Veni, vidi, levavi, BenM Blathers

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Veni, vidi, levavi, BenM Blathers


Post by BenM » Mon Jan 01, 2018 11:18 pm

For those not following at home, my old LP log is here and my old intermediate log is here. But here's the TLDR:

- 45 years old, 5'11"
- Training since May 2016
- Gym PRs for S/B/D are 192.5kg / 132.5kg / 230kg
- Not particularly strong, but like lifting
- Start of 2016, my 40th year, I was 106kgs plus (on a good day) and decided it was time to start looking after myself - and I wanted to look good naked for once in my life too. Lost 40kg body weight, discovered strength training May 2016 (about 2/3 of the way through the weight loss). Managed to keep it off so far - my current weight is a bit of a moving feast (no pun intended) - as at September 2018 I was pretty light and lean at around 69kgs/152lbs.
- Started with SL 5x5, then ran an SS LP but naturally I didn't want to gain weight so I never got real strong. On the upside, I learnt a lot about myself including the fact that I really enjoy lifting and being lean.
- Since then I've done a couple of bulks and cuts, run a bunch of different programs including an HLM variant, Andy Baker's Strength and Mass after 40, and was running his Baker Barbell Club for pretty much the entire second half of 2017 (and made good gains on it). Ran Jordan's Scivation Strong template for a while over Christmas/New Year and competed in an online 'virtual' meet on 20/1/18. I used Hanley's coaching services for a while this year, but dropped out and have been running my own bastardised HPS program for a little while now.
- My main goal for 2018 was to try and add some decent muscle mass during the year (at least a few kilos), I had intended to slowly gain weight for 6-9 months with the odd mini cut in between. However a hamstring tendinopathy that started soon after the meet (in late Jan 2018) hampered my training a bit and while I kept training regularly, I had a bout of fuckarounditis, span my wheels a bit, and leaned out again. Ended up going overboard, and by mid July 2018 hit 62kg at sub 8% body fat, felt horrible, tanked my testosterone (though it was probably low already), and ended up on TRT.
- In 2019 and 2020, I've really battled binge eating and stacked on a lot of weight, but I've also had a few runs of really productive training. Current 1RMs (as at August 2020) for S/B/D are 192.5kg / 122.5kg / 215kg.
Thanks for reading!
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Re: Strong or Swole? BenM's battle with the barbell


Post by BenM » Mon Jan 01, 2018 11:20 pm

Tue 2/1/18: Comp Squat etc

Food yesterday: 2754 kcal (2777 kcal target)

Activity yesterday: 13.6k steps

Sleep last night: 8 hrs 59 mins - 59 mins awake

AM BW: 70.9kg (-0.2kg from yesterday)

Comp Squat:
--- Belt on (6th hole) ---
3x105kg @ 7
1x120kg @ 8.5
5x110kg @ 8
5x110kg @ 8.5
5x110kg @ 8
5x110kg @ 8.5

2 Count Paused Bench Press:
4x53.5kg @ 7
4x57.5kg @ 8 (if that)
4x60kg @ 9
4x60kg @ 9.5 form
4x60kg @ 9.5 misgrooved
4x60kg @ 9
4x60kg @ 9.5

7x85kg @ 6?
7x95kg @ 7
7x105kg @ 8
7x105kg @ 8
7x105kg @ 8
7x105kg @ 8

Video from today:

Session notes:
- So I am sore as shit from Sunday despite a rest day yesterday and some decent sleep. Calves and abs are the worst, but my glutes and hamstrings are also feeling it from those sumo pulls. Gotta get back into it though - this week will probably (hopefully) be the highest volume I do before the meet.
- Very happy with how squats went. 120kg was a 1RM at some point in the past 12 months but it went up pretty smooth, and I managed sets across at 110kg which I couldn't do on Christmas Day. Maybe the soreness was a good thing too - my calves gave me a nice little reminder every time I got on my toes coming out of the hole!
- Bench was great too. Added weight from last week, nothing too grindy. Think form might be improving but definitely a little strength improvement too - though the pause was pretty quick.
- Added weight to RDLs from last week too, my hamstrings will probably be angry tomorrow but it's nice to go 3 for 3.
- Best training session I've had all year :) Only downside was that it took forever, 1hr 55 minutes. Still - was great to get it done. Have a great day, LOTI!

