sorts of Rows. SBD Saturdays feature sets of three across the board, trying to keep the rest periods to 5 minutes to build some endurance.

The first week was eye opening. That type of volume was atypical for the last 2/3 years, and it required I eat a bit more than I have been. Weeks two and three were not as much of a shock to the system. Week four was as good a week of training as I've had since 2019.

My Squat has been knee or hip issues, and I'm hitting depth without too much of an issue (who is this guy). Playing around with letting my head come off the bench on my Bench sets, and it feels stronger. The Big Wheel Pulls are right in my sweet spot in terms of setting up and pulling with power. The volume is in the Goldilocks territory as well. I've re-discovered my proper hinge movement and my back has not complained at either bar height.

SBD Saturdays have been a proper work out. I'm tired, but not wrecked. Today's session was as good an SBD Saturday as I've been able to put together in ages.

All in all, an encouraging month of training. Not sure where we're going with the next cycle...will it be 6's or 5's...who knows. All I do know is there will be a lots more sets than what we've been used to over the past few years.

And there we are. Hope you're all doing well with your training...

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Re: Still on the Right Side of the Grass


Post by JohnHelton » Sun Mar 12, 2023 6:01 am

Great report! Thank you for the update.

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Re: Still on the Right Side of the Grass


Post by slowmotion » Sun Mar 12, 2023 9:47 am

Thanks for the update, good to see you are still lifting strong!

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Re: Still on the Right Side of the Grass


Post by gymdad150 » Sun Apr 09, 2023 5:17 pm


End of 2nd Cycle

As was the first cycle, this one has been another step forward towards a degree of normalcy I haven't experienced since 2019.


Safety Bar work on Mondays, Low Bar work on SBD Saturdays. Finished the SSB block with 3 sets of 5 @ 125kg with lots more in the tank. Haven't seen that type on volume, at that weight for years. What I really like is the fact that depth is not an issue these days. My hips and knee are cooperating. I'm doing a bit more pre-hab for my knee, and it seems to be paying off. SBD Saturdays are Low Bar doubles...program calls for two sets, I throw in an extra just because I'm feeling good.


There isn't a day where I'm not benching. Larsen Bench; Paused Larsen Bench; Paused Close Grip Bench; Paused Bench. The Paused work is either on a 4 or 5 Count. Ended the Larsen block with 3 sets of 6 @ 79kg...with lots more in the tank. Ran out of gas today on the 5 Count sets of 6 @76kg, not enough food intake to carry me through the session. First sets I've missed all month. I do believe that we're making progress here. This next cycle will be more definitive as to whether 100kg falls before we start training for Raw Natls. I've tinkered with my head position, allowing it to rise as the bar comes down to the chest...feels much stronger. Since it's now allowed in competition, I'm staying with this change until it doesn't work.


Pulling with Big Wheels for my top sets, followed up with normal Deads...with chains (West Siiiiide baby). SBD Saturdays are normal pulls for doubles...2-3 sets.
Finished the block today with BWPs at 175kg, 3 sets of 6...and they weren't hard; Pulls w/chains were done at 150kg (+ 20kg of chain) 3*3...again really easy. My back and knee are handling all this just fine. In fact, I finally feel like I can be a bit more explosive off the floor...haven't been able to do that since 2019.

What's really encouraging is the fact that I contracted some dread virus (not the Coof), and it hit me hard halfway through week three, had to cut the Thursday session short, and then was off my feet till this last Monday. I hit all my numbers this week four, still being somewhat compromised by this plague. If I can do all this work, and do it under duress, I'm really looking forward to what I can do in this next cycle.

So, I think my coach has us doing two more building blocks, before we go into a three month prep for Raw Natls. If my knee continues to cooperate, and I can maintain this momentum, I see some PRs in my future.

Gym's holding a meet Saturday, and I'm back on the long as I'm not coughing my lungs out.

