You Better, You Better, You Bet.

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Re: You Better, You Better, You Bet.


Post by DanCR » Sun Apr 28, 2024 7:45 am

lehman906 wrote: Sat Apr 27, 2024 3:53 pmBlack Husky Brewing.
My kind of place. Glad you had a fun time!

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Re: You Better, You Better, You Bet.


Post by lehman906 » Tue Apr 30, 2024 11:30 am

DCR wrote: Sun Apr 28, 2024 7:45 am
lehman906 wrote: Sat Apr 27, 2024 3:53 pmBlack Husky Brewing.
My kind of place. Glad you had a fun time!
It’s pretty great, and a great group of people. They put on a fun contest in August. Hopefully we get walk up music again-I would have to decide between the Avengers theme and Cody Rhodes’ entrance music because I’m a huge dork.

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Re: You Better, You Better, You Bet.


Post by lehman906 » Thu May 09, 2024 8:11 am


Monsters in Monona is cancelled for this year. That sucks. I was pretty bummed when I read that email last night, but I'm trying to look at the positives.

Mostly it's fuck the duck walk. Just fuck that stupid event forever.

Next is that it gives me another two month "off season" to continue building a foundation to peak for the Battle at the Brewery in August. Whatever those events end up being. I am going to continue to focus on my deadlift. I would bet my mortgage that Tim will have at least one deadlift event at the Battle, and I've heard rumor of a Ukrainian Deadlift, which will be cool but weird. Either way, there's no downside to a strong deadlift.

You may notice some pretty additions to my muscle shop (muscles are on back order, but should arrive ANY DAY NOW). I got a dip station and a barbell stand in an online auction. I entered the auction (virgin territory for me) and THEN noticed that the pick up window was from 10-12 on Saturday morning, two hours SW in Illinois. Which is the exact same time as my kids' swim meet 30 min north of me. While I'm single-parenting for the weekend. So that was some interesting logistics to overcome, but it all ended up working out, and now my home gym is even prettier. Except when the cat barfs on my mats. Horrible little gremlin.

I've been working my way up the low incline bench press using Greg Nuckols super simple linear progression: start at a weight you can get for 15 reps, then add a set amount of weight each session until you get down to 6 reps or so, then repeat with a higher weight. Try to make it take as long as possible. I'm actually following that up with direct arm work, which I never stick to for more than 2-3 weeks. And abs! I'm doing ab work and bicep curls....who even am I?

Mr "I'm never squatting again" is, of course, squatting again. Thanks, ADD! I'm doing Zercher squats because they tick so many boxes. Carrying the load in the elbows works the upper back, and forces me to stay vertical, which is easier on my back. Keeping my feet wider will help with stone picks (and duck walk, althoughhhhh), and it also makes me stay very conservative with my numbers. Might even help build some more booty, which is never a disadvantage.

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Re: You Better, You Better, You Bet.


Post by DanCR » Thu May 09, 2024 10:52 am

lehman906 wrote: Thu May 09, 2024 8:11 amMr "I'm never squatting again" is, of course, squatting again. Thanks, ADD! I'm doing Zercher squats because they tick so many boxes. Carrying the load in the elbows works the upper back, and forces me to stay vertical, which is easier on my back. Keeping my feet wider will help with stone picks (and duck walk, althoughhhhh), and it also makes me stay very conservative with my numbers. Might even help build some more booty, which is never a disadvantage.
I've started in on Zerchers so many times and never last more than like two weeks, largely because "normal" squats are a very good movement for me personally and it's just too easy to go back to them. I love so much about Zerchers. Rooting for you to stick with them and see what gainzzz you reap.

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Re: You Better, You Better, You Bet.


Post by lehman906 » Thu May 09, 2024 1:09 pm

Every single time I've tried to squat consistently, back, front, or SSB, I have eventually tweaked my back. Squats and barbell rows have led to the vast majority of back tweaks I've had. Not deadlifts, not stones, not running with 240 lbs in each hand, not overhead pressing on uneven ground. Squats. So I'm hoping that this might be the one way I can use a barbell and I won't be limited to only belt squats. If I can be as patient as Mike Tuscherer was during his rehab, I should be okay, but I'm not great with being patient.

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Re: You Better, You Better, You Bet.