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Re: Strong or Swole? BenM's battle with the barbell


Post by BenM » Wed Jan 03, 2018 12:18 am

Wed 3/1/18: Comp Bench etc

Food yesterday: 2710 kcal (2777 kcal target)

Activity yesterday: 10.7k steps

Sleep last night: 7 hrs 13 mins - 35 mins awake

AM BW: 71.4kg (+0.5kg from yesterday)

Comp Bench:
3x60kg @ 8
1x70kg @ 9
5x60kg @ 9
5x60kg @ 9.5
5x59kg @ 8
5x59kg @ 8
5x59kg @ 8
5x59kg @ 8.5
5x59kg @ 8

Paused Squat (beltless):
4x70kg @ 7ish
4x77.5kg @ 8
4x85kg @ 9
4x85kg @ 9
4x85kg @ 9 or more
4x85kg @ 9.5

Close Grip Bench Press:
10x40kg @ 6ish
8x55kg @ 8.5
8x55kg @ 9
8x52.5kg @ 8
8x52.5kg @ 8.5
10x50kg @ 10
10+Fx47.5kg @ 10

Video from today:

Session notes:
- Meh, probably under recovered from yesterday. Bit of ego lifting in the bench, and overshot RPE a little to start with.
- Kept the ego in check for the squats and didn't go too heavy like last week. Pause squats suck donkeys balls. And looking at the video some of the pauses were pretty damn short.
- The third movement is supposed to be OHP but I subbed in CGBP cos I like it better and it's more specific. Did some volume, pretty short breaks, not much else to say. Triceps #rekt
- Another epic session - took 1 hr 45 mins. But got it done!

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Re: Strong or Swole? BenM's battle with the barbell


Post by BenM » Thu Jan 04, 2018 7:24 pm

Fri 5/1/18: Deadlift

Food yesterday: 2497 kcal (2777 kcal target)

Activity yesterday: 11.8k steps

Sleep last night: 8 hrs 9 mins - 1 hr 5 mins awake

AM BW: 70.7kg (-0.3kg from yesterday)

Deadlift (beltless):
3x120kg @ easyish
1x145kg @ 9
5x125kg @ 8
5x125kg @ 8
5x125kg @ 8.5
5x125kg @ 8.5

TnG Bench Press:
4x57.5kg @ 7
4x60kg @ 8
4x63.5kg @ 9.5 (hit safety)
4x63.5kg @ 9 I think
4x63.5kg @ 9.5
4x62.5kg @ 9
4x62.5kg @ 9
4x62.5kg @ 9.5

Goblet Squats:

Incline Dumbbell Bench Press:
8x40lbs @ ?
7+Fx50lbs @ 10 WTF
8x47.5lbs @ 9
8x47.5lbs @ 9
8x47.5lbs @ 9.5
8x45lbs @ 9

*Last two movement supersetted; with 3 min breaks between supersets

Some footage:

Session notes:
- Had a family day yesterday and went to the beach, shitty interrupted (but long) sleep, still feeling under recovered though. Would you believe my calves are STILL sore?
- Deadlift was OK, went frog style to see if that feels better. Top single was no lighter than last week, or maybe I can't judge RPE on deadlift very well. Roundy back as usual - definitely feel like I'm stronger and flatter backed sumo, but too late to change for this meet I think. Volume work was OK though since I didn't go too heavy. Back was rigid-ish to start with but naturally got worse as I got tired.
- Bench was good, added some weight/volume from last week and still managed to keep RPE in the right place - E1RM is trending up there for sure - so I was a bit surprised when the dumbbell benching regressed. Probably just fatigue setting in. And hunger. And my elbows are getting behind the bar again.
- Was supposed to front squat, but short on time, so did some high rep goblet squats in between dumbbell benching instead. Got a pump in my legs for sure. You might be able to hear my knees and ankles cracking on the video!
- Another long session of 1hr 45 mins. Gonna enjoy a swim this afternoon for some active recovery.