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Re: Still on the Right Side of the Grass


Post by gymdad150 » Sat May 06, 2023 12:49 pm


End of3rd Cycle...Reps/Sets

Squat -
Safety Bar work on Mondays, Low Bar Singles on Saturday. Finished the block with 3*3 at 135kg, and it felt really strong. Saturday Singles ended up at 150kg to depth... a little slow past the sticking point, but I'm happy with how the weight felt on my back. My ability to handle higher weights for sets and reps continues. I'm also pleased to report that depth is consistently there on all my reps and sets. The pre-hab work on my left knee continues to pay dividends. I'd like to be able to say I'll be putting my knee issues behind me, but I fear that at some point in time I'll be looking at a replacement.

Bench -
All sorts of Paused work M-W-T, Competition Singles on Saturday. Lot's of shoulder, chest and back successories all week long too. Ended the block hitting Larsen Bench 4*3 at 84kg with lots left in the tank. Saturday Singles have progressed nicely over the block, hit 97.5kg last Saturday. Took a run at 100kg (PR attempt) today, and just missed it. The bar felt good in my hands, down to the chest, off the chest...I just lost concentration in the last quarter of the press out, and let the bar path get away from me.

Deadlift -
Big Wheel Pulls, and banded Pulls at regulation height on Thursdays, Competition Singles on Saturday. Ended the block with the BWPs 4*2 at 188kg, and the Banded Pulls 4*4 at 150kg. Competition Pulls on Saturday went smoothly last Saturday, pulling 190 / 200kg with a couple of more in the tank at 200kg....slow, but there. Today was a completely different story, I was experiencing some intestinal distress during the session, and it finally caught up to me by the time I started pulling. I couldn't break 185kg off the ground...I had left the better part of me in the bathroom. Shit happens...(probably cost me the Bench attempt as well).

A little disappointed that I ended the block on a down note today. It would have been nice to put up a 450/460kg Total to end the block, but the intestinal issues took the sails out of my wind...

That said, the progress during the week is heartening. Today's disappointment at coming up short will fade over the hours this weekend.

All signed up for Raw Natls. Made it under the wire the day that the USAPL closed registration. What a clusterfuck that was...
I'm registered as a 100kg lifter, with the idea of dropping to the 90kg class if I can't keep my weight up above 207lbs as we get closer to September.

My weight has been pretty constant at 205 / 207lbs, though it did drop in front of the February meet...inexplicably. Thyroid issues seem to be under control ***knocks wood***. 6 month Cancer check-up in a couple of weeks...who knows....***knocks wood again***. These 6 month intervals play with your mind, and not in a good way. If my weight, strength and energy are stable, I like to think I'm "OK"...but like I said "who knows". I live my life as if I'm OK...fuck cancer.

I think we start meet prep this next cycle. I'll know more tomorrow when I see the latest program hit my email.

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Re: Still on the Right Side of the Grass


Post by gymdad150 » Sat May 13, 2023 1:58 pm


Memphis Prep - reps/sets

Once again, into the critical training blocks for this year's Raw Nationals. I'm entered as a 100kg lifter, but if my weight doesn't lock in around 210lbs by August, I'll probably let it drop, and go into the 90s.

Also, seeing as I'm 68 (really hard to wrap my head around that one), we're using these last two years as a RM3 to position us for a run at being a competitive RM4 lifter. This assumes that my health doesn't take a for the worse. But even if it does, I'll still keep training, we'll simply re-adjust our goals.

Anyway, back to weekly reports:

This block ramps up in intensity RPEs of 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 from one week to the next. Heavyish Single, followed by 1-3 sets of 7, buttressed with appropriate successories. It's a lot of work, not gonna lie. We happen to believe that for me to make progress, there has to be as much volume as I can handle. Focusing on intensity alone doesn't drive results based on all the years of programming my coach has reviewed.

