Lifting Therapy

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Lifting Therapy


Post by chills31 » Sat May 23, 2020 4:07 pm

First time contributing on a forum, let alone keeping a log, but I figured it would help hold me accountable. I’ve been reading on the Starting Strength and Barbell Medicine sites the last couple of years, been reading on T-Nation for a long time, and have recently started reading on this site the last few months. I have a small lifting book collection of stuff by Chad Waterbury, Eric Cressey, Jim Wendler and all his 5/3/1 stuff, FIT by Justin Lascek, and various other authors including Starting Strength and Practical Programming. I guess I’m not necessarily new to this stuff, but I have completely failed in the “application” department and I’d like to change that going forward.

A little about me. I’m 31, married, and I work for a large payroll company where I reconcile taxes for new clients before we take over their payroll and start filing quarterly and annual taxes for them. I have a history of severe depression and am still, in a way, recovering from a suicide attempt 5 years ago that I didn’t expect to fail. Things have been up and down since but overall they’ve gone up as I’ve been able to put things back together. Don’t worry, currently on meds and regular therapy and that’s probably the only reason why I’ve made it to where I’m at now, not that I’m majorly successful or anything. Anyway, exercise has been very helpful, though I haven’t been consistent, but I’ve been doing better with establishing that habit.

I was able to read enough forums and posts to put the pieces together regarding what happened between BBM and SS. Sad, but I’m definitely more a fan of starting light, progressing slowly, and not grinding yourself. When I’ve done that in the past, I would usually end up being depressed for like a week. And I don’t think there’s something like a “one true program” out there, I think it comes down to what each individual can handle given their circumstances and physiology and what each individual wants and likes to do.

So for me, something that I’ve really enjoyed doing, when I’ve experimented with different set-ups, has been something similar to Bryce Lane’s 50/20 or density blocks. Right now I’m trying a lower-body exercise, upper body push, and an upper body pull. Each exercise has a 15 minute density block where I do a set every 1:30, so 10 sets total. But I try to keep each set in the RPE 6-7 range and gradually let the reps drop as I get more tired. I should probably add that this is just with a 160 lb dumbbell set and a pull-up bar as well.

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Re: Lifting Therapy


Post by chills31 » Sat May 23, 2020 4:18 pm

Friday 5/22/20

-DB RDL (15 min.): 30 x 8,5,7,6,5,6,6,5,5,6,5,5,5 = 74, add 2.5
-Push-ups (10 min.): BW x 5,3,4,4,3,4,3,3,2,2 =33 (L anterior shoulder pain, think I started off too aggressive, so I stopped early. These are the hand-release push-ups that the Army has started doing)
-DB rows (15 min.): 21.25 x 8,8,8,8,8,7,7,7,7,7 = 75, add 1.25
-Airdyne: 3.97 miles in 15 min.

Just some thoughts. I have a bench that eventually I’ll do DB bench press on, but I’ve been listening to some stuff by Jim Wendler about how he coaches his high school football players and I like the idea of mastering the push-up first. I have a bunch of bands, a 50lb weight vest, push-up handles, and blast straps so I figured I’d work up over time to doing push-ups with the full vest on the blast straps before moving to DB bench. It also feels a little bit better on my left AC joint, which I had surgery on about 9 years ago. But I’m not in a hurry, just want to get into the habit first and be consistent over a long period of time.

I also have micro plates, so I’m able to add 1.25 lbs to each dumbbell. Once I can do 50 reps in a 15 minute time period then I’ll add weight, kinda like having to earn the weight increase first. I know my weights are insanely light and easy, but I’ve sabotaged myself way too many times in the past by biting off more than I can chew and ending up depressed. I like this set-up for me as it kinda combines strength and conditioning all into one. I still like doing LISS on the Airdyne though but that’s becoming a bit difficult due to some sciatica on my left side. I’m at the point now where it’s just due it until it starts to act up then get off.

Might workout tomorrow if I feel I need to emotionally/psychologically. But it’s a day by day thing.

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Re: Lifting Therapy


Post by Wilhelm » Sat May 23, 2020 4:22 pm

Welcome to the site, @chills31

Good to have you here. \o/

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Re: Lifting Therapy


Post by mgil » Sat May 23, 2020 5:22 pm

Welcome aboard, @chills31.

Glad you’re here and staying strong.

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Re: Lifting Therapy


Post by chills31 » Sat May 23, 2020 6:26 pm

Saturday 5/23/20

I decided to work out right after posting everything. Figured I’d take advantage of how I was feeling.

-Goblet squats (15 min.): 27.5x7,6,6,6,5,5,6,5,4,6 = 56, add 2.5
-DB OHP (15 min.): 16.25x10,8,8,7,7,7,7,7,6,6 = 73, add 1.25
-Inverted rows (15 min.): 2.5 (weight vest) x 7,6,6,5,5,5,5,4,4,6 = 53, repeat weight
-Walk (sciatica acting up): 1.5 miles in 24:34 @ 16:29/mile, cut it short due to major chafing, hard to adjust in public :lol:

I should probably mention that all inverted rows, DB rows, and DB RDL’s are done with fat grips. I’m not surprised that my I got a decent number of reps less than I did last time considering my legs are probably fatigued from last night. Overall good workout.