This'll be the end of the volume block thank $diety - feeling like I've been smashing myself pretty hard, will probably do a bit of a bro/hypertrophy day on Sunday, then do three sessions with slightly less volume this week, and then it's a week to go so I'd better practice openers and give myself a break. Hopefully some PRs will happen - I'm reasonably confident that bench is stronger, but not so sure on anything else.

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Re: Strong or Swole? BenM's battle with the barbell


Post by Wilhelm » Fri Jan 05, 2018 4:09 am

Here's to a good meet, @BenM
Sounds like you have a good plan.

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Re: Strong or Swole? BenM's battle with the barbell


Post by BenM » Fri Jan 05, 2018 12:40 pm

Thanks @Wilhelm - I hope so. It’s been a good learning experience if nothing else.

Same to you too! You have a bit longer to go than me though. I’m sure you’ll crush it :)

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Re: Strong or Swole? BenM's battle with the barbell


Post by BenM » Sat Jan 06, 2018 6:07 pm

Sun 7/1/18: No Plan

Food yesterday: 2726 kcal (2777 kcal target)

Activity yesterday: 11.7k steps

Sleep last night: 7 hrs 51 mins - 54 mins awake

AM BW: 71.5kg (+0.3kg from yesterday)

Comp Bench:
3x60kg @ 8
2x70kg @ 10 ?
1x75kg @ 10
1x75kg @ 10
1x75kg @ 10 oops forgot to pause
1x75kg @ 10
1x75kg @ 10
3x65kg @ 9.5
9x55kg @ 9
10x55kg @ 9.5

Sumo Deadlift:
5x100kg @ 6
3x120kg @ 7 or less
1x140kg @ 8.5
1x150kg @ 9.5 (sumo PR)
1x160kg @ 10 (any method PR [+5kg]... lost low back extension though)
1x150kg @ 10 (lost back extension again)
1x150kg @10 (held it together a bit better)

Hammer Curls:
4x12 with 25lbs / side

Seated French Press (EZ Curl Bar):
4x12 with 27.5kgs

Cable Crunches:
3x20, 1x25 with 25kgs - bit light

*no rest between first two sets; took 3 mins between last two

Some footage:

A note on weight: my average BW was up 0.2kg this week to 71.1kg, but if you believe the scales it's all fat (average from 15.8% to 16.1%). However I am almost positive that's bullshit, and the navy method has me at 13% still. So buggered if I know. What I do know is that it's still a mindfuck gaining weight - however things are well on track to compete @ 74kg in 2 weeks time, and that will be 6 weeks of lean gains. I think it makes sense to do a week or two at maintenance after that, then another 6 or 8 week cycle of gaining, and so on. It'll be interesting to see what happens this week when I go back to work and my routine goes back to normal. Could do anything.

Session notes:
- So today was a 'do as you feel' day. Decided to just do some heavy singles on bench, pretty happy with how it went. Most I've ever benched TnG is 77.5kg so to get 75kg consistently with a pause is a good sign. And I might have overstated the RPE a little on the first couple, since I kept hitting them with ~3 min breaks.
- Practiced sumo again, and again decided to just hit some singles. Wanted to prove to myself that sumo felt stronger than conventional so pulled a PR, although I lost my lumbar extension, no harm done. Really need to stop my hips shooting up so early, I think. Do I need to sit back more and get my shins more vertical?
- After all that volume it was good to get some bro stuff done - tris/bis/abs. Arms had a wicked pump.
- Pretty happy with that session - 1hr 42 mins. That'll bloody well do me. Wish I didn't have to go back to work tomorrow :( Have a happy day, fellow lifters!

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Re: Strong or Swole? BenM's battle with the barbell


Post by slowmotion » Sun Jan 07, 2018 1:08 am

Nice work, Ben. You'll do well at the meet.

