- 45 years old, 5'11"
- Training since May 2016
- Gym PRs for S/B/D are 192.5kg / 132.5kg / 230kg
- Not particularly strong, but like lifting
- Started with SL 5x5, then ran an SS LP but naturally I didn't want to gain weight so I never got real strong. On the upside, I learnt a lot about myself including the fact that I really enjoy lifting and being lean.
- Since then I've done a couple of bulks and cuts, run a bunch of different programs including an HLM variant, Andy Baker's Strength and Mass after 40, and was running his Baker Barbell Club for pretty much the entire second half of 2017 (and made good gains on it). Ran Jordan's Scivation Strong template for a while over Christmas/New Year and competed in an online 'virtual' meet on 20/1/18. I used Hanley's coaching services for a while this year, but dropped out and have been running my own bastardised HPS program for a little while now.
- My main goal for 2018 was to try and add some decent muscle mass during the year (at least a few kilos), I had intended to slowly gain weight for 6-9 months with the odd mini cut in between. However a hamstring tendinopathy that started soon after the meet (in late Jan 2018) hampered my training a bit and while I kept training regularly, I had a bout of fuckarounditis, span my wheels a bit, and leaned out again. Ended up going overboard, and by mid July 2018 hit 62kg at sub 8% body fat, felt horrible, tanked my testosterone (though it was probably low already), and ended up on TRT.
- In 2019 and 2020, I've really battled binge eating and stacked on a lot of weight, but I've also had a few runs of really productive training. Current 1RMs (as at August 2020) for S/B/D are 192.5kg / 122.5kg / 215kg.