Post by DanCR » Thu May 09, 2024 2:29 pm

lehman906 wrote: Thu May 09, 2024 1:09 pm Every single time I've tried to squat consistently, back, front, or SSB, I have eventually tweaked my back. Squats and barbell rows have led to the vast majority of back tweaks I've had. Not deadlifts, not stones, not running with 240 lbs in each hand, not overhead pressing on uneven ground. Squats. So I'm hoping that this might be the one way I can use a barbell and I won't be limited to only belt squats. If I can be as patient as Mike Tuscherer was during his rehab, I should be okay, but I'm not great with being patient.
Same. Did it squatting multiple times, never deadlifting. As a result and in an effort to ensure that it never happens again, I rebuilt my squat into a quad dominant movement in which, although of course there is hip hinge, it’s entirely incidental. I break to descend by pulling up the floor (a cue that initially was to pull the thighs up, h/t @SeanHerbison), keeping midfoot pressure, and my hips just go where they need to go. There is zero pushing back into my lower back descending, or pushing up with it ascending. All of that may work well for Zerchers too since you have the more particular incentive to stay upright.

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Re: You Better, You Better, You Bet.


Post by lehman906 » Sun May 19, 2024 4:31 pm

The bummer-ness of not having that contest has largely worn off, and now I'm able to work on the things that I want to work on. Mostly this means how can I work all of the toys into my training while (as always) trying not to overdo it. I have a goal of trying to do SOMETHING every day, and hopefully this will mean doing more conditioning and ab work, since those may be the only options if other bodyparts are fatigued. I dunno. Can't hurt, right? I suppose I can find a way that it would. Anyway, split jerks are feeling a little better, and the Ukrainian booty blaster deadlift is fun to play with. Exercises like that and Jefferson curls get me to actually stretch a little bit, so that's fun. I'm doing Glute-hams on an actual GH bench, and man is it so much better than trying to do them with my door attachment. I actually have a little muscle in my calves while doing them! Anyway, here's what I've been doing, and I'll probably be on my rower tomorrow morning. I think I got the copyright strike because I was watching Beavis and Butthead while rowing, but that's pretty anabolic, (#science) so I'll just have to deal with it.


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Re: You Better, You Better, You Bet.


Post by lehman906 » Sun May 26, 2024 7:11 am


The events are out for Battle at the Brewery in August. Down AND BACK with both yoke and frame? What kind of sadist does that? I said "blerg" in response to these events enough times that my buddy reminded me that I don't HAVE to do the contest. Honestly, though, the thought of not doing it never crossed my mind. As dumb as it sounds, the blerg is my why. I never want to not do something because I'm afraid that I can't do it or afraid of being bad at it. That's the whole reason to do it in the first place. At least that's what I keep telling myself when I force myself to get on the rower or do mobility stuff.

The lifting during the week went well, with numbers going up in everything without redlining. Contrary to the #riseandgrind influencers, I rise and don't grind. No grindy reps, but lots of consistent, fully controlled reps. Except on curls. Curls go to failure, every time. I'm pretty sure that's one of Newton's laws.

Event training was back to another intro. Yoke we did last year, and it always sucks and always shall suck. Forever and ever, amen. That's just the nature of yoke. We realized that while we had done frame deadlift before, neither of us ever trained frame carry, so that's new. Those handles are wiiiiiide. That'll take some getting used to. And circus dumbbell hasn't been a part of my life in ten years, hence my issues with the 100 lb empty bell. I'll get it pretty quick, it just takes relearning the technique and improving my shoulder mobility. Which is why I was doing those terrible Jefferson curls and DB windmills at the end. Man, I'm stiff (#TWSS), but those and some light and slow behind the neck stuff should help. I tried out seated French presses instead of lying tricep extension to get more of that vertical stretch as well, but not sure if I'll keep them. Might go back to old reliable. Tomorrow will probably just be rower and abs, then start the whole process all over again.


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Re: You Better, You Better, You Bet.


Post by DanCR » Sun May 26, 2024 8:02 am

lehman906 wrote: Sun May 26, 2024 7:11 amAs dumb as it sounds, the blerg is my why. I never want to not do something because I'm afraid that I can't do it or afraid of being bad at it. That's the whole reason to do it in the first place. At least that's what I keep telling myself when I force myself to get on the rower or do mobility stuff.
It doesn’t sound dumb. It’s a large part of why I’m gonna start this awful sounding KB challenge today.
lehman906 wrote: Sun May 26, 2024 7:11 amExcept on curls. Curls go to failure, every time. I'm pretty sure that's one of Newton's laws.
I totally agree.