Squat -
Low Bar Singles at 120 / 130kg, three sets of 7 @ 100kg. Paused Close Grip Larsen Bench @ 70kg 3*3. Upper body successories, and one lower body exercise.
Singles were easy, the sets of seven were more of a mental thing...I hate coming into a new block of volume, after a block of lower rep work.

Bench -
Paused Singles @ 82.5 / 87.5kg. Touch and Go Bench, three sets of 7 @ 67.5kg. Larsen Bench, three sets of 6 @ 62.5kg. Some chest exercises, and then gunshow - blowing up the Bis and Tris.
Easy Singles, the volume work wasn't as obnoxious as Squat day.

Deadlift -
Singles @ 172.5 / 182.5kg, three sets of 7 @ 145kg. Count Tempo Down / 5 Count Pause Bench singles @ 70kg. Upper back work for the successories.
Singles from a normal starting position were OK. I was a little nervous about the 7s, but the bar flew...go figure. I was tired by the end of the day, I will say that.
Additionally, I was really toasty the next day ( Friday ), made it hard to swing a golf club.

SBD Saturday -
Extremely light weight work...RPE 4, Saturday's are recovery days...
Tempo Down Paused Squats, four reps @ 90 / 100kg. 2 Count Paused Bench @ 80kg, three sets of two. Big Wheel Pulls @ 153kg for 2 sets of four. Lots of light weight upper body successories.
I really nailed the Tempo sets...speed: Glacial. Good Bench sets. Had to go to straps for the BWPs, my hands / forearms were a little tired from Thursday's session. Interestingly, these pulls were probably my best technically. Putting on straps forces me to a really tight setup...aka I'm lazy setting up on strapless pulls. Anyway, I could feel the floor being pushed away, as opposed to pulling with my back.

So, a week of acclimatization to volume. Next week should be easier mentally...fingers crossed.

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Re: Still on the Right Side of the Grass


Post by gymdad150 » Sun May 21, 2023 11:33 am


Memphis Prep - rep/sets

Squat -
Singles at 130 / 137.5kg, three sets of 7 at 107.5kg. Close Grip Larsen, three sets of three a3 73kg.Pulldowns, Flys, Single Leg BSS for successories.
Singles were strong, and done without spotters, The 7s started high, but got better on the last two sets.

Bench -
Paused Singles at 85.5 / 90.5kg. T&G, three sets of 7 at 70.5kg. Larsen, 3 sets of 6 at 65.5kg. Bi and Tri work, along with Flys for successories.
Really strong session.

Deadlift -
Singles at 180 / 190kg, three sets of 7 at 150kg. 5 Count Tempo Down / 5 Count Paused Bench singles at 72.5 /75 /77.5kg.
Quick session due to a scheduled road trip out of town. Strong singles, really strong down sets.

SBD Saturday -
Tempo Down Paused Squat sets of 4 at 210lbs / 230lbs. 2 Count Paused Bench, three sets of 2 at 185lbs. Block Pulls, two sets of 4 at 350lbs. Flys, Shoulder work, Dips, and Mid Row for successories.
Yes, you read that right...POUNDS. Took a trip back to my home town for a high school 50th reunion. I was able to gain access to their athletic facilities, and get my training done while on the road. Only issue was using the plates in Freedom Units...I screwed up the math bigly while progressing the Bench. What I thought was 145lbs, ended up being 185lbs...and I was wondering why the "warm-up" felt so heavy...because it was! I'm a dummy...
Anyway it was fun to be back where I went to school to see how far they've come from the days of having just a Universal Gym down in the Wrestling Room. The gear they have now is D1 level equipment.

On a separate note, I went in for my 6 month cancer check up on Wednesday. I am fortunate that my PSA numbers have gone back down to "negligible", after jumping up at the previous check up...I was very concerned coming into this check up. Another increase in the number meant there would be problems ahead, and a shorter timeline. The relief manifested itself with the strong Bench day, and the strong Deadlift day.