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Re: Strong or Swole? BenM's battle with the barbell


Post by BenM » Sun Jan 07, 2018 3:33 am

slowmotion wrote: Sun Jan 07, 2018 1:08 am Nice work, Ben. You'll do well at the meet.
Thanks Jan. I sure hope so! If I don’t hit at least 1 or 2 PRs after all this effort I’ll be bitterly disappointed. But I am also looking forward to getting back to regular 3 a week powerbuilding sessions too :)

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Re: Strong or Swole? BenM's battle with the barbell


Post by BenM » Tue Jan 09, 2018 3:05 am

Tue 9/1/18: Comp Squat

Food yesterday: 2399 kcal (2777 kcal target)

Activity yesterday: 11.3k steps

Sleep last night: 7 hrs 41 mins - 28 mins awake

AM BW: 71.3kg (-0.6kg from yesterday)

Comp Squat:
--- Belt on (6th hole) ---
3x105kg @ 7
1x122.5kg @ 9
5x110kg @ 8.5
5x110kg @ 8
5x110kg @ 8

2 Count Paused Bench Press:
4x58kg @ 8
4x61kg @ 9
4x61kg @ 9
4x61kg @ 9.5
4x61kg @ 9.5

7x85kg @ 6?
7x95kg @ 7.5
8x100kg @ 8
8x100kg @ 8.5 but form was awful
8x100kg @ 8 much better

Rate my RPE:

Session notes:
- Good: new mattress turned up yesterday. Bad: back at work yesterday. Tonight was the first time training in the evening after work for a few weeks, so I'm not terribly surprised things felt a bit heavy. Starting to taper this week though, so dropping a set or so off each movement. That was a blessing.
- Squat warmups moved great but the heavy single and the first work set felt super heavy. Might not have rested long enough because the last two work sets were a lot smoother, or maybe it was just the caffeine kicking in.
- Bench was good, added a little weight from last week, forgot my @ 7 warmup set but no matter. Felt decent, looked fastish on video. And I only took 3 minute rests....
- RDLs felt horrible though so I took a little weight off and did 8s instead of 7s. Because 7 is a stupid number of reps anyway. Fatigued I think.
- Even with the reduced volume it still took 83 minutes but that's about right. Have a happy evening :)

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Re: Strong or Swole? BenM's battle with the barbell


Post by BenM » Thu Jan 11, 2018 3:09 am

Thursday 11/1/18: Comp Bench

Food yesterday: 2411 kcal (2777 kcal target)

Activity yesterday: 13.1k steps

Sleep last night: 7 hrs 41 mins - 35 mins awake

AM BW: 71.2kg (-0.3kg from yesterday)

Comp Bench:
3x60kg @ 7.5
1x70kg @ 8.5
5x61.5kg @ 9
5x61.5kg @ 9
5x60kg @ 8.5
5x60kg @ 9
5x60kg @ 8.5 (wtf?)

Paused Squat (beltless):
4x65kg @ 6ish
4x85kg @ 8.5 - didn't really pause the first rep though
4x85kg @ 9 - last rep was mega slow
4x85kg @ 9 - ditto
4x85kg @ 9 - see first work set

Close Grip Bench Press:
10x40kg @ 6ish
8x57.5kg @ 10
8x55kg @ 9
8x55kg @ 9
10x50kg @ 8.5
10x50kg @ 9

Video from today:

I have been struggling to hit my carb/fat macros the past few days, the big jump in weight on Monday gave me a bit of a scare and I'm just leaving it til too late in the day to get them in. Need to eat bigger breakfasts but keep talking myself out of it. Yes, I am a headcase. This is something I've gotta sort out this year; I've done a slightly more in depth post on my goals for 2018 (some personal, some lifting related) <a href="">here, if anyone is interested</a>.

Session notes:
- Bench went well. The last warmup seemed easier than last time, but there was self doubt there, then the top single definitely moved faster too. Added a little weight for the first couple of work sets to keep intensity a bit higher this last week, and kept rests short (3 minutes mostly).
- Legs are rooted; hamstrings in a state of perpetual DOMs, so I intended to go lighter on the pause squats, but changed my mind at the last minute and hit the RX anyway. As I was doing that mental self talk thing to convince myself to get under the bar for the third set, I told myself that it was the last one. Then I went and did another set anyway. Isn't it fun when you lie to yourself?
- CGBP was good. Plenty of volume, another mega tricep pump. But that'll do, donkey, that'll do.
- Still not sure I'm managing to judge RPE correctly, especially on squats. Surely if I'm hitting @9 for sets across, the first set or two couldn't really have been @9. Although I guess the less you can lift, the less it takes out of you doing a set. Anyway - gotta keep practicing it.
- I am super happy with that session, in terms of volume and time, back to 1hr 22mins, which is about all I have time for. Hopefully I'll get rid of some of this soreness over the next 10 days and be ready to smash it next weekend. Have a wonderful night, everyone!