Exceeeeept… last year I got into this thing of trying to get stronger at curls, as opposed to just bigger biceps, and I found that doing more “practice” reps than grinding/failing reps was very useful. I think they’re more of a compound movement than folks realize and can be trained similarly.

I hate myself for writing that.

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Re: You Better, You Better, You Bet.


Post by lehman906 » Sun May 26, 2024 8:39 am

DanCR wrote: Sun May 26, 2024 8:02 am
lehman906 wrote: Sun May 26, 2024 7:11 amExcept on curls. Curls go to failure, every time. I'm pretty sure that's one of Newton's laws.
I totally agree.

Exceeeeept… last year I got into this thing of trying to get stronger at curls, as opposed to just bigger biceps, and I found that doing more “practice” reps than grinding/failing reps was very useful. I think they’re more of a compound movement than folks realize and can be trained similarly.

I hate myself for writing that.
No, I get it. I tend to feel them a bit in my rear delts the next day as well, and I don't mind that at all. You can't have too much upper back work. Honestly, it probably keeps me doing them, because I just don't care that much, and whatever biceps I have came much more from strongman events and pull ups.

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Re: You Better, You Better, You Bet.


Post by lehman906 » Sun Jun 02, 2024 6:25 pm

Very uneventful week of training. I hit at least the minimum numbers each day for each lift, and outside of bench and deadlift, I usually exceeded them, so that's something I should keep in mind. Good practice for using all of that Stoicism I read about to reframe things in my mind.

Ugh, 3 reps was an RPE 10 on the bench with 225 -------> I hit 225x3 on a non-competition lift that I have not made a priority.

Ugh, 3 reps was an RPE 10 on deadlift with only 405----> I hit 405x3 at 7 in the morning, on vacation, on an empty stomach, on bad sleep because of a house full of dogs and baby. It really is my "3 AM weight."

Ugh, I don't have it to do any real training after driving back -----> I can still do arms and catch a pump, and the guy in the grocery store thought I was a crossfitter because of my shirt and arms. Actually he said he was new to CrossFit, so maybe he just wanted to talk about CrossFit. That kinda tracks. Whatever. Sick pump, bro.

Ugh, I didn't get to train events this weekend -----------> I got to go tubing with my kids AND got to have a superhero moment when I jumped from the pontoon to the dock and managed to keep it from crashing into the speed boat with one hand, which made me feel a LITTLE bit like Chris Evans in the helicopter scene in Winter Soldier. Another moment where I realize that though I stress out and compare myself to monstrously strong people, to a lot of genpop, I AM that person. Like the trainer at that gym that was impressed with my 365 lb back off sets on Deadlift while I was moping about how weak I was feeling. Reframe. Keep the facts the facts, but tell yourself a better story.


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Re: You Better, You Better, You Bet.


Post by DanCR » Sun Jun 02, 2024 7:50 pm

lehman906 wrote: Sun Jun 02, 2024 6:25 pm I got to go tubing with my kids AND got to have a superhero moment when I jumped from the pontoon to the dock and managed to keep it from crashing into the speed boat with one hand, which made me feel a LITTLE bit like Chris Evans in the helicopter scene in Winter Soldier. Another moment where I realize that though I stress out and compare myself to monstrously strong people, to a lot of genpop, I AM that person. Like the trainer at that gym that was impressed with my 365 lb back off sets on Deadlift while I was moping about how weak I was feeling. Reframe. Keep the facts the facts, but tell yourself a better story.
This was a very good paragraph.

Also: duly noted.

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Re: You Better, You Better, You Bet.


Post by lehman906 » Mon Jun 03, 2024 6:56 am

DanCR wrote: Sun Jun 02, 2024 7:50 pm
lehman906 wrote: Sun Jun 02, 2024 6:25 pm I got to go tubing with my kids AND got to have a superhero moment when I jumped from the pontoon to the dock and managed to keep it from crashing into the speed boat with one hand, which made me feel a LITTLE bit like Chris Evans in the helicopter scene in Winter Soldier. Another moment where I realize that though I stress out and compare myself to monstrously strong people, to a lot of genpop, I AM that person. Like the trainer at that gym that was impressed with my 365 lb back off sets on Deadlift while I was moping about how weak I was feeling. Reframe. Keep the facts the facts, but tell yourself a better story.
This was a very good paragraph.

Also: duly noted.
Thank you. I'm very good at realizing how I SHOULD be thinking about things. Actually regulating my thoughts and emotions is a much different story.