This week should be interesting, I'm working on short sleep, not enough food, and too much booze. Ah well, it was all for a good cause. I'll take what my body will give me this week...gladly!

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Re: Still on the Right Side of the Grass


Post by gymdad150 » Sat May 27, 2023 2:58 pm


Memphis Prep - reps/sets

Squat -
Tired singles at 130 / 10kg, tired down sets at 110kg 7*3. Close Grip Larsen Bench at 76kg 3*3. Upper back work, along with some single leg BSS.
Yeah, that trip to Cleveland took the edge off today's training. Not only that, but I've lost close to 6 pounds as well.

Bench -
Paused singles at 87.5 / 93.5kg. T&G sets at 73.5kg 7*3. Larsen sets at 68.5kg 6*3. Flys, Dips, Curls, Tri Extensions = gunshow.
For having dropped all that weight over the weekend, today was an ok session.

Deadlift -
Singles at 185 / 197.5kg, down sets at 160kg 7*3. 5 Count Tempo Down / 5 Count Pause Bench at 75 / 77.5 / 80kg *1. Some Rows and Flys to round out the session.
Good singles, would like to be a little more explosive, but you take what the day gives you. The down sets surprised me. I thought I was gonna get stuck at one, maybe two sets...nope...and that 2nd set was done from a dead stop too.

SBD Saturday -
Tempo Down / Pause Squats at 100 / 110kg *4. 2 Count Paused Bench sets at 85 / 87.5kg *2. Big Wheel Pulls at 173kg 4*2. Fys, Mid Rows, Dips and Curls for successories.
Squats were short, Bench was strong, BWPs were OK, but a little sticky off the floor.

My knee is back to being a pain in the ass again...I swear. Played 18 holes on Tuesday, rode in a cart, was able to play the full 18...YAY ME. My knee however, was balky, incredibly stiff, and all together not where I need it to be to be a functional human being.

I'll continue to train, and play golf, and hope that things improve. Should my knee continue to be this shitty, I'm gonna have to have it replaced. It's been three years of off and on, mostly off, and in a slow but noticeable decline in strength and stability. I've been reading everything I can get my hands on, and talking with all the people I know who've had a knee replaced. No one's a powerlifter, they're all Tennis / Squash players, or Golfers. I'm in uncharted territory, and it's unnerving.

Here's to a peaceful, respectful Memorial Day holiday...

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Re: Still on the Right Side of the Grass


Post by gymdad150 » Thu Jun 01, 2023 4:29 pm


Memphis Prep m1 / w4 reps/sets

Squat -
Singles at 137.5 / 145kg, down set(s) at 112.5kg *2, *7. Close Grip Larsen Bench sets at 80kg 3*3. Pulldowns, Revs Fly, BSS for successories.
A very hard session. My legs were DOA. Too much golf, too much heat... I had told my coach I was done at 137.5kg, but I rallied enough to take a run at was high, but at least I put the bar on my back. The down sets were even harder to get done. I bailed after 2 reps at knees were screaming at me. I was in the midst of an existential moment of doubt, when I looked across the room at a 12 y/o who, after having been sternly talked to by his dad, got under the bar and ripped off a flawless set of 8 at 90kg. I put my big boy pants on and tackled a set of 7 at was hard, it was slow, but I got every rep in, and I was damn proud of it too. My knees and lower legs are absolute toast at the moment. Today reminded me that I am in fact, 68 y/o...not 18 y/o. Oh, and my weight is melting off due to the heat and golf...I'm down to 200lbs.

Bench -
Singles at 87.5 / 93.5 / 100kg...100kg boys and girls ***PR***, down sets at 77.5kg 7*2, Larsen sets at 72.5kg 6*2. Flys, Bi's and Tri's for successories.
So after many attempts over the years at 100kg, I finally got it. Touch and Go, with a little daylight under my ass (enough for a red light)...but it went up. I didn't panic on the chest, didn't freak out at the sticking point, and locked it out pretty easily once through transition. Really pleased...very happy...extremely grateful to be able to hit this milestone.