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Re: Strong or Swole? BenM's battle with the barbell


Post by BenM » Fri Jan 12, 2018 10:49 pm

Saturday 13/1/18: Bench / Bis / Tris

Food yesterday: 2750 kcal (2777 kcal target)

Activity yesterday: 13.2k steps

Sleep last night: 6 hrs 59 mins - 49 mins awake

AM BW: 71.3kg (-0.1kg from yesterday)

TnG Bench:
4x60kg @ 7.5 or 7
4x62.5kg @ 8.5
4x65kg @ 9
4x65kg @ 9.5
4x65kg @ 9.5
4x65kg @ 10

Incline DB Bench Press:
8x40lbs / side @ 7
8x50lbs / side @ 9
8x50lbs / side @ 9
8x50lbs / side @ 9.5
8x50lbs / side @ 9.5
8x50lbs / side @ 10
(Volume PR)

*Hammer Curls:
10x30lbs / side (PR)
8x30lbs / side
10x25lbs / side

12, 8, 10 @ BW

*Supersetted, no rest between movements, little rest between sets

Kettlebell Swings:
10x40lbs (whoops, misload)

Today's movie:

Session notes:
- Family commitments, had an hour to squeeze this in so split out the bench work from tomorrow's workout. Will hit deadlift opener, front squats and some brostuff tomorrow, then taper off as the week progresses.
- The bench work was OK, even though my elbows still aren't staying under the bar, if my RPE is right this would match my PR for fahves across when I was a 1.5 kilos heavier. Then the dumbbell work would be a volume PR as well.
- Did tris/bis and a tiny bit of conditioning too, everything on short rests, whole workout was only 66 minutes, so good stuff. Good luck with your training, whoever reads this!
Last edited by BenM on Sat Jan 13, 2018 4:45 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Strong or Swole? BenM's battle with the barbell


Post by Wilhelm » Sat Jan 13, 2018 3:26 am

BenM wrote: Fri Jan 12, 2018 10:49 pm Good luck with your training, whoever reads this!
Thanks, and hit those macros. :D

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Re: Strong or Swole? BenM's battle with the barbell


Post by BenM » Sat Jan 13, 2018 6:19 pm

Wilhelm wrote: Sat Jan 13, 2018 3:26 am
BenM wrote: Fri Jan 12, 2018 10:49 pm Good luck with your training, whoever reads this!
Thanks, and hit those macros. :D
Thanks Wilhelm! Had to overshoot them a bit yesterday to get my weekly average up and get compliant. What a shame.... :D

Sun 14/1/18: Deadlift etc

Food yesterday: 2855 kcal (2777 kcal target)

Activity yesterday: 13.7k steps

Sleep last night: 7 hrs 49 mins - 55 mins awake

AM BW: 71.2kg (-0.1kg from yesterday)

3x120kg @ 6
3x145kg @ 9.5 (PR triple)
3x145kg @ 10
5x135kg @ 9.5 (equal PR for fahves)
5x135kg @ 10

Front Squat (with straps):
8x60kg @ 8
8x60kg @ 8
8x60kg @ 8

Comp Bench:
3x65kg @ 9.5
1x72.5kg @ 9
1x72.5kg @ 9.5
1x72.5kg @ 10
5x62.5kg @ 10 grindyish
5x62.5kg @ 9.5 bit better form

*Pull Ups:
4x5 @ BW

*Decline Situps:

*Supersetted, no rest between movements, little rest between sets

Today's footage:

Weigh in day. BW is up 0.3kg on average, so no change to macros. Slowly creeping it up, and BF is the same or even a little leaner.