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Re: You Better, You Better, You Bet.


Post by TurtleBear » Mon Jun 03, 2024 5:41 pm

lehman906 wrote: Sun Jun 02, 2024 6:25 pm

Ugh, I didn't get to train events this weekend -----------> I got to go tubing with my kids AND got to have a superhero moment when I jumped from the pontoon to the dock and managed to keep it from crashing into the speed boat with one hand, which made me feel a LITTLE bit like Chris Evans in the helicopter scene in Winter Soldier. Another moment where I realize that though I stress out and compare myself to monstrously strong people, to a lot of genpop, I AM that person. Like the trainer at that gym that was impressed with my 365 lb back off sets on Deadlift while I was moping about how weak I was feeling. Reframe. Keep the facts the facts, but tell yourself a better story.
Man solid work on the training. You said uneventful but its solid honest work.

And this is also good advice. I tend to be pretty good about this outside of training, but its weird how the story completely changes when Im evaluating my work in the gym.

Appreciate the reminder

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Re: You Better, You Better, You Bet.


Post by lehman906 » Tue Jun 04, 2024 7:07 am

TurtleBear wrote: Mon Jun 03, 2024 5:41 pm
lehman906 wrote: Sun Jun 02, 2024 6:25 pm

Ugh, I didn't get to train events this weekend -----------> I got to go tubing with my kids AND got to have a superhero moment when I jumped from the pontoon to the dock and managed to keep it from crashing into the speed boat with one hand, which made me feel a LITTLE bit like Chris Evans in the helicopter scene in Winter Soldier. Another moment where I realize that though I stress out and compare myself to monstrously strong people, to a lot of genpop, I AM that person. Like the trainer at that gym that was impressed with my 365 lb back off sets on Deadlift while I was moping about how weak I was feeling. Reframe. Keep the facts the facts, but tell yourself a better story.
Man solid work on the training. You said uneventful but its solid honest work.

And this is also good advice. I tend to be pretty good about this outside of training, but its weird how the story completely changes when Im evaluating my work in the gym.

Appreciate the reminder
If anything, I'm the opposite. I can manage this in the gym some of the time but have to fight like hell to keep this mindset outside of it.

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Re: You Better, You Better, You Bet.


Post by TurtleBear » Thu Jun 06, 2024 4:40 pm

lehman906 wrote: Tue Jun 04, 2024 7:07 am
TurtleBear wrote: Mon Jun 03, 2024 5:41 pm
lehman906 wrote: Sun Jun 02, 2024 6:25 pm

Ugh, I didn't get to train events this weekend -----------> I got to go tubing with my kids AND got to have a superhero moment when I jumped from the pontoon to the dock and managed to keep it from crashing into the speed boat with one hand, which made me feel a LITTLE bit like Chris Evans in the helicopter scene in Winter Soldier. Another moment where I realize that though I stress out and compare myself to monstrously strong people, to a lot of genpop, I AM that person. Like the trainer at that gym that was impressed with my 365 lb back off sets on Deadlift while I was moping about how weak I was feeling. Reframe. Keep the facts the facts, but tell yourself a better story.
Man solid work on the training. You said uneventful but its solid honest work.

And this is also good advice. I tend to be pretty good about this outside of training, but its weird how the story completely changes when Im evaluating my work in the gym.

Appreciate the reminder
If anything, I'm the opposite. I can manage this in the gym some of the time but have to fight like hell to keep this mindset outside of it.
Interesting. So do you feel that the gym gives you a space to practice it then? Like to get better at it in other places?

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Re: You Better, You Better, You Bet.


Post by lehman906 » Fri Jun 07, 2024 6:32 am

TurtleBear wrote: Thu Jun 06, 2024 4:40 pm
lehman906 wrote: Tue Jun 04, 2024 7:07 am
TurtleBear wrote: Mon Jun 03, 2024 5:41 pm
lehman906 wrote: Sun Jun 02, 2024 6:25 pm

Ugh, I didn't get to train events this weekend -----------> I got to go tubing with my kids AND got to have a superhero moment when I jumped from the pontoon to the dock and managed to keep it from crashing into the speed boat with one hand, which made me feel a LITTLE bit like Chris Evans in the helicopter scene in Winter Soldier. Another moment where I realize that though I stress out and compare myself to monstrously strong people, to a lot of genpop, I AM that person. Like the trainer at that gym that was impressed with my 365 lb back off sets on Deadlift while I was moping about how weak I was feeling. Reframe. Keep the facts the facts, but tell yourself a better story.
Man solid work on the training. You said uneventful but its solid honest work.