Deadlift -
Singles at 190 / 205kg, down set at 170 for 7 (dead stop to boot). 5 Count Tempo Down / 5 Count Paused Bench at 77.5 / 80 / 82.5kg. Some rows and flys for successories, along with some light single leg work.
190 was butter. 205 got away from my legs, and was not as much fun. The Bench was delightful...imagine me saying that?!?!

No SBD Saturday as the gym is hosting another USAPL event. As is the convention, I am on the mike for the live stream.

Golf tomorrow, and Sunday. I'm just gonna have to accept that if I'm spending energy outside the gym, my Squats are gonna suffer come week(s) 3 / 4. Because it's Golf, it's a price I'm willing to pay.

New Training block starts on Monday.

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Re: Still on the Right Side of the Grass


Post by slowmotion » Thu Jun 01, 2023 11:50 pm

Congrats on the bench PR! Nice work!

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Re: Still on the Right Side of the Grass


Post by gymdad150 » Sat Jun 10, 2023 2:49 pm

slowmotion wrote: Thu Jun 01, 2023 11:50 pm Congrats on the bench PR! Nice work!
Thanks, appreciate the support...

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Re: Still on the Right Side of the Grass


Post by gymdad150 » Sat Jun 10, 2023 3:10 pm


Memphis Prep - m2 / w1 reps/ses

Squat -
Low Bar singles at 125 / 132.5kg, down sets at 102.5kg 5*3. Close Grip Bench at 72.5kg 7*3. Lunges, Rows, Planks, Piulldowns for successories.
The current bout of kneebola is a pain in the keester (as well as the knee). I've lost knee extensibility and ankle dorsiflexion, and that appears to be the cause of the issues in the soft tissue below, and to the outside of the knee.

Bench -
Paused singles at 85 / 90kg, T&G sets at 72.5kg 5*3, Paused Close Grip sets at 70/2.5/5/77.5kg *3. Cable Flys, Tri's and Bi's for successories.
I was having issues unracking the bar. Turns out I had it set at Close Grip Height all damn day...made things harder than they needed to be. But even with the handicap of a bad rack height, the bar moved well on all the sets.

Deadlift -
Singles at 175 / 185kg, down sets at 150kg 5*3. 5 Count Close Grip Bench sets at 70kg 4*3. Rows, Pulldowns, Dead Bugs for successories.
185kg was a little slow for my liking, but the down sets were fire. Killing the bench work at the moment. These Pauses will pay big dividends come September.

SBD Saturday -
Pause Squats at 70 / 80 / 90kg *7. 3 Count Tempo Down / 3 Count Paused Close Grip Bench sets at 77.5 / 80 / 82.5 / 85 *1. Big Wheel Pulls at 163 / 173 / 183kg *3. And that was that because...a few of us went out to play 18 holes immediately after lifting. Madness??? Perhaps, but we played pretty solid golf. Ran a little low on energy at the turn, but the cart girl showed up by the 12th hole, and with proper hydration, any major damage to the scorecard was averted.

Knees felt good in the Squats today, I appreciated that. Bench was strong. Pulls were appropriately loaded. Squats were at recovery numbers. Bench was loaded up to RPE8. Pulls were loaded up to RPE8 as well. Push during the week, work on movement patterns on the weekend.

Weight is still an issue. I'm back to 204/205lbs, but I've had to eat a little dirty to add pounds back on. An extra protein shake with Ice Cream in the evening, and the odd Peanut Butter sandwich during the day. Probably adds up to an extra 700 calories or so. Did I mention I hate to eat...'cause I really do.