Session notes:
- Child free night last night for the first time in over three years. Slept pretty well, aside from the usual bladder breaks.....
- Wasn't supposed to be hitting PRs today, but I was trying to decide whether to open with 140 or 145 on Saturday. On the principle of 'you should be able to do a triple with your opener' I decided to have a crack. So 145 it is. Back off work went well too, but I lifted a bit more than I planned, so went pretty light on the front squats and just did some easyish eights, which looked pretty shallow on video. I can't seem to be satisfied with just doing one or two sets of anything, I don't feel like I've trained properly unless I do 3 or 4.
- Just wanted to keep bench frequency up. Wasn't planning on doing openers til Tuesday but kinda did the same as deads. I think 65kg might be about right, or even a little higher. Was pleased with how quick the first top single went up, but I ran out of gas pretty quick, I'm probably not recovered from all the benching yesterday and fatigued from deadlifting/squatting... Let's hope I can FINALLY manage to crack 80kg (plus) on the weekend though. Even if I don't PR anything else, that would make me happy.
- Did some pull ups and situps too, which made it a long session (1 hr 47 mins!) - should be the last long one for a week or two though. Happy days!

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Re: Strong or Swole? BenM's battle with the barbell


Post by Wilhelm » Sat Jan 13, 2018 6:26 pm

Wow! So lifting!

Have a good meet, and shed that fatigue!

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Re: Strong or Swole? BenM's battle with the barbell


Post by BenM » Tue Jan 16, 2018 2:54 am

Tue 16/1/18: Squat / Bench (meet week)

Food yesterday: 2490 kcal (2777 kcal target)

Activity yesterday: 11.7k steps

Sleep last night: 7 hrs 7 mins - 30 mins awake

AM BW: 71.2kg (-0.3kg from yesterday)

--- Belt on (6th hole) ---
3x105kg @ 7 or less
2x125kg @ 9
2x125kg @ 9.5
5x100kg @ 7.5?
5x100kg @ 7

Comp Bench:
3x60kg @ 7.5
2x70kg @ 9?
2x70kg @ 9.5 cos form
2x70kg @ 9 better
5x60kg @ 8.5
5x60kg @ 9
5x60kg @ 9 but easier than the set before?

Gym fun footage:

Session notes:
- Happy with squats. Just wanted to do a little bit of higher intensity work for practice and make damn sure I hit depth, but don't want to overdo it. This is 2.5kg off an all time PR for doubles, it wasn't a complete grind, and I think depth was fine. Not planning on squatting again before Saturday.
- Did similar on bench. I'm struggling a bit to be sure of RPE - the doubles at 70kg were @ 10 last time out but they definitely weren't tonight, the bar slowed a little on the second rep but it wasn't an all out grind. So that's a good sign. Did more back off volume than I planned - again.
- Figured that was enough for tonight. I'd planned on this being under an hour, but it took 70 minutes because I just can't help myself! But I figured I will recover faster from benching than squatting anyway.
- At this point, I feel like I'm on track, but I'm just not sure what to do the rest of the week. Part of me thinks I could bench again tomorrow or Thursday, or I could just do some bro stuff with dumbbells and stuff. Definitely don't want to do nothing for the next 4 days, but don't want to overdo it either. Guess I'll wing it unless anyone has a good suggestion on how to find the right balance? Bearing in mind, I don't think I've had more than 3 days between training sessions in a year or more, so the rest could be good for me.
- Have a wonderful evening, fellow lifters!

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Re: Strong or Swole? BenM's battle with the barbell


Post by Wilhelm » Tue Jan 16, 2018 3:00 am

d0uevenlift had some specific thoughts on the final week here.

Hold on, mostly just me talking (surprise)
OK, saved his post in my email

"You don't need more than a 1-2 week peak and taper. Train normally until two weeks out and start hitting some triples and doubles. On the week of the meet, do your singles 5 days out and then again 3 days out (openers first, then final warmups on 3 days out, except bench--you can do a top single of your opener).

Your heaviest deadlift session should be a week out, like on Friday. On Monday of meet week, you can work up to your last deadlift warm-up."