And this is also good advice. I tend to be pretty good about this outside of training, but its weird how the story completely changes when Im evaluating my work in the gym.

Appreciate the reminder
If anything, I'm the opposite. I can manage this in the gym some of the time but have to fight like hell to keep this mindset outside of it.
Interesting. So do you feel that the gym gives you a space to practice it then? Like to get better at it in other places?
It probably does, but whether or not I apply it is another matter. I probably should think of training that way, but mostly training for me is something I love to do and something that I have control over without having to worry about someone else's criticism or direction, so I mostly just consider it an escape while simultaneously being a project (need to get this strong by this date for this contest, etc).

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Re: You Better, You Better, You Bet.


Post by lehman906 » Sat Jun 08, 2024 2:45 pm

School's out now so I'm off work, right? Except for the 14" pile of books next to this computer that I have to read as I create two new classes from scratch and the hours of unpaid Uber driving I will do getting my kids to all of their things. But I'm out of school. Dare I try to update my log as often as @DanCR ? Do I dare try to play in that rarefied air? Eh, even if I do, the videos will probably still be once a week because they're kind of a pain even with no attempt at editing whatsoever.

My soundtracks were everything from a Prong concert on Youtube to some anime since I have to read subtitles on the rower anyway to old episodes of Smokey Mountain Wrestling to me arguing with the cat about why he's so fat.

Alright, so what did I do this week?

Rower 1000m
Jefferson Curl: 65x10 focusing on stretch in the hamstring and really rounding my back.
Ab wheel: BWx6
Three rounds. Easy peasy.

Bench: 225x3RM, then five singles, up from 3 last week.
Inc Bench: 145x12,8,8,8,8 supersetted with
Meadows Swing 30s x20ish reps. These are John Meadows style rear delt flyers with heavier dumbbells past failure. Youtube it-it's gold, Jerry.
1 arm DB fly for my smaller titty x7

Zercher Squat: 225x6,2,2,2. Ready to move up to 255.
Heels Up on blocks pause squat: 135x10,7,7,5. I am *super* conservative with all squatting movements because of my history of back tweaks.

Rower: 1000m supersetted with
Belt Squat March: 135x3:00
Only two rounds. Tired, and event training is tomorrow.

Circus DB: 100x six singles. My stupid body remembered how to do this after 10 years of not doing it.
Ukrainian Deadlifts: 315x3,3,3
Frame Pick and hold: 350x:10, 390x :10, 430x :10x2

Weighted Dips: 60x10,5,5,5,5 supersetted with
Pull ups: BWx10,5,5,5,5
Low Incline Bench: 165x10,7,5,5,5 supersetted with
Straight Leg Sit ups: x12x5

Tomorrow will be a catch all with BTN presses, arms, abs, and whatever.

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Re: You Better, You Better, You Bet.


Post by DanCR » Sun Jun 09, 2024 8:02 am

lehman906 wrote: Sat Jun 08, 2024 2:45 pm 6/8
School's out now so I'm off work, right? Except for the 14" pile of books next to this computer that I have to read as I create two new classes from scratch and the hours of unpaid Uber driving I will do getting my kids to all of their things. But I'm out of school. Dare I try to update my log as often as @DanCR ? Do I dare try to play in that rarefied air?
I’m waiting for you up here…


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Re: You Better, You Better, You Bet.


Post by lehman906 » Sun Jun 09, 2024 12:08 pm


Fine, you prolific posting machine. Here it is. And even with a video, since I recorded a whole round, and it’s too long and boring for the weekly vid.

I did not feel like lifting today. Everything was sore and tired, but I told myself to stretch out and warm up and see what happens. As usual, everything started to feel better. Until I realized that Parkway Drive was singing “Wishing Wells” while I was pressing. I usually skip that song because it was the one that was playing when I got the call that my mom had cancer. The line “because tonight I’m killing gods” perfectly encapsulates the rage I felt. That took a turn, huh? Hey Parkway, who’s “Darker Still” now?! Anyway, that’s why I missed the rerack and almost dumped it.

BTN press: 95x10,6,6,6,5
Curls: 87x10,7,6
Lying Tricep Extension: 87x8,7,6
Twisty thing: 30x6,6,6

Three rounds, and a couple of extra sets of presses because they’re good for mobility and stability for the circus dumbbell.

So there it is.

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