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Re: Still on the Right Side of the Grass


Post by gymdad150 » Sat Jun 17, 2023 12:48 pm


Memphis Prep - m2 / w2 reps / sets

Squat -
Low Bar singles at 130 / 140kg, down sets at 105kg 5*3. Close Grip Bench 75kg 7*3. Wide Grip Row 110lbs 12*3, Wide Grip Pulldown 120lbs 12*3.
This was a morning session, as I was going on a road trip later in the day. Pretty good singles...a little high, but for having put my foot to the floor over the weekend, I'm good with them. Knee felt good...amazingly.

Bench -
Paused singles at 87.5kg / 92.5kg. T&G sets at 75kg 5*3. Paused Close Grip sets at 71 / 3.5 / 6 / 78.5 / 78.5kg *3. Flys, Tri's and Bi's for successories.
The single at 92.5kg was really strong: good pause, fast off the chest, didn't lose too much speed to lockout...surprised my coach who was spotting me. Bench continues to be a bright spot in training.

Deadlift -
Singles at 170 / 190kg, down sets at 160kg 5*3. 5 Count Close Grip Bench sets at 72.5kg 4*3. Kroc Rows and Pulldowns for successories.
Singles were strong, down sets were fast, Bench was delightful.
I think we're making progress with rebuilding my Pull, these next two weeks will be a better indicator of where we are...but I feel as good over the bar as I have in a good long while.

SBD Saturday -
Paused Squats at 80 / 90 / 100kg *7. 3 Count Tempo Down / 3 Count Paused Bench singles at 80 / 2.5 / 5 / 87.5kg. Big Wheel Pulls at 168 / 178 / 188kg *3.
Squats were cardio, but felt great. I continue to look forward to these bench variations. The Pulls were surprisingly hard at 168kg...but the following sets moved really fast...go figure.

Saving the successories for tomorrow.

My knee is off and on OK / SHITTY. Monday Squats were fine on my knee. Golf on Tuesday was painful, and I felt like a cripple trying to walk to and fro...not to mention swinging the club, but I played my best round of the season...again, go figure. Bench the next day was good, and I could engage leg drive. Pulls on Thursday weren't effected by my knee. Today's session felt great, but walking around a few hours after training was an effort. This is my life now...every day is a crap shoot as to whether my knee is going to be an issue.

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Re: Still on the Right Side of the Grass


Post by gymdad150 » Sat Jun 24, 2023 12:34 pm


Memphis Prep - m2 / w3 reps / sets

Squat -
Singles at 140 / 147.5kg, down sets at 107.5kg 5*3. Close Grip Bench sets at 77.5kg 7*3. Pulldowns and Rows for successories.
My knee was being uncooperative today. Squats were high due to that issue. I need more exposure to "heavier" weights...which I'll be getting over the next 12 weeks. The Bench sets were strong.

Bench -
Paused Singles at 91 / 96kg, down sets at 77.5kg T&G, Close Grip triples at 72.5/5/57.5/80/80kg. Gunshow work for successories: Bi's and Tri's.
Coach hit me with a requirement to do the top Single with commands...I accepted the challenge...and would have gotten White Lights all around, nyah!!!

Deadlift -
Top Singles at 190 / 200kg, down sets at 170kg 5*2. 5 Count Close Grip Bench sets at 75kg 4*3. Kroc Rows, and Pulldowns for successories.
Surprised myself today. The warm up sets at 70kg felt awfully heavy. Somehow we got to 190kg, and that moved OK, so we went to 200kg...not bad, bot bad.

SBD Saturday -
Paused Squats at 85 / 95 / 105kg *7. 3 Count Tempo Down / 3 Count Paused Bench Singles at 82.5/5/7.5/90kg. Big Wheel Pulls on Blocks at 178 / 188 / 198kg *3.
Squats were the antithesis of Monday's session: pain free...I though the depth was there, but alas, it was not. Swear to Dog I thought I felt all the landmarks for depth. At least they moved nicely, and felt good. I've been catastrophizing about my Squat recently, and it was nice to be able to move comfortably under the bar for once.