So i read that as nothing heavier than your squat opener monday, and bench opener wednesday.
I seem to recall very light squats can be done closer to keep the movement fresh.
Like 135lbs or something. But i'm guessing for very low reps or singles. Might want to research that one.

Skid advised the last heavy deadlift being 10 days to 2 weeks out for older lifters
I jimmied my schedule to manage to put it 9 days out.

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Re: Strong or Swole? BenM's battle with the barbell


Post by BenM » Tue Jan 16, 2018 3:21 am

Wilhelm wrote: Tue Jan 16, 2018 3:00 am viewtopic.php?f=3&t=499&p=27650&hilit=peaking#p27650
d0uevenlift had some specific thoughts on the final week here.

Hold on, mostly just me talking (surprize)
OK, saved his post in my email

"You don't need more than a 1-2 week peak and taper. Train normally until two weeks out and start hitting some triples and doubles. On the week of the meet, do your singles 5 days out and then again 3 days out (openers first, then final warmups on 3 days out, except bench--you can do a top single of your opener).

Your heaviest deadlift session should be a week out, like on Friday. On Monday of meet week, you can work up to your last deadlift warm-up."

Skid advised the last heavy deadlift being 10 days to 2 weeks out for us older lifters
I jimmied my schedule to manage to put it 9 days out.
Thanks Wilhelm. Yeah that all makes sense - I’ve been working on a 2 week taper, dropped volume a little last week (back closer to what I’d normally do) and intended to drop even more this week.

Given the absolute loads I’m lifting aren’t that great and I’m a little younger than you I thought I could get away with deadlifting 6 days out, hence Sunday’s pulling session.

3 days out would be tomorrow. So maybe do final warmups for squat and a top single for bench then. Will see how I feel but that seems like a good tentative plan unless I think of something better.

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Re: Strong or Swole? BenM's battle with the barbell


Post by Wilhelm » Tue Jan 16, 2018 3:24 am

I just added something i "think" i remember reading, about very light squats closer to keep the movement fresh.
But it would be very light indeed. Just about the motion, and not the load.

Hopefully i'm remembering that right.

I'm sure you'll do great.

Have a great meet, Ben.

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Re: Strong or Swole? BenM's battle with the barbell


Post by BenM » Wed Jan 17, 2018 1:54 am

Wilhelm wrote: Tue Jan 16, 2018 3:24 am I just added something i "think" i remember reading, about very light squats closer to keep the movement fresh.
But it would be very light indeed. Just about the motion, and not the load.

Hopefully i'm remembering that right.

I'm sure you'll do great.

Have a great meet, Ben.
Yeah that might be a good idea. We'll see how I feel, maybe I'll just do some with the bar or sub 50kg on Friday. It's probably the movement I struggle to be consistent with the most (though none are particularly good).

Thanks! I am pretty pumped for it. It's all just a bit of fun, and I'll be lifting at home like normal, but I intend to drink a heap of caffeine and turn the music up LOUD.

Wed 17/1/18: Squat / Bench (meet week #2)

Food yesterday: 2643 kcal (2777 kcal target)

Activity yesterday: 15.2k steps

Sleep last night: 6 hrs 33 mins - 43 mins awake

AM BW: 71.3kg (+0.1kg from yesterday)

--- Belt on (6th hole) ---
3x105kg @ 8, fell horribly forward
2x110kg @ 7

Comp Bench:
3x60kg @ 8
1x70kg @ 9
1x70kg @ 9
1x70kg @ 9

Session notes:
- Worked up to a last warmup set of squats, and did a few heavy bench singles around my intended opener (I was actually thinking 67.5kg since that's a weight I can definitely triple). I had a quick look at that attempt selection spreadsheet and that seems to confirm I'm on the right track (if anything I'm a bit conservative) with my openers. So that's looking ok.
- Everything felt heavy as shit tonight, but I didn't get great sleep last night and I haven't really recovered. Anyway, this was a pretty easy 32 minutes, and the next two days should be cruisy. Hell, maybe now is a good time to stop forcing myself to hit 10k steps every day, and just sit on my arse for a bit. Thanks for reading :)

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