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Re: Lifting Therapy


Post by chills31 » Sun May 24, 2020 7:50 pm

Sunday 5/24/20

Walked 2.76 miles in 46:46 @ 17:01/mile

Stretched and worked out some knots, nothing exciting but it was nice to enjoy the breeze and temperature in the 80s/90s before it hits 110 next week. If I hadn’t of met my wife in Arizona there’s no way I would have moved here since I’m originally from Massachusetts.

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Re: Lifting Therapy


Post by chills31 » Tue May 26, 2020 7:38 pm

Spoke with my brother on Memorial Day, he knows a lot more about this stuff than I, and went over my goals. As a result, ended up changing a few things around so that it looks more like the WALRUS challenge from Jim Wendler’s 5/3/1 Forever. We figure with dumbbell handles that can fit 160lbs and a 50lbs vest, a handmade t-handle for kettlebell swings that can fit 160lbs on it as well, pull-up bar, push-up handles, blast straps, and a bench that I should be good to slowly add weight once I reach the # of reps I want for each exercise. Plus the equipment should give me enough exercise variation as I get stronger and in better shape. So now it’ll just be going with the plan for however long.

5/26/20 Tuesday

30 minute circuit, 5 rounds of 3 exercises with one being done every 2 minutes

Hand release Push-ups: BW x 10,7,6,6,6 = 35
DB Rows: 22.5 x 10,10,10,8,8 = 46
Kettlebell swings: 30 x 10,10,8,8,8 = 44

Then walk/ran for 30 minutes, including 9x60m sprints @ 75% and a 10 minute cool down. Also did 100 band pull aparts.

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Re: Lifting Therapy


Post by BenM » Wed May 27, 2020 3:12 am

Welcome mate, all the best with lifting and with life! Depression is a bitch.

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Re: Lifting Therapy


Post by chills31 » Wed May 27, 2020 8:55 pm

5/27/20 Wednesday

Had follow-ups for my blood labs today and things are looking good on all fronts. Also had an exercise stress test for cardio and that went pretty well, maxed it out and they said my heart rate and blood pressure have been going down so I’m happy.

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Re: Lifting Therapy


Post by chills31 » Wed May 27, 2020 9:42 pm

Also walked over 2 miles while on the phone with a friend. I didn’t track it, I just know based off of how long the call was.

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Re: Lifting Therapy


Post by mbasic » Thu May 28, 2020 4:53 am

welcome to the boards !
I too am from Arizona.

chills31 wrote: Wed May 27, 2020 8:55 pm 5/27/20 Wednesday
Had follow-ups for my blood labs today and things are looking good on all fronts. Also had an exercise stress test for cardio and that went pretty well, maxed it out and they said my heart rate and blood pressure have been going down so I’m happy.
Always good news. Health is the new currency with all that's going on. Puts thing in perspective1

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Re: Lifting Therapy


Post by chills31 » Fri May 29, 2020 6:20 pm

Forgot to log yesterday’s

5/29/20 Thursday

DB OHP: 17.5 x 10,10,10,10,10 = 50, add 1.25 lbs
Inverted rows: BW x 10,7,7,7,8 = 39
Bulgarian split squats (did reg split squats for last 2 sets: BW x 6,5
,3,7,5 = 26

Did some curls and side raises afterwards just to see where I was at with them since I haven’t done any in so long.

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Re: Lifting Therapy


Post by chills31 » Fri May 29, 2020 6:24 pm

5/29/20 Friday

Pretty frustrating workout today. Tried to run a couple of times on the 60m section of sidewalk I had measured out. Only did it 3 times before I decided that was enough due to shin bone pain in both shins. It felt like someone was chiseling away at them. Guess I have to focus on building up my walking with a weight vest and losing quite a few pounds first before I try any kind of running again. Afterwards, I still tried to go for a walk but my shoes, which aren’t new at all and I’ve worn for walks and all before, we’re rubbing up both Achilles’ tendons, so I basically said screw it and went home.

I managed to ride the Airdyne for 20 minutes before my sciatica was too much. It pisses me off that I can only ride for 10-15 minutes pain free. Guess that’ll become to post-lifting cardio since it’s shorter and on days I don’t lift I’ll just walk with my weight vest.

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Re: Lifting Therapy


Post by chills31 » Fri Jul 24, 2020 11:16 am

Wow I haven’t recorded anything for a while. Quarter-end for me was middle of June to middle of July so I must have spaced. I ended up switching back to a 50/20 setup a few weeks ago cuz my lifting schedule always ends up being erratic with dealing with my in-laws. I like it and it’s been good so far so I’ve finally found something I stick with.

I do 50/20 for DB bench, reverse lunges (was goblet squats but I tweaked my knee, apparently with my stance my left leg is out wider than my right), DB Press, and DB RDL since I have a 200 lbs adjustable dumbbell set. Afterwards I do a 10 minute density block of chest-supported dumbbell rows. I do some chin-up negatives before working out, trying to build up to 4 sets of a 30 second negative, then will build up to doing that with my 50lbs weight vest. I’m a fatty and have neglected them for a long time, so I’ve got lots of work to do.

Also trying to focus on using my Airdyne more and building up an aerobic base. I hate everyone here who has a resting heart rate of like 60, makes me realize how out of shape I am 🤣

So yeah, just got tired of paralyzing myself by analyzing everything too much and this is what I’ve resorted to and stuck with. It’s been good so far and I can tell a difference already.

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