Bench singles were really good. This Close Grip, Tempo / Paused work is really paying dividends in terms of strength and confidence with the bar in hand / on the chest / off the chest. I don't think 90kg has ever moved so easily...even Touch and Go.

My back was a little toasty from Thursday's Deadlift session, so I put a couple of short boards under the Big Wheels today. The set up had me still well below the knee, so the range of motion was enough to get some work in, without frying my lower back too much.

I've been feeling a little run down these past few weeks, which I attributed to the ramped up training regimen. I was due for another round of blood test, so I pushed the schedule up by a month and got in to have the work done early. Turns out my Thyroid is a little out of whack again. I actually have to "see" the doctor to get things addressed...and that won't happen till md July. I let my coach know that things are screwy again, and I expect that he'll address the programming at the end of this cycle next week.

Looking back to 2019...that was a unicorn of a training year. Good health (even with the Cancer diagnosis), injury free progress, and an ability to handle really rigorous training cycles from February right though Raw Natls in Chicago the following October. I may experience that again...But I'm all the more appreciative for having had that experience.

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Re: Still on the Right Side of the Grass


Post by gymdad150 » Sat Jul 01, 2023 1:04 pm


Memphis Prep - m2 / w4 rep/sets

Squat -
Singles at 140 /150kg, down sets at 110kg 5*3. Close Grip Bench sets at 80kg 7*3. Pulldowns and Rows for successories.
Went with a conservative bump to 150kg...or you could say I was mentally should have been 155kg, but I just couldn't see it in my mind's eye. Strong Bench I've got that going for me.

Bench -
Singles at 92.5 / 98.5kg, T&G sets at 80kg 5*3, Close Grip triples at 75 / 7.5 / 80 / 2.5 / 2.5. Cable Flys, Tri's and Bi's for successories.
Coach wanted me to be conservative with choosing the 2nd single. He's all about building confidence right now, regardless of how "strong" I may be feeling. He wants to see successful competition attempts. So I picked 98.5kg...which just happened to be the number he was thinking of as well. Nice to know we're on the same page. Strong session...once again.

Deadlift -
Singles at 195 / 207.5kg, down set at 180kg *5. 5 Count Close Grip Bench sets at 77.5kg 4*3. Kroc Rows and Pulldowns for successories.
I had one of those nights prior to a Deadlift session: OMG...I'll never pull 195, no less 207.5kg.
Why does one's brain do that...207.5kg was not hard. Probably the best pull I've done outside of a competition. More good Bench training.

SBD Saturday -
Paused Squats at 90 / 100 / 110 *7. 3 Count Temp Down / 3 Count Paused Bench singles at 85 / 7.5 / 90 / 92.5kg. 2 Board Big Wheel Pulls, triples at 183 / 193 / 203kg.
Squats felt great, depth was on point...110kg felt like cardio, but as good a set as I've put in in a long time.
Bench felt" heavy" to get started, but I went through the progression without a hitch. 92.5kg would be one of those off the wall PR's.
I continued to use a couple of boards with the Big Wheels for today's session. Very happy with the way I pulled that set at 203kg...oh hell, I'm happy with the way I pulled all the sets.

This was a very successful cycle. Good intensity, good volume, programming allowed the right amount of flexibility...especially on the volume work. The program was written to allow me to pick the number of down sets within each session...anywhere from 1 to 3 sets. I went the first two weeks doing 3 down sets, 2 down sets the 3rd week, and did one set week 4...allowing myself to do more if I wanted, but knowing that one set would be just fine given the weight on the bar.

I'm appreciative of the man upstairs granting me the opportunity to get this type of work in. It was nice to finish without my knee(s) barking at me, and not feeling beat up physically and mentally. Given where I am, with the health issues that have plagued me over the past few years, I'm always grateful to be able to take this magnificent machine out for a spin and have it perform to expectations, and I let him know every night in my prayers.

Two more full cycles to run before Raw Natls. We're right where we wanted to be at this point in the run-up. Let's do this...

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