It’s log! It’s log! It’s big, it’s heavy, it’s wood...

A place to track your progress, or lack thereof

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Re: It’s log! It’s log! It’s big, it’s heavy, it’s wood...


Post by InherentlyBetter » Sun Sep 02, 2018 1:09 pm

I’ve been a bad forum member and haven’t logged my workouts.
8/28 - W1,D2
2 count pauses squats: written as 4@7, 4@8, 4@9
Actual: 155@6ish, 170@8, 185@9
Press: written as 5@6, 5@7, 5@8
Actual: 115@5.5, 125@7, 135@8 maybe 8.5
Rows: written as 8@6, 8@7, 8@8(2 sets)
Actual: 125@6, 135@7, 145@8

8/30 W1,D3
Deadlift: written as 5@6,7,8
Actual: 235@6, 245@7, 255@8 not bad for not pulling for almost three months
Comp Bench: 5@6,7,8
Actual: 155@6, 165@8ish due to pain in right shoulder carried over from day one. Did not do third set.
3-0-3 Tempo: 8@6,7,8
Actual: OH MY FUCKING LORD! I’ve never done sets of 8 on squats so my body is programmed to die at rep six. Plus I was going to fall over anyway from general fatigue. I did, wait for it...115 for 6 reps, then 7, and then 8.

Conditioning day:
Chin ups 7 min AMRAP: 22 (lots of triples and doubles)
Abs for 7ish minutes : haven’t done anything for abs in about forever so I figured I should go big. Did a dragon flag progression (5reps of poorly controlled leg flailing), 3 sets of 5 hanging knee raises, and a 1 minute plank. Felt this for two days, so I must has an ab now.
LISS: 25min on the antique Airdyne.

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Re: It’s log! It’s log! It’s big, it’s heavy, it’s wood...


Post by InherentlyBetter » Sun Sep 02, 2018 1:16 pm

9/2 W2, D1
Squat: sets of five - 185@6.5, 195@7ish, 205@8-(2 sets)
CGBP: sets of 4 - 160@7, 170@8, 185@9-(2 sets)
Rack Pulls: sets of 7 - 185@6, 205@7, 220@8-(2 sets)

Squats were heavy at first but moved okay. Added an extra minute of rest before the last set (4min). Bench moved really well and I was pleased to not have any continued shoulder pain. Rack pulls are evil because they’re the last exercise and I’m tired and I’ve never done them before. But, a few more weeks and I’ll have it down and hopefully feel less like I’m going to pass out in the garage.

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